"Mom, Billy (Maher) did it, too!"

so it's ok to call Palin a Cxxn because she is woman Representative of this country..

can you believe the justification for that one folks.?

A what?

Coon, apparently. :lol:

It's Ok to call it a **** because this is America. It's also Ok for Rush to call Fluke a slut and prostitute.

And guess what? It's Ok for his sponsors to dump him too, because that is their speech. Cry about it. :thup:
so it's ok to call Palin a Cxxn because she is woman Representative of this country..

can you believe the justification for that one folks.?

A what?

Coon, apparently. :lol:

It's Ok to call it a **** because this is America. It's also Ok for Rush to call Fluke a slut and prostitute.

And guess what? It's Ok for his sponsors to dump him too, because that is their speech. Cry about it. :thup:

Oh, this is about her and that basketball player again.
. I have. They are both fucking assholes and Obama should treat both of them as such. But there is a million reasons why he has a double standard.

I like Maher, but that notwithstanding 'fucking asshole' is probably an apt description of him. :dunno:

As you say he has a double standard, I hope you understand and hold him harmless for not coming to Sawah's defense. She is and has been one of the sleaziest of his critics, what in the world would obligate or incline him to come to her defense?

He went after rush, but not maher for making sleazy remarks degrading to women. Makes Obama a hack at best and a whore at worst.

Rush made degrading comments about women. His insult that women who use birth control are 'sluts' and 'prostittutes' was an insult to all women.

Maher made degrading comments about Sarah Palin. Personally, I think those comments were out of bounds, and feminists condemned him for it.
so it's ok to call Palin a Cxxn because she is woman Representative of this country..

can you believe the justification for that one folks.?

Not saying it's "okay". I'm saying that as a political figure and office holder, she's gotten up on the national dunk tank of our politics and dared people to throw baseballs at her. So has Obama, for that matter. I see all sorts of awful things said about him, every day. I've said a few of them.

Ms. Fluke, someone no one has ever heard of before she testified in front of Congress and made them look like a bunch of idiots (not that this is a difficul thing to do), certainly does not deserve that kind of abuse.

More to the point, if this is an issue you actually care about. If you really think Men In Dresses should be able to tell the woman they hired to mop their fancy marble floors she can't have birth control as part of her compensation, then Rush has done you a true disservice.

Because no one is talking about that anymore and can't talk about it without someone playing a tape of him screaming that women who do that are sluts.
The GOP has been so badly burned by this that they could either let it fade away or fight. Thing is, they need to be careful about their choice of the fight.

This "religious liberty" thing, I think, too vague to have any legs. Personally, I'd shove the Democrats' love for PC right down their throats and provide non-stop examples of the vicious name-calling the lefties do. This might be a good time to make some final decisions about whether Americans are allowed to speak their minds freely, or not.

But that's just me.

Since the GOP will never bring THIS topic up again, she's already accomplished what she set out to accomplish.

If you think this is going to get the GOP to stop bringing up the argument for religious liberty and the argument against entitlements, you are sadly mistaken.

that is what they are hoping..

No, just being pragmatic.

Before it was Government against the Bishops. This really wasn't a fight most people had a dog in. Most plans cover family planning for good reason.

Once Rush blurted out "Slut" and "prostitute", it became the Republicans and Bishops against the women of America. It implies that all those women who do get someone else to pay for their family planning are somehow "sluts".
The GOP has been so badly burned by this that they could either let it fade away or fight. Thing is, they need to be careful about their choice of the fight.

This "religious liberty" thing, I think, too vague to have any legs. Personally, I'd shove the Democrats' love for PC right down their throats and provide non-stop examples of the vicious name-calling the lefties do. This might be a good time to make some final decisions about whether Americans are allowed to speak their minds freely, or not.

But that's just me.


I don't think just because you CAN do a thing, that you should do a thing.

I have no problem with Rush being able to say whatever he wants. As long as there are people who want to hear that, that's fine.

I do have a problem with him saying that, because it lowered the level of the discource.

If you accept that the bishops have a point, Rush did them a disservice. This is not how the Bishops wanted to frame this debate. Or the GOP for that matter.

But now this is how the debate is framed.
The GOP has been so badly burned by this that they could either let it fade away or fight. Thing is, they need to be careful about their choice of the fight.

This "religious liberty" thing, I think, too vague to have any legs. Personally, I'd shove the Democrats' love for PC right down their throats and provide non-stop examples of the vicious name-calling the lefties do. This might be a good time to make some final decisions about whether Americans are allowed to speak their minds freely, or not.

But that's just me.


I don't think just because you CAN do a thing, that you should do a thing.

I have no problem with Rush being able to say whatever he wants. As long as there are people who want to hear that, that's fine.

I do have a problem with him saying that, because it lowered the level of the discource.

If you accept that the bishops have a point, Rush did them a disservice. This is not how the Bishops wanted to frame this debate. Or the GOP for that matter.

