Mohammed cartoon contest: Protest held outside Phoenix mosque

So your response to religious tyranny is to Publically demonstrate your own intolerance?

No nit wit, it is, as I have shown, defiance.

The way to protest religious intolerance is to demonstrate your own religious intolerance with an armed mob taunting innocent worshippers?

the issue was not "religious intolerance"------the issue was MURDEROUS INTENT WITH ASSAULT RIFLES . Was there active "taunting by a mob" ? did they storm the mosque ? did they shoot? did they hold guns to anyone's head? I am very curious -----did any of the bikers fire so much as a single shot? ---------the muslim animals went in for the KILL------they wanted to see dead bodies in the gutter for the GLORY OF ALLAH
Surrounding a peaceful place of worship with an armed mob is not intimidation?

Who were the bad guys yesterday

"armed mob" ??? they were pointing rifles at the people entering or exiting the mosque?? Your reference to "peaceful place of worship" was destroyed by the fact that TWO OF THEIR MEMBERS specifically attacked-----with MURDEROUS INTENT----a peaceful meeting of some americans and Texans ----HOLDING ASSAULT RIFLES -----, so far you are making a fool of yourself

Progressives MUST deny the truth because the truth is never on their side.
No nit wit, it is, as I have shown, defiance.

The way to protest religious intolerance is to demonstrate your own religious intolerance with an armed mob taunting innocent worshippers?

the issue was not "religious intolerance"------the issue was MURDEROUS INTENT WITH ASSAULT RIFLES . Was there active "taunting by a mob" ? did they storm the mosque ? did they shoot? did they hold guns to anyone's head? I am very curious -----did any of the bikers fire so much as a single shot? ---------the muslim animals went in for the KILL------they wanted to see dead bodies in the gutter for the GLORY OF ALLAH
Surrounding a peaceful place of worship with an armed mob is not intimidation?

Who were the bad guys yesterday

"armed mob" ??? they were pointing rifles at the people entering or exiting the mosque?? Your reference to "peaceful place of worship" was destroyed by the fact that TWO OF THEIR MEMBERS specifically attacked-----with MURDEROUS INTENT----a peaceful meeting of some americans and Texans ----HOLDING ASSAULT RIFLES -----, so far you are making a fool of yourself

Progressives MUST deny the truth because the truth is never on their side.
They seem to be doing pretty well while your truth, not so much.

You could always join ISIS? They don't approve either. The company you keep as they say.
His T-shirt pretty much says it all: "F--- Islam." Some of the counterprotesters wore shirts that said, "Love Thy Neighbor."

Protests counterprotest outside Phoenix mosque -

There is one little fact I want to draw your attention to. While protesters advocate pure hatred, counterprotesters preach for love and tolerance. I think it is easy to understand who is right and who is wrong in this situation. Hatred doesn't work and it never will. What do you think young Muslims, friendly to American society, will think about the United States after seeing these pictures and reading "F*** Islam" logos?

Freedom of Speech



Because you can, doesn't mean you should. Only those with no life and nothing else to do would engage in such childish behavior.

They can, so they did.
They should, so they did.
Just because you in your ignorance and limited vocabulary, call it childish, that doesn't mean it actually is childish.

So sorry, I should know someone as intelligent and articulate as you would see my ignorance and call me out. I am humbled by your body of work, so clear of thought, sagacious and panoptic. Forgive me oh wise and wonderful one, my peek behind the curtain was sufficient for me to see the real you and I was enlightened.

Well, it's too bad your limited mental capacity won't allow you to retain this insight longer than a moment or two. Soon you'll be pouting the same ignorant nonsense all over again. I can't fix stupid, at least not permanently.
The way to protest religious intolerance is to demonstrate your own religious intolerance with an armed mob taunting innocent worshippers?

the issue was not "religious intolerance"------the issue was MURDEROUS INTENT WITH ASSAULT RIFLES . Was there active "taunting by a mob" ? did they storm the mosque ? did they shoot? did they hold guns to anyone's head? I am very curious -----did any of the bikers fire so much as a single shot? ---------the muslim animals went in for the KILL------they wanted to see dead bodies in the gutter for the GLORY OF ALLAH
Surrounding a peaceful place of worship with an armed mob is not intimidation?

