More abortion insanity

But the men who are the other half of that should be held blameless?'re a Republican
And there it is folks. Men have no right in a decision for an abortion, but now needs to be held accountable? you must have spears coming out of your ears. How can you demofks continue to be such fked up lunatics? double speak on most subjects. holy fk.
And there it is folks. Men have no right in a decision for an abortion, but now needs to be held accountable? you must have spears coming out of your ears. How can you demofks continue to be such fked up lunatics? double speak on most subjects. holy fk.
There it is folks. Men forcing women to bring unintended pregnancies to term (forced birth) but those same men don't think men should bear any of the responsibility for that
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It's not a reward, and it's not up to you to say it is. Mind your business.

here's the mind of a demofk.
There is is folks. Men forcing women to bring unintended pregnancies to term (forced birth) but those same men don't think men should bear any of the responsibility for that
prove that.
I'm sure most men on here didn't ever want a baby's life terminated by the mother. So, your point is wrong.
"My point is wrong" because of what exactly?

Some notion "you're sure of"?

"My point is wrong" because of what exactly?

Some notion "you're sure of"?

It's obvious you can't read your own posts. here......
Men forcing women to bring unintended pregnancies to term (forced birth) but those same men don't think men should bear any of the responsibility for that
There it is folks. Men forcing women to bring unintended pregnancies to term (forced birth) but those same men don't think men should bear any of the responsibility for that
Erm, nope. Men and women have choices, the problem is, they're not making the choice BEFORE sex. No one is being forced an unintended pregnancy. Anyone who fails to place the choice at the right time, they win a prize, a baby.

And yes, both should be 50/50 accountable for the kid.
Erm, nope. Men and women have choices, the problem is, they're not making the choice BEFORE sex. No one is being forced an unintended pregnancy. Anyone who fails to place the choice at the right time, they win a prize, a baby.

And yes, both should be 50/50 accountable for the kid.
So you favor the bill noted in the OP …. Good
So you favor the bill noted in the OP …. Good
I tell you what I favour, I favour the earth stop spinning so the sane people can get off.

With all these nutters who struggle with gender, and those who struggle how they got pregnant and want a contraceptive abortion, they're dragging the intelligence of the human race down.
I tell you what I favour, I favour the earth stop spinning so the sane people can get off.

With all these nutters who struggle with gender, and those who struggle how they got pregnant and want a contraceptive abortion, they're dragging the intelligence of the human race down.
Do you or do you not favor a bill that puts the responsibility for an unintended pregnancy equally on both people involved?

Simple question
Do you or do you not favor a bill that puts the responsibility for an unintended pregnancy equally on both people involved?

Simple question
Yes. Both are as stupid as each other. Simple answer.

Funny how the law favours the mother when kids are involved.
No. I'm saying they longer have a federally protected right to abortion. Women in CA can still have abortions, but it's not a federal right - California is free to ban abortion if they want.

What exactly are you getting at here? What do all the word games add up to in your view? Do you just not understand how rights work?
On this point, I believe you and I disagree.

You believe that the FedGov has the authority and duty to protect abortion. I believe that, before the 14th Amendment, because the constitution does not grant that power specifically to the FedGov, it was reserved to the States (see the 10A).

HOWEVER, that clumsy 14th Amendment sure does fuck up the original intent. I think there is a sound argument that whatever liberty a woman has with regard to her own body should be protected at the federal level via the 14th.
No. I'm saying they longer have a federally protected right to abortion. Women in CA can still have abortions, but it's not a federal right - California is free to ban abortion if they want.

What exactly are you getting at here? What do all the word games add up to in your view? Do you just not understand how rights work?
sorry, my fd, it seems that you don't under RIGHT. Abortion "right" is not a "federal right" or "state right". Before Roe v. Wade was overturned, US Gov't (Fed, State ...) cannot prohibit abortion Which I believe it was the right move for the SCOTUS. Now, it is up to each state to govern their own abortion policy Which I believe the overturn is the right move for the SCOTUS also.
Except SCOTUS never did that
Really though?

Do you think the Supreme court justices didn't know that state trigger laws and all the new Republican legislation out there was going to ban abortions, if they did not protect women's privacy rights, from the state government over reach?


Their decision in Dobbs was made before they even got the was planned, is how it looks to most.
Really though?

Do you think the Supreme court justices didn't know that state trigger laws and all the new Republican legislation out there was going to ban abortions, if they did not protect women's privacy rights, from the state government over reach?


Their decision in Dobbs was made before they even got the was planned, is how it looks to most.
So, who is to blame if abortion is illegal in a particular state?

The SCOTUS didn't write those state laws.

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