More Anti-Muslim Bigotry and Hate from the Far Right

Most Muslim countries do genius. Maybe not homosexuality. I've lived in a Muslim country and gays don't get harrased like they do here. A gay person and his boyfriend were killed by a homophobe 3 years ago and many do. You are not better and you can't give lessons in that department.

‘A wave of anti-Muslim rallies planned for almost 30 cities across America on Saturday by far-right activists has drawn sharp criticism from civil rights groups and inspired counter-protests nationwide.

In cities including New York and Chicago, a few dozen “anti-sharia” demonstrators were outnumbered by counter-protesters.
The rallies have been organized by Act for America, which claims to be protesting about human rights violations but has been deemed an anti-Muslim hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The demonstrations prompted security fears at mosques across the country and come at a time when hate crimes against Muslims are on the rise.’

Anti-Muslim rallies across US denounced by civil rights groups

Such anti-Muslim organizations are as ignorant as they are bigoted, hateful, and wrong.

Muslims are the biggest bigots on the planet, and the most violent.

There is nothing wrong with rejecting Islam anymore than it is to reject Nazism, both are pretty much the same thing.

If you don't think Sharia Law is a real threat, can you name all the Muslim majority countries that allow religious freedom, freedom of speech, open homosexuality, and equal rights for women?

Shaykh Hamza Sodagar on five ways to kill homosexuals


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Woman Who Was Raised Muslim Just Dropped Truth Bomb About Islam. EVERY Lib MUST See
Most Muslim countries do genius. Maybe not homosexuality. I've lived in a Muslim country and gays don't get harrased like they do here. A gay person and his boyfriend were killed by a homophobe 3 years ago and many do. You are not better and you can't give lessons in that department.

‘A wave of anti-Muslim rallies planned for almost 30 cities across America on Saturday by far-right activists has drawn sharp criticism from civil rights groups and inspired counter-protests nationwide.

In cities including New York and Chicago, a few dozen “anti-sharia” demonstrators were outnumbered by counter-protesters.
The rallies have been organized by Act for America, which claims to be protesting about human rights violations but has been deemed an anti-Muslim hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The demonstrations prompted security fears at mosques across the country and come at a time when hate crimes against Muslims are on the rise.’

Anti-Muslim rallies across US denounced by civil rights groups

Such anti-Muslim organizations are as ignorant as they are bigoted, hateful, and wrong.

Muslims are the biggest bigots on the planet, and the most violent.

There is nothing wrong with rejecting Islam anymore than it is to reject Nazism, both are pretty much the same thing.

If you don't think Sharia Law is a real threat, can you name all the Muslim majority countries that allow religious freedom, freedom of speech, open homosexuality, and equal rights for women?

Shaykh Hamza Sodagar on five ways to kill homosexuals

View attachment 132352

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Most Muslim countries do genius. Maybe not homosexuality. I've lived in a Muslim country and gays don't get harrased like they do here. A gay person and his boyfriend were killed by a homophobe 3 years ago and many do. You are not better and you can't give lessons in that department.
Maybe you could take in our "oppressed" homo "refugees."

Which Muzzy country has Gay Pride parades? THAT would be info worth sharing!
When we stop killing and harassing gays then we can point fingers on other countries.

Most Muslim countries do genius. Maybe not homosexuality. I've lived in a Muslim country and gays don't get harrased like they do here. A gay person and his boyfriend were killed by a homophobe 3 years ago and many do. You are not better and you can't give lessons in that department.
Maybe you could take in our "oppressed" homo "refugees."

Which Muzzy country has Gay Pride parades? THAT would be info worth sharing!
Most Muslim countries do genius. Maybe not homosexuality. I've lived in a Muslim country and gays don't get harrased like they do here. A gay person and his boyfriend were killed by a homophobe 3 years ago and many do. You are not better and you can't give lessons in that department.

‘A wave of anti-Muslim rallies planned for almost 30 cities across America on Saturday by far-right activists has drawn sharp criticism from civil rights groups and inspired counter-protests nationwide.

