Mitts speech on the senate floor.... a lesson to democrats

It was a great speech by Romney. However, he was wrong on obstruction. The evidence of obstruction was unassailable.

Since when is "obstruction of congress" a crime at all, much less a "high crime" which is what the Constitution demands?

Probably never -
In this case it absolutely was not -
As honest Legal Scholars have noted, it is not obstruction to exercise Executive branch rights.

There is no such right to cover up a high crime and misdemeanor.

The GOP is stained forever by Trump's misdeeds and their complicity.

How is "obstruction of congress" a crime at all, much less a High Crime?
High crime comes from old English. It’s a crime against the nation that’s not necessarily a crime against the law.

For instance, if Donald Trump declassified the names of every secret American agent overseas that wouldn’t be against the law. But every American agent overseas would be murdered and of course he would be impeached right away. Or maybe not. It’s hard to say with Republicans in today’s world.

Donald Trump did take Russian agents into the oval office, made the Americans leave, and turned over secret and top-secret material to the Russian agents. But this president he can do that and it’s not against the law. To me it’s an impeachable offense, but clearly not to Republicans.

so the constitution has three branches of government. Judicial, legislation, and executive.

Congress and the Senate are the legislative and oversight branch.

when Donald Trump refuses oversight, the way Bill Clinton didn’t do and the way Barack Obama didn’t do and the way George Bush didn’t do and the way Ronald Reagan didn’t do then he is setting himself up as a monarch and a king. He is turning his back on the US Constitution and Republicans in the Senate have been corrupted and are supporting him. Even Trey Gowdy and other Republicans have said that it’s the duty of the president to turn over requested documents to the Congress when there was a Democratic president. Republicans have turned the Constitution into merely politics. Completely ignoring their constitutional obligation. Obstruction of Congress is an impeachable offense under the United States Constitution.
Because that’s how the founders laid out the constitution. I’m sorry you want Trump as the god king, but I suspect most Americans don’t.
I know this is already said and my post will disapear.....but until goes.

GOP senator Mitt Romney gave the speech of his life condoning Trump and his fellow senators for acquitting the clown Trump and he did so alone and with a feeling of doom from fellows GOP Trump supporters...BUT THAT'S WHAT BIG MONEY CAN DO AMERICA!!

Big money could give a rats fuck about Trump, his tweets, his supporters, Mitch, the GOP senators, even his home base. He has no one to answer to, but his concious and his will to seek satisfaction from his immortal soul of what is right.

I say this because if Democrats are now left with the people deciding Trumps fate and we are backing a socialist old white man Bernie, who's core supporters are young people wanting gov. handouts and a Gay guy, who's more than qualify, but will turn off 1/3 of our base, BOTH CAN NOT SUSTAIN THEMSELVES WITHOUT SELLING THEIR SOULS TO BIG CORPORATIONAL DONORS. WHO WILL IN FACT ONCE AGAIN, OWN THEM AND US


Personally, I think Tulsi Gabbard could beat Trump, if the DNC, Hillary machine and the media wasn't against her. She's the closest thing to a JFK the democrats have seen since JFK. But she's anti war. And the democrats are pro war.
And she's not old, white & rich. That seems to be the criteria for the DNC.
I wouldn’t want to replace one Russian agent with another one.
Since when is "obstruction of congress" a crime at all, much less a "high crime" which is what the Constitution demands?

Probably never -
In this case it absolutely was not -
As honest Legal Scholars have noted, it is not obstruction to exercise Executive branch rights.

There is no such right to cover up a high crime and misdemeanor.

The GOP is stained forever by Trump's misdeeds and their complicity.

How is "obstruction of congress" a crime at all, much less a High Crime?

Its an infringement of Congressional right to oversight.

Obama did the same dam thing, you know. The Big O took Congress to court when he had objections to subpoenas and information requests from Congress.

Should Obama be arrested for this "High Crime"? After all, Obama is no longer in power, he can't be impeached, but if its a High Crime, why not

Rush your evidence to the Orange Buffoon and his stooge Bill Barr.
High crime comes from old English. It’s a crime against the nation that’s not necessarily a crime against the law.

