Mitts speech on the senate floor.... a lesson to democrats

I love hearing the libtards crying. Romney is a piece of shit and his state will through him out of office. Get use to losing. Your going to lose more and more.

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Not so sure. Trump doesn’t seem to be all that popular in Utah. Something about them having a hard time supporting a man who sexually assaults women and is a serial adulterer and lies over 16,000 times. Seems that some people there actually take their religion seriously.

but don’t worry about it. It’s something many on the right wouldn’t understand.
I love hearing the libtards crying. Romney is a piece of shit and his state will through him out of office. Get use to losing. Your going to lose more and more.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not so sure. Trump doesn’t seem to be all that popular in Utah. Something about them having a hard time supporting a man who sexually assaults women and is a serial adulterer and lies over 16,000 times. Seems that some people there actually take their religion seriously.

but don’t worry about it. It’s something you wouldn’t understand.
Who is that handsome man in your picture!? Is he the one that helps trump write his speeches? Good job mr miller
I know this is already said and my post will disapear.....but until goes.

GOP senator Mitt Romney gave the speech of his life condoning Trump and his fellow senators for acquitting the clown Trump and he did so alone and with a feeling of doom from fellows GOP Trump supporters...BUT THAT'S WHAT BIG MONEY CAN DO AMERICA!!

Big money could give a rats fuck about Trump, his tweets, his supporters, Mitch, the GOP senators, even his home base. He has no one to answer to, but his concious and his will to seek satisfaction from his immortal soul of what is right.

I say this because if Democrats are now left with the people deciding Trumps fate and we are backing a socialist old white man Bernie, who's core supporters are young people wanting gov. handouts and a Gay guy, who's more than qualify, but will turn off 1/3 of our base, BOTH CAN NOT SUSTAIN THEMSELVES WITHOUT SELLING THEIR SOULS TO BIG CORPORATIONAL DONORS. WHO WILL IN FACT ONCE AGAIN, OWN THEM AND US


If Mr. Romney were to switch parties, would the Democrats nominate him to be President?

That's what he really wants, and it would seem from all the kudos that Mitt is getting from the Left, he is popular enough.

Romney is willing I'm sure to switch positions on the ACA, Gay Marriage and the Right to Life. He did it before, so libs should have no problem with him.
Romney is a snob who panders to liberals
It was a great speech by Romney. However, he was wrong on obstruction. The evidence of obstruction was unassailable.

You are confused.

The speech was terrible. He ignored the fact the Democrat filth had no case against Trump and that it was nothing more than a Democrat Dirty Tricks Operation.

That asshole RINO is pissed because Trump didn't appoint him Secretary of State and that Trump called him out for being weak when running against Obama.

Romney may be LDS royalty and have the support of the church in Utah but he really screwed up yesterday. He is going to lose a lot of support from his Conservative constituency.
When are these rinos going to answer some questions from a conservative journalist?
Get on Hannity!
I love hearing the libtards crying. Romney is a piece of shit and his state will through him out of office. Get use to losing. Your going to lose more and more.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not so sure. Trump doesn’t seem to be all that popular in Utah. Something about them having a hard time supporting a man who sexually assaults women and is a serial adulterer and lies over 16,000 times. Seems that some people there actually take their religion seriously.

but don’t worry about it. It’s something you wouldn’t understand.
Who is that handsome man in your picture!? Is he the one that helps trump write his speeches? Good job mr miller
I read a story from a former childhood friend Steven Miller had. The guy said they had known each other since they were little kids and when they were teenagers in high school Steve Miller told him we can’t be friends anymore because you’re a Mexican.
The guy said he thought they were going to be lifelong buddies and was so shocked when Steve Miller told him that and Steve Miller never talked to him again.
And I can totally see that coming from Republicans. Can’t you? Sounds like a very right wing Republican thing to do.
To me that fits right up there with I like soldiers who weren’t captured and a Mexican can’t be a good judge.
I’m not trying to start an argument, I just feel that’s who Republicans are these days.


A major political party in the United States that has one African-American in the house and one African-American in the Senate and they are leaving.

how is that inclusive?
It was a great speech by Romney. However, he was wrong on obstruction. The evidence of obstruction was unassailable.

Since when is "obstruction of congress" a crime at all, much less a "high crime" which is what the Constitution demands?

Probably never -
In this case it absolutely was not -
As honest Legal Scholars have noted, it is not obstruction to exercise Executive branch rights.

There is no such right to cover up a high crime and misdemeanor.

