Money trail can expose Biden family coverup

Money trail can expose Biden family coverup

19 Aug 2023 ~~ By Charles Gasparino

Follow the money.
It’s the first lesson of white-collar prosecution 101 — yet there are serious questions whether David Weiss, the recently appointed “special prosecutor” in charge of the Hunter Biden corruption probe, performed that simple task.
If Weiss failed, it could be a greater crime than anything Donald Trump has done. In fact, white-collar attorneys tell me it suggests one of the biggest coverups since Watergate at the highest levels of the US government.
The most damaging stuff on Hunter’s laptop weren’t all those photos of Hunter doing drugs and hanging out naked with hookers.
Instead, it’s the paper trail of his manifold business entities that served as vehicles for his influence-peddling with shady foreign partners.
Hunter made a lot of money representing himself to these people as an expert in oil or whatever else he was touting.
As we all know, his real value was his last name and access to one of the most powerful people in the world, his dad, Sleepy Joe Biden.
It should be a prosecutor’s wet dream: The target, a ne’er-do-well son of a big-name politician, is running a string of suspicious, multimillion-dollar outfits and taking in bundles of cash from China, Ukraine, Russia and God knows where else.
According to testimony provided by Devon Archer, a former Hunter crony, Joe Biden appeared to have lied not knowing what Hunter did for a living; he was on calls with some of those foreign types from whom Hunter was seeking millions of dollars.
Maybe our brain-addled president simply forgot about all those calls. Either way, not a great look.
But who needs Sleepy Joe’s recollection of events when you have bank records? Comer plans to subpoena those as well, both Hunter’s and the president’s, he says.
We may finally find out what the Inspector Clouseau of the Justice Department missed — or chose to ignore.

“”170 suspicious bank transaction reports are not enough?””
There are no rules, regulations, or laws that apply to Maoist/DSA Democrats. William and Hillary Clinton received thousands of dollars from Commie China and Indonesia. Remember Johnny Chung and Charlie Trie? Lincoln Bedroom. To this day the Clinton Crime Regime uses foundation dollars as if they earned it.
Meanwhile, AG Garland appoints as Special Counsel Sherlock Weiss incapable of following his own nose, let alone the money trail. Maybe we need a special prosecutor to look into the "special prosecutor" and his boss the AG.
“”170 suspicious bank transaction reports are not enough?””
Please don't oblige me to explain this again.

SARs aren't EVIDENCE of "suspicious activity".

What Is a Suspicious Activity Report (SAR)? Triggers and Filing.

Example of a SAR​

For example, Albert is an account holder at XYZ Financial Institution. Albert has been a client for nearly five years and has an established account history and very predictable transactions. Every month, he deposits $5,000 into the account and buys an index fund. One day, he starts to receive weekly transfers of $9,000 into the account. Almost as quickly as the money hits the account, it leaves again. This is out of the ordinary for Albert's account and usual activity. The financial institution may consider this to be suspicious activity and might file a Suspicious Activity Report.

Say Albert has a brother, Earl, who lives in the diagonally opposite corner of Wyoming...Albert's neighbor is selling his Kubota, and Albert mentions this to Earl - who just happens to have a hankering for one.

The price is 36,000, cash.

Earl isn't due for another trip to the Wyoming Walmart for several months, so he asks Albert to buy the tractor with money wired into his account in 4 installments.

The bank sees this, and MUST file a SAR lest a federal bank examiner sees these transactions and asks why no SARs were filed, and docks the bank.

SARs are "raw intelligence", like the Steele Dossier.
I don't know that the "mountain of evidence" that they're claming is real. It doesn't help when "whistle blowers" go missing. It doesn't help when we don't have confirmation of the evidence from independent sources. It doesn't help when evidence is not brought out in the light of day when the other side of the story can also be heard.

Bottom line: Whether it's Biden or Trump, "reports" and accusations don't mean shit. It may be that, if a law enforcement body is not acting, the evidence is not as strong as we were led to believe.

Again: If Joe or Hunter or Trump are proven to have broken the law, nail them. Make an example of them. Maybe they'll all end up as bunkies in the slammer, for all I care. This would be a fine time to clean house. But I don't believe "reports" and accusations for sure until they have been challenged in public. Indictments are a damn good start.
Would you care to explain why the FBI and the prosecutor that Garland appointed couldn't find ANY of the evidence that the whistle blowers and the House investigators are giving us? Did an investigation by the FBI even take place? From where I sit it looks like there was a cover up and it was rather blatant.
Please don't oblige me to explain this again.

SARs aren't EVIDENCE of "suspicious activity".

What Is a Suspicious Activity Report (SAR)? Triggers and Filing.

