More Evidence Of Hillary's Responsibility For Benghazi Deaths

I suggest you go back and listen to your video. The vote to cut funding never made it through the Senate.

Bulloney, it made it through the Senate, with just a slight rise in Embassy security money from what the House requested but STILL 270 BILLION DOLLARS shy of what the President said he needed in his budget.

The facts:

According to Democratic House Oversight Committee staff, the amount that the GOP-led House passed for two accounts that pay for embassy security in fiscal 2012 ($2.311 billion) was $330 million less than the Obama administration had requested ($2.641 billion).

A GOP House Appropriations Committee aide confirmed the House bill had less in these accounts than what the administration requested.

However, the final bill, after being worked on by the Democratic-led Senate, put in more money than what had passed in the House. The final bill, which passed with bipartisan support, gave a total of $2.37 billion to these accounts for fiscal 2012 -- about $270 million less than what the administration had requested.

Conclusion: The GOP-led House did initially approve about $330 million less than what the administration requested, but in the final bill, passed with bipartisan support after adjustments by the Senate, put the amount a little closer to the administration's target, (with being $270 million less than what the administration requested).

CNN Fact Check: What about the security in Benghazi? -

But C4A, we KNOW that the men there CALLED for HELP, and one of them even LITE UP a mortar site for the HOPED FOR Air Force bombing....that never came!.... WHY was that request denied?

Because Obama and Hillary were more concerned about the upcoming election and covering their ass on their incompetence.

Conspiracy theory?

No, just trying to shift the blame from themselves to a video that no one ever saw.
George Bush isn't running for President. The incompetent Hillary Clinton is.
Anyone here actually READ the memo from Stevens instead of taking FOX's word for what it says Stevens said?
This would explain the deleted emails and made-up story about a video.

Two months before the fatal 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, then-Ambassador Chris Stevens requested 13 security personnel to help him safely travel around Libya, according to a cable reviewed by Fox News -- but he was turned down.

Ambassador sought security staffing before Benghazi attack, cable shows

Yeah, idiot....Republicans did not want to increase funding for Benghazi. Was Hillary supposed to pay for it?

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) said today that he voted to cut funding for U.S. embassy security amid political attacks from Republicans that the Obama administration did not do enough to secure the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya that was attacked last month.

Republicans and their allies have been trying to politicize the attack — which killed four Americans, including the U.S. Ambassador to Libya — suggesting, without evidence, the Obama administration may have ignored intelligence that the attack was imminent, didn’t properly secure the Benghazi compound and is now trying to cover it up.

GOP Rep: I ‘Absolutely’ Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security

Now quit your whining and accept the fact that the Benghazi committe under Gowdy was only set up to discredit Hillary and it has blown up in their face with all their screw ups. Hillary will mop the floor with them on Thursday.
and yet you're talking about a great 8 years.

Another delusional Republican. I guess you're with Jeb Bush saying Georgie kept us safe....tell that to the loved ones of the 3000+ victims of 9/11.

And what was so great about the housing bubble bursting and Georgie tanking the country? Oh, you were talking about Obama's 8 great years, I'm sure.
Another one? Good lord

Yeah, that's what I said when I heard the Republicans were forming up yet another "investigation" committee on Benghazi. How many times do they have to find out there was no wrong-doing?
This may be the nail in her coffin that will prompt Biden to enter the race and knock the bitch out of the box for good.

How many nails have you thought was THE one over the last 3 decades?

Nailing the coffin doesn't solve the problem, you need to drive a stake through its heart or use large doses of garlic to make it go away
This may be the nail in her coffin that will prompt Biden to enter the race and knock the bitch out of the box for good.

How many nails have you thought was THE one over the last 3 decades?

Nailing the coffin doesn't solve the problem, you need to drive a stake through its heart or use large doses of garlic to make it go away

Or come up with something real. All the right's lies have worked better than I thought,but still not too well.
This would explain the deleted emails and made-up story about a video.

Two months before the fatal 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, then-Ambassador Chris Stevens requested 13 security personnel to help him safely travel around Libya, according to a cable reviewed by Fox News -- but he was turned down.

Ambassador sought security staffing before Benghazi attack, cable shows

Yeah, idiot....Republicans did not want to increase funding for Benghazi. Was Hillary supposed to pay for it?

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) said today that he voted to cut funding for U.S. embassy security amid political attacks from Republicans that the Obama administration did not do enough to secure the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya that was attacked last month.

Republicans and their allies have been trying to politicize the attack — which killed four Americans, including the U.S. Ambassador to Libya — suggesting, without evidence, the Obama administration may have ignored intelligence that the attack was imminent, didn’t properly secure the Benghazi compound and is now trying to cover it up.

GOP Rep: I ‘Absolutely’ Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security

Now quit your whining and accept the fact that the Benghazi committe under Gowdy was only set up to discredit Hillary and it has blown up in their face with all their screw ups. Hillary will mop the floor with them on Thursday.
You quote 1 Republican. I noticed that none of you leftards have answered the question on why the special forces in Tripoli were told NOT to go to Benghazi to give assistance to Stevens and the others at the embassy who were under fire. And terrorist threats had been made days before the attack but no effort was made to remove the staff. Who was in charge, fuckwad? Republicans? No. Who was the SOS? A Republican? No, it was HILLARY CLINTON, but she couldn't be bothered with it and neither could our president, who went to bed while the embassy was under attack, then went to a fundraiser the next morning while Stevens was being murdered. Fuck you.
This may be the nail in her coffin that will prompt Biden to enter the race and knock the bitch out of the box for good.