For instance, if Donald Trump declassified the names of every secret American agent overseas that wouldn’t be against the law. But every American agent overseas would be murdered and of course he would be impeached right away. Or maybe not. It’s hard to say with Republicans in today’s world.

So , in your view, the Republicans would have been absolutely correct if they would have impeached Obama for fucking up America's health system by signing the ACA? It wasn't against any law for Obama to sign that abomination, but since it was clearly a travesty, it would qualify as a High Crime?
I’ve seen 12 people running for Congress or senate, almost half are black and Latino and are republican.

as an American we might have 30 million illegal Mexicans in America,, are you saying we should be nice to invaders? People that have no respect for our sovereignty? That lower the wages of our ordinary Americans? whos side are you on?

People have been migrating since before the bible was written. And no laws or walls are going to stop them from getting out of a bad situation. Even if it means putting their lives at risks to do so.
Mexico and South America are just a HUGE crime & poverty stricken slave labor camp that the corporations enjoy.
There's a reason why our neighbors to the north don't flood our borders like the ones from our south do. It's all about money. BIG money.
There's a reason why Mexico's minimum wage is $5 per DAY (not hour). That law is bought and paid for by those who enjoy paying the low wages down there, instead of the $15 to $25hr up here.

And yes, we should be nice to the people coming here. And just down right fucking rude to the American companies who take manufacturing jobs to slave labor countries.
Once again, it's all about the money. The money the citizens down there can't make. And the money the big corporations are making with their near slave labor wages they're paying down there.
High crime comes from old English. It’s a crime against the nation that’s not necessarily a crime against the law.

For instance, if Donald Trump declassified the names of every secret American agent overseas that wouldn’t be against the law. But every American agent overseas would be murdered and of course he would be impeached right away. Or maybe not. It’s hard to say with Republicans in today’s world.

So , in your view, the Republicans would have been absolutely correct if they would have impeached Obama for fucking up America's health system by signing the ACA? It wasn't against any law for Obama to sign that abomination, but since it was clearly a travesty, it would qualify as a High Crime?

You would be correct if preventing the death of people from ill-health was a crime.
I love hearing the libtards crying. Romney is a piece of shit and his state will through him out of office. Get use to losing. Your going to lose more and more.

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Not so sure. Trump doesn’t seem to be all that popular in Utah. Something about them having a hard time supporting a man who sexually assaults women and is a serial adulterer and lies over 16,000 times. Seems that some people there actually take their religion seriously.

but don’t worry about it. It’s something you wouldn’t understand.
Who is that handsome man in your picture!? Is he the one that helps trump write his speeches? Good job mr miller
I read a story from a former childhood friend Steven Miller had. The guy said they had known each other since they were little kids and when they were teenagers in high school Steve Miller told him we can’t be friends anymore because you’re a Mexican.
The guy said he thought they were going to be lifelong buddies and was so shocked when Steve Miller told him that and Steve Miller never talked to him again.
And I can totally see that coming from Republicans. Can’t you? Sounds like a very right wing Republican thing to do.
To me that fits right up there with I like soldiers who weren’t captured and a Mexican can’t be a good judge.
I’m not trying to start an argument, I just feel that’s who Republicans are these days.


A major political party in the United States that has one African-American in the house and one African-American in the Senate and they are leaving.

how is that inclusive?
I’ve seen 12 people running for Congress or senate, almost half are black and Latino and are republican.

as an American we might have 30 million illegal Mexicans in America,, are you saying we should be nice to invaders? People that have no respect for our sovereignty? That lower the wages of our ordinary Americans? whos side are you on?

People running past your house are not running for Congress or the Senate.
A422B36F-A331-4FAC-9E03-642353D7DBBF.jpeg 7C759A14-D876-44D7-9DE2-2C5224F1C989.jpeg 57305397-94A9-4F1E-B44F-1F42831E2EA0.jpeg
It was a great speech by Romney. However, he was wrong on obstruction. The evidence of obstruction was unassailable.

Since when is "obstruction of congress" a crime at all, much less a "high crime" which is what the Constitution demands?

Probably never -
In this case it absolutely was not -
As honest Legal Scholars have noted, it is not obstruction to exercise Executive branch rights.

There is no such right to cover up a high crime and misdemeanor.

