Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound

If we force her to not abort the child then we kick I. As taxpayers and give her assistance. This is an easy one. Pro life doesn't end at birth.

Whose forcing her to have a kid? There is a choice available. If she chooses to have it, why is it someone else's responsibility to pay for a choice she said was none of our business?

Because we agree that feeding hungry children is our responsibility.

Remember, the tax money is ours. Not yours.

We're not giving her assistance, we're forced to fund a choice she told us was none of our business. Personal responsibility doesn't end when the choice is made.

We've *agreed* to feed a hungry child. That you don't want to is irrelevant. As we make the rules. Not you.

Deal with it.
Then it's a woman's responsibility. Glad to see you agree that the taxpayers shouldn't be required to support a woman's kid she chose to have. When should my taxes go down?

I find the antiabortion crowd to be hypocrites in doing everything they can to block a woman from having an abortion and then bitching that they have to help support it if she decides to keep it

As of January 24, 2016, a woman can have an abortion. If she has kids, that's a choice on the same level as having an abortion. It's not blocked as of today. That means, as of TODFAY, I don't owe her children support. In fact, since 1973 when it was made legal, no one owes any children a woman has support. It was her choice because she had an option. That's what you morons don't get. You say we should still support something because abortion is still legal.
What crime have the children committed?

What crime have mine committed that makes me responsible for supporting kids that aren't mine. Every dime that I have less to go to mine because of that takes from them. Now, retards like Bernie Sanders think taxpayers like me should fund college for them. Don't owe them that either. I don't someone else's kids a damn thing and crime has nothing to do with it. The woman made the choice to have them as of today with an option of abortion. If she chose, she pays.
Guess what?

You belong to a society, our society takes care of the less fortunate

What else would you expect from the wealthiest nation on earth?[/QUOTE}

The society argument is bullshit. If belonging to society means being responsible, that applies to everyone including those who make choices with their bodies.

I would expect those who make choices to pay for them. Society doesn't owe someone an easier way because the choices they made were bad.
‘I saw little arms, little legs, and a head!’: Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound

Imagine that. The baby killers don't want women to be made to see the HUMAN BEING they are killing when having an abortion.

Religious extremist white males should get out of women's personal decisions.

Not the life news is a cedible source.

If you don't want an abortion don't have one.

Leave everyone else alone. and worry about children AFTER they're born, not in utero.
Its interesting
The 'bitch', huh? You mean the new mother? The one so poor she needs help to feed herself and her child?

Apparently you're taking Christ's admonition of 'Suffer little children' a little too literally.

Except that it isn't. Its *ours*. We make the decision. Not you alone. And we've disagreed with you. And since we have way more power than you do, we get to make these decisions on where tax money is the money is ours.

But tell us again how little children should starve and die on coat hangers so there will be 'less to feed'. Just so I can get the conservative perspective on the matter.

She becomes a bitch the moment she demands someone else fund the results of a choice she said was none of their business.

We're not letting children starve because you don't get to tell women what they can do with their own bodies.

Its a false dichotomy. There are many other choices. For example, give a woman the freedom to make her own choices. AND feed hungry children.

That's the choice we've made. We weren't limited to the two you gave us.

See how that works?

It's not you. It's all those you want to be responsible because some bitch chose to have kids she can't afford. That you would fund the results of a choice someone told you was none of your business proves you're an idiot.

Like I said, I'd let you starve and watch.

Of course you would. You'd probably enjoy it. As you're locked into a fallacy of false dichotomy. Where either you get to tell all women how they can use their own bodies or let children starve to death.

But here's the flaw in your reasoning: you're nobody.

And just because you've crippled yourself with your false dichotomy doesn't mean that we're similarly obligated to do the same. We have *way* more choices than the two you've allowed yourself.

And we make the rules. Not you. See how that works?

There is no false dichotomy.

its absolutely false. As we have *way* more choices than the two you've offered us. As demonstrated by both a woman's right to chose AND state funding to feed kids.

Something you insist can't happen. As those choices are mutually exclusive according to you. But as reality demonstrates, they're obviously not. We can do both.

Which, of course, we do.
If we force her to not abort the child then we kick I. As taxpayers and give her assistance. This is an easy one. Pro life doesn't end at birth.

Whose forcing her to have a kid? There is a choice available. If she chooses to have it, why is it someone else's responsibility to pay for a choice she said was none of our business?

Because we agree that feeding hungry children is our responsibility.

Remember, the tax money is ours. Not yours.

We're not giving her assistance, we're forced to fund a choice she told us was none of our business. Personal responsibility doesn't end when the choice is made.

We've *agreed* to feed a hungry child. That you don't want to is irrelevant. As we make the rules. Not you.

Deal with it.

You've agreed to pay for someone else's mistakes. The problem is you did it with money that doesn't belong to you.

