Money trail can expose Biden family coverup

You're just a freeloader. You want a first world nation without ponying up the cash
The Democrats are giving us a "first world nation" Arlette? You must not have visited a Democrat controlled city lately! Liberal policies are giving us third world cities. New York, Chicago, Detroit, San Francisco and LA? With all due respect? Why would any rational person vote for a Democrat?
If spending grows at 6.35% per year, and Revenues grow by 4.17, how long do you expect your Supply Side Shithouse to stand, Bri?
First, I don't use the term "supply side" It's nothing but a derogatory epithet for "the free market." Second, who ever said that supply-side required spending to grow at 6.35%? That's purely a Dim delusion.
Think about it. Republican wealth transfer from the middle to the top, leaves more people in the middle falling below the poverty line. Hence requiring more social spending.
Democrat wealth transfer destroys the Middle Class to subsidize the poor. Their tax policies never touch the wealthy. If Democrats get their way we'll have two classes in the country...the rich elites and the poor with nothing in between. Welcome to Venezuela!
No, I don't want the government to have more revenue. All government does with it is fuck up the country.
So like with Ronald Reagan, you want the government to f*ck up the country on BORROWED money.
So the next generation pays the bill to f*ck up the previous generation.
The Democrats are giving us a "first world nation" Arlette? You must not have visited a Democrat controlled city lately! Liberal policies are giving us third world cities. New York, Chicago, Detroit, San Francisco and LA? With all due respect? Why would any rational person vote for a Democrat?
You're not a rational person. I bet you ate horse paste
So like with Ronald Reagan, you want the government to f*ck up the country on BORROWED money.
So the next generation pays the bill to f*ck up the previous generation.
Quite trying to guess what I support. You're too fucking stupid to do it successfully.

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