More IRS staffers placed on leave

What does your post have anything to do with "More IRS staffers placed on leave" ?
Please try and stay on topic.

Having said that, you must not have boned up on all the counts in Florida after the election.
Your side, the right side, and no side came to the same would have been butthurt if you weren't an underinformed voter. :eusa_whistle:

Another member who thinks he's a MOD, huh?

WOW! Are you really that slow? Can't believe they allow you to post here.

Let me dumb this down for you. What is the purpose of intentionally refusing tax exempt status to "Tea Party" or "Patriot" groups? Think real hard now.

It is to win elections. The real point of this issue is to talk about cheating to win elections. That is precisely what George W. Bush did in Florida - cheated to win the election.

Bush lost by a half million votes, and used daddy's Supreme Court friends to steal the election.

If you really have problem with this, you could search Google, which is precisely what I did before I made post #53.

As I pointed out in post #12, which apparently you did not take the time to read before rushing to your keyboard, Karl Rove has warned Republicans not to push to too hard or they too will go down the "rabbit hole" on this issue.

Didn't care for your attitude, so........... The IRS is a good political issue for Republicans. But are they in danger of overreaching on it?

"Karl Rove, the chief political strategist for George W. Bush’s presidency, acknowledged that he worries “a little bit” about the possibility of overreach..... Rove may be the most visible Republican to admit a bit of concern about the possibility of his side going down a political rabbit hole over the next few years, but he is not the only one.........."


George and Karl

Please try to keep up on this topic, thank you! :cool:


I guess you have real issues with Media Matters and with their tax exempt status, huh? No? Your a hypocrite

Gosh, how could I know? I only graduated college with a double major in mass communications and political science, and got my MBA in the political use of advertising. I have been involved in two Congressional campaigns, and one Presidential - all winners. I get paid for my political opinions. But, please go on. It is always nice to hear from an arm-chair expert! :eusa_angel:

AP: A vote-by-vote review of untallied ballots in the 2000 Florida presidential election indicates George W. Bush would have narrowly prevailed in the partial recounts sought by Al Gore, but Gore might have reversed the outcome – by the barest of margins – had he pursued and gained a complete statewide recount.

Palm Beach Post: Al Gore was doomed.

He couldn’t have caught George W. Bush even if his two best chances for an official recount had played out.

USA Today: George W. Bush would have won a hand recount of all disputed ballots in Florida’s presidential election if the most widely accepted standard for judging votes had been applied. : The Florida Recount of 2000

In the first full study of Florida's ballots since the election ended, The Miami Herald and USA Today reported George W. Bush would have widened his 537-vote victory to a 1,665-vote margin if the recount ordered by the Florida Supreme Court would have been allowed to continue, using standards that would have allowed even faintly dimpled "undervotes" -- ballots the voter has noticeably indented but had not punched all the way through -- to be counted.
Media Recount: Bush Won the 2000 Election | PBS NewsHour | April 3, 2001 | PBS

Bush won the electoral votes no matter how you try and spin it. :razz:

You just keep on drinking the Kool-Aid, son.
Keep huffing the paint, smoking the 420.....Obama will take care of you. being a mod? Guess you haven't been around too long, sonny.

I did not bother to read your links. I was there. I saw the facts. You clearly have no idea how tax free political organizations work, or how Bush stole the 2000 election in Florida. Sounds like you did not own a television set in 2000. The IRS issue is a pimple of party politics. The real issue is winning elections. You do realize that you are not the OP in this thread don't you? Wondered exactly how delusional you are. Got it now, Mr. Alzheimers?


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Gosh, how could I know? I only graduated college with a double major in mass communications and political science, and got my MBA in the political use of advertising. I have been involved in two Congressional campaigns, and one Presidential - all winners. I get paid for my political opinions. But, please go on. It is always nice to hear from an arm-chair expert! :eusa_angel:

Whenever someone trots out his resume I know he's full of shit and losing the argument.

FWIW I doubt you did more than make telephone calls from the john for pizza.
Another member who thinks he's a MOD, huh?

