"Mom, Billy (Maher) did it, too!"

Yup, instead of just condemning Rush and leaving it at that, which is what decent people should do, we have a chorus of trying to find liberals who said something as bad about someone else.

You do understand there's a difference between attacking a private citizen/college student, and attacking a public figure/politician, don't you guys?

Or do you just not care, you just want to defend Rush?

This is what a 5th grader does.

Since Bill Maher is defending Limbaugh, that whole thing kind of blew up in the Right's face.

How so? Fluke has been exposed for what she is. A professional political activist. One more time Dems step in it trying to pull a "Winnifred in a Winnebago" moment. ETA: it was "patsy" the left played with Al Gore.

Since the Dems wanted to play this for all it's worth we've been able to find out that victimized co-ed heads a group that wants to make "abortion in America a human right using international law'.

And she is a serious legal advocate for this. And this organization actually targets Catholic hospitals as well.

No this has blown up in the Dems face.

Aside from all that, there is a war on and a good deal of the country is out of work and gas prices are about to go way up. and members of congress have time to address this freak ? So much more is wrong that there politicians can be dealing with . Blow up in there face it should, and I hope it does.
Maher is just another hatemongering partisan wanker, JUST LIKE Rush, only without nearly the same size audience.

They both work toward the SAME END GAME, kiddies.

To keep AMERICANS at each other's throats.

And this place proves how easy it is to do that, too,
Equivalency fail. By what standard to you use to make such an erroneous assumption? The fact they're both public figures? Or the fact that they both piss off people who they disagree with?

If this is your basis for equivalency, i say you've found only two small aspect shared by their audiences, not them. I'm curious to see this equivalency you find that excuses Maher and damns Rush.
The ones we should be worried about working to keep Americans at each others throats, is our ELECTED Government Representatives folks..

And this administration is doing a bang up job of it..

way to go you all who voted for it.
Actually, it was $3000.00 over a four year college term, which is about $750.00 a year, which I'm guessing is about normal.

Maher attacking Palin is just attacking Palin. Limbaugh attacking Fluke is attacking all women.

What a bunch of rationalistic crap. :cuckoo:


How is calling Palin the c-word insulting anyone but Palin?

Saying women who use birth control are "sluts" or "prostitutes" insults all women who use birth control (which is about 96% of sexually mature women.)

You know, there's a little concept of CONTEXT you guys are ignoring here.

When did he say that ? That all woman who use birth control were sluts ? The context thing is just stupid. More important things to deal with then this sluts birth control considering she can get it at very low cost or free. Its already starting to not be an issue.
When did he say that ? That all woman who use birth control were sluts ? The context thing is just stupid. More important things to deal with then this sluts birth control considering she can get it at very low cost or free. Its already starting to not be an issue.

Oh, quite the contrary. This has to be the dumbest move the GOP has made in a while.

First, let's review. The Bishops are not Conservative. They oppose most of what the GOP stands for, and they even helped Obama get ObamaCare passed to start with.

But when they found that there was this condition attached, they made an issue of it, and the GOP sided with them like a bunch of idiots hoping to troll for some votes.

Thing was, the voters were never on the Bishops' side on this. Even Most Catholics use brith control and are just fine with their insurance picking up the tab.

But then Rush had to totally step in it..

The Republican Coyote chews off three legs and is still caught in the trap.
When did he say that ? That all woman who use birth control were sluts ? The context thing is just stupid. More important things to deal with then this sluts birth control considering she can get it at very low cost or free. Its already starting to not be an issue.

Oh, quite the contrary. This has to be the dumbest move the GOP has made in a while.

First, let's review. The Bishops are not Conservative. They oppose most of what the GOP stands for, and they even helped Obama get ObamaCare passed to start with.

But when they found that there was this condition attached, they made an issue of it, and the GOP sided with them like a bunch of idiots hoping to troll for some votes.

Thing was, the voters were never on the Bishops' side on this. Even Most Catholics use brith control and are just fine with their insurance picking up the tab.

But then Rush had to totally step in it..

The Republican Coyote chews off three legs and is still caught in the trap.

Only the suckers. Remember who said this. The republican version of Howard stern or Bubba the love sponge. Fuck Rush, he is an idiot and GOP water boy just like Madow, Matthews and Mahr are for the DNC. The only opinions they will have any impact on are the ones who already know who they are voting for. The vast majority of the herd have no clue this is even an issue.
If the goal is to get Obama out of office, then really, this mess just set the GOP a little further back.

Women who might think their access to birth control would become a little harder to get under a GOP administration might have stayed home otherwise.

It was a dumb hill to fight on, is what I'm saying.

