Money trail can expose Biden family coverup

You been sleeping for the last 7 years? During the Mueller investigation they raided Trump's lawyers offices and took material. Comer needs to do the same with Biden.
You know that Trumps lawyers included now convicted felons.
The irony is republicans decry the "tax and spend" democrat.
And instead what they do is "borrow and spend". Which means instead of the current generation paying the bill before it comes due, they pass the bill to the next generation.
Democrats increase revenues at a rate 50% higher....
No, it isn't.

You are, demonstrably wrong.

Why would social spending grow faster under GOP presidents?
Think about it. Republican wealth transfer from the middle to the top, leaves more people in the middle falling below the poverty line. Hence requiring more social spending.
Think about it. Republican wealth transfer from the middle to the top, leaves more people in the middle falling below the poverty line. Hence requiring more social spending.
Because you're including COVID spending, douchebag.

Who do you think you're fooling?
You're including COVID. that throws the sum way off.

Dims always lie. That's all you proved.
I'm talking about Ronald Reagan, who tripled the national debt by borrowing instead of taxing. And that's just a fact.
I don't claim to know. If some kind of corruption is found, nail them too. If not, again, maybe the "reported" "evidence" is shit.

I'm happy to wait for indictments, which tend to weed out the reality from the partisan bullshit. From either party.
You need the Garland DOJ to bring charges, Mac. Do you honestly think that will EVER happen? Get serious. This will be an impeachment.
You need the Garland DOJ to bring charges, Mac. Do you honestly think that will EVER happen? Get serious. This will be an impeachment.
Then do it. I don't have either a crystal ball or am I a mind-reader. I leave those skills to the wingers.

There is so much noise, and it's only getting louder, that I don't believe anything like this until I see it.

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