WOW! Are you really that slow? Can't believe they allow you to post here.

Let me dumb this down for you. What is the purpose of intentionally refusing tax exempt status to "Tea Party" or "Patriot" groups? Think real hard now.

It is to win elections. The real point of this issue is to talk about cheating to win elections. That is precisely what George W. Bush did in Florida - cheated to win the election.

Bush lost by a half million votes, and used daddy's Supreme Court friends to steal the election.

If you really have problem with this, you could search Google, which is precisely what I did before I made post #53.

As I pointed out in post #12, which apparently you did not take the time to read before rushing to your keyboard, Karl Rove has warned Republicans not to push to too hard or they too will go down the "rabbit hole" on this issue.

Please try to keep up on this topic, thank you! :cool:


I guess you have real issues with Media Matters and with their tax exempt status, huh? No? Your a hypocrite

Gosh, how could I know? I only graduated college with a double major in mass communications and political science, and got my MBA in the political use of advertising. I have been involved in two Congressional campaigns, and one Presidential - all winners. I get paid for my political opinions. But, please go on. It is always nice to hear from an arm-chair expert! :eusa_angel:

AP: A vote-by-vote review of untallied ballots in the 2000 Florida presidential election indicates George W. Bush would have narrowly prevailed in the partial recounts sought by Al Gore, but Gore might have reversed the outcome – by the barest of margins – had he pursued and gained a complete statewide recount.

Palm Beach Post: Al Gore was doomed.

He couldn’t have caught George W. Bush even if his two best chances for an official recount had played out.

USA Today: George W. Bush would have won a hand recount of all disputed ballots in Florida’s presidential election if the most widely accepted standard for judging votes had been applied. : The Florida Recount of 2000

In the first full study of Florida's ballots since the election ended, The Miami Herald and USA Today reported George W. Bush would have widened his 537-vote victory to a 1,665-vote margin if the recount ordered by the Florida Supreme Court would have been allowed to continue, using standards that would have allowed even faintly dimpled "undervotes" -- ballots the voter has noticeably indented but had not punched all the way through -- to be counted.
Media Recount: Bush Won the 2000 Election | PBS NewsHour | April 3, 2001 | PBS

Bush won the electoral votes no matter how you try and spin it. :razz:

You just keep on drinking the Kool-Aid, son.
Keep huffing the paint, smoking the 420.....Obama will take care of you. being a mod? Guess you haven't been around too long, sonny.

I did not bother to read your links. I was there. I saw the facts. You clearly have no idea how tax free political organizations work, or how Bush stole the 2000 election in Florida. Sounds like you did not own a television set in 2000. The IRS issue is a pimple of party politics. The real issue is winning elections. You do realize that you are not the OP in this thread don't you? Wondered exactly how delusional you are. Got it now, Mr. Alzheimers?


For the love of God, now we have a self proclaimed, "I was there. I saw the facts." BS
If you actually were there you would know reality when it was all said and done.

"I only graduated college with a double major in mass communications and political science, and got my MBA in the political use of advertising. I have been involved in two Congressional campaigns, and one Presidential - all winners. I get paid for my political opinions." :rolleyes:

I'm a rocket scientist. :eusa_eh:

I love these braggers that get on here and tell all of us just how smart they are and get pwn'd by the actual facts.
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Gosh, how could I know? I only graduated college with a double major in mass communications and political science, and got my MBA in the political use of advertising. I have been involved in two Congressional campaigns, and one Presidential - all winners. I get paid for my political opinions. But, please go on. It is always nice to hear from an arm-chair expert! :eusa_angel:

Whenever someone trots out his resume I know he's full of shit and losing the argument.

FWIW I doubt you did more than make telephone calls from the john for pizza.

Yet, he stated on the first page of this thread that he's an Independent voter. :lol:
Gosh, how could I know? I only graduated college with a double major in mass communications and political science, and got my MBA in the political use of advertising. I have been involved in two Congressional campaigns, and one Presidential - all winners. I get paid for my political opinions. But, please go on. It is always nice to hear from an arm-chair expert! :eusa_angel:

Whenever someone trots out his resume I know he's full of shit and losing the argument.