The GOP is stained forever by Trump's misdeeds and their complicity.

It's not a cover up to exercise rights enumerated in The Constitution.
I’ve seen 12 people running for Congress or senate, almost half are black and Latino and are republican.

as an American we might have 30 million illegal Mexicans in America,, are you saying we should be nice to invaders? People that have no respect for our sovereignty? That lower the wages of our ordinary Americans? whos side are you on?

People have been migrating since before the bible was written. And no laws or walls are going to stop them from getting out of a bad situation. Even if it means putting their lives at risks to do so.
Mexico and South America are just a HUGE crime & poverty stricken slave labor camp that the corporations enjoy.
There's a reason why our neighbors to the north don't flood our borders like the ones from our south do. It's all about money. BIG money.
There's a reason why Mexico's minimum wage is $5 per DAY (not hour). That law is bought and paid for by those who enjoy paying the low wages down there, instead of the $15 to $25hr up here.

And yes, we should be nice to the people coming here. And just down right fucking rude to the American companies who take manufacturing jobs to slave labor countries.
Once again, it's all about the money. The money the citizens down there can't make. And the money the big corporations are making with their near slave labor wages they're paying down there.

If illegal immigrants were stopped the GOP would become extinct in several generations.
…...but he didn't ask about corruption.

He did exactly ask about corruption.

What Joe Biden did from 2014-'16 to assist his son Hunter with a corrupt relationship at Ukraine's Burisma ---a notoriously corrupt org--- is the type of processes that our foreign policy requires our leaders to eradicate since long before Trump was President. It was corruption, by definition. So, Trump asked about it.

Then the unethical Dems impeached him for it/doing his job. If Biden had instead been Bloomberg [during that Ukraine phone conversation] then. you know darn well, the Dems wouldve never said a word at that point.
So , in your view, the Republicans would have been absolutely correct if they would have impeached Obama for fucking up America's health system by signing the ACA? It wasn't against any law for Obama to sign that abomination, but since it was clearly a travesty, it would qualify as a High Crime?

As wrong as the ACA was, it was deemed "constitutional" by the Supreme Court. The deciding vote was cast by John Roberts, who is a republican appointed by W Bush.
Not to mention the fact that the republican majority in the House (when the GOP had the majority in the House) continued to fund the ACA, every time it came up.
It was a great speech by Romney. However, he was wrong on obstruction. The evidence of obstruction was unassailable.

Since when is "obstruction of congress" a crime at all, much less a "high crime" which is what the Constitution demands?

Probably never -
In this case it absolutely was not -
As honest Legal Scholars have noted, it is not obstruction to exercise Executive branch rights.

There is no such right to cover up a high crime and misdemeanor.

The GOP is stained forever by Trump's misdeeds and their complicity.

It's not a cover up to exercise rights enumerated in The Constitution.

It is if the acts being covered-up are high crimes and misdemeanors.
It was a great speech by Romney. However, he was wrong on obstruction. The evidence of obstruction was unassailable.

You are confused.

The speech was terrible. He ignored the fact the Democrat filth had no case against Trump and that it was nothing more than a Democrat Dirty Tricks Operation.

That asshole RINO is pissed because Trump didn't appoint him Secretary of State and that Trump called him out for being weak when running against Obama.

Romney may be LDS royalty and have the support of the church in Utah but he really screwed up yesterday. He is going to lose a lot of support from his Conservative constituency.

With supporters of your ilk he doesn't need enemies.

In time, Romney makes enemies of everyone.
That's just him.
It was a great speech by Romney. However, he was wrong on obstruction. The evidence of obstruction was unassailable.

You are confused.

The speech was terrible. He ignored the fact the Democrat filth had no case against Trump and that it was nothing more than a Democrat Dirty Tricks Operation.

That asshole RINO is pissed because Trump didn't appoint him Secretary of State and that Trump called him out for being weak when running against Obama.

Romney may be LDS royalty and have the support of the church in Utah but he really screwed up yesterday. He is going to lose a lot of support from his Conservative constituency.
Republican senator Lamar Alexander use the words overwhelming evidence to describe the Democrats case against Donald Trump. Also Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, and obviously Mitt Romney all said he was wrong with what he did. And those are the Republicans that talked about it publicly. They said behind the scenes about half the Republican said they were ashamed and that Donald Trump did a terrible thing doing that shake down of a foreign leader to subvert an American election. But they’re afraid of him. They know if they go against them they won’t be reelected.