Example of a SAR​

For example, Albert is an account holder at XYZ Financial Institution. Albert has been a client for nearly five years and has an established account history and very predictable transactions. Every month, he deposits $5,000 into the account and buys an index fund. One day, he starts to receive weekly transfers of $9,000 into the account. Almost as quickly as the money hits the account, it leaves again. This is out of the ordinary for Albert's account and usual activity. The financial institution may consider this to be suspicious activity and might file a Suspicious Activity Report.

Say Albert has a brother, Earl, who lives in the diagonally opposite corner of Wyoming...Albert's neighbor is selling his Kubota, and Albert mentions this to Earl - who just happens to have a hankering for one.

The price is 36,000, cash.

Earl isn't due for another trip to the Wyoming Walmart for several months, so he asks Albert to buy the tractor with money wired into his account in 4 installments.

The bank sees this, and MUST file a SAR lest a federal bank examiner sees these transactions and asks why no SARs were filed, and docks the bank.

SARs are "raw intelligence", like the Steele Dossier.
Fine example, now if something of the sort happened 170 times, you have to start wondering why as it would no longer be deemed out of the ordinary somewhere along the way.

You are being obtuse as are most Democrats with regards to all of this Hunter/Joe/Ukraine/China business.
Would you care to explain why the FBI and the prosecutor that Garland appointed couldn't find ANY of the evidence that the whistle blowers and the House investigators are giving us? Did an investigation by the FBI even take place? From where I sit it looks like there was a cover up and it was rather blatant.
couldn't find ANY of the evidence that the whistle blowers and the House investigators are giving us?
Evidence of what?

Please be specific.
Would you care to explain why the FBI and the prosecutor that Garland appointed couldn't find ANY of the evidence that the whistle blowers and the House investigators are giving us? Did an investigation by the FBI even take place? From where I sit it looks like there was a cover up and it was rather blatant.

I will answer for him. Trump was the target, therefore, evidence was not necessary.
Fine example, now if something of the sort happened 170 times, you have to start wondering why as it would no longer be deemed out of the ordinary somewhere along the way.

You are being obtuse as are most Democrats with regards to all of this Hunter/Joe/Ukraine/China business.
Now consider that they deal with a plethora of such institutions.
Money leaves a trail. If there were one leading to Biden they would have found it by now.
As is unfolding in another thread this morning, even when the evidence mounts to a point that CNN admits the truth, SPIN and BS excuse making then begins to exonerate the Democrat. These lame 'show us evidence' theatrics by the left are just that. There will be no accountability no matter how much evidence is presented.
Money leaves a trail. If there were one leading to Biden they would have found it by now.
Said nobody in law enforcement about organized crime investigations that took years. And that's when you could put the suspects on the stand and question them.
Please don't oblige me to explain this again.

SARs aren't EVIDENCE of "suspicious activity".

The bank sees this, and MUST file a SAR lest a federal bank examiner sees these transactions and asks why no SARs were filed, and docks the bank.

SARs are "raw intelligence", like the Steele Dossier.
A couple of years back, I did a sizeable money transfer (over $30K) between my direct deposit account (individual) and my joint savings/checking account. When I did, the teller seemed against the size of the transfer, recommending I do a smaller amount.
Now I realize I probably triggered a SAR report for the teller to have to fill out.
As is unfolding in another thread this morning, even when the evidence mounts to a point that CNN admits the truth, SPIN and BS excuse making then begins to exonerate the Democrat. These lame 'show us evidence' theatrics by the left are just that. There will be no accountability no matter how much evidence is presented.
Thanks for retelling.

Have you spent any time wondering why Grifty isn't presenting evidence of voter fraud tomorrow, Ruby?
"Not a great look" is not the same as "a crime".

Get to it. If he broke the law, nail him and anyone else.

But the MAGA crowd doesn't seem to understand that something not looking right is not provable evidence of "a crime". Obviously they haven't learned that, after being told it over 60 times by courts in their "rigged election" farce.

Let's go. Get it done.
There's plenty of evidence that Biden is a crook, douchebag.

Who do you think you're fooling?
A couple of years back, I did a sizeable money transfer (over $30K) between my direct deposit account (individual) and my joint savings/checking account. When I did, the teller seemed against the size of the transfer, recommending I do a smaller amount.
Now I realize I probably triggered a SAR report for the teller to have to fill out.
What the teller told you to do is even worse...

It's called "layering".
Please don't oblige me to explain this again.

SARs aren't EVIDENCE of "suspicious activity".

Then why do they call it a suspicious activity report, numskull?

Said nobody in law enforcement about organized crime investigations that took years. And that's when you could put the suspects on the stand and question them.
According to Comer they have all the bank records. Guess Comer lied

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