More class warfare with this "corporate jet" nonsense

If someone is rich enough to have a private jet, do they really deserve a tax break? I mean, come on!!! Here's what I would do. Let us working stiffs pay only 15% tax on our income and make the uber wealthy pay 35% for a while. I'm sick of the people who need the least help with taxes passing legislation and writing tax code that benefits them obscenely. Aren't you? When do we, the middle class, get a significant break?

The middle class will get a tax break when they demand it. They got a New Deal after three years of Hoover saying a capitalist economy will fix itself. My fear is that the middle class have been so brainwashed by 30 years of propaganda about Trickle Down Economics and deregulation that they will need another depression to wake them up.

Pennys trickled down while C notes trickled up, and deregulation brought on a housing meltdown, a bank bailout and a jobless recovery. Try reading "Supercapitalism" by Robert Reush or "Winner Take-all Politics" by Hacker & Pierson.

That's it in a nutshell.
We should all pray for Jake to get better
and to stop his hate

See, I knew NeoFascist could state his delusion very simply. And his projection of his inner hate.

I have you in my prayers, NeoFascist, and I do even littledebfascist. Someone needs to pray for you guys to divest the hate.'re the friggen king of projection. :eusa_whistle:
NeoFascist, you seem quieter. The meds must be kicking in. When 'whistle takes his pills, he gets zoned in a while, too.

Neither of you are mainstream. Most of your ideas are not mainstream. NeoFascist's beliefs are straight reactionary far righty extremism from 1800 that he is tacked on to his fascism.

You are what you.
Why is it that all of a sudden we are in a panic over the national debt? Why did this not happen 10 years ago?
Because now that there is a Democrat in the White House, Republicans don't want to pay the bills that they ran up.
If someone is rich enough to have a private jet, do they really deserve a tax break? I mean, come on!!! Here's what I would do. Let us working stiffs pay only 15% tax on our income and make the uber wealthy pay 35% for a while. I'm sick of the people who need the least help with taxes passing legislation and writing tax code that benefits them obscenely. Aren't you? When do we, the middle class, get a significant break?

Demonstrating his point that it's class warfare? Why shouldn't a company be able to deduct it's expanses?
Can you explain you sig to me?

Don't mind Jake. He likes to think himself and his ideas deep
Best to let those types think that.....

There is some issue going on with him
It is quite sad. You can see part of it in his juvenile postings
Did you every notice how the posters who imply they
"won" in some way, never really do....

Funny how that works..

The amount of irrational hate coming from his posts is so extreme as of late.
Full of false accusations and invoking the Godwin Rule.

To hear him go on an on with excuses after excuses
It does appear to be a case of " The lady doth protest too much "
One would almost think he has a bad case of OCD the way he rambles on.
Really, he has become a bit of a bore of late.

He seems to have really lost it when we asked him for actual
proof/links of his false claims. Delusional people are often
reactive when forced to face reality.

It is sad; I mean his postings have become
so obtuse and sophomoric, more than usual.
They lack any originality now. Of course that he had much
to begin with.. guy has like over 18,000 posts but has never started
a thread- strange or what
Well, he knows his ideas
are too extreme to stand by themselves so he just tries
to "weave" them in to other posts

Reailty is hard for him, like the fact that Papa Obama
and the left with their extreme policies have pushed
spending up to 25 percent of the GDP

Truth is hard for the Left, in fact it is their worst enemy

It appears, as well, he has a hard time accepting
that the US voters reject his extreme views

Check out the link I have to some of them
- pretty out there
He thinks statism exist nowhere in the world
Let's tell that to the North Koreans

I do hope for Jake
He gets better soon
for his sake and his family
Can you explain you sig to me?

Don't mind Jake. He likes to think himself and his ideas deep
Best to let those types think that.....

There is some issue going on with him
It is quite sad. You can see part of it in his juvenile postings
Did you every notice how the posters who imply they
"won" in some way, never really do....

Funny how that works..

The amount of irrational hate coming from his posts is so extreme as of late.
Full of false accusations and invoking the Godwin Rule.

To hear him go on an on with excuses after excuses
It does appear to be a case of " The lady doth protest too much "
One would almost think he has a bad case of OCD the way he rambles on.
Really, he has become a bit of a bore of late.

