More economic good news: Economy adds 223,000 jobs, unemployment drops to 5.3%

Great news for the 4th of July

Employers added 223 000 jobs in June

Employers added 223,000 jobs in June as the labor market posted a third straight month of solid gains after a winter downturn.
The unemployment rate from 5.5% to 5.3%, the lowest since April 2008, the Labor Department

Businesses added 223,000,000 jobs, led by professional and business services, health care and retail. Employment was unchanged in the public sector.

Now, in preparation for the "Economy must fail" crowd....These were not "burger flipping jobs", they were not part time jobs and they were not government hiring

Feel free to start your diversions about the labor participation rate

Hey Leftnutter, David Stockman (hero of leftists who hate Reagan and his supply side economics) says the unemployment rate is REALLY 43%. What say you?

The Warren Buffett Economy Why Its Days Are Numbered Part 4 David Stockman s Contra Corner
I say you have to be incredibly stupid to swallow Stockman's bullshit. But YOU will!
Reagan - Supply side economics.
Obama - Opulence side economics.

Under Obama, today the Average Canadian is better off economically than Americans.

Under Obama, the rich are fantastically getting richer. In fact, the wealth gap has never been greater in our History. Including during the industrial revolution when America's first "super-rich" were born.

Reagan believed that businesses doing better meant more jobs. That as business income increases, so does capital investment and growth. And jobs. This is arguable, and will be debated for years to come.
Obama? It is very hard to say what he believes. For the simple fact what he says, and what he does are two very, very different things. Even taking out the original TARP in 2008/09 - no President has even come close to the $trillions of our money his administration gladly provides to the super wealthy. Free of charge.
It isn't hard to make a LOT of money using other people's money.
Obama economy Welfare dependency peaks as rich get richer - Washington Times

Again I repeat...
Since 2009 - the top 7% have seen a record 33% earnings increase. By the end of his terms, the top 1% will own close to 45% of ALL WEALTH in the entire country. It is very, very, very good to be wealthy today.
The rest of us? The working Americans...have lost 5% of our earnings.
We lose.
They win.
Hope and Change? Mre like...
No Hope and loose Change.
Great news for the 4th of July

Employers added 223 000 jobs in June

Employers added 223,000 jobs in June as the labor market posted a third straight month of solid gains after a winter downturn.
The unemployment rate from 5.5% to 5.3%, the lowest since April 2008, the Labor Department

Businesses added 223,000,000 jobs, led by professional and business services, health care and retail. Employment was unchanged in the public sector.

Now, in preparation for the "Economy must fail" crowd....These were not "burger flipping jobs", they were not part time jobs and they were not government hiring

Feel free to start your diversions about the labor participation rate

Hey Leftnutter, David Stockman (hero of leftists who hate Reagan and his supply side economics) says the unemployment rate is REALLY 43%. What say you?

The Warren Buffett Economy Why Its Days Are Numbered Part 4 David Stockman s Contra Corner
It is 43%

I blame all those lazy five year olds, invalids, retirees and housewives
Great news for the 4th of July

Employers added 223 000 jobs in June

Employers added 223,000 jobs in June as the labor market posted a third straight month of solid gains after a winter downturn.
The unemployment rate from 5.5% to 5.3%, the lowest since April 2008, the Labor Department

Businesses added 223,000,000 jobs, led by professional and business services, health care and retail. Employment was unchanged in the public sector.

Now, in preparation for the "Economy must fail" crowd....These were not "burger flipping jobs", they were not part time jobs and they were not government hiring

Feel free to start your diversions about the labor participation rate

Hey Leftnutter, David Stockman (hero of leftists who hate Reagan and his supply side economics) says the unemployment rate is REALLY 43%. What say you?

The Warren Buffett Economy Why Its Days Are Numbered Part 4 David Stockman s Contra Corner
I say he's fucking retarded. The unemployment rate measures how many people are looking for work -- not how many people don't want to work.
The number of people in the labor force fell by 432,000, a reason for the lower jobless rate, while 56,000 fewer people were employed, sending the participation rate down to 62.6 percent, the lowest level since 1977.
"More economic good news: Economy adds 223,000 jobs, unemployment drops to 5.3%"

The sad fact is that many republicans perceive this as political bad news, where a considerable number on the right actually want the American people to suffer so republicans might realize some imagined partisan advantage.
"More economic good news: Economy adds 223,000 jobs, unemployment drops to 5.3%"

The sad fact is that many republicans perceive this as political bad news, where a considerable number on the right actually want the American people to suffer so republicans might realize some imagined partisan advantage.

