Mitts speech on the senate floor.... a lesson to democrats

Lol TRUMP HAS EVERY RIGHT TO ASK ABOUT Corruption! Derangement is serous lol
The Trump dynasty hasn't realized it yet, but in the very near future, The Trump brand and beyond will, every time you google the word "corrupt, corruption" DONALD J. TRUMP'S FACE WILL POP UP!!
Lol TRUMP HAS EVERY RIGHT TO ASK ABOUT Corruption! Derangement is serous lol
The Trump dynasty hasn't realized it yet, but in the very near future, The Trump brand and beyond will, every time you google the word "corrupt, corruption" DONALD J. TRUMP'S FACE WILL POP UP!!
Not sure Nancy will have a computer in jail lol
Lol TRUMP HAS EVERY RIGHT TO ASK ABOUT Corruption! Derangement is serous lol
The Trump dynasty hasn't realized it yet, but in the very near future, The Trump brand and beyond will, every time you google the word "corrupt, corruption" DONALD J. TRUMP'S FACE WILL POP UP!!
Not sure Nancy will have a computer in jail lol
Uh, if you do your homework, I'm 10000000000% certain a former Trump associate can find out for ya, since all of em are in fuckin jail...LOLOL
Lol TRUMP HAS EVERY RIGHT TO ASK ABOUT Corruption! Derangement is serous lol
The Trump dynasty hasn't realized it yet, but in the very near future, The Trump brand and beyond will, every time you google the word "corrupt, corruption" DONALD J. TRUMP'S FACE WILL POP UP!!
Not sure Nancy will have a computer in jail lol
Lol TRUMP HAS EVERY RIGHT TO ASK ABOUT Corruption! Derangement is serous lol
The Trump dynasty hasn't realized it yet, but in the very near future, The Trump brand and beyond will, every time you google the word "corrupt, corruption" DONALD J. TRUMP'S FACE WILL POP UP!!
Not sure Nancy will have a computer in jail lol
Uh, if you do your homework, I'm 10000000000% certain a former Trump associate can find out for ya, since all of em are in fuckin jail...LOLOL
You think that helps democrats? Lol wait until then commercials come out in October.. how deranged democrats are.. thank you! Lol
Lol TRUMP HAS EVERY RIGHT TO ASK ABOUT Corruption! Derangement is serous lol
The Trump dynasty hasn't realized it yet, but in the very near future, The Trump brand and beyond will, every time you google the word "corrupt, corruption" DONALD J. TRUMP'S FACE WILL POP UP!!
Not sure Nancy will have a computer in jail lol
Lol TRUMP HAS EVERY RIGHT TO ASK ABOUT Corruption! Derangement is serous lol
The Trump dynasty hasn't realized it yet, but in the very near future, The Trump brand and beyond will, every time you google the word "corrupt, corruption" DONALD J. TRUMP'S FACE WILL POP UP!!
Not sure Nancy will have a computer in jail lol
Uh, if you do your homework, I'm 10000000000% certain a former Trump associate can find out for ya, since all of em are in fuckin jail...LOLOL
You think that helps democrats? Lol wasn’t until then commercials come out in October.. how deranged democrats are.. thank you! Lol
I agree, this crop of shit we got running, pretty much sucks, but understand hommie, 2018 was just a small sampling of what the people of this nation will do with Trump, in 2020. Take notes....a good ol fashion Putin/Comey free election is headed your way.
Lol TRUMP HAS EVERY RIGHT TO ASK ABOUT Corruption! Derangement is serous lol
The Trump dynasty hasn't realized it yet, but in the very near future, The Trump brand and beyond will, every time you google the word "corrupt, corruption" DONALD J. TRUMP'S FACE WILL POP UP!!
Not sure Nancy will have a computer in jail lol
Lol TRUMP HAS EVERY RIGHT TO ASK ABOUT Corruption! Derangement is serous lol
The Trump dynasty hasn't realized it yet, but in the very near future, The Trump brand and beyond will, every time you google the word "corrupt, corruption" DONALD J. TRUMP'S FACE WILL POP UP!!
Not sure Nancy will have a computer in jail lol
Uh, if you do your homework, I'm 10000000000% certain a former Trump associate can find out for ya, since all of em are in fuckin jail...LOLOL
You think that helps democrats? Lol wasn’t until then commercials come out in October.. how deranged democrats are.. thank you! Lol
I agree, this crop of shit we got running, pretty much sucks, but understand hommie, 2018 was just a small sampling of what the people of this nation will do with Trump, in 2020. Take notes....a good ol fashion Putin/Comey free election is headed your way.
You took 41 seats lol 2014 republicans took 52! It’s not trending in your direction
Lol TRUMP HAS EVERY RIGHT TO ASK ABOUT Corruption! Derangement is serous lol
The Trump dynasty hasn't realized it yet, but in the very near future, The Trump brand and beyond will, every time you google the word "corrupt, corruption" DONALD J. TRUMP'S FACE WILL POP UP!!
Not sure Nancy will have a computer in jail lol
Lol TRUMP HAS EVERY RIGHT TO ASK ABOUT Corruption! Derangement is serous lol
The Trump dynasty hasn't realized it yet, but in the very near future, The Trump brand and beyond will, every time you google the word "corrupt, corruption" DONALD J. TRUMP'S FACE WILL POP UP!!
Not sure Nancy will have a computer in jail lol
Uh, if you do your homework, I'm 10000000000% certain a former Trump associate can find out for ya, since all of em are in fuckin jail...LOLOL
You think that helps democrats? Lol wasn’t until then commercials come out in October.. how deranged democrats are.. thank you! Lol
I agree, this crop of shit we got running, pretty much sucks, but understand hommie, 2018 was just a small sampling of what the people of this nation will do with Trump, in 2020. Take notes....a good ol fashion Putin/Comey free election is headed your way.