FWIW I doubt you did more than make telephone calls from the john for pizza.

Yet, he stated on the first page of this thread that he's an Independent voter. :lol:

I have also stated several times that I have been both a Republican and a Democrat before becoming an independent voter. Inaccuracy and misquoting seem to tools of your posting. :eusa_angel:

You trot out your lack of a resume every time you post. All we have to do is read you. You just don't know how to handle the fact that I actually witnessed the 2000 Florida election first hand. You don't know how to post against me. I would suggest that is more a problem of education and staying current with the news everyday than anything else. You are a lazy internet poster.


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Whenever someone trots out his resume I know he's full of shit and losing the argument.

FWIW I doubt you did more than make telephone calls from the john for pizza.

Yet, he stated on the first page of this thread that he's an Independent voter. :lol:

I have also stated several times that I have been both a Republican and a Democrat before becoming an independent voter. Inaccuracy and misquoting seem to tools of your posting. :eusa_angel:

You trot out your lack of a resume every time you post. All we have to do is read you. You just don't know how to handle the fact that I actually witnessed the 2000 Florida election first hand. You don't know how to post against me. I would suggest that is more a problem of education and staying current with the news everyday than anything else. You are a lazy internet poster.



When you claim that Bush stole the election, you echo the leftwingnuts mantra, sonny.
No one argues that Bush didn't get the majority of the popular what?
Elections are won and lost in the electoral college, anybody that got through the 8th grade knows that.
Because you don't want the facts on the Florida count is all on you and wanting to be willfully ignorant. It doesn't surprise me on the board, we have a lot of partisan hacks that don't want to acknowledge the facts.
I don't need a resume and you don't need to lie about yours.
I would laugh at anyone who would pay you a dime for your knowledge.
People who actually have an education would never keep spewing in second grade terms, "Boooosh stole the election and lost by a half a million". And, not bring any credible sources to back up their premise. So run back to your sandbox, sonny. I'm done with you.
Was it really all of 1000 dollars? 1000 whole dollars. OMfingGOD. Not "that" thousand dollars. Chump change. You rethugs are going to act all superior and butt hurt over chump change. LMAO.

Hell our wonderful Congress people wouldn't even take your phone call if all you were offering was a thousand dollars.

But keep it up. Your butt hurt is funny as hell.

Its called theft, Dumbass, and that is a crime. People go to jail for stealing less.

Many people seem to have trouble understanding why it is so hard to fire a civil servant. The answer is that government officials make a dumb decision not to fire a favored employee for wrongdoing, and that sets a precedent for the future. The next employee that is fired for the same wrongdoing charges disparent treatment, and gets his job back, with back pay.
As the liberals post that this is old news and the story is dying each day, the issue just continues to gain momentum.

I have a friend on Facebook that can really get me going when it comes to this stuff. I try not to respond to many of her posts because she thinks i'm attacking her! But she's been putting up stuff about the IRS scandal and that it's been proven that there were more conservative groups ok'd for tax exemption than liberal groups...etc....OMG, they just keep lying!
As an independent voter I am outraged. I am furious that the IRS would single out any group on either side of the aisle for this clear violation tax and election rules.

As a realist, I think the Republicans have pulled the same thing in the past, and are overzealous.

Both parties have taken unethical actions to control the vote many times, in many locations around the nation. If politicians were as concerned as they say they are about dishonesty in electioneering , Al Gore would have been in the White House from 2000-2008. Americans seem to forget, but the world has not, that American elections are as corrupt as in any third world country.


Imagine Al Gore in the White House. No Iraq war. No war in Afghanistan. Globel warming would have been dealt with and our tornado/Hurricane/forest fire problems would have been a top priority. Much more attention would have been paid to domestic issues. Gore preferred to negotiate rather than create war, so maybe no 9/11. And, we would have never heard the name "Scooter Libby."

