More class warfare with this "corporate jet" nonsense

Sorry Necrophilia, but the class war is over.

The rich won.

Yes they did they even voted for themself.

obama's friends and appointee's
1 Hillary Clinton
Maximum Net Worth


2 Rahm Emanuel
Maximum Net Worth



Steven Chu
Maximum Net Worth


4 Shaun L.S. Donovan
Maximum Net Worth


5 Barack Obama (D)
Maximum Net Worth


6 Gary F. Locke
Maximum Net Worth


7 Timothy F. Geithner
Maximum Net Worth


8 Kathleen Sebelius
Maximum Net Worth


9 Eric K. Shinseki
Maximum Net Worth

10 Arne S. Duncan
Maximum Net Worth


11 Christina D. Romer
Maximum Net Worth


12 Peter R. Orszag
Maximum Net Worth

13 Thomas J. Vilsack
Maximum Net Worth


14 Janet A. Napolitano
Maximum Net Worth


15 Hilda L. Solis
Maximum Net Worth

16 Joseph R Biden Jr (D)
Maximum Net Worth

17 Ray LaHood
Maximum Net Worth

Net Worth, 2009 | Personal Finance Disclosure | OpenSecrets

9 Republicans are on this list of 25 the rest are Democrats why would they vote for higher taxes on the rich when it woul effect them, unless they have their money tied up in loopholes.

Net Worth, 2009 | Personal Finance Disclosure | OpenSecrets

For those who may not have looked at this post.
Todd, you are neither cute nor effective. Synth has cut you every which way up and down. You keep lobbing them in there, Synth will keep knocking them out of the park, and guess who looks stupid when you start running on the mound, arms in the air, screeching, "I struck the fucker out!" Moron.

lying to your buddy little cyndie really doesn't help you hide your liberal agenda.
Todd, you are neither cute nor effective. Synth has cut you every which way up and down. You keep lobbing them in there, Synth will keep knocking them out of the park, and guess who looks stupid when you start running on the mound, arms in the air, screeching, "I struck the fucker out!" Moron.

lying to your buddy little cyndie really doesn't help you hide your liberal agenda.

You are not a Republican, so your extreme righty fascist cant does not matter.
Yes, I would like to see evidence that the Republicans turned it down too. The Democrats still had a super majority in the House and Senate when that proposal came out. So if nobody 'fought' for it, including the President, then hmmm, I wonder who it was who didn't write it into legislation to be voted on? The Republicans? Not likely. They weren't allowed to even get much out of committee at that time.

Did you read the link?

Published: September 6, 2010

WASHINGTON — As part of his emerging program to jolt the economic recovery from its stall, President Obama will call this week for allowing businesses to deduct from their taxes through 2011 the full value of new equipment purchase, from computers to utility generators, to increase demand for goods and create jobs.

Hmmmm....September 6th, 2010.
I'm pretty sure Nancy Pelosi was still Speaker.

What I was pointing out, was that you agreed with Obama's position from last fall, which the Regressives filibustered, procedurally. But you didn't even know it, and are now bitching that he's not doing it!

Did you read the link?

Published: September 6, 2010

WASHINGTON — As part of his emerging program to jolt the economic recovery from its stall, President Obama will call this week for allowing businesses to deduct from their taxes through 2011 the full value of new equipment purchase, from computers to utility generators, to increase demand for goods and create jobs.

Hmmmm....September 6th, 2010.
I'm pretty sure Nancy Pelosi was still Speaker.

I am pretty sure she was, and McConell in the Senate could, and did, black anything the GOP wanted blocked. Hmmmmm. . . . .
Funny how that works, isn't it?

Silly Founders!
The Republicans turned it down? Was that when the Dems held the House and the Senate?
What were the vote totals?
Do your own research, dumbfuck!

You said "Obama offered this and the Regressive Party turned it down"
And now you want be to prove your claim?
Damn, just how low is your IQ?
Do you get into the 60s?
Maybe on a good day?

