"Mom, Billy (Maher) did it, too!"

Yeah, I was wondering if you think about what you type too.

Do you even know why you're posting to this thread since your opinion by your own admission has no effect on anything?

:sigh: Givin' my opinion to strangers on the internets Fitz, same as you. :rolleyes:

You're saying some very bizarre things and I'm fairly certain you're just trolling me at this point.
Ummmm if exposing leftist hypocrisy by making them look at it, revealing it to others or making them uncomfortable is trolling? Sure. I'm trolling you. It's AAAAALLLLL about you after all. I wouldn't be doing any of this for the benefit of others to see how shitty leftists are and how lousy their intellectual foundation for their fauxrage is. Nope... It's just about pissing you off.

Because... confidentially.... you just ARE all that and a bag of chips, you sexy internet tough guy you.

Oh very pious of you.

All we need to know about your position is right here... Predictable and boring as is to be expected.
My outrage is not about the fact that Maher is a lowlife who has little ability to gin up an audience except by being spiteful. No, my outrage is about Rush's attackers refusing to condemn Maher for saying worse things with less reason.

I'm sorry, 'Worse things with less reason?' You fuckin' kidding me?

But since you in all your clarity would never pass judgment on one but not the other, what are your general feelings on Rush's comments? And since Maher has no sponsors... What exactly are you asking to have happen to him? Who exactly is supposed to dole out this 'punishment' you keep alluding to?

You're as biased as the rest of us, but you lack the integrity to admit it.
It doesn't make any difference if they're public figures or not. And maher called palin the c-word just last year. Fuckstain.

It makes all the difference in the world, really.

Palin came fairly close to being Vice-President. She still hold presidential ambitions. That subjects her to a higher level of scrutiny.

Fluke will be maybe remembered as the woman who made Rush Limbaugh look bad.
I'm talking about Maher calling Palin the c-word. Dumbass.

So what?

Did you ever state your own personal opinion of BOTH Limbaugh and Maher?
. I have. They are both fucking assholes and Obama should treat both of them as such. But there is a million reasons why he has a double standard.

I like Maher, but that notwithstanding 'fucking asshole' is probably an apt description of him. :dunno:

As you say he has a double standard, I hope you understand and hold him harmless for not coming to Sawah's defense. She is and has been one of the sleaziest of his critics, what in the world would obligate or incline him to come to her defense?
Except it's completely inaccurate.

If a private citizen is someone who is not in political office, then Sarah Palin qualifies as a private citizen as she hasnt been in political office for years.

If we go by the Supreme Court's definition in defamation cases, than Fluke certainly is a public figure because she has put herself out there as a public figure on this issue.

Either way, neither should be called derrogatory names regardless of whether they are public or private figures.

I agree with your last point. Neither should really be called names. It would be much better if we had reasoned discussions about issues.

But Mrs. Palin is still addressed as "Governor Palin". She retains the title after she abdicated the office. That gives her greater status and therefore greater scrutiny.
It doesn't make any difference if they're public figures or not. And maher called palin the c-word just last year. Fuckstain.

It makes all the difference in the world, really.

Palin came fairly close to being Vice-President. She still hold presidential ambitions. That subjects her to a higher level of scrutiny.

Fluke will be maybe remembered as the woman who made Rush Limbaugh look bad.

You're a fucking idiot. The umbilical cord must have been wrapped around your neck.
So what?

Did you ever state your own personal opinion of BOTH Limbaugh and Maher?
. I have. They are both fucking assholes and Obama should treat both of them as such. But there is a million reasons why he has a double standard.

I like Maher, but that notwithstanding 'fucking asshole' is probably an apt description of him. :dunno:

As you say he has a double standard, I hope you understand and hold him harmless for not coming to Sawah's defense. She is and has been one of the sleaziest of his critics, what in the world would obligate or incline him to come to her defense?

He went after rush, but not maher for making sleazy remarks degrading to women. Makes Obama a hack at best and a whore at worst.
Maybe if more of you rightwing fucks would have just denounced Limbaugh and then shut up about it,

you wouldn't have to have us make monkeys out of you.