Hey, didn't Al Gore win that election by a half million votes? He sure did!

So, let's cut the bull shit.

OMG...Al Gore as president. Can't imagine it and don't want to. He's such an Imbecille...and a liar! He has to be in the top 5 of my most hated democrats!
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Whenever someone trots out his resume I know he's full of shit and losing the argument.

FWIW I doubt you did more than make telephone calls from the john for pizza.

Yet, he stated on the first page of this thread that he's an Independent voter. :lol:

I have also stated several times that I have been both a Republican and a Democrat before becoming an independent voter. Inaccuracy and misquoting seem to tools of your posting. :eusa_angel:

You trot out your lack of a resume every time you post. All we have to do is read you. You just don't know how to handle the fact that I actually witnessed the 2000 Florida election first hand. You don't know how to post against me. I would suggest that is more a problem of education and staying current with the news everyday than anything else. You are a lazy internet poster.



People never really grow out of their set beliefs. Independent is a cover for "I lean one way or the other, and I don't want you to know about it" because if you notice, they hold the same biases as either a Republican or Democrat would.
Bottom Line for me. I don't care which party they are attacking. THIS IS ABUSE OF POWER, PERIOD.

Attacking Americans for their BELIEFS IS UTTER BS. Those responsible need to be thrown under the jail.

I would say the same had they been attacking Dem Groups as well.

Finally, the IRS is a POLITICAL HOT STICK as Americans don't really like the IRS ALREADY. If the Dems don't push this one, it's political suicide in the coming elections.
Yet, he stated on the first page of this thread that he's an Independent voter. :lol:

I have also stated several times that I have been both a Republican and a Democrat before becoming an independent voter. Inaccuracy and misquoting seem to tools of your posting. :eusa_angel:

You trot out your lack of a resume every time you post. All we have to do is read you. You just don't know how to handle the fact that I actually witnessed the 2000 Florida election first hand. You don't know how to post against me. I would suggest that is more a problem of education and staying current with the news everyday than anything else. You are a lazy internet poster.



When you claim that Bush stole the election, you echo the leftwingnuts mantra, sonny.
No one argues that Bush didn't get the majority of the popular what?
Elections are won and lost in the electoral college, anybody that got through the 8th grade knows that.
Because you don't want the facts on the Florida count is all on you and wanting to be willfully ignorant. It doesn't surprise me on the board, we have a lot of partisan hacks that don't want to acknowledge the facts.
I don't need a resume and you don't need to lie about yours.
I would laugh at anyone who would pay you a dime for your knowledge.
People who actually have an education would never keep spewing in second grade terms, "Boooosh stole the election and lost by a half a million". And, not bring any credible sources to back up their premise. So run back to your sandbox, sonny. I'm done with you.

Mr. Alzheimers, unlike your family I am not going to continue to repeat myself because you are not able to maintain a thought for more than :30.

If you are not bright enough to figure out that George Bush's brother, Jeb, was Governor of Florida at the time, and Secretary of Florida Katherine Harris was given a seat in the House of Representatives for fixing the election, then you are not only senile, you are poorly read.

Yes, Mr. Alzheimers, you are not the only one who understands how the Electoral College works. Catch up, you are wasting my time.


Can you recall this from Post 43 this map with popular and Electoral College totals?
I was sure you had to be reminded of what you are talking about.​
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OK, this was square one for me. I used the Gore election as an example of both parties and their borderline ethics in electioneering. I am not trying to shift the subject to the 2000 election.

As an independent voter I am outraged. I am furious that the IRS would single out any group on either side of the aisle for this clear violation tax and election rules.

As a realist, I think the Republicans have pulled the same thing in the past, and are overzealous.

Both parties have taken unethical actions to control the vote many times, in many locations around the nation. If politicians were as concerned as they say they are about dishonesty in electioneering , Al Gore would have been in the White House from 2000-2008. Americans seem to forget, but the world has not, that American elections are as corrupt as in any third world country.