Perhaps if he honestly wanted us to THRIVE, he would do something about it! But, that would take loving America, instead of milking us dry to pay for his third world legacy!
"More economic good news: Economy adds 223,000 jobs, unemployment drops to 5.3%"

The sad fact is that many republicans perceive this as political bad news, where a considerable number on the right actually want the American people to suffer so republicans might realize some imagined partisan advantage.
Some of the biggest America haters openly admit it!

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

October 31, 2008
RUSH: Joe the Plumber. Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

March 27, 2013
RUSH: We're talking about schadenfreude. You know what schadenfreude is. That is loving, that is enjoying the discomfort of others
Great news for the 4th of July

Employers added 223 000 jobs in June

Employers added 223,000 jobs in June as the labor market posted a third straight month of solid gains after a winter downturn.
The unemployment rate from 5.5% to 5.3%, the lowest since April 2008, the Labor Department

Businesses added 223,000,000 jobs, led by professional and business services, health care and retail. Employment was unchanged in the public sector.

Now, in preparation for the "Economy must fail" crowd....These were not "burger flipping jobs", they were not part time jobs and they were not government hiring

Feel free to start your diversions about the labor participation rate

Hey Leftnutter, David Stockman (hero of leftists who hate Reagan and his supply side economics) says the unemployment rate is REALLY 43%. What say you?

The Warren Buffett Economy Why Its Days Are Numbered Part 4 David Stockman s Contra Corner
I say he's fucking retarded. The unemployment rate measures how many people are looking for work -- not how many people don't want to work.
How are you going to keep a welfare/warfare state viable with 43% of working age people, not working?
Great news for the 4th of July

Employers added 223 000 jobs in June

Employers added 223,000 jobs in June as the labor market posted a third straight month of solid gains after a winter downturn.
The unemployment rate from 5.5% to 5.3%, the lowest since April 2008, the Labor Department

Businesses added 223,000,000 jobs, led by professional and business services, health care and retail. Employment was unchanged in the public sector.

Now, in preparation for the "Economy must fail" crowd....These were not "burger flipping jobs", they were not part time jobs and they were not government hiring

Feel free to start your diversions about the labor participation rate

Hey Leftnutter, David Stockman (hero of leftists who hate Reagan and his supply side economics) says the unemployment rate is REALLY 43%. What say you?

The Warren Buffett Economy Why Its Days Are Numbered Part 4 David Stockman s Contra Corner
It is 43%

I blame all those lazy five year olds, invalids, retirees and housewives
Come on know 5 year olds aren't of working age....yes?
Great news for the 4th of July

Employers added 223 000 jobs in June

Employers added 223,000 jobs in June as the labor market posted a third straight month of solid gains after a winter downturn.
The unemployment rate from 5.5% to 5.3%, the lowest since April 2008, the Labor Department

Businesses added 223,000,000 jobs, led by professional and business services, health care and retail. Employment was unchanged in the public sector.

Now, in preparation for the "Economy must fail" crowd....These were not "burger flipping jobs", they were not part time jobs and they were not government hiring

Feel free to start your diversions about the labor participation rate

Hey Leftnutter, David Stockman (hero of leftists who hate Reagan and his supply side economics) says the unemployment rate is REALLY 43%. What say you?

The Warren Buffett Economy Why Its Days Are Numbered Part 4 David Stockman s Contra Corner
I say you have to be incredibly stupid to swallow Stockman's bullshit. But YOU will!
Facts are facts...but not to the Left.
...and besides I thought you lefties loved Stockman for dumping on Reagan...
Great news for the 4th of July

Employers added 223 000 jobs in June

Employers added 223,000 jobs in June as the labor market posted a third straight month of solid gains after a winter downturn.
The unemployment rate from 5.5% to 5.3%, the lowest since April 2008, the Labor Department

Businesses added 223,000,000 jobs, led by professional and business services, health care and retail. Employment was unchanged in the public sector.

