More class warfare with this "corporate jet" nonsense

The Treasury department is studying how to eliminate inflationary increases in common tax numbers and tables. You would never notice it, even if you're a professional tax preparer.

(By the way, this is a violation of tax law. Inflationary increases are statutory requirements.)
It's a Community Organizer's job to stir up anger & bitterness amongst the people. It clearly states this in Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals.' Turning Citizen against Citizen is what Community Organizers do. And what did Barack Obama ever really do for Chicago? It's an awful Third World nightmare at this point. He never should have been President. It's very sad.
Y'all come to parts of East Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and western Florida, and you can see what rural poverty truly is like. I am ashamed of some of your posts here.
Y'all come to parts of East Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and western Florida, and you can see what rural poverty truly is like. I am ashamed of some of your posts here.

The Feeling Is Mutual.
Watch for the new rhetoric to sway once again on "jobs". As if the administration does not know that changing the tax structure on capital expenses such as business jets eliminates jobs. Their doctrine is that government can create jobs better.
The Obama administration is monopolistic in everything they approach. Government is always monopolistic in its approach. They do not have to make a profit, operate efficiently or be effective like those horrible corporations that own jets.
A stranglehold on small business with choking bureaucracies is how government operates.
In this moment of history we have government run amok with all forms of irrationality going on which has no resemblance to any form of private business practices. The Treasury prints monopoly money, the Fed uses their "quantative" fucked up formulas throwing more than half a trillion around and troubled asset relief program TARP that multiplied more hundreds of billions down the tube and what do we get:
More unemployment and bitching about "corporate" jets.
All the while the government is not doing a good job of creating the environment for the private sector, NOT THE DAMN GOVERNMENT, to create the jobs.

Your use of the term "moocher class" tells me that we both listen to the same Atlanta radio show. I have always called "corporate jets" business jet, shortened to bizjets. Gulfstream in Savannah and Learjet in Wichita were two of my accounts before I retired.

Boortz nailed it the other day when he gave the reason Obama uses the term "corporate jets" and I agree with him. Since Obama has already established that he considers all corporations "EVIL" (unless they are GE and green corps) he uses the term 'corporate jets' to make his point.
Y'all come to parts of East Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and western Florida, and you can see what rural poverty truly is like. I am ashamed of some of your posts here.

Those folks need more help.
My neighbor is 50. She draws over $2200 a month on social security disability. Drives a damn tractor and works in the garden. Her husband draws workers comp and notmuch wrong with him. THEY BRAG ABOUT IT and are proud they get checks for nothing.
Friends of ours divorced on paper so the kids can get college grants.
INCOME, not assets determines most aid for all government programs.
Multiply that times millions and that is what you have.
And tell me, a 18 year old girl gets pregnant, guess what happens?
We give her HER OWN PLACE, cash and food stamps. How does that help?
All it does is encourage them to DO THE SAME THING AGAIN.
Watch for the new rhetoric to sway once again on "jobs". As if the administration does not know that changing the tax structure on capital expenses such as business jets eliminates jobs. Their doctrine is that government can create jobs better.
The Obama administration is monopolistic in everything they approach. Government is always monopolistic in its approach. They do not have to make a profit, operate efficiently or be effective like those horrible corporations that own jets.
A stranglehold on small business with choking bureaucracies is how government operates.
In this moment of history we have government run amok with all forms of irrationality going on which has no resemblance to any form of private business practices. The Treasury prints monopoly money, the Fed uses their "quantative" fucked up formulas throwing more than half a trillion around and troubled asset relief program TARP that multiplied more hundreds of billions down the tube and what do we get:
More unemployment and bitching about "corporate" jets.
All the while the government is not doing a good job of creating the environment for the private sector, NOT THE DAMN GOVERNMENT, to create the jobs.

Your use of the term "moocher class" tells me that we both listen to the same Atlanta radio show. I have always called "corporate jets" business jet, shortened to bizjets. Gulfstream in Savannah and Learjet in Wichita were two of my accounts before I retired.