My IQ? I already proved that Obama proposed it. Is it law? Can you write off 100% of equipment, currently? No. Therefore, his proposal wasn't accepted.

The real question to you is: why did the Regressives turn that down? It wasn't tied to any bills, so they don't have that excuse.

Answer the question.
Dems only had a supermajority from 5/09 to 11/09, shyttehead pub dupes. And the top 1% has quadrupled in wealth since 1980, while the nonrich has been squashed, so this talk of Dem class warfare is batshytte STUPID. The rich are so bloated they CAN"T be stimulated by tax cuts!! gd morons....
Did you read the link?

Published: September 6, 2010

WASHINGTON — As part of his emerging program to jolt the economic recovery from its stall, President Obama will call this week for allowing businesses to deduct from their taxes through 2011 the full value of new equipment purchase, from computers to utility generators, to increase demand for goods and create jobs.

Hmmmm....September 6th, 2010.
I'm pretty sure Nancy Pelosi was still Speaker.

What I was pointing out, was that you agreed with Obama's position from last fall, which the Regressives filibustered, procedurally. But you didn't even know it, and are now bitching that he's not doing it!


OMG! You guys are hilarious.

Obama to Seek 100 Percent Expensing, Permanent R&D Credit | BNA Software

H.R. 5297 [111th]: Small Business Jobs Act of 2010 (

Read The Bill: H.R. 5297 [111th] -

But stupid.:lol:
You have not read the bill, obviously.
And he ignores the fact that Obama proposed exactly what he wants, as stated in this post:

I think we need to remove this unfair tax advantage by allowing all companies to write off all equipment 100% immediately.

Yet the Regressives turned it down.

The over-riding hatred of Blacky McBlackman trumps every other policy concern for the Party Of No.
You have not read the bill, obviously.
And he ignores the fact that Obama proposed exactly what he wants, as stated in this post:

I think we need to remove this unfair tax advantage by allowing all companies to write off all equipment 100% immediately.

Yet the Regressives turned it down.

The over-riding hatred of Blacky McBlackman trumps every other policy concern for the Party Of No.

H.R. 5297 passed, you silly moron.
I think the American people should take away BO's corporate jet on the next election day.
I think the American people should take away BO's corporate jet on the next election day.

Public officials should never accept such from business, unless business clearly pays the expenses (nondeducted) into the public treasury. From Obama to the Republican dog catcher in Orlando, end it for everybody.
I think the American people should take away BO's corporate jet on the next election day.

Public officials should never accept such from business, unless business clearly pays the expenses (nondeducted) into the public treasury. From Obama to the Republican dog catcher in Orlando, end it for everybody.

You can't tell a private business what to buy or not buy. How much did GE pay into the treasury?
You have not read the bill, obviously.
And he ignores the fact that Obama proposed exactly what he wants, as stated in this post:

I think we need to remove this unfair tax advantage by allowing all companies to write off all equipment 100% immediately.

Yet the Regressives turned it down.

The over-riding hatred of Blacky McBlackman trumps every other policy concern for the Party Of No.

H.R. 5297 passed, you silly moron.
Without the 100% write off for equipment.
Todd knows a whole lot more than you're giving him credit for Jakey.

Final vote on passage of HR 5297 - Small Business Jobs Act:
Totals Democrats Aye 238 - No 13
Republicans Aye 3 - No 169
Needed To Win: 212 votes

The Senate passed it 61 to 38 with two Republicans voting with the majority.

The reason the Republicans opposed it was due to a very temporary nature of tax relief offered--too short a period to encourage any small businesses to risk their capital on--and included some regulations that would make it very difficult for small businesses to reorganize when their circumstances needed to do that. And of course it was laden with non related stuff and was not 'paid for' by cuts in anything else.

Of course that is typical business as usual by the Congress which results in their needing to raise the debt ceiling every year or so; sometimes more often.

The Democrats claimed the legilsation would create 500,000 new jobs. Since almost no credible authority thought that anywhere close to realistic, I wouldn't hold my breath on that.

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