Mitt Romney: Trump's pardon of Roger Stone is an example of corruption

Will Romney be nominated at the Republican convention when the "frondeurs" hold their revolt?

Romney is the darling of you Stalinists, but not real popular among Americans. It is amusing how you Marxists always love the ultr-rich and pampered. You are the party of aristocrats.

"""It is amusing how you Marxists always love the ultr-rich and pampered."""

Say that again....???




What a moron.


Biden Estate

John Kerry

Schmucky Schumer mansion
Stone was not given a pardon his sentence was commuted.

Oh, that makes totally OK now. Uh-huh.

No, he should have been pardoned. He is a political prisoner. You Communist vermin have criminalized opposition to your vile and traitorous party.

Communists, Marxists, Stalinists....You don't even know WTF those terms mean.

You have an IQ of purple.



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Trump and/or Stone should be forced to "personally" repay all the taxpayer funds wasted on Stone's prosecution. Stone was convicted on all seven counts - and remains a convicted felon.
Trump and/or Stone should be forced to "personally" repay all the taxpayer funds wasted on Stone's prosecution. Stone was convicted on all seven counts - and remains a convicted felon.
No. Mueller should be forced to pay that. He's the only who forced the taxpayers to waste their money. Furthermore, he should be force to pay Stone for all his legal expenses. Stone is the victim here.
It makes total sense, since Rodger Stone was involved in cases where Donald Trump himself was being investigated.

Actually what he said and Pelosi doing a Biden impersonation took 2 minutes to spit out said, was an insulting to the intelligence type lie.
Stone was not charged for anything pertaining to Trump, his charges were of things many years before he even helped the campaign.
Pelosi's lie is a spin narrative to demonize this administration as corrupt, because the Dems are corrupt and they need to deflect their sins to compete in elections. In other words every bad issue they have has to be equalized by pinning that behavior onto their rivals=deflection as a tactic.
Why would Mitt Romney repeat the parroted narrative of the day?
they were warned that if one goes down (Clinton), they will all go down. Romney is in the cross hairs equally guilty of abusing his position with activity that will get him in trouble unless they can obstruct the AG and justice dept investigations which will require taking back the presidency.

except they allowed themselves to be a tool and fool puppet.
Stone was not given a pardon his sentence was commuted.
The corrupt president let his friend off the hook for obstructing investigations and covering his ass, plain and simple. The jury of his peers had no trouble reaching the decision. Sentence was on the low side. Trump does not believe in rule of law, only the rule of power.
First he was orginally sentenced to seven years I believe which was over the top so the sentence was reduced second the conviction was not overturned he is still a convicted felon last it's the left who is always saying their should not be jail time for non violent offenders that fits Stone. Oh under the law every President has the legal and constitutional authority to grant a pardon or commute a sentence.
Nobody said he did not have the power. I said he should not have done it. Commuting the sentence of the guy that covered your ass is good personal relationship, but lousy politics in an election year. He should have let him sit in jail until after he loses the election in November and then commuting or pardoning him when the political damage would not matter. I do not really care, that he did it now instead of then. Everybody gets to see what a sleaze he is releasing the cover guy in his political cover up, tampering with witnesses, lying to congress and in court. Jury of his peers had no problem convicting on 8 counts, mostly felonies. Justice for the crime called for jail time, just as the judge and jury did. Get this jerk out of office before he destroys the legal system completely. Easy to see there are two distinct standards with trump in office. How can he talk about law and order while letting his crooked friends off the hook?
The corrupt president let his friend off the hook for obstructing investigations and covering his ass, plain and simple. The jury of his peers had no trouble reaching the decision. Sentence was on the low side. Trump does not believe in rule of law, only the rule of power.

We're not talking about Potentate Obamugabe and is terrorist allies, Comrade traitor.

But of course there NEVER should have been any charges against Roger Stone. Stone was a political prisoner circa the darkest days of Stalin's USSR. Stone was never charged with any crime, Instead, operatives of the radical left who are treasonously engaged in the destruction and overthrow of the United States, including Peter Strzok, Andrew McCabe, Andred Weissman, et al. targeted Stone because Stone supports Trump.

The KGB was NOT able to establish any ties between Stone and Russia and could find NO CRIMES. Instead he was sentenced for lying to Communist traitor and vile pile of shit , Adam the lying little Schitt, who had attempted numerous coups and lied for years about "secret evidence." Even IF, and it's a BIG IF, Stone lied to the traitor fuck, it's hard to justify prison for lying to a disreputable, lying fuck like Schitt.

