More astounding photos from Webb Satellite Telescope!


Neutronium Member & truth speaker #StopBrandon
Nov 11, 2021
Red State! Amen.
This is life affirming.

It will be interesting to see if God reveals something to science through the telescope.
What ^ a massive retard.
What's with all this " retard " bidness.There's a saying that when one
becomes Obsessed they use specific words to describe what they
are suffering from.Like many a Horror or schlock flick.
" It will Tear your soul apart! ".
Ask a scientist first, then go ask God. :eusa_whistle:
Today's Scientist are no more scientific than a well educated
Pig on a farm with a widdle library in their barn.
After reading - Animal Farm -.
The proof ... The outting of Dr.Birx { Covid advisor and scientist }
after she admitted in her newly released book >
- Silent Invasion - Much of what she advised then President
Trump was made-up on the fly.
If only we coulda got that Fly in court to testify.

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