More Americans Have Died This Year From COVID-19 Than In All Of 2020

The delta variant was pretty deadly; when you couple that with largely right wing resistance to taking a safe, effective, free, and available vaccine...this is what you end up with.

Hey, I know....

Remember when HRC got more votes than the blob and all we heard was "If you take out California...."

The three states where the blob got most of his votes are the places where vaccine resistance is the greatest:

Speaking for all board leftists and leftists claiming independence, that must be blood on Biden's hands.

Because the majority of you are tarded, snowflakes and tarded.
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The truth is the that the pandemic was never under control and there was never any way to control it. There was never any way to vaccinate against it and there was never any hope that it could be in any way shape or form mitigated by anybody at any time. There is no reason not to believe that had nothing been done we would have had the same exact scenario with pretty much the same amount of death and dying as we have now.

What Lefty has never understood but maybe looking to understand now that they are the ones in charge.... Is that fixing blame for this thing is pretty much like trying to fix blame for the next sunspot. But wait I have faith in Lefty!
He will indeed make every effort to blame Trump to the next sunspot!

The one possible exception here of course now that research has demonstrated the strong likelihood that this was a man-made pandemic purposely unleashed in an act of war and that the virus was engineered to be as tough as all hell.... Is that China is responsible both knowingly and ethically and should be absolutely nuked into Oblivion for unleashing this on the world.


You forgot the part U.S. citizens could have had a hand in it, look at the gains. Don't underestimate the left-elite such as Gates & O'bummer, they're the types to concern themselves with reducing the population in the name of such things climate change. That and look how much control the wealthy and govt. has gained because of COVID, and they played that hand to unseat Trump.
Maybe. But I just showed that there is much more to the story than you know or understand.
I already knew that, which is why I don’t go around repeating stuff I hear in the media like it’s fact. Unless I see something with my own two eyes or am told by somebody I trust I take it all with a grain of salt. So let’s face it, you’ve never been to Wuhan and you’re not a medical researcher, you don’t know what they were studying and developing. You’re making assumptions and repeating things you’ve heard from the media. Right?
Ah yes the death stats that make the Neo-GOP happy as clams. Celebrating hundreds of thousand dead!

How come the damn thing didn't just disappears like it was nothing last spring?

Just proves how xiden and the commie rhetoric is just plain full of shit. They can't control the virus any more than they can control the climate.

Good ol Joe leveled with the people about how the fight against the new virus would be difficult even with the vaccines.

Yeah, by watching as thousands of unvaccinated healthcare workers were fired in the middle of a pandemic because they chose not to take the vaccine.

Must not be much of a pandemic if we're firing the medical staff we *you* worshiped last summer.

“More than 353,000 COVID-19 deaths have been reported since Jan. 1, compared with 352,000 COVID-19 deaths in the first 10 months of the pandemic,” ABC News reported. “Over the last month, the U.S. has reported more than 47,000 deaths.”

Embarrassment in Chief Biden repeatedly touted on the campaign trail that he had a plan to end the pandemic, a key issue that he used to attack Trump.

His Quotes:

  • October 30, 2020: “I’m not going to shut down the country. I’m not going to shut down the economy. I’m going to shut down the virus.”
  • November 1, 2020: “More than 230,000 Americans have died from COVID-19 –– and Donald Trump has given up on trying to get the virus under control. He may have quit on you, but I promise I never will.”

The Biden administration's handling of the Delta surge has left Americans confused and frustrated, fueling media overreaction and political manipulation. Yep, he is an inept buffoon.

Why it matters: The past year and a half have left Americans cynical about the government's COVID response, and — in many cases — misinformed or uninformed. We're getting fog and reversals when steady, clear-eyed, factual information is needed more than ever.

The past five days were a mess. On Tuesday, the CDC updated its guidance to say vaccinated people in hot spots should wear masks in indoor, public settings — without an easy, definitive way to know if you're in a hot spot.

  • This was a reversal from the CDC's announcement on May 13 — 75 days earlier — that fully vaccinated people could shed masks in most indoor settings, which President Biden called "a great day for America in our long battle with the coronavirus."
  • On Thursday, the Washington Post obtained a CDC deck that included the eye-opening line: "Delta variant is as transmissible as: - Chicken Pox."
  • Yesterday, a CDC report showed the reversal was driven partly by a cluster of COVID cases in Provincetown, Mass., on Cape Cod, in which three-quarters of the infected people were fully vaccinated. Only a few people were hospitalized, and no deaths were reported.
  • The resulting lead headline of today's print New York Times: "IMMUNIZED PEOPLE CAN SPREAD VIRUS, THE C.D.C. REPORT." The online version adds the vital qualifier: "Though Rarely."
Biden, who promised to unite the country, has resorted to blaming the unvaccinated for the pandemic continuing.

And he wonders why his approval rating is down to 38%?