It’s all about politics and holding onto power. Even Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham said that they were coordinating with the White House to get this over with as quickly as possible. They violated their oath to the constitution and they lied to God.

this is the actual oath they took before the Senate trial:

“I solemnly swear....I will do impartial justice according to the constitution and laws: so help me God.”

they had an obligation to follow that oath and instead announced they were going to break the oath and lie to God. And this is the who the Republicans are these days. Welcome to the modern day GOP.

You are aware that by definition Impeachment is and is limited to being a political act?
I know this is already said and my post will disapear.....but until goes.

GOP senator Mitt Romney gave the speech of his life condoning Trump and his fellow senators for acquitting the clown Trump and he did so alone and with a feeling of doom from fellows GOP Trump supporters...BUT THAT'S WHAT BIG MONEY CAN DO AMERICA!!

Big money could give a rats fuck about Trump, his tweets, his supporters, Mitch, the GOP senators, even his home base. He has no one to answer to, but his concious and his will to seek satisfaction from his immortal soul of what is right.

I say this because if Democrats are now left with the people deciding Trumps fate and we are backing a socialist old white man Bernie, who's core supporters are young people wanting gov. handouts and a Gay guy, who's more than qualify, but will turn off 1/3 of our base, BOTH CAN NOT SUSTAIN THEMSELVES WITHOUT SELLING THEIR SOULS TO BIG CORPORATIONAL DONORS. WHO WILL IN FACT ONCE AGAIN, OWN THEM AND US


Personally, I think Tulsi Gabbard could beat Trump, if the DNC, Hillary machine and the media wasn't against her. She's the closest thing to a JFK the democrats have seen since JFK. But she's anti war. And the democrats are pro war.
And she's not old, white & rich. That seems to be the criteria for the DNC.

No -
The majority of her policies also originated in crazy town
She may be the best that the Dems could offer - she doesn't beat Trump.
I’ve seen 12 people running for Congress or senate, almost half are black and Latino and are republican.

as an American we might have 30 million illegal Mexicans in America,, are you saying we should be nice to invaders? People that have no respect for our sovereignty? That lower the wages of our ordinary Americans? whos side are you on?

People have been migrating since before the bible was written. And no laws or walls are going to stop them from getting out of a bad situation. Even if it means putting their lives at risks to do so.
Mexico and South America are just a HUGE crime & poverty stricken slave labor camp that the corporations enjoy.
There's a reason why our neighbors to the north don't flood our borders like the ones from our south do. It's all about money. BIG money.
There's a reason why Mexico's minimum wage is $5 per DAY (not hour). That law is bought and paid for by those who enjoy paying the low wages down there, instead of the $15 to $25hr up here.

And yes, we should be nice to the people coming here. And just down right fucking rude to the American companies who take manufacturing jobs to slave labor countries.
Once again, it's all about the money. The money the citizens down there can't make. And the money the big corporations are making with their near slave labor wages they're paying down there.
Hey FU KIKG RETARD! You know where these people are moving!! To our already poor American neighborhoods! Taking all our resources! Lowering our wages! I can’t even get in to any clinic in Boston with out standing behind thousands that can’t speak English! And when I step out side I have to dodge needles! And homeless AMERICANS!
I’m done with you idiots! South America, Mexico, all Latino countries have not changed in hundreds of years they have always been corrupt they’ve always been shit holes! In 1960 we had less then one million Latinos in America, they only came here when welfare became easier to get! They destroyed our America urban cities neighborhoods! You disgusting fucking anti-American motherfuckers that live in this country make me fucking sick you will all pay for what has happened to my fucking city you will all fucking pay
It was a great speech by Romney. However, he was wrong on obstruction. The evidence of obstruction was unassailable.

Since when is "obstruction of congress" a crime at all, much less a "high crime" which is what the Constitution demands?

Probably never -
In this case it absolutely was not -
As honest Legal Scholars have noted, it is not obstruction to exercise Executive branch rights.