If even one person didn't "denounce" Limbaugh to your standards, youd be making an issue with this.

At this point, even Rush has "denounced" what he said and apologized for it. Yet you're still making an issue of it.

His fake apology out of expediency was not an apology.

You can't dismiss his apology simply because it's inconvenient for your political message. The man apoligized, whether you accept it or not, he can't apologize more.
It doesn't make any difference if they're public figures or not. And maher called palin the c-word just last year. Fuckstain.

It makes all the difference in the world, really.

Palin came fairly close to being Vice-President. She still hold presidential ambitions. That subjects her to a higher level of scrutiny.

Fluke will be maybe remembered as the woman who made Rush Limbaugh look bad.

LOL, you really think Fluke will be remembered for anything..the people are yawning at her name already..
she'll be another Cindy Sheehan..after you on the left got done using her...ANOTHER NOBODY:lol:
You keep acting like this was about people dictating what others can do with their private parts. That's not at all what this is about. This is about the audacity of demanding others pay for what you want to do with your various parts. This is about the entitlement mentality and the robbers who want to do everything they can to take money from others and force them to pay for their wants and needs.

To claim otherwise is completely dishonest.

Not at all.

I don't get health care because I'm "entitled" to it. I get health care as part of the compenssation package I get from the soulless corporation I work for in lieu of more pay. as it is a less tangible benefit, it has value. I could get a higher paycheck if I took one of the "contract" jobs I'm offered nearly every week, but given my age, health and caution, I stick with the job I have because it has health insurance.

And to the contrary, my employer would not offer me health insurance if I were not providing benefit.

So really, I'm not taking, I'm earning.

IN that context, this is simply a matter of contract stipulations. Since contracts are legal instruments, it falls to government to define them. The government is determining that reproductive health is an area that should be part of the coverage.

You speak about robbers, but who are the real "robbers"? When the poor steal it's called crime and when the rich steal it's called "profits". When the government steals, it's called "Taxes". Not seeing the difference, really.
It doesn't make any difference if they're public figures or not. And maher called palin the c-word just last year. Fuckstain.

It makes all the difference in the world, really.

Palin came fairly close to being Vice-President. She still hold presidential ambitions. That subjects her to a higher level of scrutiny.

Fluke will be maybe remembered as the woman who made Rush Limbaugh look bad.

LOL, you really think Fluke will be remembered for anything..the people are yawning at her name already..
she'll be another Cindy Sheehan..after you on the left got done using her...ANOTHER NOBODY:lol:

Since the GOP will never bring THIS topic up again, she's already accomplished what she set out to accomplish.
It doesn't make any difference if they're public figures or not. And maher called palin the c-word just last year. Fuckstain.

It makes all the difference in the world, really.

Palin came fairly close to being Vice-President. She still hold presidential ambitions. That subjects her to a higher level of scrutiny.

Fluke will be maybe remembered as the woman who made Rush Limbaugh look bad.

evidence that she has any presidential ambitions?

Why on earth should anyone be treated to more or less scrutiny than another person?

How exactly do you conclude that Ms. Fluke is any less a public figure when she fits the very definition the law uses in defamation cases? How is Ms Palin any less a Private figure when she holds absolutely no political office and isnt running any?

And quite frankly, why the heck would it be alright to use derogatory statements against anyone regardless of whether they are a public or private figure?
It makes all the difference in the world, really.

Palin came fairly close to being Vice-President. She still hold presidential ambitions. That subjects her to a higher level of scrutiny.

Fluke will be maybe remembered as the woman who made Rush Limbaugh look bad.

LOL, you really think Fluke will be remembered for anything..the people are yawning at her name already..
she'll be another Cindy Sheehan..after you on the left got done using her...ANOTHER NOBODY:lol:

Since the GOP will never bring THIS topic up again, she's already accomplished what she set out to accomplish.

she hasn't accomplished shit..she is just another activist agitator who who wants to force her views on the people of this country..
You keep acting like this was about people dictating what others can do with their private parts. That's not at all what this is about. This is about the audacity of demanding others pay for what you want to do with your various parts. This is about the entitlement mentality and the robbers who want to do everything they can to take money from others and force them to pay for their wants and needs.