Truth over Facts
Buyer's Remorse
Why do you think the president is begging people to get vaccinated. These are mostly unnecessary deaths. And the unvaccinated are helping spread even more deadly strains who knows what's going to happen next. The way we're going it's not good. If a super virulent variant is allowed to develop it could wipe out millions, maybe even billlions given the population that is most vulnerable. All our technology is going to be able to help us then.
Why do you think the president is begging people to get vaccinated. These are mostly unnecessary deaths. And the unvaccinated are helping spread even more deadly strains who knows what's going to happen next. The way we're going it's not good. If a super virulent variant is allowed to develop it could wipe out millions, maybe even billlions given the population that is most vulnerable. All our technology is going to be able to help us then.
Correction : All of our technology is NOT going to be able to help us then.
Why do you think the president is begging people to get vaccinated. These are mostly unnecessary deaths. And the unvaccinated are helping spread even more deadly strains who knows what's going to happen next. The way we're going it's not good. If a super virulent variant is allowed to develop it could wipe out millions, maybe even billlions given the population that is most vulnerable. All our technology is going to be able to help us then.

Even WITH the hyper inflated, batshit crazy overcount of the actual covid death rate, it's still ridiculously small.

You are the ideal candidate to be a useful idiot. Congrats.
You need to be denied the right to vote.
I can only hope one day you will grow up, or grow some brain cells and see how stupid you are / were.

Leftists will put emotional fantasy Utopian impossibly unrealistic ideals ahead of reality every time.

You thought they were smarter than that?
Unrealistic, that's trump to a tee. Can't accept that he lost, can't accept defeat, can't accept the truth, doesn't even know what the truth is because his whole life is one lie after another. Everybody on the right, pespecially the far right, believes he's some kind of god. Very realistic of them.
That again must be the Donald’s fault:) Joe is just following the science, the only problem is his proclamation during the campaign regarding the Donald’s incompetence and sole responsibility for every death is now his. What goes around comes around. Watch the bitch and CNN spin this one.
That again must be the Donald’s fault:) Joe is just following the science, the only problem is his proclamation during the campaign regarding the Donald’s incompetence and sole responsibility for every death is now his. What goes around comes around. Watch the bitch and CNN spin this one.
Have you ever built a house ? Laying the foundation is the most important step. You don't need to spin the truth.
Since on PROG terms Xiden has killed more people than Trump, perhaps he can make up for it by curing cancer like he promised? What do you think PROGS?

“More than 353,000 COVID-19 deaths have been reported since Jan. 1, compared with 352,000 COVID-19 deaths in the first 10 months of the pandemic,” ABC News reported. “Over the last month, the U.S. has reported more than 47,000 deaths.”

Embarrassment in Chief Biden repeatedly touted on the campaign trail that he had a plan to end the pandemic, a key issue that he used to attack Trump.

His Quotes:

  • October 30, 2020: “I’m not going to shut down the country. I’m not going to shut down the economy. I’m going to shut down the virus.”
  • November 1, 2020: “More than 230,000 Americans have died from COVID-19 –– and Donald Trump has given up on trying to get the virus under control. He may have quit on you, but I promise I never will.”

The Biden administration's handling of the Delta surge has left Americans confused and frustrated, fueling media overreaction and political manipulation. Yep, he is an inept buffoon.

Why it matters: The past year and a half have left Americans cynical about the government's COVID response, and — in many cases — misinformed or uninformed. We're getting fog and reversals when steady, clear-eyed, factual information is needed more than ever.

The past five days were a mess. On Tuesday, the CDC updated its guidance to say vaccinated people in hot spots should wear masks in indoor, public settings — without an easy, definitive way to know if you're in a hot spot.

  • This was a reversal from the CDC's announcement on May 13 — 75 days earlier — that fully vaccinated people could shed masks in most indoor settings, which President Biden called "a great day for America in our long battle with the coronavirus."
  • On Thursday, the Washington Post obtained a CDC deck that included the eye-opening line: "Delta variant is as transmissible as: - Chicken Pox."
  • Yesterday, a CDC report showed the reversal was driven partly by a cluster of COVID cases in Provincetown, Mass., on Cape Cod, in which three-quarters of the infected people were fully vaccinated. Only a few people were hospitalized, and no deaths were reported.
  • The resulting lead headline of today's print New York Times: "IMMUNIZED PEOPLE CAN SPREAD VIRUS, THE C.D.C. REPORT." The online version adds the vital qualifier: "Though Rarely."
Biden, who promised to unite the country, has resorted to blaming the unvaccinated for the pandemic continuing.

And he wonders why his approval rating is down to 38%?

Truth over Facts
Buyer's Remorse

"Truth over Facts". Whose truth? Donald Trump's lies are not truth. The unvaccinated are responsible for the sickness and death which continues to plague your country.

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