Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound

Pro-choice advocates want it to be the woman's choice, not the state's.

You mean the woman's choice to kill the baby.

An embryo/fetus is not a 'baby.'

Yes, it is life. You're wrong

in your view. life exists on a continuum from two cells to birth. you don't get to decide what that is.

the ONLY question is when the governmental interest exceeds our own

and that's been settled for a long time.

notwithstanding yet another fraudulent article in life news.

It's a scientific fact that from 2 cells to birth that's an individual human being, unique in all respects and genetically complete from the moment of conception.

Have a problem with that? Argue with the sciences of Genetics, Taxonomy, Human Physiology, Biology, etc.

A is A.

a flower is alive. that doesn't mean it is entitled to governmental protection.

an embryo is not a baby.

if YOU have a problem with that, don't have an abortion.

and do stop interfering with women's constitutional rights.

you wackos have a nervous breakdown if someone tells you you can't buy a 30 oz soda but think the government should interfere in our personal decisions as long as it enforces your religious dogma.

tough. get over it.
‘I saw little arms, little legs, and a head!’: Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound

Imagine that. The baby killers don't want women to be made to see the HUMAN BEING they are killing when having an abortion.

Religious extremist white males should get out of women's personal decisions.

Not the life ewes is. Credible source.

If you don't want an abortion don't have one.

Leave everyone else alone.

If you can't afford kids, don't have them. Get out of my wallet. If you can't feed your own kids, don't have them. If you have them and can't feed them, either find some bleeding heart, good luck, or do without, tough shit.

so you force someone to have a kid they can't afford? and then say screw them let them live in poverty, wacko?

how about we stop paying for your viagra.

again, radial religious rightwing men should get out of women's business. you wackos haven't been able to tolerate, since the '60's, women not needing you to make their decisions for them... not need men to control them, not need men to own them by not letting women control their own bodies

make your own decisions.

btw, you're disgusting and immoral. what did women do to you that you hate them so much?

or is it that men aren't allowed to beat women into submission anymore that you resent?

Anyone that would allow a woman to make a choice then demand someone else pay for it is disgusting and immoral.

I love women. I hate irresponsible bitches like you.

Another example of why radical conservatives are considered batshit crazy
"Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound"

And as usual most conservatives miss the point.

The right to privacy concerns the right to make personal decisions absent unwarranted interference from the state; that includes the decision to have an abortion, or to not have an abortion, where the decision to have an abortion is just as appropriate as deciding not to.

Moreover, this anecdotal account is in no way 'justification' to mandate through force of law that a woman view an ultrasound as a condition of exercising her right to privacy; indeed, such mandates have been permanently enjoined in two states.
Liberals always justify murder and demand the law allow them to council in favor of abortion but not allow space for alternative counciling. All the while demanding $500 million from taxpayers.

If mandating background checks on gun sales isn't a violation of a right to own guns, as Liberals claim, then mandating an ultrasound isn't violating some court decision of whether or not she can have an abortion.
Point well taken. More hypocrisy of the left. That's shy when we talke back power, we implement these regulation regardless of what they want.

Nope. Hypocrisy is saying one thing but thinking something else. I say that women should have the right to make their own reproductive choices. And I think the exact same thing.
And we expect a ultrasound first. Perfect compromise and fair to the baby whose life may be terminated.

A perfect comprimise would be leaving medical decisions to the woman and her doctor. Not forcing non-necessary medical procedures on women because you don't like that they get to make the choice for themselves.
"Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound"

And as usual most conservatives miss the point.

The right to privacy concerns the right to make personal decisions absent unwarranted interference from the state; that includes the decision to have an abortion, or to not have an abortion, where the decision to have an abortion is just as appropriate as deciding not to.