Now, in preparation for the "Economy must fail" crowd....These were not "burger flipping jobs", they were not part time jobs and they were not government hiring

Feel free to start your diversions about the labor participation rate

Hey Leftnutter, David Stockman (hero of leftists who hate Reagan and his supply side economics) says the unemployment rate is REALLY 43%. What say you?

The Warren Buffett Economy Why Its Days Are Numbered Part 4 David Stockman s Contra Corner
It is 43%

I blame all those lazy five year olds, invalids, retirees and housewives
Come on know 5 year olds aren't of working age....yes?

Come know the 43% number includes everyone
Whether they want to work or not

There was a time when women, 50% of the population, did not work at all
"More economic good news: Economy adds 223,000 jobs, unemployment drops to 5.3%"

The sad fact is that many republicans perceive this as political bad news, where a considerable number on the right actually want the American people to suffer so republicans might realize some imagined partisan advantage.

Republicans would love to run on a sagging economy in 2016

Of course they will claim it is a horrible economy, but they have been claiming it for so long nobody listens anymore
People on here from the left want to blame GW for the meltdown. Well, you can if you want to say he didn't prevent it, but the real driver behind the meltdown was Barney Frank. Ever wonder why he retired, lol.

As far as Obama or GW being better or worse, who cares, they both stunk econically. Neither republicans or democrats have sole possession of good, or bad, ideas or Presidents. Were it not for a few tax cuts, we could all say we have had GW or Obama in office for 16 years. If you like Obama, you must also like Bush; blasphemy I know, but besides 2 wars, what exactly is the difference in performance? Not much. You can/could claim Obama has done better if you like, but then I have to say he should have being allowed to spend 3 times as much.

The real question you want more Bush Obama for another 4 years? Or rather, do you wish a different approach?

If anyone wants to check, since Reagan we have started moving left. Clinton had a very good economy, but as some of his left got put in, we went into recession at the end, and been going left and down ever since. Always remember, Clinton dealt with the contract with America republicans, and between them, they came damn close to balancing the budget. Sure, a few accounting tricks were used, but notice that today; even with accounting tricks, they can't get withing 5 football fields of even attempting to say we are close. That is BOTH partys!

So I is NOT the moniker over the head of the candidate, it is what they will do, or attempt to do; and if they are going to do the same damn thing that GW and Obama did while spending us into oblivion, let illegals in to soak up our tax dollars, screw business so they want to leave, then why would any thinking American (notice I said AMERICAN, not illegal alien) vote for that?

Ignorance is doing the same thing over, and over, and over again, and expecting different results. What is even more ignorant, is claiming that because one person has an R, and one person has a D in front of their name but almost did exactly the same thing economically, that one was good, and one was bad; when everyone with 1/2 a brain is well aware, they BOTH SUCKED!

A vote for Jebster or rich Hilly, is a vote for the status quo. If you think this is all going swimmingly, then by all means, vote for one of the Washington cronies. By the time we get another chance to change things, it will be far worse, or maybe even over.
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People on here from the left want to blame GW for the meltdown. Well, you can if you want to say he didn't prevent it, but the real driver behind the meltdown was Barney Frank. Ever wonder why he retired, lol.

As far as Obama or GW being better or worse, who cares, they both stunk econically. Neither republicans or democrats have sole possession of good, or bad, ideas or Presidents. Were it not for a few tax cuts, we could all say we have had GW or Obama in office for 16 years. If you like Obama, you must also like Bush; blasphemy I know, but besides 2 wars, what exactly is the difference in performance? Not much. You can/could claim Obama has done better if you like, but then I have to say he should have being allowed to spend 3 times as much.

The real question you want more Bush Obama for another 4 years? Or rather, do you wish a different approach?

If anyone wants to check, since Reagan we have started moving left. Clinton had a very good economy, but as some of his left got put in, we went into recession at the end, and been going left and down ever since. Always remember, Clinton dealt with the contract with America republicans, and between them, they came damn close to balancing the budget. Sure, a few accounting tricks were used, but notice that today; even with accounting tricks, they can't get withing 5 football fields of even attempting to say we are close. That is BOTH partys!