Literally retarded ideas.
What is she doing about open borders what is she doing about the flooding of a poor neighborhoods with the world poor and illiterate! Do you like your wages being lowered do you like seeing fucking people high on drugs on the street dying of overdoses??

BTW, it get's a little old listening to you anti conservative, die hard republicans take up for American corporation who've moved to Mexico, talk about sovereignty and patriotism. All so you can get you new starters from Pep Boys for $29.99, with the lifetime warranty.

I’ve seen 12 people running for Congress or senate, almost half are black and Latino and are republican.

as an American we might have 30 million illegal Mexicans in America,, are you saying we should be nice to invaders? People that have no respect for our sovereignty? That lower the wages of our ordinary Americans? whos side are you on?

People have been migrating since before the bible was written. And no laws or walls are going to stop them from getting out of a bad situation. Even if it means putting their lives at risks to do so.
Mexico and South America are just a HUGE crime & poverty stricken slave labor camp that the corporations enjoy.
There's a reason why our neighbors to the north don't flood our borders like the ones from our south do. It's all about money. BIG money.
There's a reason why Mexico's minimum wage is $5 per DAY (not hour). That law is bought and paid for by those who enjoy paying the low wages down there, instead of the $15 to $25hr up here.

And yes, we should be nice to the people coming here. And just down right fucking rude to the American companies who take manufacturing jobs to slave labor countries.
Once again, it's all about the money. The money the citizens down there can't make. And the money the big corporations are making with their near slave labor wages they're paying down there.
Hey FU KIKG RETARD! You know where these people are moving!! To our already poor American neighborhoods! Taking all our resources! Lowering our wages! I can’t even get in to any clinic in Boston with out standing behind thousands that can’t speak English! And when I step out side I have to dodge needles! And homeless AMERICANS!
I’m done with you idiots! South America, Mexico, all Latino countries have not changed in hundreds of years they have always been corrupt they’ve always been shit holes! In 1960 we had less then one million Latinos in America, they only came here when welfare became easier to get! They destroyed our America urban cities neighborhoods! You disgusting fucking anti-American motherfuckers that live in this country make me fucking sick you will all pay for what has happened to my fucking city you will all fucking pay

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

There are no caveats in that. It doesn't say "All Americans." It says all men. You blame people for trying to better their lives and the lives of their families, and completely overlook the root cause. That's like trying to use a bandaid to close an open heart surgery operation.

BTW, it sounds like you need a higher priced doctor and need to move to a better neighborhood. I've lived in Texas almost my entire life. We have a lot of mexicans. And I've never once had to step over needles, wait in line for hours behind mexicans or any of the other BS you mentioned.
You must Retarded, we don’t live in the United States of the world we live in the United States of America divided by a border.. Mexicans South Americans and Latinos only came here after welfare was introduced in America and was easily accessible to them they are using this country the country that my family fight for.. American wages have been diminished by these people, The result is millions of Americans hooked on drugs , no way to go to live the standard American life.. You cater to these people you’re disgusting and like I said all of you people that it has allowed this to happen will pay

"All men" has no borders. We're all born with rights that no government can take away. Or should not have the authority to take away. Be it the USA or central Africa. Their location does not matter.

BTW, I'd like to see you bash Trump for hiring migrant workers at his FL resort for 2/3's less than the American going rate, instead of hiring Americans. Migrant workers devalue American labor value just as much as illegals.

Also, if the government(s) state and federal were to eliminate all forms of welfare, your taxes wouldn't go down on cent.

As far as Americans on drugs, WTF does that have to do with illegals? Americans are getting busted all day everyday for making meth. If you want to blame someone for all the drugs, why not blame Trump for not destroying the poppy fields?

I know why? Because you're head is stuck so far up Trumps ass, that you can see what he's having for lunch. You're not allowed to think about all the factors involved in these issues. You go with what the president says. It's easier that way.
I love hearing the libtards crying. Romney is a piece of shit and his state will through him out of office. Get use to losing. Your going to lose more and more.