He seems to have really lost it when we asked him for actual
proof/links of his false claims. Delusional people are often
reactive when forced to face reality.

It is sad; I mean his postings have become
so obtuse and sophomoric, more than usual.
They lack any originality now. Of course that he had much
to begin with.. guy has like over 18,000 posts but has never started
a thread- strange or what
Well, he knows his ideas
are too extreme to stand by themselves so he just tries
to "weave" them in to other posts

Reailty is hard for him, like the fact that Papa Obama
and the left with their extreme policies have pushed
spending up to 25 percent of the GDP

Truth is hard for the Left, in fact it is their worst enemy

It appears, as well, he has a hard time accepting
that the US voters reject his extreme views

Check out the link I have to some of them
- pretty out there
He thinks statism exist nowhere in the world
Let's tell that to the North Koreans

I do hope for Jake
He gets better soon
for his sake and his family

Family is a no go, NeoFascist.

You get one chance to edit it and apologize.

Once chance.
Why is it that all of a sudden we are in a panic over the national debt? Why did this not happen 10 years ago?
Because now that there is a Democrat in the White House, Republicans don't want to pay the bills that they ran up.

The only way to pay the bills is to run up new ones?
Liberal "logic".
Funny how that shit works, isn't it? The Left chastises BUSH for it (As most of the right does as well), and then the Left takes it a step further by applauding thier Boy King for Tripling what Bush did...and they demand MORE of the same.

Insanity rules the left.
We should all pray for Jake to get better
and to stop his hate

See, I knew NeoFascist could state his delusion very simply. And his projection of his inner hate.

I have you in my prayers, NeoFascist, and I do even littledebfascist. Someone needs to pray for you guys to divest the hate.'re the friggen king of projection. :eusa_whistle:

he is gentle but his mind is weak
it can not handle the truth
Truth is the worst enemy of the left

In fact, he keeps following me around like some type of
stalker, creepy but better me than other people.

Indeed, part of his breakdown will
include false claims invoking Godwin's Law
and then a false sense of indignity if someone
prays for him and calls for help

The first part of healing for him is
to admit he has a problem

We will pray for him
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If someone is rich enough to have a private jet, do they really deserve a tax break? I mean, come on!!! Here's what I would do. Let us working stiffs pay only 15% tax on our income and make the uber wealthy pay 35% for a while. I'm sick of the people who need the least help with taxes passing legislation and writing tax code that benefits them obscenely. Aren't you? When do we, the middle class, get a significant break?

This whole debate is a Red-herring.

Obama isn't really talking about nailing the rich.

He admitted last week he was only talking about the Bush Tax-cuts.

That means everyone gets screwed, not the rich.
Because now that there is a Democrat in the White House, Republicans don't want to pay the bills that they ran up.

The only way to pay the bills is to run up new ones?
Liberal "logic".
Funny how that shit works, isn't it? The Left chastises BUSH for it (As most of the right does as well), and then the Left takes it a step further by applauding thier Boy King for Tripling what Bush did...and they demand MORE of the same.

Insanity rules the left.

Yup it's as predictable as the seasons or flies at a picnic. If anybody criticizes the current Administration and Congress for their failures to control spending, deal with the deficit, maintain fiscal integrity, etc. etc. etc., you can count on them bringing out the graphs and charts showing how evil George Bush and the Republicans were.

It's almost as if we agree that Bush was terrible, then whatever happens now is okay.

Well Bush WAS terrible in some of his spending initiatives, entitlement programs, and policies and he caught hell from it from those of us who make up the fiscally conscious base. And the GOP lost its majority in the House and Senate in 2006, while the economy was still good, because we so disapproved of the spend, spend, spend they were doing.

But the deficit was dramatically coming down in the last years of the Bush administration right up to the point that the housing bubble burst. And it would have held steady even there if Bush and the Congress had not thrown TARP in there trying to prop up the financial institutions that took the hit. Yes, the debt increased substantially but not because there were insufficient revenues--revenues were great--but because Congress was spending more and more.

But we aren't supposed to note that it got no better with a Democratically controlled Congress the last two years of the Bush administration, the housing bubble happened on their watch, and the spending, the deficit, and the debt has hugely increased since Obama took over.