Hey, didn't Al Gore win that election by a half million votes, and for a few minutes Florida was his in Gore's Electoral College? Katherine Harris, Florida's vote counting Secretary of State, who worked under George Bush's brother, Governor Jeb Bush, is what happened. Harris's reward was a seat in Congress!

So, let's cut the bull shit. The world now sees American elections as a joke! Today it is the IRS scandal, tomorrow something else.
AP: A vote-by-vote review of untallied ballots in the 2000 Florida presidential election indicates George W. Bush would have narrowly prevailed in the partial recounts sought by Al Gore, but Gore might have reversed the outcome – by the barest of margins – had he pursued and gained a complete statewide recount.

Palm Beach Post: Al Gore was doomed.

He couldn’t have caught George W. Bush even if his two best chances for an official recount had played out.

USA Today: George W. Bush would have won a hand recount of all disputed ballots in Florida’s presidential election if the most widely accepted standard for judging votes had been applied. : The Florida Recount of 2000

In the first full study of Florida's ballots since the election ended, The Miami Herald and USA Today reported George W. Bush would have widened his 537-vote victory to a 1,665-vote margin if the recount ordered by the Florida Supreme Court would have been allowed to continue, using standards that would have allowed even faintly dimpled "undervotes" -- ballots the voter has noticeably indented but had not punched all the way through -- to be counted.
Media Recount: Bush Won the 2000 Election | PBS NewsHour | April 3, 2001 | PBS

Bush won the electoral votes no matter how you try and spin it. :razz:

You just keep on drinking the Kool-Aid, son.
Keep huffing the paint, smoking the 420.....Obama will take care of you. being a mod? Guess you haven't been around too long, sonny.

You are being willfully ignorant, sonny.
Wiki as your source??????:lol:
Anybody can amend Wiki
As an independent voter I am outraged. I am furious that the IRS would single out any group on either side of the aisle for this clear violation tax and election rules.

As a realist, I think the Republicans have pulled the same thing in the past, and are overzealous.

Both parties have taken unethical actions to control the vote many times, in many locations around the nation. If politicians were as concerned as they say they are about dishonesty in electioneering , Al Gore would have been in the White House from 2000-2008. Americans seem to forget, but the world has not, that American elections are as corrupt as in any third world country.


Imagine Al Gore in the White House. No Iraq war. No war in Afghanistan. Globel warming would have been dealt with and our tornado/Hurricane/forest fire problems would have been a top priority. Much more attention would have been paid to domestic issues. Gore preferred to negotiate rather than create war, so maybe no 9/11. And, we would have never heard the name "Scooter Libby."

Hey, didn't Al Gore win that election by a half million votes? He sure did!

So, let's cut the bull shit.
I despise fence sitters.
Ya know what I mean?
Was it really all of 1000 dollars? 1000 whole dollars. OMfingGOD. Not "that" thousand dollars. Chump change. You rethugs are going to act all superior and butt hurt over chump change. LMAO.

Hell our wonderful Congress people wouldn't even take your phone call if all you were offering was a thousand dollars.

But keep it up. Your butt hurt is funny as hell.

WTF are you talking about?
Ignore him. He had to vomit and the spew landed on his keyboard. The post he wrote is what he were treated to.
The IRS has notified congressional staff that top officials in the agency’s Affordable Care Act implementation team were recently placed on administrative leave for potential improprieties, according to a congressional source.

The agency told lawmakers that Fred Schindler, who is Sarah Hall Ingram’s deputy, and another staffer in the division were put on leave. The move is the result of gifts the staffers allegedly received — including $1,100 in free food and other items — while attending a 2010 health care conference.

The move is the result of gifts the staffers allegedly received

that's so interesting - surly no liberal agenda should be tolerated by a strictly Republican electorate.

DAYUMM. Can't you all read. But, my bad it was 1100 entire dollars you all are freaking about. 1100. To funny. Oh, and some alleged "gifts".

Here is a quarter. Buy a bottle of 'catch up'...

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