Moreover, this anecdotal account is in no way 'justification' to mandate through force of law that a woman view an ultrasound as a condition of exercising her right to privacy; indeed, such mandates have been permanently enjoined in two states.
No she doesn't. The State has the obligation to impose safe medical practices.
‘I saw little arms, little legs, and a head!’: Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound

Imagine that. The baby killers don't want women to be made to see the HUMAN BEING they are killing when having an abortion.

Religious extremist white males should get out of women's personal decisions.

Not the life ewes is. Credible source.

If you don't want an abortion don't have one.

Leave everyone else alone.

If you can't afford kids, don't have them. Get out of my wallet. If you can't feed your own kids, don't have them. If you have them and can't feed them, either find some bleeding heart, good luck, or do without, tough shit.

so you force someone to have a kid they can't afford? and then say screw them let them live in poverty, wacko?

how about we stop paying for your viagra.

again, radial religious rightwing men should get out of women's business. you wackos haven't been able to tolerate, since the '60's, women not needing you to make their decisions for them... not need men to control them, not need men to own them by not letting women control their own bodies

make your own decisions.

No one is forcing them. As of TODAY, there is an option. If the woman has the kid, it was her choice. You make it out as if someone forced them to have a kid they couldn't support. Retard.

I don't use viagra.

that doesn't mean you should be allowed to harass women when they go for medical care as if they hadn't already agonized over their decision.

your so-called "pro-life" terrorists, really don't care much about life. you're pro birth. that way you keep women from exercising dominion over their own bodies.

the rabid right likes bullying women, so of course you have to stalk and abuse women and bully them to try to keep them from exercising their rights to make their own decisions.
"Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound"

And as usual most conservatives miss the point.

The right to privacy concerns the right to make personal decisions absent unwarranted interference from the state; that includes the decision to have an abortion, or to not have an abortion, where the decision to have an abortion is just as appropriate as deciding not to.

Moreover, this anecdotal account is in no way 'justification' to mandate through force of law that a woman view an ultrasound as a condition of exercising her right to privacy; indeed, such mandates have been permanently enjoined in two states.
No she doesn't. The State has the obligation to impose safe medical practices.

If safe medical practices was the standard, then the decision would be left to medical professionals. But even when its medically unnecessary, its forced on women anyway. And that the *woman* view the ultrasound has nothing to do with 'medical safety'.
Liberals always justify murder and demand the law allow them to council in favor of abortion but not allow space for alternative counciling. All the while demanding $500 million from taxpayers.

This is, after all, the same ideology that thinks that Bruce Jenner is a woman.

Modern liberalism is the result of abandoning morality and reason to embrace madness and evil.
Liberals always justify murder and demand the law allow them to council in favor of abortion but not allow space for alternative counciling. All the while demanding $500 million from taxpayers.

This is, after all, the same ideology that thinks that Bruce Jenner is a woman.

Modern liberalism is the result of abandoning morality and reason to embrace madness and evil.

With 'morality' being you making choices on a woman's reproduction rather than the woman herself?

I don't think the word means what you think it means. As stripping women of their rights isn't a matter of morality.
"Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound"

And as usual most conservatives miss the point.

The right to privacy concerns the right to make personal decisions absent unwarranted interference from the state; that includes the decision to have an abortion, or to not have an abortion, where the decision to have an abortion is just as appropriate as deciding not to.

Moreover, this anecdotal account is in no way 'justification' to mandate through force of law that a woman view an ultrasound as a condition of exercising her right to privacy; indeed, such mandates have been permanently enjoined in two states.
Liberals always justify murder and demand the law allow them to council in favor of abortion but not allow space for alternative counciling. All the while demanding $500 million from taxpayers.

If mandating background checks on gun sales isn't a violation of a right to own guns, as Liberals claim, then mandating an ultrasound isn't violating some court decision of whether or not she can have an abortion.
Point well taken. More hypocrisy of the left. That's shy when we talke back power, we implement these regulation regardless of what they want.