How many nails have you thought was THE one over the last 3 decades?

Nailing the coffin doesn't solve the problem, you need to drive a stake through its heart or use large doses of garlic to make it go away
Or put the evil cackling bitch in prison where she belongs.
This would explain the deleted emails and made-up story about a video.

Two months before the fatal 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, then-Ambassador Chris Stevens requested 13 security personnel to help him safely travel around Libya, according to a cable reviewed by Fox News -- but he was turned down.

Ambassador sought security staffing before Benghazi attack, cable shows

Yeah, idiot....Republicans did not want to increase funding for Benghazi. Was Hillary supposed to pay for it?

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) said today that he voted to cut funding for U.S. embassy security amid political attacks from Republicans that the Obama administration did not do enough to secure the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya that was attacked last month.

Republicans and their allies have been trying to politicize the attack — which killed four Americans, including the U.S. Ambassador to Libya — suggesting, without evidence, the Obama administration may have ignored intelligence that the attack was imminent, didn’t properly secure the Benghazi compound and is now trying to cover it up.

GOP Rep: I ‘Absolutely’ Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security

Now quit your whining and accept the fact that the Benghazi committe under Gowdy was only set up to discredit Hillary and it has blown up in their face with all their screw ups. Hillary will mop the floor with them on Thursday.
You quote 1 Republican. I noticed that none of you leftards have answered the question on why the special forces in Tripoli were told NOT to go to Benghazi to give assistance to Stevens and the others at the embassy who were under fire. And terrorist threats had been made days before the attack but no effort was made to remove the staff. Who was in charge, fuckwad? Republicans? No. Who was the SOS? A Republican? No, it was HILLARY CLINTON, but she couldn't be bothered with it and neither could our president, who went to bed while the embassy was under attack, then went to a fundraiser the next morning while Stevens was being murdered. Fuck you.

It was a major screw up and no one wants to be responsible for it. I find it hard to believe that the men under fire never called in for a rescue or support, yet its claimed that there never was an order to stand down.
This would explain the deleted emails and made-up story about a video.

Two months before the fatal 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, then-Ambassador Chris Stevens requested 13 security personnel to help him safely travel around Libya, according to a cable reviewed by Fox News -- but he was turned down.

Ambassador sought security staffing before Benghazi attack, cable shows

Yeah, idiot....Republicans did not want to increase funding for Benghazi. Was Hillary supposed to pay for it?

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) said today that he voted to cut funding for U.S. embassy security amid political attacks from Republicans that the Obama administration did not do enough to secure the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya that was attacked last month.

Republicans and their allies have been trying to politicize the attack — which killed four Americans, including the U.S. Ambassador to Libya — suggesting, without evidence, the Obama administration may have ignored intelligence that the attack was imminent, didn’t properly secure the Benghazi compound and is now trying to cover it up.

GOP Rep: I ‘Absolutely’ Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security

Now quit your whining and accept the fact that the Benghazi committe under Gowdy was only set up to discredit Hillary and it has blown up in their face with all their screw ups. Hillary will mop the floor with them on Thursday.
You quote 1 Republican. I noticed that none of you leftards have answered the question on why the special forces in Tripoli were told NOT to go to Benghazi to give assistance to Stevens and the others at the embassy who were under fire. And terrorist threats had been made days before the attack but no effort was made to remove the staff. Who was in charge, fuckwad? Republicans? No. Who was the SOS? A Republican? No, it was HILLARY CLINTON, but she couldn't be bothered with it and neither could our president, who went to bed while the embassy was under attack, then went to a fundraiser the next morning while Stevens was being murdered. Fuck you.

No stand down order or military missteps in Benghazi attack, GOP-controlled intel panel finds
This would explain the deleted emails and made-up story about a video.

Two months before the fatal 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. compound in Benghazi, then-Ambassador Chris Stevens requested 13 security personnel to help him safely travel around Libya, according to a cable reviewed by Fox News -- but he was turned down.

Ambassador sought security staffing before Benghazi attack, cable shows

Yeah, idiot....Republicans did not want to increase funding for Benghazi. Was Hillary supposed to pay for it?

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) said today that he voted to cut funding for U.S. embassy security amid political attacks from Republicans that the Obama administration did not do enough to secure the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya that was attacked last month.

Republicans and their allies have been trying to politicize the attack — which killed four Americans, including the U.S. Ambassador to Libya — suggesting, without evidence, the Obama administration may have ignored intelligence that the attack was imminent, didn’t properly secure the Benghazi compound and is now trying to cover it up.

GOP Rep: I ‘Absolutely’ Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security

Now quit your whining and accept the fact that the Benghazi committe under Gowdy was only set up to discredit Hillary and it has blown up in their face with all their screw ups. Hillary will mop the floor with them on Thursday.
You quote 1 Republican. I noticed that none of you leftards have answered the question on why the special forces in Tripoli were told NOT to go to Benghazi to give assistance to Stevens and the others at the embassy who were under fire. And terrorist threats had been made days before the attack but no effort was made to remove the staff. Who was in charge, fuckwad? Republicans? No. Who was the SOS? A Republican? No, it was HILLARY CLINTON, but she couldn't be bothered with it and neither could our president, who went to bed while the embassy was under attack, then went to a fundraiser the next morning while Stevens was being murdered. Fuck you.

It was a major screw up and no one wants to be responsible for it. I find it hard to believe that the men under fire never called in for a rescue or support, yet its claimed that there never was an order to stand down.
The left is holding on to the talking point "They didn't say the words 'stand down', they said 'don't board the plane'." Big difference, ya know.

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