So I is NOT the moniker over the head of the candidate, it is what they will do, or attempt to do; and if they are going to do the same damn thing that GW and Obama did while spending us into oblivion, let illegals in to soak up our tax dollars, screw business so they want to leave, then why would any thinking American (notice I said AMERICAN, not illegal alien) vote for that?

Ignorance is doing the same thing over, and over, and over again, and expecting different results. What is even more ignorant, is claiming that because one person has an R, and one person has a D in front of their name but almost did exactly the same thing economically, that one was good, and was bad; when everyone with 1/2 a brain is well aware, they BOTH SUCKED!
Typical conservative....blame the gay guy

Frank became chairman in Jan 2007 with the real estate collapse starting in July 2007

Conservatives would have you believe that people bought houses, moved in and defaulted all within six months. That is some meltdown
People on here from the left want to blame GW for the meltdown. Well, you can if you want to say he didn't prevent it, but the real driver behind the meltdown was Barney Frank. Ever wonder why he retired, lol.

As far as Obama or GW being better or worse, who cares, they both stunk econically. Neither republicans or democrats have sole possession of good, or bad, ideas or Presidents. Were it not for a few tax cuts, we could all say we have had GW or Obama in office for 16 years. If you like Obama, you must also like Bush; blasphemy I know, but besides 2 wars, what exactly is the difference in performance? Not much. You can/could claim Obama has done better if you like, but then I have to say he should have being allowed to spend 3 times as much.

The real question you want more Bush Obama for another 4 years? Or rather, do you wish a different approach?

If anyone wants to check, since Reagan we have started moving left. Clinton had a very good economy, but as some of his left got put in, we went into recession at the end, and been going left and down ever since. Always remember, Clinton dealt with the contract with America republicans, and between them, they came damn close to balancing the budget. Sure, a few accounting tricks were used, but notice that today; even with accounting tricks, they can't get withing 5 football fields of even attempting to say we are close. That is BOTH partys!

So I is NOT the moniker over the head of the candidate, it is what they will do, or attempt to do; and if they are going to do the same damn thing that GW and Obama did while spending us into oblivion, let illegals in to soak up our tax dollars, screw business so they want to leave, then why would any thinking American (notice I said AMERICAN, not illegal alien) vote for that?

Ignorance is doing the same thing over, and over, and over again, and expecting different results. What is even more ignorant, is claiming that because one person has an R, and one person has a D in front of their name but almost did exactly the same thing economically, that one was good, and was bad; when everyone with 1/2 a brain is well aware, they BOTH SUCKED!
Typical conservative....blame the gay guy

Frank became chairman in Jan 2007 with the real estate collapse starting in July 2007

Conservatives would have you believe that people bought houses, moved in and defaulted all within six months. That is some meltdown
Nice buzzword there RW, "gay," lol.

As an aside, I see you have "gasp" 90,000 posts since 2009! Gee, do you have a job, lolololol! My God man, that is like over 15,000 posts a year!

No wonder you thinks are going wonderfully. You must sit in your parents basement in your underwear with all that free time thinking all this fantasy up to spew getting a few nickels from the government. I am sure you are one of the statistics of people not looking for work, while living off the rest of us, and our tax dollars. No wonder you love leftist policies so much. If you worked, might have to move out of the basement, and put some clothes on over that underwear, lololol!
People on here from the left want to blame GW for the meltdown. Well, you can if you want to say he didn't prevent it, but the real driver behind the meltdown was Barney Frank. Ever wonder why he retired, lol.

As far as Obama or GW being better or worse, who cares, they both stunk econically. Neither republicans or democrats have sole possession of good, or bad, ideas or Presidents. Were it not for a few tax cuts, we could all say we have had GW or Obama in office for 16 years. If you like Obama, you must also like Bush; blasphemy I know, but besides 2 wars, what exactly is the difference in performance? Not much. You can/could claim Obama has done better if you like, but then I have to say he should have being allowed to spend 3 times as much.

