More lefties learn the glory of the 15 dollar minimum wage....unemployment.....

Here are more people being enlightened with basic economics.....

Seattle Minimum Wage Kills Jobs Hurts Students PJ Tatler

Students at the University of Washington in Tacoma are getting an object lesson in the value of a dollar. As economic dominoes fall in the wake of a municipal minimum wage hike to $15 per hour in Seattle, university students find themselves digging deeper into their pockets to cover higher prices resulting from the mandate.

Elsewhere, small-business employees initially thrilled by the “raise” granted them by the city have since learned that they’ll be losing their jobs later this year. Red Alert Politics reports:

[Z Pizza] owner Ritu Shah Burnham said she just can’t afford the city’s mandated wage hikes.

“I’ve let one person go since April 1, I’ve cut hours since April 1, I’ve taken them myself because I don’t pay myself,” she told Q13. “I’ve also raised my prices a little bit, there’s no other way to do it.”
Just business 101. Labor is a big cost of doing business. If you don't want to pay your workers a living wage, then close the doors and do something else with your life. Well, business owners can always hire cheap illegal immigrant labor. They'll work for $20.00 a day, which is twice what they earned in their home country. Either pay workers a living wage, or hire illegal immigrant labor, a very simple choice. Or, just close the doors and retire with all the money cheap labor enabled you to make over the years.
Sure, and put ALL your employees out of work. What do they matter when we're trying to make a political point?
Again, either pay them, or close the doors. What are the other choices? You can't force workers to stay if they don't want to. And, you can't change laws by poor-mouthing. Either pay them, or hire illegal immigrants, or close the doors, very simple.

Sure, your right, when its no longer profitable to be in business there will be no businesses, hey, but it will be fair. as long as it seems fair. Of course, big chain restaurants might survive better, of couse they will give you less with cheaper ingredients, and who needs those mom and pops around anyway. why not raise minimum wage to $20 ? who is to say what is the proper wage ?
it sure isnt for the market place to decide.
A business knows when its pricing itself out of business. Wages are basically determined by what workers are willing to work for. Employers know what the market can stand and what it can't stand.
Not at all. If you own a restaurant now many of your customers just got a wage increase. Now more customers can afford to go out to eat more often. This increases sales and profits which can be used to pay employees.

How is it any different? The price of the product will go up with the wages so their buying power doesnt change.
You keep forgetting or ignoring that the price of wages will increase across the board,not just for min wage workers.

Min wage has increased many times without the sky falling. Point to where your claims have ever happened?

How about asking for something reasonable like a buck?

Well it won't go to $15. I'm sure thats just the start of negotiations. I would expect the actual federal increase to be much less.

Ya wanna know what they wont be getting? A living wage....whatever the hell that is.
FYI - A living wage is one that allows a worker to be self-supporting without the need for assistance. And, it depends on where one lives.
How is it any different? The price of the product will go up with the wages so their buying power doesnt change.
You keep forgetting or ignoring that the price of wages will increase across the board,not just for min wage workers.

Min wage has increased many times without the sky falling. Point to where your claims have ever happened?

How about asking for something reasonable like a buck?

Well it won't go to $15. I'm sure thats just the start of negotiations. I would expect the actual federal increase to be much less.

Ya wanna know what they wont be getting? A living wage....whatever the hell that is.
FYI - A living wage is one that allows a worker to be self-supporting without the need for assistance. And, it depends on where one lives.

Get a room mate like Americans have been doing for hundreds of years.
No one has the right to live by themselves because you say so.
Min wage has increased many times without the sky falling. Point to where your claims have ever happened?

How about asking for something reasonable like a buck?

Well it won't go to $15. I'm sure thats just the start of negotiations. I would expect the actual federal increase to be much less.

Ya wanna know what they wont be getting? A living wage....whatever the hell that is.
FYI - A living wage is one that allows a worker to be self-supporting without the need for assistance. And, it depends on where one lives.

Get a room mate like Americans have been doing for hundreds of years.
No one has the right to live by themselves because you say so.

It would be great for the country if everyone made a living wage. More people paying taxes and no welfare. Won't be done with min wage however.
I have no problem with utopia islands like Seattle trying something like this out. The marketplace will decide if it's successful. BUT !!
I want to see those individuals who are all for this that live in the area, to put their money where their mouths are and ONLY shop inside the $15.00 minimum wage zone. And also everyone who earns this wage needs to NOT price compare outside the zone, and only shop inside the zone.
Min wage has increased many times without the sky falling. Point to where your claims have ever happened?

How about asking for something reasonable like a buck?

Well it won't go to $15. I'm sure thats just the start of negotiations. I would expect the actual federal increase to be much less.

Ya wanna know what they wont be getting? A living wage....whatever the hell that is.
FYI - A living wage is one that allows a worker to be self-supporting without the need for assistance. And, it depends on where one lives.

Get a room mate like Americans have been doing for hundreds of years.
No one has the right to live by themselves because you say so.
I never ever said that. I've never said anything about one living alone. Obviously you have me confused with someone else.
How about asking for something reasonable like a buck?

Well it won't go to $15. I'm sure thats just the start of negotiations. I would expect the actual federal increase to be much less.

Ya wanna know what they wont be getting? A living wage....whatever the hell that is.
FYI - A living wage is one that allows a worker to be self-supporting without the need for assistance. And, it depends on where one lives.

Get a room mate like Americans have been doing for hundreds of years.
No one has the right to live by themselves because you say so.
I never ever said that. I've never said anything about one living alone. Obviously you have me confused with someone else.

Sure sounds like it....
"FYI - A living wage is one that allows a worker to be self-supporting without the need for assistance."

There is absolutely no reason for someone to be at min wage for more than 6 months unless they are a complete dolt.
Well it won't go to $15. I'm sure thats just the start of negotiations. I would expect the actual federal increase to be much less.