ANYONE who was VICTIMIZED in the coup attempt known as the Mueller probe should be pardoned as political prisoners. AND the coup plotters, including Weissman, Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi, Strzok, et al should be tried and executed for treason.
Are you aware Obama is not running? We are talking about trump. I never justified any thing Obama did and certainly know (not think but KNOW) nothing he did or didn't do can justify trump acting like the scoundrel he is. That is your logic error, not mine.
Stone was not given a pardon his sentence was commuted.
The corrupt president let his friend off the hook for obstructing investigations and covering his ass, plain and simple. The jury of his peers had no trouble reaching the decision. Sentence was on the low side. Trump does not believe in rule of law, only the rule of power.
Meanwhile, you completely ignore the biased judge and the heinously partisan jury foreman.....Listening to jackasses like you twaddle on about the rule of law is laughable,

The man deserved a retrial at the very least.
Twelve jurors and a judge in good standard is all it takes. Have you read the counts that the jury convicted on and still think what he did was right or legal. What kind of partisan toad are you. You do not know right from wrong. Is that what it takes to be a good trump supporter>
Stone was not given a pardon his sentence was commuted.
The corrupt president let his friend off the hook for obstructing investigations and covering his ass, plain and simple. The jury of his peers had no trouble reaching the decision. Sentence was on the low side. Trump does not believe in rule of law, only the rule of power.
First he was orginally sentenced to seven years I believe which was over the top so the sentence was reduced second the conviction was not overturned he is still a convicted felon last it's the left who is always saying their should not be jail time for non violent offenders that fits Stone. Oh under the law every President has the legal and constitutional authority to grant a pardon or commute a sentence.
Nobody said he did not have the power. I said he should not have done it. Commuting the sentence of the guy that covered your ass is good personal relationship, but lousy politics in an election year. He should have let him sit in jail until after he loses the election in November and then commuting or pardoning him when the political damage would not matter. I do not really care, that he did it now instead of then. Everybody gets to see what a sleaze he is releasing the cover guy in his political cover up, tampering with witnesses, lying to congress and in court. Jury of his peers had no problem convicting on 8 counts, mostly felonies. Justice for the crime called for jail time, just as the judge and jury did. Get this jerk out of office before he destroys the legal system completely. Easy to see there are two distinct standards with trump in office. How can he talk about law and order while letting his crooked friends off the hook?
You idiots must believe we don't know that you're mindlessly repeating DNC talking points. You have no idea whether they are true or not, but your party masters have issued them to you.
Stone was not given a pardon his sentence was commuted.
The corrupt president let his friend off the hook for obstructing investigations and covering his ass, plain and simple. The jury of his peers had no trouble reaching the decision. Sentence was on the low side. Trump does not believe in rule of law, only the rule of power.
Meanwhile, you completely ignore the biased judge and the heinously partisan jury foreman.....Listening to jackasses like you twaddle on about the rule of law is laughable,

The man deserved a retrial at the very least.
Twelve jurors and a judge in good standard is all it takes. Have you read the counts that the jury convicted on and still think what he did was right or legal. What kind of partisan toad are you. You do not know right from wrong. Is that what it takes to be a good trump supporter>
Stone did nothing. Only a Dim would convict on those charges.
Stone was not given a pardon his sentence was commuted.
The corrupt president let his friend off the hook for obstructing investigations and covering his ass, plain and simple. The jury of his peers had no trouble reaching the decision. Sentence was on the low side. Trump does not believe in rule of law, only the rule of power.

Sell that democrats...they are the only ones stupid enough to believe it.
Bull$hit. Everybody knows it. Watch the polls upcoming and especially in November. The low life is out of here. Thank God in heaven.
It makes total sense, since Rodger Stone was involved in cases where Donald Trump himself was being investigated.

/——/ Why didn’t Mitt pay his taxes? Why does Mitt put his dog on the roof of his car and drive around? How often does Mitt update his scrapbook of women?
How many people shitting on Romney in this thread do you think voted for him in 2012? I bet at least 90%.
Romney is an actor playing a US Senator from Utah, just like he was an actor playing a presidential candidate

the opposite of authentic Trump

politics is a fickle business, my friends

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