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At least he is a REAL CHRISTIAN: (I thought most of the republican were, but I was wrong)
Matthew 10:22 New International Version (NIV)
22 You will be hated by everyone because of me,but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.
I am so proud of Mitt, but lets not get this shit twisted. Mitt is out to cement his legacy and his imprint in the history books, something he couldn't achieve winning the white house. He has supported Trump too many times on issues worse then this, just sayin!! He saw an opportunity and went for it with nothing to lose. To be honest with you, with the "choking up" bit, I wouldn't be surprised if this was all planned...just sayin The christian is fully aware that we still got babies in
I love hearing the libtards crying. Romney is a piece of shit and his state will through him out of office. Get use to losing. Your going to lose more and more.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

At least he is a REAL CHRISTIAN: (I thought most of the republican were, but I was wrong)
Matthew 10:22 New International Version (NIV)
22 You will be hated by everyone because of me,but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.
I am so proud of Mitt, but lets not get this shit twisted. Mitt is out to cement his legacy and his imprint in the history books, something he couldn't achieve winning the white house. He has supported Trump too many times on issues worse then this, just sayin!! He saw an opportunity and went for it with nothing to lose. To be honest with you, with the "choking up" bit, I wouldn't be surprised if this was all planned...just sayin The christian is fully aware that we still got babies in

He's Mormon.
What is she doing about open borders what is she doing about the flooding of a poor neighborhoods with the world poor and illiterate! Do you like your wages being lowered do you like seeing fucking people high on drugs on the street dying of overdoses??

BTW, it get's a little old listening to you anti conservative, die hard republicans take up for American corporation who've moved to Mexico, talk about sovereignty and patriotism. All so you can get you new starters from Pep Boys for $29.99, with the lifetime warranty.

I’ve seen 12 people running for Congress or senate, almost half are black and Latino and are republican.

as an American we might have 30 million illegal Mexicans in America,, are you saying we should be nice to invaders? People that have no respect for our sovereignty? That lower the wages of our ordinary Americans? whos side are you on?

People have been migrating since before the bible was written. And no laws or walls are going to stop them from getting out of a bad situation. Even if it means putting their lives at risks to do so.
Mexico and South America are just a HUGE crime & poverty stricken slave labor camp that the corporations enjoy.
There's a reason why our neighbors to the north don't flood our borders like the ones from our south do. It's all about money. BIG money.
There's a reason why Mexico's minimum wage is $5 per DAY (not hour). That law is bought and paid for by those who enjoy paying the low wages down there, instead of the $15 to $25hr up here.

And yes, we should be nice to the people coming here. And just down right fucking rude to the American companies who take manufacturing jobs to slave labor countries.
Once again, it's all about the money. The money the citizens down there can't make. And the money the big corporations are making with their near slave labor wages they're paying down there.
Hey FU KIKG RETARD! You know where these people are moving!! To our already poor American neighborhoods! Taking all our resources! Lowering our wages! I can’t even get in to any clinic in Boston with out standing behind thousands that can’t speak English! And when I step out side I have to dodge needles! And homeless AMERICANS!
I’m done with you idiots! South America, Mexico, all Latino countries have not changed in hundreds of years they have always been corrupt they’ve always been shit holes! In 1960 we had less then one million Latinos in America, they only came here when welfare became easier to get! They destroyed our America urban cities neighborhoods! You disgusting fucking anti-American motherfuckers that live in this country make me fucking sick you will all pay for what has happened to my fucking city you will all fucking pay

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

There are no caveats in that. It doesn't say "All Americans." It says all men. You blame people for trying to better their lives and the lives of their families, and completely overlook the root cause. That's like trying to use a bandaid to close an open heart surgery operation.

BTW, it sounds like you need a higher priced doctor and need to move to a better neighborhood. I've lived in Texas almost my entire life. We have a lot of mexicans. And I've never once had to step over needles, wait in line for hours behind mexicans or any of the other BS you mentioned.
You must Retarded, we don’t live in the United States of the world we live in the United States of America divided by a border.. Mexicans South Americans and Latinos only came here after welfare was introduced in America and was easily accessible to them they are using this country the country that my family fight for.. American wages have been diminished by these people, The result is millions of Americans hooked on drugs , no way to go to live the standard American life.. You cater to these people you’re disgusting and like I said all of you people that it has allowed this to happen will pay

"All men" has no borders. We're all born with rights that no government can take away. Or should not have the authority to take away. Be it the USA or central Africa. Their location does not matter.

BTW, I'd like to see you bash Trump for hiring migrant workers at his FL resort for 2/3's less than the American going rate, instead of hiring Americans. Migrant workers devalue American labor value just as much as illegals.

Also, if the government(s) state and federal were to eliminate all forms of welfare, your taxes wouldn't go down on cent.

As far as Americans on drugs, WTF does that have to do with illegals? Americans are getting busted all day everyday for making meth. If you want to blame someone for all the drugs, why not blame Trump for not destroying the poppy fields?

I know why? Because you're head is stuck so far up Trumps ass, that you can see what he's having for lunch. You're not allowed to think about all the factors involved in these issues. You go with what the president says. It's easier that way.
Dude, your wasting time trying to educate these brain dead, hearing impaired retards that enjoy licking the balls of morally corrupt Putin homosexual clown, ie Trump. But I love your swag, keep it up!!

How can you start a thread called Romney’s speech on the Senate floor and not post a link to his actual speech?

I hope Mitt Talked to Joseph Smith before he spoke that rubbish. He sure as Hell didn't ask for any guidance from Christ.

It makes me ashamed to be considered an LDS member.

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