More Americans Have Died This Year From COVID-19 Than In All Of 2020

The Doctor did say that the mask stopping the virus is in kind to a soft ball being thrown through an open door. His words, not mine.
He also stated that the antibodies from a person who had already contracted the virus is stronger by 23% than the big three vaccines.
By the way, I have been vaxxed, my choice, not your idol's.

Now, why does a person who had the virus and had been tested for it need to be vaccinated?
I don’t think people who have had Covid have as much of a need to get vaxxed. It is an extra layer of safety but they have natural immunity for now. We will see how long it lasts.

That softball analogy is idiotic. You sure they guy was a real doctor?! Perhaps if he said it was like throwing 1000 baseballs at a house with open windows. That might make more sense…. Or speaking a hose at a screen door. Yes stuff is going to get through… but not as much
Nope. Wrong again. Winners write history.
Nope, wrong. In the 21st century, historians write history. they are not cowed by authoritarian leaders. As much as you would like them to be, my little cultist friend. They are free to report the facts as they happened.
Sure whatever you say, I don’t see what that has to do with the conversation
That is because you're a dumb leftist. It wasn't offensive to call it the China virus unless you're a snowflake.
Nope, wrong. In the 21st century, historians write history. they are not cowed by authoritarian leaders. As much as you would like them to be, my little cultist friend. They are free to report the facts as they happened.
Really? Stalin was portrayed and still is portrayed as a good guy in documentaries and movies. He was an evil tyrant and murderer but he was on the right side of history so there is that. You are one ignorant and dumb leftist. Cultist? Whatever you say Holocaust denier.
Really? Stalin was portrayed and still is portrayed as a good guy in documentaries and movies. He was an evil tyrant and murderer but he was on the right side of history so there is that. You are one ignorant and dumb leftist. Cultist? Whatever you say Holocaust denier.
I didn't realize Stalin lived in the 21st century.

How do you suppose you know the facts now, and know that silly spin is not accurate? Hmm? Are you TRYING to make my points for me?

Where did you get your Stalin history? Back of a cereal box? Or from historians?

i do appreciate the assist.
I didn't realize Stalin lived in the 21st century.

How do you suppose you know the facts now, and know that silly spin is not accurate? Hmm? Are you TRYING to make my points for me?

Where did you get your Stalin history? Back of a cereal box? Or from historians?

i do appreciate the assist.
From historians on the winning side. Durr...21st century is young.
I've been refuting the message all year. Go read my posts. And while youre at it go ask a real doctor if you should mask up in crowds and if you should get the vax
/——/. I did ask a real doctor, an oncologist at New York Presbyterian Hospital. She said the masks are changed whenever she sees a new patient along with her gown and gloves. People wearing the same filthy mask day in and day out aren’t doing anything, especially the ones wearing a handkerchief on their face like a bank robber.
Apparently, nobody wants to hear that more people have died of COVID in the US under Joe Biden, than they did under President Trump.

Let's go Brandon.
Are you trying to diss them for making things political in the same post that you try and make things political?! That’s funny
no i am simply calling them out for their behavior. Nice attempt to gaslight though
Hmm, no, from historians who can report facts without fear. In other words, every historian on the planet not under Stalin's thumb. Which is now all of them. Give it up.
You don’t know history. Amazing. You need to check yourself, leftist.
You don’t know history. Amazing. You need to check yourself, leftist.
Empty whining. I sometimes wonder why you even start threads. You clearly have zero interest in discussion. You ignore direct, thoughtful responses and go on these childish, stupid rants. Yawn.
I don’t think people who have had Covid have as much of a need to get vaxxed. It is an extra layer of safety but they have natural immunity for now. We will see how long it lasts.

That softball analogy is idiotic. You sure they guy was a real doctor?! Perhaps if he said it was like throwing 1000 baseballs at a house with open windows. That might make more sense…. Or speaking a hose at a screen door. Yes stuff is going to get through… but not as much
It takes critical thinking and get beyond being spoon fed, Slade. The size of the virus is so much smaller than what the mask has to offer.....but, it is what it is.
Funny how the Democrats...and snowflakes...aren't condemning Joe for all these deaths, after promising to get COVID under control and declaring VICTORY over it back in July...
Empty whining. I sometimes wonder why you even start threads. You clearly have zero interest in discussion. You ignore direct, thoughtful responses and go on these childish, stupid rants. Yawn.
Your responses reek of idiocy. The next time you’re thoughtful will be your first. You still don’t get it. Amazing. I do not have the desire or the patience to teach you logic.

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