Money trail can expose Biden family coverup

Go fuck yourself, douchebag. Only and idiot would believe that Comer should indict on your say-so.
Comer needs to get off his ass and do SOMETHING, we heard enough of his talk that doesn't amount to anything substantial. Impeach Biden, indict him, do some fucking thing, you clown
What they have is lies from Biden about his financial situation. You don't actually believe he includes his bribes for China and Burisma on his forms, do you?
Then tell Comer that for each financial disclosure in the last 10 years, and each tax return in the last 10 years, that contain lies, that's a felony count against Joe.

Get out his sharpie and start writing up referrals.

But don't forget to include the evidence.
This is typical republican transference. Where they suspect or accuse a democrat of doing what they did, or would have done.

It's like gerrymandering. While both sides do it, the republicans have raised it to a fine art, to the point that even a hard right supreme court had to strike down their districts in Alabama.

In a 5-4 decision released Thursday, the justices upheld a key section of the Voting Rights Act as they found that a congressional map drawn by Alabama's Republican-controlled legislature after the 2020 census diluted the power of Black voters in a state where 1 in 4 residents is Black.

They are desperate to give the impression that both parties are essentially the same. They are not. Only one party champions democracy in America, the Demorats
They are desperate to give the impression that both parties are essentially the same. They are not. Only one party champions democracy in America, the Demorats
Increasing taxes on people is not freedom. However, it is Democracy in voting.
there has to be PROBABLE CAUSE evidence to request a search of Joe's personal records, or anyone's!

probable cause is a much lower standard, than BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT, and the DOJ believed they did not have even the lower standard...

and did you forget.....?

(it took neary 4 years of Trump suing to prevent his tax records from being revealed to the Ways and Means Committee, when there was a U.S. STATUTE requiring his taxes to be turned over to Ways and Means....upon request to the IRS to inspect IRS presidential audits.)
Lol, Trump's lawyers offices got raid over a lie about Russian collusion. You really believe in probable cause is a joke.
You're just a freeloader. You want a first world nation without ponying up the cash
We have ponied up the cash. It is the efficiency of the spending as what we are screwed over. So, you say pony up more.
For future reference....

Since 1989, 3 GOP administrations have, on average, grown spending at a rate 2.5 times faster than their democratic counterparts.
Most of that is the social program agendas we are chained to from the great society and social security and medicare programs with the corrupted military industrial complex. We are building naval vessels that we are retiring after several years while building more of them. This while competing with a nation who builds naval vessels much faster and much cheaper than we do.
For future reference....

Since 1989, 3 GOP administrations have, on average, grown spending at a rate 2.5 times faster than their democratic counterparts.

The irony is republicans decry the "tax and spend" democrat.
And instead what they do is "borrow and spend". Which means instead of the current generation paying the bill before it comes due, they pass the bill to the next generation.
Most of that is the social program agendas we are chained to from the great society and social security and medicare programs with the corrupted military industrial complex. We are building naval vessels that we are retiring after several years while building more of them. This while competing with a nation who builds naval vessels much faster and much cheaper than we do.
No, it isn't.

You are, demonstrably wrong.

Why would social spending grow faster under GOP presidents?
Comer needs to get off his ass and do SOMETHING, we heard enough of his talk that doesn't amount to anything substantial. Impeach Biden, indict him, do some fucking thing, you clown
Yeah, he should take the advice of a confirmed Trump hater.

Go fuck yourself.
You been sleeping for the last 7 years? During the Mueller investigation they raided Trump's lawyers offices and took material. Comer needs to do the same with Biden.
Comer fabricates conspiracy theories for the poorly educated, not an impeachment or a case for the courts.
The irony is republicans decry the "tax and spend" democrat.
And instead what they do is "borrow and spend". Which means instead of the current generation paying the bill before it comes due, they pass the bill to the next generation.
You're including COVID. that throws the sum way off.

Dims always lie. That's all you proved.
Yeah, he should take the advice of a confirmed Trump hater.

Go fuck yourself.
He drags that out any longer Biden will be reelected and put Comer in a gulag. You know how Biden is with political enemies. Dark Brandon knows no mercy

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