The GOP is stained forever by Trump's misdeeds and their complicity.
It was a great speech by Romney. However, he was wrong on obstruction. The evidence of obstruction was unassailable.
You need help, his first attempt at obstruction was firing Comey...but ppl like you can not be reached...bye

This actually makes no sense ---unless we've been lied to for, decades, about it being a President's Prvilege to replace FBI Director.
I love hearing the libtards crying. Romney is a piece of shit and his state will through him out of office. Get use to losing. Your going to lose more and more.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not so sure. Trump doesn’t seem to be all that popular in Utah. Something about them having a hard time supporting a man who sexually assaults women and is a serial adulterer and lies over 16,000 times. Seems that some people there actually take their religion seriously.

but don’t worry about it. It’s something many on the right wouldn’t understand.
Remember how that dude Rdean hated everything about Romney and had the dogcage on the car as his avi
It was a great speech by Romney. However, he was wrong on obstruction. The evidence of obstruction was unassailable.

You are confused.

The speech was terrible. He ignored the fact the Democrat filth had no case against Trump and that it was nothing more than a Democrat Dirty Tricks Operation.

That asshole RINO is pissed because Trump didn't appoint him Secretary of State and that Trump called him out for being weak when running against Obama.

Romney may be LDS royalty and have the support of the church in Utah but he really screwed up yesterday. He is going to lose a lot of support from his Conservative constituency.

With supporters of your ilk he doesn't need enemies.
It was a great speech by Romney. However, he was wrong on obstruction. The evidence of obstruction was unassailable.

Since when is "obstruction of congress" a crime at all, much less a "high crime" which is what the Constitution demands?

Probably never -
In this case it absolutely was not -
As honest Legal Scholars have noted, it is not obstruction to exercise Executive branch rights.

There is no such right to cover up a high crime and misdemeanor.

The GOP is stained forever by Trump's misdeeds and their complicity.
Policy differences are not high crimes
It was a great speech by Romney. However, he was wrong on obstruction. The evidence of obstruction was unassailable.

Since when is "obstruction of congress" a crime at all, much less a "high crime" which is what the Constitution demands?

Probably never -
In this case it absolutely was not -
As honest Legal Scholars have noted, it is not obstruction to exercise Executive branch rights.

There is no such right to cover up a high crime and misdemeanor.

The GOP is stained forever by Trump's misdeeds and their complicity.

How is "obstruction of congress" a crime at all, much less a High Crime?
It was a great speech by Romney. However, he was wrong on obstruction. The evidence of obstruction was unassailable.

You are confused.

The speech was terrible. He ignored the fact the Democrat filth had no case against Trump and that it was nothing more than a Democrat Dirty Tricks Operation.

That asshole RINO is pissed because Trump didn't appoint him Secretary of State and that Trump called him out for being weak when running against Obama.

Romney may be LDS royalty and have the support of the church in Utah but he really screwed up yesterday. He is going to lose a lot of support from his Conservative constituency.
Republican senator Lamar Alexander use the words overwhelming evidence to describe the Democrats case against Donald Trump. Also Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, and obviously Mitt Romney all said he was wrong with what he did. And those are the Republicans that talked about it publicly. They said behind the scenes about half the Republican said they were ashamed and that Donald Trump did a terrible thing doing that shake down of a foreign leader to subvert an American election. But they’re afraid of him. They know if they go against them they won’t be reelected.

It’s all about politics and holding onto power. Even Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham said that they were coordinating with the White House to get this over with as quickly as possible. They violated their oath to the constitution and they lied to God.

this is the actual oath they took before the Senate trial:

“I solemnly swear....I will do impartial justice according to the constitution and laws: so help me God.”

they had an obligation to follow that oath and instead announced they were going to break the oath and lie to God. And this is the who the Republicans are these days. Welcome to the modern day GOP.
It was a great speech by Romney. However, he was wrong on obstruction. The evidence of obstruction was unassailable.

Since when is "obstruction of congress" a crime at all, much less a "high crime" which is what the Constitution demands?

Probably never -
In this case it absolutely was not -
As honest Legal Scholars have noted, it is not obstruction to exercise Executive branch rights.

There is no such right to cover up a high crime and misdemeanor.

The GOP is stained forever by Trump's misdeeds and their complicity.

Policy differences are not high crimes

Trump's high crimes were not policy differences.
It was a great speech by Romney. However, he was wrong on obstruction. The evidence of obstruction was unassailable.

Since when is "obstruction of congress" a crime at all, much less a "high crime" which is what the Constitution demands?

Probably never -
In this case it absolutely was not -
As honest Legal Scholars have noted, it is not obstruction to exercise Executive branch rights.

There is no such right to cover up a high crime and misdemeanor.

The GOP is stained forever by Trump's misdeeds and their complicity.

How is "obstruction of congress" a crime at all, much less a High Crime?