Nope. Hypocrisy is saying one thing but thinking something else. I say that women should have the right to make their own reproductive choices. And I think the exact same thing.
And we expect a ultrasound first. Perfect compromise and fair to the baby whose life may be terminated.

it is medically unnecessary and intended to humiliate and abuse women.

i don't know who this "we" is, btw,.... you speak only for yourself. and you have no say in what women do. so no one cares what you think.

i think you should have to get an education. but that's my opinion and i can't force you to learn things.
Pro-choice advocates want it to be the woman's choice, not the state's.

You mean the woman's choice to kill the baby.

An embryo/fetus is not a 'baby.'

Yes, it is life. You're wrong

in your view. life exists on a continuum from two cells to birth. you don't get to decide what that is.

the ONLY question is when the governmental interest exceeds our own

and that's been settled for a long time.

notwithstanding yet another fraudulent article in life news.

It's a scientific fact that from 2 cells to birth that's an individual human being, unique in all respects and genetically complete from the moment of conception.

Have a problem with that? Argue with the sciences of Genetics, Taxonomy, Human Physiology, Biology, etc.

A is A.
Do you advocate that anyone killing those two cells go to prison?

You want to send 17 year old girls to prison?
You mean the woman's choice to kill the baby.

An embryo/fetus is not a 'baby.'

Yes, it is life. You're wrong

in your view. life exists on a continuum from two cells to birth. you don't get to decide what that is.

the ONLY question is when the governmental interest exceeds our own

and that's been settled for a long time.

notwithstanding yet another fraudulent article in life news.

It's a scientific fact that from 2 cells to birth that's an individual human being, unique in all respects and genetically complete from the moment of conception.

Have a problem with that? Argue with the sciences of Genetics, Taxonomy, Human Physiology, Biology, etc.

A is A.

a flower is alive. that doesn't mean it is entitled to governmental protection.

an embryo is not a baby.

if YOU have a problem with that, don't have an abortion.

and do stop interfering with women's constitutional rights.

you wackos have a nervous breakdown if someone tells you you can't buy a 30 oz soda but think the government should interfere in our personal decisions as long as it enforces your religious dogma.

tough. get over it.
It's a human being. Has nothing to do with religion.

Pure scientific fact. You're the one using sophistry to try and justify the decision to kill them.

By denying constitutional rights to some human beings, you diminish the rights of all.

A is A.
‘I saw little arms, little legs, and a head!’: Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound

Imagine that. The baby killers don't want women to be made to see the HUMAN BEING they are killing when having an abortion.

Religious extremist white males should get out of women's personal decisions.

Not the life ewes is. Credible source.

If you don't want an abortion don't have one.

Leave everyone else alone.

If you can't afford kids, don't have them. Get out of my wallet. If you can't feed your own kids, don't have them. If you have them and can't feed them, either find some bleeding heart, good luck, or do without, tough shit.

so you force someone to have a kid they can't afford? and then say screw them let them live in poverty, wacko?

how about we stop paying for your viagra.

again, radial religious rightwing men should get out of women's business. you wackos haven't been able to tolerate, since the '60's, women not needing you to make their decisions for them... not need men to control them, not need men to own them by not letting women control their own bodies

make your own decisions.

btw, you're disgusting and immoral. what did women do to you that you hate them so much?

or is it that men aren't allowed to beat women into submission anymore that you resent?

Anyone that would allow a woman to make a choice then demand someone else pay for it is disgusting and immoral.

I love women. I hate irresponsible bitches like you.

Another example of why radical conservatives are considered batshit crazy
You're the batshit crazy one rightwinger being against people who don't want to pay for yours and others fuckups.
Religious extremist white males should get out of women's personal decisions.

Not the life ewes is. Credible source.

If you don't want an abortion don't have one.

Leave everyone else alone.