I've offered once and will do it again. If you think mine belongs to you to decide, come try and get it. You won't like the answer. Guaranteed and you won't have a choice in the matter nor will you be able to deal with it. When ya coming?
‘I saw little arms, little legs, and a head!’: Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound

Imagine that. The baby killers don't want women to be made to see the HUMAN BEING they are killing when having an abortion.

Religious extremist white males should get out of women's personal decisions.

Not the life ewes is. Credible source.

If you don't want an abortion don't have one.

Leave everyone else alone.

If you can't afford kids, don't have them. Get out of my wallet. If you can't feed your own kids, don't have them. If you have them and can't feed them, either find some bleeding heart, good luck, or do without, tough shit.
If we force her to not abort the child then we kick I. As taxpayers and give her assistance. This is an easy one. Pro life doesn't end at birth.

Whose forcing her to have a kid? There is a choice available. If she chooses to have it, why is it someone else's responsibility to pay for a choice she said was none of our business?

Because we agree that feeding hungry children is our responsibility.

Remember, the tax money is ours. Not yours.

We're not giving her assistance, we're forced to fund a choice she told us was none of our business. Personal responsibility doesn't end when the choice is made.

We've *agreed* to feed a hungry child. That you don't want to is irrelevant. As we make the rules. Not you.

Deal with it.

You've agreed to pay for someone else's mistakes. The problem is you did it with money that doesn't belong to you.

I've offered once and will do it again. If you think mine belongs to you to decide, come try and get it. You won't like the answer. Guaranteed and you won't have a choice in the matter nor will you be able to deal with it. When ya coming?

and we paid for the radical right's mistakes and are still paying for them in the middle east.

get over it.
If we force her to not abort the child then we kick I. As taxpayers and give her assistance. This is an easy one. Pro life doesn't end at birth.

Whose forcing her to have a kid? There is a choice available. If she chooses to have it, why is it someone else's responsibility to pay for a choice she said was none of our business?

Because we agree that feeding hungry children is our responsibility.

Remember, the tax money is ours. Not yours.

We're not giving her assistance, we're forced to fund a choice she told us was none of our business. Personal responsibility doesn't end when the choice is made.

We've *agreed* to feed a hungry child. That you don't want to is irrelevant. As we make the rules. Not you.

Deal with it.

You've agreed to pay for someone else's mistakes.

We have agreed to feed a hungry child. Remember, we made the decisions. Not you. We decide the tax rates. We decide how the money is spent.

Not you. As the money is ours. Not yours.

See how that works?

The problem is you did it with money that doesn't belong to you.

Says who? Who says that tax money doesn't belong to the State?

Is this another one of those Sovereign Citizen horseshit 'taxation is theft' arguments? If so, just tell us upfront rather than making us draw it out of you one grudging step at a time.
She becomes a bitch the moment she demands someone else fund the results of a choice she said was none of their business.

We're not letting children starve because you don't get to tell women what they can do with their own bodies.

Its a false dichotomy. There are many other choices. For example, give a woman the freedom to make her own choices. AND feed hungry children.

That's the choice we've made. We weren't limited to the two you gave us.

See how that works?

It's not you. It's all those you want to be responsible because some bitch chose to have kids she can't afford. That you would fund the results of a choice someone told you was none of your business proves you're an idiot.

Like I said, I'd let you starve and watch.

Of course you would. You'd probably enjoy it. As you're locked into a fallacy of false dichotomy. Where either you get to tell all women how they can use their own bodies or let children starve to death.

But here's the flaw in your reasoning: you're nobody.

And just because you've crippled yourself with your false dichotomy doesn't mean that we're similarly obligated to do the same. We have *way* more choices than the two you've allowed yourself.

And we make the rules. Not you. See how that works?

There is no false dichotomy.

its absolutely false. As we have *way* more choices than the two you've offered us. As demonstrated by both a woman's right to chose AND state funding to feed kids.

Something you insist can't happen. As those choices are mutually exclusive according to you. But as reality demonstrates, they're obviously not. We can do both.

Which, of course, we do.

The state isn't funding it. You said so yourself when you used the word taxpayers.

Since you don't pay the taxes that do it, you don't do shit. You sound like the typical white trash or ****** mother who demands someone else support her little bastards.
If we force her to not abort the child then we kick I. As taxpayers and give her assistance. This is an easy one. Pro life doesn't end at birth.

Whose forcing her to have a kid? There is a choice available. If she chooses to have it, why is it someone else's responsibility to pay for a choice she said was none of our business?

Because we agree that feeding hungry children is our responsibility.

Remember, the tax money is ours. Not yours.

We're not giving her assistance, we're forced to fund a choice she told us was none of our business. Personal responsibility doesn't end when the choice is made.

We've *agreed* to feed a hungry child. That you don't want to is irrelevant. As we make the rules. Not you.