Boortz nailed it the other day when he gave the reason Obama uses the term "corporate jets" and I agree with him. Since Obama has already established that he considers all corporations "EVIL" (unless they are GE and green corps) he uses the term 'corporate jets' to make his point.

I did steal that one from Boortz. Friend of mine told me Bortz had a show on the corporate jet scenario. I never heard that one but guess since I do listen some to him some I am influenced by him.
Boortz' opinion on gay marriage and drugs and things like that are identical to mine. I have lived in Atlanta area for 42 years and have listened to him since he was with WRNG radio 35 years ago!
Community Organizing at it's worst. Classic Saul Alinsky 'Rules for Radicals' stuff. All Americans should read up on Alinsky's Marxist Community Organizing teachings. Pitting American against American is vital to a Community Organizer. Divide & Conquer. It's all in 'Rules for Radicals.' Check it out.

Your use of the term "moocher class" tells me that we both listen to the same Atlanta radio show....


It's a Community Organizer's job to stir up anger & bitterness amongst the people. It clearly states this in Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals.' Turning Citizen against Citizen is what Community Organizers do. And what did Barack Obama ever really do for Chicago? It's an awful Third World nightmare at this point. He never should have been President. It's very sad.
One of Alinsky's tactics was to accuse others of what you are at present doing. CON$ervAlinsky's are always dividing Americans into groups and pitting them against each other, while not only denying doing it, but also accusing others of doing it. So CON$ervAlinksk's give us moocher class, producer class, northeastern liberals, fly-over states, ruling class, country class, etc., the list is endless.

December 15, 2008
RUSH: Liberals look at people and groupify them and then think of them with contempt.

Apr 16, 2010
RUSH: These long-haired, maggot-infested, dope-smoking types that work at the health food store.

May 13, 2010
RUSH: Conservatives remember that "we, the people" are the government. ... We do not divide people by groups. We do not see groups.

April 8, 2008
RUSH: Any person or organization who is not conservative by definition will be a liberal.
Community Organizing at it's worst. Classic Saul Alinsky 'Rules for Radicals' stuff. All Americans should read up on Alinsky's Marxist Community Organizing teachings. Pitting American against American is vital to a Community Organizer. Divide & Conquer. It's all in 'Rules for Radicals.' Check it out.

Your use of the term "moocher class" tells me that we both listen to the same Atlanta radio show....


It's a Community Organizer's job to stir up anger & bitterness amongst the people. It clearly states this in Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals.' Turning Citizen against Citizen is what Community Organizers do. And what did Barack Obama ever really do for Chicago? It's an awful Third World nightmare at this point. He never should have been President. It's very sad.
One of Alinsky's tactics was to accuse others of what you are at present doing. CON$ervAlinsky's are always dividing Americans into groups and pitting them against each other, while not only denying doing it, but also accusing others of doing it. So CON$ervAlinksk's give us moocher class, producer class, northeastern liberals, fly-over states, ruling class, country class, etc., the list is endless.

December 15, 2008
RUSH: Liberals look at people and groupify them and then think of them with contempt.

Apr 16, 2010
RUSH: These long-haired, maggot-infested, dope-smoking types that work at the health food store.

May 13, 2010
RUSH: Conservatives remember that "we, the people" are the government. ... We do not divide people by groups. We do not see groups.

April 8, 2008
RUSH: Any person or organization who is not conservative by definition will be a liberal.

Rush Limbaugh is an ENTERTAINER, unaccountable to the voters.
No credibility with me.
Class Warfare is essential in "Community Organizing." So he'll continue to pit American against American. That's all this President knows.
Y'all come to parts of East Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and western Florida, and you can see what rural poverty truly is like. I am ashamed of some of your posts here.
Those folks need more help. My neighbor is 50. She draws over $2200 a month on social security disability. Drives a damn tractor and works in the garden. Her husband draws workers comp and notmuch wrong with him. THEY BRAG ABOUT IT and are proud they get checks for nothing. riends of ours divorced on paper so the kids can get college grants. INCOME, not assets determines most aid for all government programs. Multiply that times millions and that is what you have. And tell me, a 18 year old girl gets pregnant, guess what happens? We give her HER OWN PLACE, cash and food stamps. How does that help? All it does is encourage them to DO THE SAME THING AGAIN.