Who were the bad guys yesterday

"armed mob" ??? they were pointing rifles at the people entering or exiting the mosque?? Your reference to "peaceful place of worship" was destroyed by the fact that TWO OF THEIR MEMBERS specifically attacked-----with MURDEROUS INTENT----a peaceful meeting of some americans and Texans ----HOLDING ASSAULT RIFLES -----, so far you are making a fool of yourself

Progressives MUST deny the truth because the truth is never on their side.
They seem to be doing pretty well while your truth, not so much.

You could always join ISIS? They don't approve either. The company you keep as they say.

What does gay marriage have to do with anything moron? Except that Muslims won't tolerate it. Is that what you mean?

the issue was not "religious intolerance"------the issue was MURDEROUS INTENT WITH ASSAULT RIFLES . Was there active "taunting by a mob" ? did they storm the mosque ? did they shoot? did they hold guns to anyone's head? I am very curious -----did any of the bikers fire so much as a single shot? ---------the muslim animals went in for the KILL------they wanted to see dead bodies in the gutter for the GLORY OF ALLAH
Surrounding a peaceful place of worship with an armed mob is not intimidation?

Who were the bad guys yesterday

"armed mob" ??? they were pointing rifles at the people entering or exiting the mosque?? Your reference to "peaceful place of worship" was destroyed by the fact that TWO OF THEIR MEMBERS specifically attacked-----with MURDEROUS INTENT----a peaceful meeting of some americans and Texans ----HOLDING ASSAULT RIFLES -----, so far you are making a fool of yourself

Progressives MUST deny the truth because the truth is never on their side.
They seem to be doing pretty well while your truth, not so much.

You could always join ISIS? They don't approve either. The company you keep as they say.

What does gay marriage have to do with anything moron? Except that Muslims won't tolerate it. Is that what you mean?

Another win for the progressives, like religious tolerance for Sand *******. Name your last win? Oh right, the unnecessary Iraq war, which the US lost.
So your response to religious tyranny is to Publically demonstrate your own intolerance?

No nit wit, it is, as I have shown, defiance.

The way to protest religious intolerance is to demonstrate your own religious intolerance with an armed mob taunting innocent worshippers?

No nit wit, they were demonstrating defiance. How many times do you have to be told this before it gets through you thick skull?
They were demonstrating an attempt to provoke violence

They failed

really? what did they do to provoke violence? I did not see any footage of the event or hear about any overt acts on the part of the "MOB" -------did they "feel up" the women? spit on anyone? throw rocks? shoot out a few windows???
Let's draw obscene pictures of Mohammad and see what them Mooslims try to do about it. Bring your gun in case they try something
Surrounding a peaceful place of worship with an armed mob is not intimidation?

Who were the bad guys yesterday

"armed mob" ??? they were pointing rifles at the people entering or exiting the mosque?? Your reference to "peaceful place of worship" was destroyed by the fact that TWO OF THEIR MEMBERS specifically attacked-----with MURDEROUS INTENT----a peaceful meeting of some americans and Texans ----HOLDING ASSAULT RIFLES -----, so far you are making a fool of yourself

Progressives MUST deny the truth because the truth is never on their side.
They seem to be doing pretty well while your truth, not so much.

You could always join ISIS? They don't approve either. The company you keep as they say.

What does gay marriage have to do with anything moron? Except that Muslims won't tolerate it. Is that what you mean?

Another win for the progressives, like religious tolerance for Sand *******. Name your last win? Oh right, the unnecessary Iraq war, which the US lost.

Are you off your meds retard?
No nit wit, it is, as I have shown, defiance.

The way to protest religious intolerance is to demonstrate your own religious intolerance with an armed mob taunting innocent worshippers?

No nit wit, they were demonstrating defiance. How many times do you have to be told this before it gets through you thick skull?
They were demonstrating an attempt to provoke violence

They failed

really? what did they do to provoke violence? I did not see any footage of the event or hear about any overt acts on the part of the "MOB" -------did they "feel up" the women? spit on anyone? throw rocks? shoot out a few windows???
Let's draw obscene pictures of Mohammad and see what them Mooslims try to do about it. Bring your gun in case they try something

Again, completely making shit up in a way that you can easily ridicule. It's called a strawman argument and it is the tool of the intellectually bankrupt.
"armed mob" ??? they were pointing rifles at the people entering or exiting the mosque?? Your reference to "peaceful place of worship" was destroyed by the fact that TWO OF THEIR MEMBERS specifically attacked-----with MURDEROUS INTENT----a peaceful meeting of some americans and Texans ----HOLDING ASSAULT RIFLES -----, so far you are making a fool of yourself

Progressives MUST deny the truth because the truth is never on their side.
They seem to be doing pretty well while your truth, not so much.