Deal with it.

You've agreed to pay for someone else's mistakes. The problem is you did it with money that doesn't belong to you.

I've offered once and will do it again. If you think mine belongs to you to decide, come try and get it. You won't like the answer. Guaranteed and you won't have a choice in the matter nor will you be able to deal with it. When ya coming?

and we paid for the radical right's mistakes and are still paying for them in the middle east.

get over it.

You mean the ones many Democrats supported and for which there is a Constitutional delegated authority to do so. So much for the left's claim to support the Constitution. You want to lessen things in it and increase things that aren't.
‘I saw little arms, little legs, and a head!’: Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound

Imagine that. The baby killers don't want women to be made to see the HUMAN BEING they are killing when having an abortion.

Religious extremist white males should get out of women's personal decisions.

Not the life ewes is. Credible source.

If you don't want an abortion don't have one.

Leave everyone else alone.

If you can't afford kids, don't have them. Get out of my wallet. If you can't feed your own kids, don't have them. If you have them and can't feed them, either find some bleeding heart, good luck, or do without, tough shit.

so you force someone to have a kid they can't afford? and then say screw them let them live in poverty, wacko?

how about we stop paying for your viagra.

again, radical religious rightwing men should get out of women's business. you haven't been able to tolerate, since the '60's, women not needing you to make their decisions for them... not needing men to control them, not needing men to own them by not letting women control their own bodies

make your own decisions.

btw, you're disgusting and immoral. what did women do to you that you hate them so much?

or is it that men aren't allowed to beat women into submission anymore that you resent?
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If we force her to not abort the child then we kick I. As taxpayers and give her assistance. This is an easy one. Pro life doesn't end at birth.

Whose forcing her to have a kid? There is a choice available. If she chooses to have it, why is it someone else's responsibility to pay for a choice she said was none of our business?

Because we agree that feeding hungry children is our responsibility.

Remember, the tax money is ours. Not yours.

We're not giving her assistance, we're forced to fund a choice she told us was none of our business. Personal responsibility doesn't end when the choice is made.

We've *agreed* to feed a hungry child. That you don't want to is irrelevant. As we make the rules. Not you.

Deal with it.

You've agreed to pay for someone else's mistakes.

We have agreed to feed a hungry child. Remember, we made the decisions. Not you. We decide the tax rates. We decide how the money is spent.

Not you. As the money is ours. Not yours.

See how that works?

The problem is you did it with money that doesn't belong to you.

Says who? Who says that tax money doesn't belong to the State?

Is this another one of those Sovereign Citizen horseshit 'taxation is theft' arguments? If so, just tell us upfront rather than making us draw it out of you one grudging step at a time.

If the money is yours, come get it pussy. Don't have the guts? Didn't think so.

We can't agree to do something when all of us aren't doing it. You don't pay the taxes that fund the programs you demand be given to bitches having bastards they can't afford. You aren't part of the we. You think you are but you aren't. Deal with it.
‘I saw little arms, little legs, and a head!’: Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound Imagine that. The baby killers don't want women to be made to see the HUMAN BEING they are killing when having an abortion.
Pro-choice advocates want it to be the woman's choice, not the state's.

You mean the woman's choice to kill the baby.

An embryo/fetus is not a 'baby.'

Yes, it is life. You're wrong
‘I saw little arms, little legs, and a head!’: Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound

Imagine that. The baby killers don't want women to be made to see the HUMAN BEING they are killing when having an abortion.

Religious extremist white males should get out of women's personal decisions.

Not the life ewes is. Credible source.

If you don't want an abortion don't have one.

Leave everyone else alone.

If you can't afford kids, don't have them. Get out of my wallet. If you can't feed your own kids, don't have them. If you have them and can't feed them, either find some bleeding heart, good luck, or do without, tough shit.

so you force someone to have a kid they can't afford? and then say screw them let them live in poverty, wacko?

how about we stop paying for your viagra.

again, radial religious rightwing men should get out of women's business. you wackos haven't been able to tolerate, since the '60's, women not needing you to make their decisions for them... not need men to control them, not need men to own them by not letting women control their own bodies

make your own decisions.

No one is forcing them. As of TODAY, there is an option. If the woman has the kid, it was her choice. You make it out as if someone forced them to have a kid they couldn't support. Retard.

I don't use viagra.
If we force her to not abort the child then we kick I. As taxpayers and give her assistance. This is an easy one. Pro life doesn't end at birth.

Whose forcing her to have a kid? There is a choice available. If she chooses to have it, why is it someone else's responsibility to pay for a choice she said was none of our business?

Because we agree that feeding hungry children is our responsibility.

Remember, the tax money is ours. Not yours.

We're not giving her assistance, we're forced to fund a choice she told us was none of our business. Personal responsibility doesn't end when the choice is made.

