More Americans killed by guns than all the wars we have ever fought

If you own a gun, you or a member of your family is seven times more likely to die of gun violence. Why? Because a gun in the house is much more likely to be used by an angry spouse or depressed teenager to kill themselves or others, than it is to be used for self defense.

Nancy Lanza found this out when her son killed her and two dozen school children in Newtown.

Your claim is bogus. When they did those calculations, they simply looked at about 444 cases of shootings in the home. If the home had a gun, then they assumed that gun was used in the shootings. However, upon closer examination, it turns out a gun carried by an intruder did the shooting in all but 8 cases.

The claim is utterly bogus. It's typical of an statistic left-wingers use. It's a damn lie.
If you own a gun, you or a member of your family is seven times more likely to die of gun violence. Why? Because a gun in the house is much more likely to be used by an angry spouse or depressed teenager to kill themselves or others, than it is to be used for self defense.

Nancy Lanza found this out when her son killed her and two dozen school children in Newtown.

That statistic is a lie and has been refuted so many times.

Of the 3000+ guns that are used in self defense each DAY in the US the number of family members that are shot is a very small number. Between 1.1 and 3 million times each year a crime is stopped by a civilian with a gun. If you were 7 times more like to be killed by a gun in the home then the death rate would be between 7.7 and 21 million each year --- your number is simply unbelievable when the facts are known.

The lie is worse than that as I explained above.
yea especially the compulsory ownership by males over 18. i'd love to see you forced to own and carry a gun. i also love the part you can own a full auto. sure, bring a little of that over here. no limitation on capacity. loving that too

Guess who just outed themselves as not knowing what they're taking about.

Hint, It's you.

Might want to check your facts again slick.

keeping america great. teach your chidren well and prevent them from being paranoid anti gun nuts who whine and snivel [ame=]Full Auto AR-15 Osprey Defense OPS-416 piston - YouTube[/ame]

You gave up quicker than the usual nutter usually does. When all else fails ignore the past you respond to and post an unrelated video. That must be in the handbook they hand out when you drop out of high school.
More Americans have been killed by guns since 1968, than have been killed in all the wars the United States has ever fought.

1,171,177 killed in all the wars we have ever fought.

1,384,171 killed by guns in the United States since 1968.

PolitiFact | PBS commentator Mark Shields says more killed by guns since '68 than in all U.S. wars

This is your title of the thread.
More Americans killed by guns than all the wars we have ever fought
So our first war was after 1968?
Well, that would be a given since people killed in many of those wars were *gasp* killed by guns and counted in the total killed by guns figure.

How many of those people killed with guns were killed by police officers in the line of duty? How many were used to kill in self defense?

Your stats are pretty much meaningless if you don't put some context to them.

Of course, that might actually require thinking. A dangerous past time, I know.

You could have followed the link which puts those numbers into context.

Then you wouldn't have made yourself to look like such an clueless ignoramous.
But you cannot have more Americans killed by guns than by all of her wars if most of the deaths in those wars were caused by

wait for it

The reactions to the OP would be funny if the issues of gun deaths was not so serious. That suicide by gun is discounted is shocking, I knew personally three persons who took their own life with a gun. One was an 11-year old boy.

Shock-Jock Michael Savage (the other Weiner) use to say, "Liberalism is a mental disorder". Yet never offer an evidence to support such an allegation.

As I read some of the posts on this message board, I'm of the mind that contemporary conservatism is truly a mental disorder. One which allows people of even average intelligence to hold incongruent opinions and never suffer any slight cognitive dissonance.

They oppose abortion yet support capital punishment;

They demand liberty and freedom but are quick to deny both to others;

Stimulus was good under Reagan and George 43 but bad under Obama;

I could post more evidence focusing on the remarks of three 'conservatives': Romeny, Gingrich and Bachmann. But there are many more examples.
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The reactions to the OP would be funny if the issues of gun deaths was not so serious. That suicide by gun is discounted is shocking, I knew personally three persons who took their own life with a gun. One was an 11-year old boy.

Shock-Jock Michael Savage (the other Weiner) use to say, "Liberalism is a mental disorder". Yet never offer an evidence to support such an allegation.

As I read some of the posts on this message board, I'm of the mind that contemporary conservatism is truly a mental disorder. One which allows people of even average intelligence to hold incongruent opinions and never suffer any slight cognitive dissonance.

They oppose abortion yet support capital punishment;

They demand liberty and freedom but are quick to deny both to others;

Stimulus was good under Reagan and George 43 but bad under Obama;

I could post more evidence focusing on the remarks of three 'conservatives': Romeny, Gingrich and Bachmann. But there are many more examples.
God gave man the death penalty and also hates abortion. Obamaturds stimulus is nothing but rewarding his backers. Liberalism is a mental disorder, libtards prove it all the time. You like most libtards are way off on this, but keep trying, the comedy is entertaining.
If you own a gun, you or a member of your family is seven times more likely to die of gun violence. Why? Because a gun in the house is much more likely to be used by an angry spouse or depressed teenager to kill themselves or others, than it is to be used for self defense.