Its an infringement of Congressional right to oversight.
I love hearing the libtards crying. Romney is a piece of shit and his state will through him out of office. Get use to losing. Your going to lose more and more.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not so sure. Trump doesn’t seem to be all that popular in Utah. Something about them having a hard time supporting a man who sexually assaults women and is a serial adulterer and lies over 16,000 times. Seems that some people there actually take their religion seriously.

but don’t worry about it. It’s something you wouldn’t understand.
Who is that handsome man in your picture!? Is he the one that helps trump write his speeches? Good job mr miller
I read a story from a former childhood friend Steven Miller had. The guy said they had known each other since they were little kids and when they were teenagers in high school Steve Miller told him we can’t be friends anymore because you’re a Mexican.
The guy said he thought they were going to be lifelong buddies and was so shocked when Steve Miller told him that and Steve Miller never talked to him again.
And I can totally see that coming from Republicans. Can’t you? Sounds like a very right wing Republican thing to do.
To me that fits right up there with I like soldiers who weren’t captured and a Mexican can’t be a good judge.
I’m not trying to start an argument, I just feel that’s who Republicans are these days.


A major political party in the United States that has one African-American in the house and one African-American in the Senate and they are leaving.

how is that inclusive?
I’ve seen 12 people running for Congress or senate, almost half are black and Latino and are republican.

as an American we might have 30 million illegal Mexicans in America,, are you saying we should be nice to invaders? People that have no respect for our sovereignty? That lower the wages of our ordinary Americans? whos side are you on?
It was a great speech by Romney. However, he was wrong on obstruction. The evidence of obstruction was unassailable.

Since when is "obstruction of congress" a crime at all, much less a "high crime" which is what the Constitution demands?

Probably never -
In this case it absolutely was not -
As honest Legal Scholars have noted, it is not obstruction to exercise Executive branch rights.

There is no such right to cover up a high crime and misdemeanor.

The GOP is stained forever by Trump's misdeeds and their complicity.

How is "obstruction of congress" a crime at all, much less a High Crime?

Its an infringement of Congressional right to oversight.

Obama did the same dam thing, you know. The Big O took Congress to court when he had objections to subpoenas and information requests from Congress.

Should Obama be arrested for this "High Crime"? After all, Obama is no longer in power, he can't be impeached, but if its a High Crime, why not
I know this is already said and my post will disapear.....but until goes.

GOP senator Mitt Romney gave the speech of his life condoning Trump and his fellow senators for acquitting the clown Trump and he did so alone and with a feeling of doom from fellows GOP Trump supporters...BUT THAT'S WHAT BIG MONEY CAN DO AMERICA!!

Big money could give a rats fuck about Trump, his tweets, his supporters, Mitch, the GOP senators, even his home base. He has no one to answer to, but his concious and his will to seek satisfaction from his immortal soul of what is right.

I say this because if Democrats are now left with the people deciding Trumps fate and we are backing a socialist old white man Bernie, who's core supporters are young people wanting gov. handouts and a Gay guy, who's more than qualify, but will turn off 1/3 of our base, BOTH CAN NOT SUSTAIN THEMSELVES WITHOUT SELLING THEIR SOULS TO BIG CORPORATIONAL DONORS. WHO WILL IN FACT ONCE AGAIN, OWN THEM AND US


Personally, I think Tulsi Gabbard could beat Trump, if the DNC, Hillary machine and the media wasn't against her. She's the closest thing to a JFK the democrats have seen since JFK. But she's anti war. And the democrats are pro war.
And she's not old, white & rich. That seems to be the criteria for the DNC.
I love hearing the libtards crying. Romney is a piece of shit and his state will through him out of office. Get use to losing. Your going to lose more and more.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Not so sure. Trump doesn’t seem to be all that popular in Utah. Something about them having a hard time supporting a man who sexually assaults women and is a serial adulterer and lies over 16,000 times. Seems that some people there actually take their religion seriously.

but don’t worry about it. It’s something you wouldn’t understand.
Who is that handsome man in your picture!? Is he the one that helps trump write his speeches? Good job mr miller
I read a story from a former childhood friend Steven Miller had. The guy said they had known each other since they were little kids and when they were teenagers in high school Steve Miller told him we can’t be friends anymore because you’re a Mexican.
The guy said he thought they were going to be lifelong buddies and was so shocked when Steve Miller told him that and Steve Miller never talked to him again.
And I can totally see that coming from Republicans. Can’t you? Sounds like a very right wing Republican thing to do.
To me that fits right up there with I like soldiers who weren’t captured and a Mexican can’t be a good judge.
I’m not trying to start an argument, I just feel that’s who Republicans are these days.


A major political party in the United States that has one African-American in the house and one African-American in the Senate and they are leaving.

how is that inclusive?
I’ve seen 12 people running for Congress or senate, almost half are black and Latino and are republican.

as an American we might have 30 million illegal Mexicans in America,, are you saying we should be nice to invaders? People that have no respect for our sovereignty? That lower the wages of our ordinary Americans? whos side are you on?

People running past your house are not running for Congress or the Senate.

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