To claim otherwise is completely dishonest.

Not at all.

I don't get health care because I'm "entitled" to it. I get health care as part of the compenssation package I get from the soulless corporation I work for in lieu of more pay. as it is a less tangible benefit, it has value. I could get a higher paycheck if I took one of the "contract" jobs I'm offered nearly every week, but given my age, health and caution, I stick with the job I have because it has health insurance.

And to the contrary, my employer would not offer me health insurance if I were not providing benefit.

So really, I'm not taking, I'm earning.

IN that context, this is simply a matter of contract stipulations. Since contracts are legal instruments, it falls to government to define them. The government is determining that reproductive health is an area that should be part of the coverage.

You speak about robbers, but who are the real "robbers"? When the poor steal it's called crime and when the rich steal it's called "profits". When the government steals, it's called "Taxes". Not seeing the difference, really.

How is it stealing when people voluntarily give you money in exchange for goods and services?
Since the GOP will never bring THIS topic up again, she's already accomplished what she set out to accomplish.

If you think this is going to get the GOP to stop bringing up the argument for religious liberty and the argument against entitlements, you are sadly mistaken.
. I have. They are both fucking assholes and Obama should treat both of them as such. But there is a million reasons why he has a double standard.

I like Maher, but that notwithstanding 'fucking asshole' is probably an apt description of him. :dunno:

As you say he has a double standard, I hope you understand and hold him harmless for not coming to Sawah's defense. She is and has been one of the sleaziest of his critics, what in the world would obligate or incline him to come to her defense?

He went after rush, but not maher for making sleazy remarks degrading to women. Makes Obama a hack at best and a whore at worst.

I think that position is a product of something you determined ahead of time.

1. "****" is just an all-purpose pejorative. I don't know what specifically made Maher call Sarah one but I think the word describes her to a tee. I'm sure you don't agree but surely you can see why her political enemies would. And it's figurative; He wasn't literally saying she was, in her entirety, a biological vagina. Fluke on the other hand was literally called a prostitute; One who exchanges sexual favors for money; For her OUTRAGEOUS position that health insurance companies should be required to cover contraceptives? :eusa_eh:

2. Sorry, but there are few human beings on earth who have shown the vitriol, the bile, the hatred, the absolutely irrational malevolence to our POTUS as Sawah Bawwacuda; All to score political points and make MONEY! If I were Obama, I wouldn't take 30 seconds out of my day to save her life.
I like Maher, but that notwithstanding 'fucking asshole' is probably an apt description of him. :dunno:

As you say he has a double standard, I hope you understand and hold him harmless for not coming to Sawah's defense. She is and has been one of the sleaziest of his critics, what in the world would obligate or incline him to come to her defense?

He went after rush, but not maher for making sleazy remarks degrading to women. Makes Obama a hack at best and a whore at worst.

I think that position is a product of something you determined ahead of time.

1. "****" is just an all-purpose pejorative. I don't know what specifically made Maher call Sarah one but I think the word describes her to a tee. I'm sure you don't agree but surely you can see why her political enemies would. And it's figurative; He wasn't literally saying she was, in her entirety, a biological vagina. Fluke on the other hand was literally called a prostitute; One who exchanges sexual favors for money; For her OUTRAGEOUS position that health insurance companies should be required to cover contraceptives? :eusa_eh:

2. Sorry, but there are few human beings on earth who have shown the vitriol, the bile, the hatred, the absolutely irrational malevolence to our POTUS as Sawah Bawwacuda; All to score political points and make MONEY! If I were Obama, I wouldn't take 30 seconds out of my day to save her life.
I can't stand palin. The problem I have is with double standards.
so it's ok to call Palin a Cxxn because she is woman Representative of this country..

can you believe the justification for that one folks.?

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