Incidently, I've listened to Rush, and 90% find him entertaining and he brings up isses that are relevent. This time he blew it. I've also watched Maher and find him amusing. Especially when he rips on religion. I think using the C-word against Palin or anyone is unacceptable.

The thing is, that Obama doesn't live in fear of the audience that Maher doesn't really have. Romney and Santorum live in fear of offending Rush's audience.
I caught a couple of moments of Bill Maher on his HBO show the other night.

I couldn't sit through his smirky, smug, sanctimonious bullshit.

He's a self-serving liar and he's really unfunny.

(I have seen him BE funny -- in the past. But his political philosophy is so totally fucked up and he's so bent and twisted over it, that when he tries to be funny on matters of politics, he can't do it. He just tosses off bombastic shit to the trained seals he calls an audience.)

If he ever starts being actually funny again, send up a flare.
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If the goal is to get Obama out of office, then really, this mess just set the GOP a little further back.

Women who might think their access to birth control would become a little harder to get under a GOP administration might have stayed home otherwise.

It was a dumb hill to fight on, is what I'm saying.

Incidentally, I've listened to Rush, and 90% find him entertaining and he brings up issues that are relevant. This time he blew it. I've also watched Maher and find him amusing. Especially when he rips on religion. I think using the C-word against Palin or anyone is unacceptable.

The thing is, that Obama doesn't live in fear of the audience that Maher doesn't really have. Romney and Santorum live in fear of offending Rush's audience.

This MADE UP MESS isn't going to do a DAMN thing..except strengthen the people and their views on how this administration plays games and is still going against the will of the people..
If the goal is to get Obama out of office, then really, this mess just set the GOP a little further back.

Women who might think their access to birth control would become a little harder to get under a GOP administration might have stayed home otherwise.

It was a dumb hill to fight on, is what I'm saying.

Incidently, I've listened to Rush, and 90% find him entertaining and he brings up isses that are relevent. This time he blew it. I've also watched Maher and find him amusing. Especially when he rips on religion. I think using the C-word against Palin or anyone is unacceptable.

The thing is, that Obama doesn't live in fear of the audience that Maher doesn't really have. Romney and Santorum live in fear of offending Rush's audience.

90% of HIS audience find him entertaining, and the issues he speaks on relevant. He is (was) the bad guy of the hour, its already starting to blow over. Obama is already doing badly because he is a shitty president. If he holds Fluke up as the victim that he is fighting for she will be one more reason why he lost. This is a non-issue, the commentary of Fluke has already been debunked. Thats why it has been reduced to fodder for talk radio and message boards.
Maher is just another hatemongering partisan wanker, JUST LIKE Rush, only without nearly the same size audience.

They both work toward the SAME END GAME, kiddies.

To keep AMERICANS at each other's throats.

And this place proves how easy it is to do that, too,

Their end game is a laughable conclusion. They play to the audience for the dollars.

This divide starts in Washington.

Your playing nice has us 15 trillion in debt set to go much much higher.
Yup, instead of just condemning Rush and leaving it at that, which is what decent people should do, we have a chorus of trying to find liberals who said something as bad about someone else.

You do understand there's a difference between attacking a private citizen/college student, and attacking a public figure/politician, don't you guys?

Or do you just not care, you just want to defend Rush?

This is what a 5th grader does.

She testifies before congress....she's a public person now... :eusa_whistle:

no. at most she's a limited public figure. and you wouldn't need actual malice to be liable for defaming her.

thanks for playing. anything so you can call a woman who's not a rightwingnut a slut. common affliction of rightwingnut males with small genitalia as evidenced by so many of you on this board.


she is a 'limited' public figure? what is the definition of a 'limited' public figure...:eusa_eh: anything that provides the person a forum and advertisement for a cause you approve of, yet protects them from questioning or background revelations that may reveal her or him as they are, advocates?

she was set up as a ringer from day one, the plan was to set her up as a victim speaking for other victims, but there is no there there. For $9 shes taken care of.

She is far from some housewife with 5 kids who doesn't want to get pregnant again or some low income mom/single who is afraid to, she's an advocate, period and they gave her a platform, she took it and ran wiht it.
Now shes in the public eye and she certainly has not been shy, shes been on how many shows and forums? As a sdie note- I'd be interested in knowing how a poor student who cannot afford 1K a year flys cross country to vacation and still finds time to study and get things done.

Maybe she should have taken a job so as to collect that 3k she feloniously purports to need for birth control.

The issue was an edict that would remove the ability of religious institutions from operating within the doctrine they espouse.