There is no such right to cover up a high crime and misdemeanor.

The GOP is stained forever by Trump's misdeeds and their complicity.

It's not a cover up to exercise rights enumerated in The Constitution.

It is if the acts being covered-up are high crimes and misdemeanors.

It's not
There is no such right to cover up a high crime and misdemeanor.

The GOP is stained forever by Trump's misdeeds and their complicity.

You are colossally incorrect here. The GOP is exalted, forever, because President Trump committed no complicit misdeeds.

If you are a Dem, you hate the fact that long before Trump was ever U.S. President, we had a foreign policy in Ukraine which focused specifically on exposing corruption ---if they are to receive aid from the USA. Period.

President Trump got impeached for doing his job, perfectly, by exposing American's 2014-'16 corruption in Ukraine. He did his job. Period. Our anti-corruption foreign policy in Ukraine does not say that Trump can't expose corrupt Dems.

Only irrational, bizarre Trump haters will disagree.
I’ve seen 12 people running for Congress or senate, almost half are black and Latino and are republican.

as an American we might have 30 million illegal Mexicans in America,, are you saying we should be nice to invaders? People that have no respect for our sovereignty? That lower the wages of our ordinary Americans? whos side are you on?

People have been migrating since before the bible was written. And no laws or walls are going to stop them from getting out of a bad situation. Even if it means putting their lives at risks to do so.
Mexico and South America are just a HUGE crime & poverty stricken slave labor camp that the corporations enjoy.
There's a reason why our neighbors to the north don't flood our borders like the ones from our south do. It's all about money. BIG money.
There's a reason why Mexico's minimum wage is $5 per DAY (not hour). That law is bought and paid for by those who enjoy paying the low wages down there, instead of the $15 to $25hr up here.

And yes, we should be nice to the people coming here. And just down right fucking rude to the American companies who take manufacturing jobs to slave labor countries.
Once again, it's all about the money. The money the citizens down there can't make. And the money the big corporations are making with their near slave labor wages they're paying down there.

If illegal immigrants were stopped the GOP would become extinct in several generations.
Who would vote for democrats? Lol hahah
It was a great speech by Romney. However, he was wrong on obstruction. The evidence of obstruction was unassailable.

Since when is "obstruction of congress" a crime at all, much less a "high crime" which is what the Constitution demands?

Probably never -
In this case it absolutely was not -
As honest Legal Scholars have noted, it is not obstruction to exercise Executive branch rights.

There is no such right to cover up a high crime and misdemeanor.

The GOP is stained forever by Trump's misdeeds and their complicity.

How is "obstruction of congress" a crime at all, much less a High Crime?
High crime comes from old English. It’s a crime against the nation that’s not necessarily a crime against the law.

For instance, if Donald Trump declassified the names of every secret American agent overseas that wouldn’t be against the law. But every American agent overseas would be murdered and of course he would be impeached right away. Or maybe not. It’s hard to say with Republicans in today’s world.

Donald Trump did take Russian agents into the oval office, made the Americans leave, and turned over secret and top-secret material to the Russian agents. But this president he can do that and it’s not against the law. To me it’s an impeachable offense, but clearly not to Republicans.

so the constitution has three branches of government. Judicial, legislation, and executive.

Congress and the Senate are the legislative and oversight branch.

when Donald Trump refuses oversight, the way Bill Clinton didn’t do and the way Barack Obama didn’t do and the way George Bush didn’t do and the way Ronald Reagan didn’t do then he is setting himself up as a monarch and a king. He is turning his back on the US Constitution and Republicans in the Senate have been corrupted and are supporting him. Even Trey Gowdy and other Republicans have said that it’s the duty of the president to turn over requested documents to the Congress when there was a Democratic president. Republicans have turned the Constitution into merely politics. Completely ignoring their constitutional obligation. Obstruction of Congress is an impeachable offense under the United States Constitution.
Because that’s how the founders laid out the constitution. I’m sorry you want Trump as the god king, but I suspect most Americans don’t.

Not sure where you get your information or who you trust enough to pass it along like this - most of that is just completely inaccurate.

I do find it funny when people get such simple things wrong - while pretending to be serious and smart.
It's not Congress and Senate.
Congress is the term for The House and The Senate

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