If you can't afford kids, don't have them. Get out of my wallet. If you can't feed your own kids, don't have them. If you have them and can't feed them, either find some bleeding heart, good luck, or do without, tough shit.

so you force someone to have a kid they can't afford? and then say screw them let them live in poverty, wacko?

how about we stop paying for your viagra.

again, radial religious rightwing men should get out of women's business. you wackos haven't been able to tolerate, since the '60's, women not needing you to make their decisions for them... not need men to control them, not need men to own them by not letting women control their own bodies

make your own decisions.

btw, you're disgusting and immoral. what did women do to you that you hate them so much?

or is it that men aren't allowed to beat women into submission anymore that you resent?

Anyone that would allow a woman to make a choice then demand someone else pay for it is disgusting and immoral.

I love women. I hate irresponsible bitches like you.

Another example of why radical conservatives are considered batshit crazy
You're the batshit crazy one rightwinger being against people who don't want to pay for yours and others fuckups.
And by 'pay for other people's fuck ups' mean feed hungry children?

Your argument is literally that its batshit crazy to feed hungry children.

We'll have to agree to disagree on that one.
Liberals always justify murder and demand the law allow them to council in favor of abortion but not allow space for alternative counciling. All the while demanding $500 million from taxpayers.

If mandating background checks on gun sales isn't a violation of a right to own guns, as Liberals claim, then mandating an ultrasound isn't violating some court decision of whether or not she can have an abortion.
Point well taken. More hypocrisy of the left. That's shy when we talke back power, we implement these regulation regardless of what they want.

Nope. Hypocrisy is saying one thing but thinking something else. I say that women should have the right to make their own reproductive choices. And I think the exact same thing.
And we expect a ultrasound first. Perfect compromise and fair to the baby whose life may be terminated.

A perfect comprimise would be leaving medical decisions to the woman and her doctor. Not forcing non-necessary medical procedures on women because you don't like that they get to make the choice for themselves.
They get to make the final choice. It is in her interest it is an informed choice. Can't do that without an ultrasound.
If mandating background checks on gun sales isn't a violation of a right to own guns, as Liberals claim, then mandating an ultrasound isn't violating some court decision of whether or not she can have an abortion.
Point well taken. More hypocrisy of the left. That's shy when we talke back power, we implement these regulation regardless of what they want.

Nope. Hypocrisy is saying one thing but thinking something else. I say that women should have the right to make their own reproductive choices. And I think the exact same thing.
And we expect a ultrasound first. Perfect compromise and fair to the baby whose life may be terminated.

A perfect comprimise would be leaving medical decisions to the woman and her doctor. Not forcing non-necessary medical procedures on women because you don't like that they get to make the choice for themselves.
They get to make the final choice. It is in her interest it is an informed choice. Can't do that without an ultrasound.

Forcing a woman to undergo a medically unnecessary procedure has nothing to do with 'medical safety'. Forcing a woman to look at an ultrasound has nothing to do with 'medical safety'.

It has everything to do with harassing and humiliating women.
You mean the woman's choice to kill the baby.

An embryo/fetus is not a 'baby.'

Yes, it is life. You're wrong

in your view. life exists on a continuum from two cells to birth. you don't get to decide what that is.

the ONLY question is when the governmental interest exceeds our own

and that's been settled for a long time.

notwithstanding yet another fraudulent article in life news.

It's a scientific fact that from 2 cells to birth that's an individual human being, unique in all respects and genetically complete from the moment of conception.

Have a problem with that? Argue with the sciences of Genetics, Taxonomy, Human Physiology, Biology, etc.

A is A.
Do you advocate that anyone killing those two cells go to prison?

You want to send 17 year old girls to prison?

Do you support sending people to prison who knowingly kill a human being?

Scientific fact....human being, separate and unique in all aspects. Not being disputed if you'll notice by anyone, as it's indisputable. A is A.

Note....I haven't said once it shouldn't be legal. Take a few moments and peruse the comments to confirm this.

What I have said, and will say, and is the only honest thing TO say....because it's the truth. Not my truth, not A truth, scientifically proven truth.

Be honest about what the choice is. That choice is death for a human being, her child.

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