We've *agreed* to feed a hungry child. That you don't want to is irrelevant. As we make the rules. Not you.

Deal with it.

You've agreed to pay for someone else's mistakes. The problem is you did it with money that doesn't belong to you.

I've offered once and will do it again. If you think mine belongs to you to decide, come try and get it. You won't like the answer. Guaranteed and you won't have a choice in the matter nor will you be able to deal with it. When ya coming?

and we paid for the radical right's mistakes and are still paying for them in the middle east.

get over it.

You mean the ones many Democrats supported and for which there is a Constitutional delegated authority to do so. So much for the left's claim to support the Constitution. You want to lessen things in it and increase things that aren't.

you should probably read the resolution since you clearly don't know what it said. but no doubt listening to bush/cheney's lies was a mistake.
If we force her to not abort the child then we kick I. As taxpayers and give her assistance. This is an easy one. Pro life doesn't end at birth.

Whose forcing her to have a kid? There is a choice available. If she chooses to have it, why is it someone else's responsibility to pay for a choice she said was none of our business?

Because we agree that feeding hungry children is our responsibility.

Remember, the tax money is ours. Not yours.

We're not giving her assistance, we're forced to fund a choice she told us was none of our business. Personal responsibility doesn't end when the choice is made.

We've *agreed* to feed a hungry child. That you don't want to is irrelevant. As we make the rules. Not you.

Deal with it.

You've agreed to pay for someone else's mistakes.

We have agreed to feed a hungry child. Remember, we made the decisions. Not you. We decide the tax rates. We decide how the money is spent.

Not you. As the money is ours. Not yours.

See how that works?

The problem is you did it with money that doesn't belong to you.

Says who? Who says that tax money doesn't belong to the State?

Is this another one of those Sovereign Citizen horseshit 'taxation is theft' arguments? If so, just tell us upfront rather than making us draw it out of you one grudging step at a time.

If the money is yours, come get it pussy. Don't have the guts? Didn't think so. you don't pay taxes, huh? Good luck with that.

We can't agree to do something when all of us aren't doing it. You don't pay the taxes that fund the programs you demand be given to bitches having bastards they can't afford. You aren't part of the we. You think you are but you aren't. Deal with it.

We don't have to agree. As you're nobody. Your agreement is gloriously irrelevant to this entire process. A woman still gets to choose her own reproduction. We still get to collect taxes and decide how its spent. As the money is ours. Not yours.

If you don't like it, leave. As we're neither stripping a woman of her right to chose nor letting kids starve. Dismissing your false dichotomy as the pseudo-legal gibberish it is.
‘I saw little arms, little legs, and a head!’: Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound

Imagine that. The baby killers don't want women to be made to see the HUMAN BEING they are killing when having an abortion.

Religious extremist white males should get out of women's personal decisions.

Not the life ewes is. Credible source.

If you don't want an abortion don't have one.

Leave everyone else alone.

If you can't afford kids, don't have them. Get out of my wallet. If you can't feed your own kids, don't have them. If you have them and can't feed them, either find some bleeding heart, good luck, or do without, tough shit.

so you force someone to have a kid they can't afford? and then say screw them let them live in poverty, wacko?

how about we stop paying for your viagra.

again, radial religious rightwing men should get out of women's business. you wackos haven't been able to tolerate, since the '60's, women not needing you to make their decisions for them... not need men to control them, not need men to own them by not letting women control their own bodies

make your own decisions.

btw, you're disgusting and immoral. what did women do to you that you hate them so much?

or is it that men aren't allowed to beat women into submission anymore that you resent?

Anyone that would allow a woman to make a choice then demand someone else pay for it is disgusting and immoral.

I love women. I hate irresponsible bitches like you.
‘I saw little arms, little legs, and a head!’: Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound

Imagine that. The baby killers don't want women to be made to see the HUMAN BEING they are killing when having an abortion.

Religious extremist white males should get out of women's personal decisions.

Not the life ewes is. Credible source.

If you don't want an abortion don't have one.

Leave everyone else alone.

If you can't afford kids, don't have them. Get out of my wallet. If you can't feed your own kids, don't have them. If you have them and can't feed them, either find some bleeding heart, good luck, or do without, tough shit.

so you force someone to have a kid they can't afford? and then say screw them let them live in poverty, wacko?

how about we stop paying for your viagra.

again, radial religious rightwing men should get out of women's business. you wackos haven't been able to tolerate, since the '60's, women not needing you to make their decisions for them... not need men to control them, not need men to own them by not letting women control their own bodies

make your own decisions.

btw, you're disgusting and immoral. what did women do to you that you hate them so much?

or is it that men aren't allowed to beat women into submission anymore that you resent?

Try taking personal responsibility and get past we have to pay for your poor choices.

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