Nancy Lanza found this out when her son killed her and 20 school children in Newtown.

you already said this dipshit......think of something new helps keeping Alzheimer away....
The reactions to the OP would be funny if the issues of gun deaths was not so serious. That suicide by gun is discounted is shocking, I knew personally three persons who took their own life with a gun. One was an 11-year old boy.

Shock-Jock Michael Savage (the other Weiner) use to say, "Liberalism is a mental disorder". Yet never offer an evidence to support such an allegation.

As I read some of the posts on this message board, I'm of the mind that contemporary conservatism is truly a mental disorder. One which allows people of even average intelligence to hold incongruent opinions and never suffer any slight cognitive dissonance.

They oppose abortion yet support capital punishment;

They demand liberty and freedom but are quick to deny both to others;

Stimulus was good under Reagan and George 43 but bad under Obama;

I could post more evidence focusing on the remarks of three 'conservatives': Romeny, Gingrich and Bachmann. But there are many more examples.
God gave man the death penalty and also hates abortion. Obamaturds stimulus is nothing but rewarding his backers. Liberalism is a mental disorder, libtards prove it all the time. You like most libtards are way off on this, but keep trying, the comedy is entertaining.

Is this serious? :eusa_eh:
If you own a gun, you or a member of your family is seven times more likely to die of gun violence. Why? Because a gun in the house is much more likely to be used by an angry spouse or depressed teenager to kill themselves or others, than it is to be used for self defense.

Nancy Lanza found this out when her son killed her and two dozen school children in Newtown.

How many Newtown's have their been? 1.

The real issue is guns not locked in a safe.

If you own a gun, you or a member of your family is seven times more likely to die of gun violence. Why? Because a gun in the house is much more likely to be used by an angry spouse or depressed teenager to kill themselves or others, than it is to be used for self defense.

Nancy Lanza found this out when her son killed her and two dozen school children in Newtown.

How many Newtown's have their been? 1.

The real issue is guns not locked in a safe.


1? Someone living under a rock?
If you own a gun, you or a member of your family is seven times more likely to die of gun violence. Why? Because a gun in the house is much more likely to be used by an angry spouse or depressed teenager to kill themselves or others, than it is to be used for self defense.

Nancy Lanza found this out when her son killed her and two dozen school children in Newtown.

How many Newtown's have their been? 1.

The real issue is guns not locked in a safe.


1? Someone living under a rock?

When else has a mentally disturbed young adult stole his mother's guns to go on a shooting rampage at an elementary school? Answer that.

Well, that would be a given since people killed in many of those wars were *gasp* killed by guns and counted in the total killed by guns figure.

How many of those people killed with guns were killed by police officers in the line of duty? How many were used to kill in self defense?

Your stats are pretty much meaningless if you don't put some context to them.

Of course, that might actually require thinking. A dangerous past time, I know.

Yup. Wonder how many were killed by gangbangers in turf wars??
How many Newtown's have their been? 1.

The real issue is guns not locked in a safe.


1? Someone living under a rock?

When else has a mentally disturbed young adult stole his mother's guns to go on a shooting rampage at an elementary school? Answer that.


Oh, I see. Semantics games.

Columbine isn't remotely similar, right?
Aurora isn't remotely similar, right?
VA Tech isn't remotely similar, right?

Shall I keep going?
1? Someone living under a rock?

When else has a mentally disturbed young adult stole his mother's guns to go on a shooting rampage at an elementary school? Answer that.


Oh, I see. Semantics games.

Columbine isn't remotely similar, right?
Aurora isn't remotely similar, right?
VA Tech isn't remotely similar, right?

Shall I keep going?

while you are going, realize this. there were 20,000,000 new pistol permits last year. that's just pistols, and that takes into account only the states that require a pistol permit. The fact is, gun ownership is growing rapidly in this country. Stores are sold out, stores that have inventory have mile long lines. ammo, primers, powders, are sold out. more and more people are becoming pro gun and making the decision to own a gun. and we're not going to take these attacks on our rights and freedoms. and this impact is going to be felt at future polls. already many of the representatives who voted for cuomo's gun laws are starting to back pedal. they know they screwed up. they know their political lives are in danger. they are seeing the backlash. and so is the federal government. their gun proposals are geting watered down faster than liquor at happy hour. cuomo's sneak attack on gun rights has ignighted as much fury as the japs on pearl harbor. the fight is on, and the anti gunners are going to find themselves on the losing side of this one.

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