I am for reform, not for mean-spirited nonsense.
Class Warfare is essential in "Community Organizing." So he'll continue to pit American against American. That's all this President knows.

This morning he gave a speech that I at first thought I was going to be able to applaud. He actually said both Democrats and Republicans have created this problem, but then he went on to blame Bush and all the stuff he and the Republicans did that were not paid for. Which was true. But he sort of left out TARP that he supported and now uses as his own private petty cash fund, and he left out a trillion dollar stimulus that didn't stimulate, and he left out all the unpaid for components of Obamacare, etc. etc. etc. and the only place he mentioned to cut spending was hundreds of billions in defense and none of it could happen unless we increased taxes on the rich.

It just blows my mind that he cannot see how short sighted and hypocritical that is, but I honestly think he thinks he is being reasonable.
He believes, I think, he is being reasonable. I also think he positioning himself so he can move right toward the center in giving some things up. He wants those hundreds of billions out of defense and is trying to figure how to convince the Democratic left that means testing and higher retirement ages are necessary for Social Security reform. I don't think he will budge an inch on Medicaid and Medicare.
Community Organizing at it's worst. Classic Saul Alinsky 'Rules for Radicals' stuff. All Americans should read up on Alinsky's Marxist Community Organizing teachings. Pitting American against American is vital to a Community Organizer. Divide & Conquer. It's all in 'Rules for Radicals.' Check it out.

It's a Community Organizer's job to stir up anger & bitterness amongst the people. It clearly states this in Saul Alinsky's 'Rules for Radicals.' Turning Citizen against Citizen is what Community Organizers do. And what did Barack Obama ever really do for Chicago? It's an awful Third World nightmare at this point. He never should have been President. It's very sad.
One of Alinsky's tactics was to accuse others of what you are at present doing. CON$ervAlinsky's are always dividing Americans into groups and pitting them against each other, while not only denying doing it, but also accusing others of doing it. So CON$ervAlinksk's give us moocher class, producer class, northeastern liberals, fly-over states, ruling class, country class, etc., the list is endless.

December 15, 2008
RUSH: Liberals look at people and groupify them and then think of them with contempt.

Apr 16, 2010
RUSH: These long-haired, maggot-infested, dope-smoking types that work at the health food store.

May 13, 2010
RUSH: Conservatives remember that "we, the people" are the government. ... We do not divide people by groups. We do not see groups.

April 8, 2008
RUSH: Any person or organization who is not conservative by definition will be a liberal.

Rush Limbaugh is an ENTERTAINER, unaccountable to the voters.
No credibility with me.
He's your MessiahRushie!
Business jets manufacturers in USA:

Gulfstream (revenue $6 billion; 75% of production for export)
Honda Aircraft (developement and assembly in NC)
Embraer (new facility in Florida)

Rest of the world:



Business jets manufacturers in USA:

Gulfstream (revenue $6 billion; 75% of production for export)
Honda Aircraft (developement and assembly in NC)
Embraer (new facility in Florida)

Rest of the world:




Rush has a 550

When will the phony rhetoric stop?​

"As proof that there is no conservative who can’t be painted as a victim on Fox News, Sean Hannity trotted out the Koch brothers' spokesman, Mark Holden, to whine that the billionaire industrialists who covertly bankroll many right-wing causes are nothing more than regular citizens exercising their right to participate in democracy – and being demonized for it by the cut-throat Obama administration and their allies on the left. Hannity even likened Charles and David Koch to Sandra Fluke. To top it all off, Hannity suggested President Obama invite the Koch brothers and Donald Trump to the White House to get some economic advice."
Rush Limbaugh is a hypocrit of the highest order.
But HE paid for his jet.
What is wrong with that?

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