But now this is how the debate is framed.

So I guess you're doing your job by fanning the flames..nice going
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The GOP has been so badly burned by this that they could either let it fade away or fight. Thing is, they need to be careful about their choice of the fight.

This "religious liberty" thing, I think, too vague to have any legs. Personally, I'd shove the Democrats' love for PC right down their throats and provide non-stop examples of the vicious name-calling the lefties do. This might be a good time to make some final decisions about whether Americans are allowed to speak their minds freely, or not.

But that's just me.


I don't think just because you CAN do a thing, that you should do a thing.

I have no problem with Rush being able to say whatever he wants. As long as there are people who want to hear that, that's fine.

I do have a problem with him saying that, because it lowered the level of the discource.

If you accept that the bishops have a point, Rush did them a disservice. This is not how the Bishops wanted to frame this debate. Or the GOP for that matter.

But now this is how the debate is framed.

So I guess you're doing your job by fanning the flames..nice going

I think the sooner we tell the Bishops to sit down and STFU, the better off the whole world will be.

Any day religious Zealots lose, America wins.
The GOP has been so badly burned by this that they could either let it fade away or fight. Thing is, they need to be careful about their choice of the fight.

This "religious liberty" thing, I think, too vague to have any legs. Personally, I'd shove the Democrats' love for PC right down their throats and provide non-stop examples of the vicious name-calling the lefties do. This might be a good time to make some final decisions about whether Americans are allowed to speak their minds freely, or not.

But that's just me.


I don't think just because you CAN do a thing, that you should do a thing.

I have no problem with Rush being able to say whatever he wants. As long as there are people who want to hear that, that's fine.

I do have a problem with him saying that, because it lowered the level of the discource.

If you accept that the bishops have a point, Rush did them a disservice. This is not how the Bishops wanted to frame this debate. Or the GOP for that matter.

But now this is how the debate is framed.

I have to admit I don't know about the bishops or what they said. When I see a topic that includes religion, my mind tends to wander to more attractive things, like peanut butter and movies with lots of explosions.

Freedom of expression is a hot button issue with me, though. I agree with you, what Rush said was stupid. But the Left's response to it was intellectually dishonest and purely politically motivated. I'm freakin' sick of it, and I think the only way to purge the cancer that is Political Correctness (and I do mean "cancer") is to take it head on at every opportunity.

So I suspect we're talking about two different things. I would say unequivocally, however, that bishops are often very snappy dressers.

I don't think just because you CAN do a thing, that you should do a thing.

I have no problem with Rush being able to say whatever he wants. As long as there are people who want to hear that, that's fine.

I do have a problem with him saying that, because it lowered the level of the discource.

If you accept that the bishops have a point, Rush did them a disservice. This is not how the Bishops wanted to frame this debate. Or the GOP for that matter.

But now this is how the debate is framed.

So I guess you're doing your job by fanning the flames..nice going

I think the sooner we tell the Bishops to sit down and STFU, the better off the whole world will be.

Any day religious Zealots lose, America wins.

We've all seen this photo of OBL & Family @ age 15...

Kinda look like everyone else in the 70's, don't they? There must be a part of every middle-easterner who longs for the days before the fundies took everything over. Yet it seems that fundies taking over is exactly what a lot of the religious right in this country want to see happen.
I have to admit I don't know about the bishops or what they said. When I see a topic that includes religion, my mind tends to wander to more attractive things, like peanut butter and movies with lots of explosions.

Freedom of expression is a hot button issue with me, though. I agree with you, what Rush said was stupid. But the Left's response to it was intellectually dishonest and purely politically motivated. I'm freakin' sick of it, and I think the only way to purge the cancer that is Political Correctness (and I do mean "cancer") is to take it head on at every opportunity.

So I suspect we're talking about two different things. I would say unequivocally, however, that bishops are often very snappy dressers.


The ironic thing was, the Bishops were all for ObamaCare when they saw how much money was going to flow to Catholic Hospitals (the biggest money making part of the Scam, and it is a scam). Then they found out that there was a string attached

But the Church is hypocrtical. 96% of sexually active Catholic women practice some form of family planning, and the Pastors are not on the pulpit every Sunday screaming that they are "sluts" for doing so. It's something that happens with a nod and a wink.

Just like three people who've gotten married in my family in the last five years were living with their fiances well before the Church tied the knot, and the Church knew it. We don't approve, but we'll take your money. Or my dickweed uncle who got an annulment so he could get a trophy wife, and as long as you give the Chruch money, they are fine with it.

So the Church has a very thin reed to preach morality, given what they already tolerate.

Obama was nice enough to even offer them a face-saving way out of it by putting the requirement on the insurance companies. But they decided to pick a fight, and the GOP, which really should be talking about more important stuff like what a mess Obama's made of the economy, decided to jump right in.