I wonder if they'll still be blaming Bush into the next century too?
If someone is rich enough to have a private jet, do they really deserve a tax break? I mean, come on!!! Here's what I would do. Let us working stiffs pay only 15% tax on our income and make the uber wealthy pay 35% for a while. I'm sick of the people who need the least help with taxes passing legislation and writing tax code that benefits them obscenely. Aren't you? When do we, the middle class, get a significant break?

Ughh, the same ole drivel.

The rich pay the most so it makes perfect sense that they get the most back.

Plus the rich SPEND the most. :)
If someone is rich enough to have a private jet, do they really deserve a tax break? I mean, come on!!! Here's what I would do. Let us working stiffs pay only 15% tax on our income and make the uber wealthy pay 35% for a while. I'm sick of the people who need the least help with taxes passing legislation and writing tax code that benefits them obscenely. Aren't you? When do we, the middle class, get a significant break?

Ughh, the same ole drivel.

The rich pay the most so it makes perfect sense that they get the most back.

Plus the rich SPEND the most. :)

And they save the most making credit available to others, and they invest/risk the most so that other businesses can grow and expand, and they are the only ones in a position to create significant jobs so that others can earn a living. I doubt a single one of us has ever been hired for wages by a poor person.

If those who are so envious of the rich would devote more time, energy, and effort into becoming rich themselves instead of being resentful that somebody else has already done that, we would all be infinitely better off.
The only way to pay the bills is to run up new ones?
Liberal "logic".
Funny how that shit works, isn't it? The Left chastises BUSH for it (As most of the right does as well), and then the Left takes it a step further by applauding thier Boy King for Tripling what Bush did...and they demand MORE of the same.

Insanity rules the left.

Yup it's as predictable as the seasons or flies at a picnic. If anybody criticizes the current Administration and Congress for their failures to control spending, deal with the deficit, maintain fiscal integrity, etc. etc. etc., you can count on them bringing out the graphs and charts showing how evil George Bush and the Republicans were.

It's almost as if we agree that Bush was terrible, then whatever happens now is okay.

Well Bush WAS terrible in some of his spending initiatives, entitlement programs, and policies and he caught hell from it from those of us who make up the fiscally conscious base. And the GOP lost its majority in the House and Senate in 2006, while the economy was still good, because we so disapproved of the spend, spend, spend they were doing.

But the deficit was dramatically coming down in the last years of the Bush administration right up to the point that the housing bubble burst. And it would have held steady even there if Bush and the Congress had not thrown TARP in there trying to prop up the financial institutions that took the hit. Yes, the debt increased substantially but not because there were insufficient revenues--revenues were great--but because Congress was spending more and more.

But we aren't supposed to note that it got no better with a Democratically controlled Congress the last two years of the Bush administration, the housing bubble happened on their watch, and the spending, the deficit, and the debt has hugely increased since Obama took over.

I wonder if they'll still be blaming Bush into the next century too?
Indeed. Those that write revisionist history already have it sewn up to the detriment of future generations.
The class war is over. The rich won.

And they keep on winning..................

The plan would simplify the tax code by reducing the number of tax brackets from six to three, lowering the top rate from 35 percent to somewhere between 23 percent and 29 percent. That could provide a windfall for wealthy taxpayers because the 35 percent tax bracket currently applies to taxable income above $379,150.

To help pay for lower rates, the plan would reduce popular tax breaks for mortgage interest, health insurance, charitable giving and retirement savings. Other tax breaks would be spared, including the $1,000-per-child tax credit and the earned income tax credit, which helps the working poor stay out of poverty.
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Watch for the new rhetoric to sway once again on "jobs". As if the administration does not know that changing the tax structure on capital expenses such as business jets eliminates jobs. Their doctrine is that government can create jobs better.
The Obama administration is monopolistic in everything they approach. Government is always monopolistic in its approach. They do not have to make a profit, operate efficiently or be effective like those horrible corporations that own jets.
A stranglehold on small business with choking bureaucracies is how government operates.
In this moment of history we have government run amok with all forms of irrationality going on which has no resemblance to any form of private business practices. The Treasury prints monopoly money, the Fed uses their "quantative" fucked up formulas throwing more than half a trillion around and troubled asset relief program TARP that multiplied more hundreds of billions down the tube and what do we get:
More unemployment and bitching about "corporate" jets.
All the while the government is not doing a good job of creating the environment for the private sector, NOT THE DAMN GOVERNMENT, to create the jobs.
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