In cities including New York and Chicago, a few dozen “anti-sharia” demonstrators were outnumbered by counter-protesters.
The rallies have been organized by Act for America, which claims to be protesting about human rights violations but has been deemed an anti-Muslim hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The demonstrations prompted security fears at mosques across the country and come at a time when hate crimes against Muslims are on the rise.’

Anti-Muslim rallies across US denounced by civil rights groups

Such anti-Muslim organizations are as ignorant as they are bigoted, hateful, and wrong.

Muslims are the biggest bigots on the planet, and the most violent.

There is nothing wrong with rejecting Islam anymore than it is to reject Nazism, both are pretty much the same thing.

If you don't think Sharia Law is a real threat, can you name all the Muslim majority countries that allow religious freedom, freedom of speech, open homosexuality, and equal rights for women?

Shaykh Hamza Sodagar on five ways to kill homosexuals

View attachment 132352

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This is a battle this clown cannot win. It's almost funny, with Islam's record, that he thinks anybody's gonna buy his lies.
Muslim barbarism?

Slaving blacks?
Exterminating Indians?
World war 1 and 2?
Destabilizing South America and the rest of the world?
Iraq? Iran? Lybia? Syria? Somalia? Afghanistan?
Hiroshima ? Nagasaki?


The unconditional support to Israel, pissed off lot of people in the Muslim world and still does. And the US is basically fighting Israel's wars.

Your soldiers came to Afganistan and to protect Israel?

That must be the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

States like Afghanistan and Pakistan can hardly point us on the map. We don't have any actual conflict with them so don't say dumb things.
They went to get Osama, who said that 9/11 was retaliation for supporting Israel. Don't pretend that you didn't know. :boohoo:

Well, if Osama said it, we know it's true. And he probably didn't have his reason to say it, say creating America-Israel rift.

You people are so gullible.
Actually Israel was an afterthought according to Osama. His real gripe was that the Saudis let the American military set foot in Islamic holy land, as part of their effort to expel Sadam from Kuwait.

You Muslims are always justifying Islamic barbarism. Truth is, the Islamic terrorist animals have already told us, they're following what the Koran is telling them to do, killing the non believers where they can find them.
Translation, ya got nothing but nonsense.

Most Muslim countries do genius. Maybe not homosexuality. I've lived in a Muslim country and gays don't get harrased like they do here. A gay person and his boyfriend were killed by a homophobe 3 years ago and many do. You are not better and you can't give lessons in that department.
Maybe you could take in our "oppressed" homo "refugees."

Which Muzzy country has Gay Pride parades? THAT would be info worth sharing!
When we stop killing and harassing gays then we can point fingers on other countries.

Most Muslim countries do genius. Maybe not homosexuality. I've lived in a Muslim country and gays don't get harrased like they do here. A gay person and his boyfriend were killed by a homophobe 3 years ago and many do. You are not better and you can't give lessons in that department.
Maybe you could take in our "oppressed" homo "refugees."

Which Muzzy country has Gay Pride parades? THAT would be info worth sharing!
So, that's a "YES"? Islam will take our oppressed homo refugees? I bet your Muzzy neighbors would love how you defend homosexuality in Islam.
In Europe?
Have you ever stepped a foot there?
I don't think so. Europeans would laugh at what you just wrote.

That's why I know there is no possible way for sharia law to ever be part of the Law of our Land. There is no possible way (or vehicle), for that to happen.
Good Allah you're brainwashed. We HAVE creeping sharia. We have soft and hard Jihad being waged against the citizens of this country.

In many countries in Europe where there is a strong Muzzy cult presence, The native women are WARNED by the damn government entrusted to protect their rights, not to go out alone. They are instructed by the same Europe government to "cover up" so as not to upset the cult followers of the rapist and murderer prophet.

Of course, rather than deal with the Muzzy THUGS the way they should, they warn women to OBEY the cult's teachings regarding women.

You are such a fool and the reason why we cannot allow you the government again.
The same Europeans who Muslims keep blowing up? Have you been to Europe? Say hello to Brexit.
History says the US acted In a barbaric way and you are turning a blind eye...and pointing fingers.

Muslim barbarism?

Slaving blacks?
Exterminating Indians?
World war 1 and 2?
Destabilizing South America and the rest of the world?
Iraq? Iran? Lybia? Syria? Somalia? Afghanistan?
Hiroshima ? Nagasaki?