You could always join ISIS? They don't approve either. The company you keep as they say.

What does gay marriage have to do with anything moron? Except that Muslims won't tolerate it. Is that what you mean?

Another win for the progressives, like religious tolerance for Sand *******. Name your last win? Oh right, the unnecessary Iraq war, which the US lost.

Are you off your meds retard?
We know, the truth hurts, you especially. It hasn't gone your way for eons...
No nit wit, it is, as I have shown, defiance.

The way to protest religious intolerance is to demonstrate your own religious intolerance with an armed mob taunting innocent worshippers?

No nit wit, they were demonstrating defiance. How many times do you have to be told this before it gets through you thick skull?
They were demonstrating an attempt to provoke violence

They failed

really? what did they do to provoke violence? I did not see any footage of the event or hear about any overt acts on the part of the "MOB" -------did they "feel up" the women? spit on anyone? throw rocks? shoot out a few windows???
Let's draw obscene pictures of Mohammad and see what them Mooslims try to do about it. Bring your gun in case they try something

right -----as opposed to ------"lets pack assault rifles and murder as many people as we can"

I got news-----its over and no dead bodies. It was nothing like the event in Texas galvanized by the filth of islam ------two bodies dead in the gutter ----the good news being ----its bodies of the muzzie dogs with the rifles.
Our biker boys were fine gentlemen ------if some had a gun in their pockets------they were polite enough not to go target practicing or even wave them about
The way to protest religious intolerance is to demonstrate your own religious intolerance with an armed mob taunting innocent worshippers?

No nit wit, they were demonstrating defiance. How many times do you have to be told this before it gets through you thick skull?
They were demonstrating an attempt to provoke violence

They failed

really? what did they do to provoke violence? I did not see any footage of the event or hear about any overt acts on the part of the "MOB" -------did they "feel up" the women? spit on anyone? throw rocks? shoot out a few windows???
Let's draw obscene pictures of Mohammad and see what them Mooslims try to do about it. Bring your gun in case they try something

Again, completely making shit up in a way that you can easily ridicule. It's called a strawman argument and it is the tool of the intellectually bankrupt.
Those Sand ******* are Evil, because when you call them Evil Sand ******* they get mad. These people are so fucking unreasonable.
Progressives MUST deny the truth because the truth is never on their side.
They seem to be doing pretty well while your truth, not so much.

You could always join ISIS? They don't approve either. The company you keep as they say.

What does gay marriage have to do with anything moron? Except that Muslims won't tolerate it. Is that what you mean?

Another win for the progressives, like religious tolerance for Sand *******. Name your last win? Oh right, the unnecessary Iraq war, which the US lost.

Are you off your meds retard?
We know, the truth hurts, you especially. It hasn't gone your way for eons...

Dude! How can I reply when even YOU have no idea what you are saying? How is any of that relevant to this thread? How fucking stupid are you exactly?
No nit wit, they were demonstrating defiance. How many times do you have to be told this before it gets through you thick skull?
They were demonstrating an attempt to provoke violence

They failed

really? what did they do to provoke violence? I did not see any footage of the event or hear about any overt acts on the part of the "MOB" -------did they "feel up" the women? spit on anyone? throw rocks? shoot out a few windows???
Let's draw obscene pictures of Mohammad and see what them Mooslims try to do about it. Bring your gun in case they try something

Again, completely making shit up in a way that you can easily ridicule. It's called a strawman argument and it is the tool of the intellectually bankrupt.
Those Sand ******* are Evil, because when you call them Evil Sand ******* they get mad. These people are so fucking unreasonable.

Someone escaped from the looney bin.
The way to protest religious intolerance is to demonstrate your own religious intolerance with an armed mob taunting innocent worshippers?

