More class warfare with this "corporate jet" nonsense

Class warfare? You betcha... this country is all about class warfare. You pretend to pay me, I pretend to work. Simple economics.
When you hear "for what is only fair" in a fiscal, tax, business or corporate situation with taxes you always know a politician is pandering to the moocher class.
When you hear "for what is only fair" in a fiscal, tax, business or corporate situation with taxes you always know a politician is pandering to the moocher class.

Papa Obama and the Left raised gov't spending up to about 25% of GDP
Historically, it has been around 20%.

We have taken 5% away from the private sector; compromise means on the excessive spending
Why is it that all of a sudden we are in a panic over the national debt? Why did this not happen 10 years ago?
Why is it that all of a sudden we are in a panic over the national debt? Why did this not happen 10 years ago?

Ten years ago we were the strongest economy in the world and the one place everybody felt safe to invest. We were not in apparent imminent danger of defaulting on our obligations, having our credit rating downgraded, and we had not put our financial well being into the hands of countries that don't have our best interests at heart. And we didn't have a President who sees the ONLY remedy for that as spending more and more and more and who resists doing anything that might actually help the economy recover.
When you hear "for what is only fair" in a fiscal, tax, business or corporate situation with taxes you always know a politician is pandering to the moocher class.

Papa Obama and the Left raised gov't spending up to about 25% of GDP
Historically, it has been around 20%.

We have taken 5% away from the private sector; compromise means on the excessive spending

NeoFacist of the Extreme Far Right fails to note that both parties from 1994 on were responsible for setting up the crash. If we rely on the far right extremists for the solutions, we will never crawl out of the hole.

This will take a solution by both sides dominated by the center.

NeoFacist continues to struggle irrationality and his sickness that leads to false statement and accusations. He does not provide links or any proof for his wild statements. He is now reduced to stealing words like "sophomoric" but if he can't come up with his own work, OK, go ahead, NeoFacist. :lol: The Nazis, when in the vast minority like NeoFascist and his buddies, resorted to the Big Lie and the voters will continue to reject him and his silliness.

Once he understands his views are not mainstream and his 13 followers do not constitute a majority, he may start feeling better as he relates to reality.
Can you explain you sig to me?

NeoFacist continues to struggle irrationally with the inevitability of his limitations. His sickness leads to false statement and accusations. He does not provide links or any proof for his wild statements. The Nazis, when in the vast minority like NeoFascist and his buddies, resorted to the Big Lie and the voters will continue to reject him and his silliness.

Once he understands his views are not mainstream and his 13 followers do not constitute a majority, he may start feeling better as he relates to reality.
If someone is rich enough to have a private jet, do they really deserve a tax break? I mean, come on!!! Here's what I would do. Let us working stiffs pay only 15% tax on our income and make the uber wealthy pay 35% for a while. I'm sick of the people who need the least help with taxes passing legislation and writing tax code that benefits them obscenely. Aren't you? When do we, the middle class, get a significant break?

The middle class will get a tax break when they demand it. They got a New Deal after three years of Hoover saying a capitalist economy will fix itself. My fear is that the middle class have been so brainwashed by 30 years of propaganda about Trickle Down Economics and deregulation that they will need another depression to wake them up.

Pennys trickled down while C notes trickled up, and deregulation brought on a housing meltdown, a bank bailout and a jobless recovery. Try reading "Supercapitalism" by Robert Reush or "Winner Take-all Politics" by Hacker & Pierson.
He reads for parts not the whole, Foxfyre.

Can you explain you sig to me?

His statist is showing
The principles of human rights are clearly written in the Declaration of Independence. Americans have no greater, and no lesser, human rights than any other peoples.

The Unanimous Declaration of the Thirteen United States of America
The Declaration of Independence - TEXT

I see nothing about the rights of other peoples, just those of the Thirteen United States of America
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We should all pray for Jake to get better
and to stop his hate

See, I knew NeoFascist could state his delusion very simply. And his projection of his inner hate.

I have you in my prayers, NeoFascist, and I do even littledebfascist. Someone needs to pray for you guys to divest the hate.

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