You really don't know your own history, do you.

Yes, like EVERY nation on earth, the USA allowed slavery for 70 years of its history.

We abolished it.

Muzzies still do it. Their god COMMANDS it.

Now stop LYING. Nobody here (but white libs) falls for anything you're pushing.
Arab Muslims were slave trading black Africans way before Europans, and to a far greater extent. You do know that the word for "black" (abd) and slave in Arabic are the same, right?
Most Muslim countries do genius. Maybe not homosexuality. I've lived in a Muslim country and gays don't get harrased like they do here. A gay person and his boyfriend were killed by a homophobe 3 years ago and many do. You are not better and you can't give lessons in that department.

‘A wave of anti-Muslim rallies planned for almost 30 cities across America on Saturday by far-right activists has drawn sharp criticism from civil rights groups and inspired counter-protests nationwide.

In cities including New York and Chicago, a few dozen “anti-sharia” demonstrators were outnumbered by counter-protesters.
The rallies have been organized by Act for America, which claims to be protesting about human rights violations but has been deemed an anti-Muslim hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. The demonstrations prompted security fears at mosques across the country and come at a time when hate crimes against Muslims are on the rise.’

Anti-Muslim rallies across US denounced by civil rights groups

Such anti-Muslim organizations are as ignorant as they are bigoted, hateful, and wrong.

Muslims are the biggest bigots on the planet, and the most violent.

There is nothing wrong with rejecting Islam anymore than it is to reject Nazism, both are pretty much the same thing.

If you don't think Sharia Law is a real threat, can you name all the Muslim majority countries that allow religious freedom, freedom of speech, open homosexuality, and equal rights for women?

Shaykh Hamza Sodagar on five ways to kill homosexuals

View attachment 132352

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But this is one lunatic, and he isn't saying that it be the law of the land, now is he? Tell you what, take your barbaric shariah shit law and go practice it back in the shithole you came from.
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Most Muslim countries do genius. Maybe not homosexuality. I've lived in a Muslim country and gays don't get harrased like they do here. A gay person and his boyfriend were killed by a homophobe 3 years ago and many do. You are not better and you can't give lessons in that department.
Maybe you could take in our "oppressed" homo "refugees."

Which Muzzy country has Gay Pride parades? THAT would be info worth sharing!

And he was caught, prosecuted and punished. In Muslim shitholes the govt. tortures, mutilates, and kills gays.
In Europe?
Have you ever stepped a foot there?
I don't think so. Europeans would laugh at what you just wrote.
I understand your vile prophet (my piss be upon him), tells you to lie to the infidels, but it's just not gonna work in this day and age:

Germans Counter-Assimilate to Muslim Immigrants; Women Told to Cover Up | VDARE - premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform

GRADE SCHOOL GIRLS in Germany Ordered to Cover Up – So As Not to Provoke Muslim Refugees
In Europe?
Have you ever stepped a foot there?
I don't think so. Europeans would laugh at what you just wrote.
I understand your vile prophet (my piss be upon him), tells you to lie tho the infidels, but it's just not gonna work in this day and age:

Germans Counter-Assimilate to Muslim Immigrants; Women Told to Cover Up | VDARE - premier news outlet for patriotic immigration reform

GRADE SCHOOL GIRLS in Germany Ordered to Cover Up – So As Not to Provoke Muslim Refugees
This is what you call national suicide.
The Left wants us to give more visas to enemy within Muslim dickheads like Issa. Just read the ingrate dirtbag's posts. What could possibly go wrong?!
Wrong in most Muslim countries you'll be jailed if you assault someone regardless of their sexual orientation.

Most Muslim countries do genius. Maybe not homosexuality. I've lived in a Muslim country and gays don't get harrased like they do here. A gay person and his boyfriend were killed by a homophobe 3 years ago and many do. You are not better and you can't give lessons in that department.
Maybe you could take in our "oppressed" homo "refugees."

Which Muzzy country has Gay Pride parades? THAT would be info worth sharing!

And he was caught, prosecuted and punished. In Muslim shitholes the govt. tortures, mutilates, and kills gays.

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