No nit wit, they were demonstrating defiance. How many times do you have to be told this before it gets through you thick skull?
They were demonstrating an attempt to provoke violence

They failed

really? what did they do to provoke violence? I did not see any footage of the event or hear about any overt acts on the part of the "MOB" -------did they "feel up" the women? spit on anyone? throw rocks? shoot out a few windows???
Let's draw obscene pictures of Mohammad and see what them Mooslims try to do about it. Bring your gun in case they try something

right -----as opposed to ------"lets pack assault rifles and murder as many people as we can"

I got news-----its over and no dead bodies. It was nothing like the event in Texas galvanized by the filth of islam ------two bodies dead in the gutter ----the good news being ----its bodies of the muzzie dogs with the rifles.
Our biker boys were fine gentlemen ------if some had a gun in their pockets------they were polite enough not to go target practicing or even wave them about
How many of those fine boys are still in jail from their Texas thug-fest? Plenty of places in the world to fight the Evil Sand ******* eh but they might have to show up with their guns and attitudes a bit father away from the local Applebee's next time.
The left MUST make things up. They MYST distort the facts and twist reality to fit the way they want it to. They cannot accept the truth because it is never in their favor.

Progressives are the worst people.
They seem to be doing pretty well while your truth, not so much.

You could always join ISIS? They don't approve either. The company you keep as they say.

What does gay marriage have to do with anything moron? Except that Muslims won't tolerate it. Is that what you mean?

Another win for the progressives, like religious tolerance for Sand *******. Name your last win? Oh right, the unnecessary Iraq war, which the US lost.

Are you off your meds retard?
We know, the truth hurts, you especially. It hasn't gone your way for eons...

Dude! How can I reply when even YOU have no idea what you are saying? How is any of that relevant to this thread? How fucking stupid are you exactly?
Stupid people don't understand me, don't try, you haven't a chance in hell.
No nit wit, they were demonstrating defiance. How many times do you have to be told this before it gets through you thick skull?
They were demonstrating an attempt to provoke violence

They failed

really? what did they do to provoke violence? I did not see any footage of the event or hear about any overt acts on the part of the "MOB" -------did they "feel up" the women? spit on anyone? throw rocks? shoot out a few windows???
Let's draw obscene pictures of Mohammad and see what them Mooslims try to do about it. Bring your gun in case they try something

Again, completely making shit up in a way that you can easily ridicule. It's called a strawman argument and it is the tool of the intellectually bankrupt.
Those Sand ******* are Evil, because when you call them Evil Sand ******* they get mad. These people are so fucking unreasonable.
I could teach you about 12 words in Arabic so that you can put either a cross or star of david necklace on and walk around a mosque on Friday afternoon ------I assure you ----if you are sensitive to being "called" something-----and it makes you "mad"------you will have lots of reasons to get "fucking unreasonable"------assuming that's your style
No nit wit, they were demonstrating defiance. How many times do you have to be told this before it gets through you thick skull?
They were demonstrating an attempt to provoke violence

They failed

really? what did they do to provoke violence? I did not see any footage of the event or hear about any overt acts on the part of the "MOB" -------did they "feel up" the women? spit on anyone? throw rocks? shoot out a few windows???
Let's draw obscene pictures of Mohammad and see what them Mooslims try to do about it. Bring your gun in case they try something

right -----as opposed to ------"lets pack assault rifles and murder as many people as we can"

I got news-----its over and no dead bodies. It was nothing like the event in Texas galvanized by the filth of islam ------two bodies dead in the gutter ----the good news being ----its bodies of the muzzie dogs with the rifles.
Our biker boys were fine gentlemen ------if some had a gun in their pockets------they were polite enough not to go target practicing or even wave them about
How many of those fine boys are still in jail from their Texas thug-fest? Plenty of places in the world to fight the Evil Sand ******* eh but they might have to show up with their guns and attitudes a bit father away from the local Applebee's next time.

I didn't hear that any of them went to jail dip shit. What fucking planet are you on currently?
The left MUST make things up. They MYST distort the facts and twist reality to fit the way they want it to. They cannot accept the truth because it is never in their favor.

Progressives are the worst people.
More dogma, in the face of them kicking your ass at every turn.
What does gay marriage have to do with anything moron? Except that Muslims won't tolerate it. Is that what you mean?

Another win for the progressives, like religious tolerance for Sand *******. Name your last win? Oh right, the unnecessary Iraq war, which the US lost.

Are you off your meds retard?
We know, the truth hurts, you especially. It hasn't gone your way for eons...

Dude! How can I reply when even YOU have no idea what you are saying? How is any of that relevant to this thread? How fucking stupid are you exactly?
Stupid people don't understand me, don't try, you haven't a chance in hell.
Retard, YOU don't even understand what you say.

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