The real question you want more Bush Obama for another 4 years? Or rather, do you wish a different approach?

If anyone wants to check, since Reagan we have started moving left. Clinton had a very good economy, but as some of his left got put in, we went into recession at the end, and been going left and down ever since. Always remember, Clinton dealt with the contract with America republicans, and between them, they came damn close to balancing the budget. Sure, a few accounting tricks were used, but notice that today; even with accounting tricks, they can't get withing 5 football fields of even attempting to say we are close. That is BOTH partys!

So I is NOT the moniker over the head of the candidate, it is what they will do, or attempt to do; and if they are going to do the same damn thing that GW and Obama did while spending us into oblivion, let illegals in to soak up our tax dollars, screw business so they want to leave, then why would any thinking American (notice I said AMERICAN, not illegal alien) vote for that?

Ignorance is doing the same thing over, and over, and over again, and expecting different results. What is even more ignorant, is claiming that because one person has an R, and one person has a D in front of their name but almost did exactly the same thing economically, that one was good, and was bad; when everyone with 1/2 a brain is well aware, they BOTH SUCKED!
Typical conservative....blame the gay guy

Frank became chairman in Jan 2007 with the real estate collapse starting in July 2007

Conservatives would have you believe that people bought houses, moved in and defaulted all within six months. That is some meltdown
Nice buzzword there RW, "gay," lol.

As an aside, I see you have "gasp" 90,000 posts since 2009! Gee, do you have a job, lolololol! My God man, that is like over 15,000 posts a year!

No wonder you thinks are going wonderfully. You must sit in your parents basement in your underwear with all that free time thinking all this fantasy up to spew getting a few nickels from the government. I am sure you are one of the statistics of people not looking for work, while living off the rest of us, and our tax dollars. No wonder you love leftist policies so much. If you worked, might have to move out of the basement, and put some clothes on over that underwear, lololol!
I am a paid messageboard poster renowned throughout the interweb

You don't think I would read the shit you post for free do you?
Frank became chairman in Jan 2007 with the real estate collapse starting in July 2007

Conservatives would have you believe that people bought houses, moved in and defaulted all within six months. That is some meltdown

Utter Bullshit and you know it.
People blame Frank because of his unapologetic bald face lying to protect the system that he damn well knew was going to blow. If he didn't know, that is actually worse.
Frank not only protected the uber corrupt F&F - he sought to expand them.
Frank, like Bush, didn't create the cause of the meltdown. Both ignored it, both protected it.
Great news for the 4th of July

Employers added 223 000 jobs in June

Employers added 223,000 jobs in June as the labor market posted a third straight month of solid gains after a winter downturn.
The unemployment rate from 5.5% to 5.3%, the lowest since April 2008, the Labor Department

Businesses added 223,000,000 jobs, led by professional and business services, health care and retail. Employment was unchanged in the public sector.

Now, in preparation for the "Economy must fail" crowd....These were not "burger flipping jobs", they were not part time jobs and they were not government hiring

Feel free to start your diversions about the labor participation rate

Hey Leftnutter, David Stockman (hero of leftists who hate Reagan and his supply side economics) says the unemployment rate is REALLY 43%. What say you?

The Warren Buffett Economy Why Its Days Are Numbered Part 4 David Stockman s Contra Corner
It is 43%

I blame all those lazy five year olds, invalids, retirees and housewives
Come on know 5 year olds aren't of working age....yes?
No more stupid than Stockman including housewives, retired, disabled and students in his calculations, as well as a 40 hour work week when the national average has never been higher than 34.6 hours.
Frank became chairman in Jan 2007 with the real estate collapse starting in July 2007

Conservatives would have you believe that people bought houses, moved in and defaulted all within six months. That is some meltdown

Utter Bullshit and you know it.
People blame Frank because of his unapologetic bald face lying to protect the system that he damn well knew was going to blow. If he didn't know, that is actually worse.
Frank not only protected the uber corrupt F&F - he sought to expand them.
Frank, like Bush, didn't create the cause of the meltdown. Both ignored it, both protected it.

Republicans blame Frank because he is gay

There is now way a single Congressman can crash the economy. Which law did he pass that crashed the economy in six months?

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