This is all a smoke screen and hey, credit where its due, I give the dems props, they played this well, rush the idiot notwithstanding and the usual MSM 5th column sppt. they made an issue from smoke....:clap2:

common affliction of rightwingnut males with small genitalia as evidenced by so many of you on this board.

wipe your chin, your drooling again.....
I like Maher, but that notwithstanding 'fucking asshole' is probably an apt description of him. :dunno:

As you say he has a double standard, I hope you understand and hold him harmless for not coming to Sawah's defense. She is and has been one of the sleaziest of his critics, what in the world would obligate or incline him to come to her defense?

He went after rush, but not maher for making sleazy remarks degrading to women. Makes Obama a hack at best and a whore at worst.

I think that position is a product of something you determined ahead of time.

1. "****" is just an all-purpose pejorative. I don't know what specifically made Maher call Sarah one but I think the word describes her to a tee. I'm sure you don't agree but surely you can see why her political enemies would. And it's figurative; He wasn't literally saying she was, in her entirety, a biological vagina. Fluke on the other hand was literally called a prostitute; One who exchanges sexual favors for money; For her OUTRAGEOUS position that health insurance companies should be required to cover contraceptives? :eusa_eh:

2. Sorry, but there are few human beings on earth who have shown the vitriol, the bile, the hatred, the absolutely irrational malevolence to our POTUS as Sawah Bawwacuda; All to score political points and make MONEY! If I were Obama, I wouldn't take 30 seconds out of my day to save her life.

I don't know what specifically made Maher call Sarah one but I think the word describes her to a tee.

ok, so what is a 'cun!' in this context, that you apparently approve of. :eusa_eh:
90% of HIS audience find him entertaining, and the issues he speaks on relevant. He is (was) the bad guy of the hour, its already starting to blow over. Obama is already doing badly because he is a shitty president. If he holds Fluke up as the victim that he is fighting for she will be one more reason why he lost. This is a non-issue, the commentary of Fluke has already been debunked. Thats why it has been reduced to fodder for talk radio and message boards.

I give Obama a 90% chance of being re-elected.

Not because he's a good president, but because demographically, he has the right support.

The GOP walked into a door on this one. Absolutely.
90% of HIS audience find him entertaining, and the issues he speaks on relevant. He is (was) the bad guy of the hour, its already starting to blow over. Obama is already doing badly because he is a shitty president. If he holds Fluke up as the victim that he is fighting for she will be one more reason why he lost. This is a non-issue, the commentary of Fluke has already been debunked. Thats why it has been reduced to fodder for talk radio and message boards.

I give Obama a 90% chance of being re-elected.

Not because he's a good president, but because demographically, he has the right support.

The GOP walked into a door on this one. Absolutely.
I'd put it more at his approval rating... between 44 and 53% and dropping fast.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval
The very sad fact is that this utterly inept and dangerously misguided President COULD, despite his massive record of nearly total FAIL, manage to win re-election.

On the other hand, the odds of it are still not even remotely near 90%. In truth, the race is a whole lot closer. In fact, if one looks at current polls (see Drudge today, for example: [ DRUDGE REPORT 2012® ] and takes the polls seriously, right at this moment the "FAIL in Chief" is heading for a fall. Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™
If it is wrong, it is wrong both directions, not just one way. If Rush is wrong, then Maher is doubley so, as there is some truth to the assertion of sluttiness to a woman whose contraception runs 3000 dollars a year.

What? She said $3000 over three years.

Just seeing a GP with normal annual check ups, tests and minor in-office procedures such as blood tests can run $1000 a year. And that doesn't include prescriptions. Specialists such as OB/GYNs charge more than a GP. What country are you talking about? Certainly not the U.S.
90% of HIS audience find him entertaining, and the issues he speaks on relevant. He is (was) the bad guy of the hour, its already starting to blow over. Obama is already doing badly because he is a shitty president. If he holds Fluke up as the victim that he is fighting for she will be one more reason why he lost. This is a non-issue, the commentary of Fluke has already been debunked. Thats why it has been reduced to fodder for talk radio and message boards.

I give Obama a 90% chance of being re-elected.

Not because he's a good president, but because demographically, he has the right support.

The GOP walked into a door on this one. Absolutely.

They walked into a closed door, you mean.

Never have I seen a more bumbling bunch of ill-informed idiots (except for Ron Paul) on a stage, unless I dial back to August 2008 and Sarah Barracuda took the mic and threw her pregnant, unmarried teenage daughter under the bus and bounced her Downs baby on her hip....Guess it was worth it. Bristol Palin turns out to be just as big a media whore as her mama.
I'd put it more at his approval rating... between 44 and 53% and dropping fast.

RealClearPolitics - Election Other - President Obama Job Approval

So they never taught you how to read a graph in Home Skule?

Obama's gone up from a low point of 42% approval in October to a 49% approval rating now.

Meanwhile, Romney's negatives are higher than his positives.

you do realize that media polls are, by and large, not very good...right?

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