So already picking the wrong hill to die on, along comes Rush with his "Slut Bomb".

Are the Dems taking advantage? Absolutely. That's politics, though. I have no love for political correctness. But you don't give your opponents ammunition, and this was the equivlent of the HIroshima bomb.
If it is wrong, it is wrong both directions, not just one way. If Rush is wrong, then Maher is doubley so, as there is some truth to the assertion of sluttiness to a woman whose contraception runs 3000 dollars a year.

Actually, it was $3000.00 over a four year college term, which is about $750.00 a year, which I'm guessing is about normal.

Maher attacking Palin is just attacking Palin. Limbaugh attacking Fluke is attacking all women.

What a bunch of rationalistic crap. :cuckoo:
If it is wrong, it is wrong both directions, not just one way. If Rush is wrong, then Maher is doubley so, as there is some truth to the assertion of sluttiness to a woman whose contraception runs 3000 dollars a year.

Actually, it was $3000.00 over a four year college term, which is about $750.00 a year, which I'm guessing is about normal.

Maher attacking Palin is just attacking Palin. Limbaugh attacking Fluke is attacking all women.

What a bunch of rationalistic crap. :cuckoo:

You hate rationalism? You hate logic?

Thinking about it rationally and looking at it through a lens of logic, one can see that Bill Maher has made Sarah Palin his target for a long... long time. Nearly every comedian on the left(and even those neutral) has... for she is a completely mockable character. Limbaugh on the other hand... he attacks this unknown woman and uses her to magnify his thoughts about all women who use contraceptives.

Sluts and prostitutes, yeah?
Actually, it was $3000.00 over a four year college term, which is about $750.00 a year, which I'm guessing is about normal.

Maher attacking Palin is just attacking Palin. Limbaugh attacking Fluke is attacking all women.

What a bunch of rationalistic crap. :cuckoo:

You hate rationalism? You hate logic?

Thinking about it rationally and looking at it through a lens of logic, one can see that Bill Maher has made Sarah Palin his target for a long... long time. Nearly every comedian on the left(and even those neutral) has... for she is a completely mockable character. Limbaugh on the other hand... he attacks this unknown woman and uses her to magnify his thoughts about all women who use contraceptives.

Sluts and prostitutes, yeah?
I believe, since you can't see it, you are just finding rationalizations to excuse unacceptable and abhorrent behavior while condemning another.

In other words, being a hypocrite.

In the same way "I'm disinclined to acquiesce to your request" means "no".
Maher is just another hatemongering partisan wanker, JUST LIKE Rush, only without nearly the same size audience.

They both work toward the SAME END GAME, kiddies.

To keep AMERICANS at each other's throats.

And this place proves how easy it is to do that, too,
If it is wrong, it is wrong both directions, not just one way. If Rush is wrong, then Maher is doubley so, as there is some truth to the assertion of sluttiness to a woman whose contraception runs 3000 dollars a year.

Actually, it was $3000.00 over a four year college term, which is about $750.00 a year, which I'm guessing is about normal.

Maher attacking Palin is just attacking Palin. Limbaugh attacking Fluke is attacking all women.

What a bunch of rationalistic crap. :cuckoo:


How is calling Palin the c-word insulting anyone but Palin?

Saying women who use birth control are "sluts" or "prostitutes" insults all women who use birth control (which is about 96% of sexually mature women.)

You know, there's a little concept of CONTEXT you guys are ignoring here.
Yup, instead of just condemning Rush and leaving it at that, which is what decent people should do, we have a chorus of trying to find liberals who said something as bad about someone else.

You do understand there's a difference between attacking a private citizen/college student, and attacking a public figure/politician, don't you guys?

Or do you just not care, you just want to defend Rush?

This is what a 5th grader does.

When Sandra Fluke held a press conference begging for free birth control pills, she became a public figure. She has since appeared on damned nearly every talk show in the liberal MSM.
so it's ok to call Palin a Cxxn because she is woman Representative of this country..

can you believe the justification for that one folks.?

Not saying it's "okay". I'm saying that as a political figure and office holder, she's gotten up on the national dunk tank of our politics and dared people to throw baseballs at her. So has Obama, for that matter. I see all sorts of awful things said about him, every day. I've said a few of them.

Ms. Fluke, someone no one has ever heard of before she testified in front of Congress and made them look like a bunch of idiots (not that this is a difficul thing to do), certainly does not deserve that kind of abuse.

More to the point, if this is an issue you actually care about. If you really think Men In Dresses should be able to tell the woman they hired to mop their fancy marble floors she can't have birth control as part of her compensation, then Rush has done you a true disservice.

Because no one is talking about that anymore and can't talk about it without someone playing a tape of him screaming that women who do that are sluts.

My sources say that Sandra Fluke did NOT testify in front of Congress. She held a press conference with several of her Democrat handlers present.

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