Ya wanna know what they wont be getting? A living wage....whatever the hell that is.
FYI - A living wage is one that allows a worker to be self-supporting without the need for assistance. And, it depends on where one lives.

Get a room mate like Americans have been doing for hundreds of years.
No one has the right to live by themselves because you say so.
I never ever said that. I've never said anything about one living alone. Obviously you have me confused with someone else.

Sure sounds like it....
"FYI - A living wage is one that allows a worker to be self-supporting without the need for assistance."

There is absolutely no reason for someone to be at min wage for more than 6 months unless they are a complete dolt.
Sorry, that's not reality in this jobs market. Under ideal circumstances, they probably wouldn't be at minimum wage very long. But, we live in different times, with a different economy and jobs market. ........... Regardless of what it sounds like, I have never ever said anything about a worker living alone.
Here are more people being enlightened with basic economics.....

Seattle Minimum Wage Kills Jobs Hurts Students PJ Tatler

Students at the University of Washington in Tacoma are getting an object lesson in the value of a dollar. As economic dominoes fall in the wake of a municipal minimum wage hike to $15 per hour in Seattle, university students find themselves digging deeper into their pockets to cover higher prices resulting from the mandate.

Elsewhere, small-business employees initially thrilled by the “raise” granted them by the city have since learned that they’ll be losing their jobs later this year. Red Alert Politics reports:

[Z Pizza] owner Ritu Shah Burnham said she just can’t afford the city’s mandated wage hikes.

“I’ve let one person go since April 1, I’ve cut hours since April 1, I’ve taken them myself because I don’t pay myself,” she told Q13. “I’ve also raised my prices a little bit, there’s no other way to do it.”
Just business 101. Labor is a big cost of doing business. If you don't want to pay your workers a living wage, then close the doors and do something else with your life. Well, business owners can always hire cheap illegal immigrant labor. They'll work for $20.00 a day, which is twice what they earned in their home country. Either pay workers a living wage, or hire illegal immigrant labor, a very simple choice. Or, just close the doors and retire with all the money cheap labor enabled you to make over the years.
Sure, and put ALL your employees out of work. What do they matter when we're trying to make a political point?
Again, either pay them, or close the doors. What are the other choices? You can't force workers to stay if they don't want to. And, you can't change laws by poor-mouthing. Either pay them, or hire illegal immigrants, or close the doors, very simple.
You forgot the other choices, raise prices and lay off as many as you need to. Who cares about them when you're making a political point?
Here are more people being enlightened with basic economics.....

Seattle Minimum Wage Kills Jobs Hurts Students PJ Tatler

Students at the University of Washington in Tacoma are getting an object lesson in the value of a dollar. As economic dominoes fall in the wake of a municipal minimum wage hike to $15 per hour in Seattle, university students find themselves digging deeper into their pockets to cover higher prices resulting from the mandate.

Elsewhere, small-business employees initially thrilled by the “raise” granted them by the city have since learned that they’ll be losing their jobs later this year. Red Alert Politics reports:

[Z Pizza] owner Ritu Shah Burnham said she just can’t afford the city’s mandated wage hikes.

“I’ve let one person go since April 1, I’ve cut hours since April 1, I’ve taken them myself because I don’t pay myself,” she told Q13. “I’ve also raised my prices a little bit, there’s no other way to do it.”
Maybe Ms. Burnham just makes crappy pizza.
Ya wanna know what they wont be getting? A living wage....whatever the hell that is.
FYI - A living wage is one that allows a worker to be self-supporting without the need for assistance. And, it depends on where one lives.

Get a room mate like Americans have been doing for hundreds of years.
No one has the right to live by themselves because you say so.
I never ever said that. I've never said anything about one living alone. Obviously you have me confused with someone else.

Sure sounds like it....
"FYI - A living wage is one that allows a worker to be self-supporting without the need for assistance."

There is absolutely no reason for someone to be at min wage for more than 6 months unless they are a complete dolt.
Sorry, that's not reality in this jobs market. Under ideal circumstances, they probably wouldn't be at minimum wage very long. But, we live in different times, with a different economy and jobs market. ........... Regardless of what it sounds like, I have never ever said anything about a worker living alone.

How many times do I have to quote you?

"FYI - A living wage is one that allows a worker to be self-supporting without the need for assistance."

It's entirely possible to be self supporting on min wage.
I did it,as have millions of others.
And it gave me the incentive to better myself. Pay some schmuck 15 bucks an hour and the loser will flip burgers for life and there wont be any job openings for our youth.
Wetbacks have already stolen lawn mowing as a summer job for our children now you want to take away flipping burgers?
Sounds like a great way to fuck over the next generation...thanks a lot.
FYI - A living wage is one that allows a worker to be self-supporting without the need for assistance. And, it depends on where one lives.

Get a room mate like Americans have been doing for hundreds of years.
No one has the right to live by themselves because you say so.
I never ever said that. I've never said anything about one living alone. Obviously you have me confused with someone else.

Sure sounds like it....
"FYI - A living wage is one that allows a worker to be self-supporting without the need for assistance."

There is absolutely no reason for someone to be at min wage for more than 6 months unless they are a complete dolt.
Sorry, that's not reality in this jobs market. Under ideal circumstances, they probably wouldn't be at minimum wage very long. But, we live in different times, with a different economy and jobs market. ........... Regardless of what it sounds like, I have never ever said anything about a worker living alone.

How many times do I have to quote you?

"FYI - A living wage is one that allows a worker to be self-supporting without the need for assistance."

It's entirely possible to be self supporting on min wage.
I did it,as have millions of others.
And it gave me the incentive to better myself. Pay some schmuck 15 bucks an hour and the loser will flip burgers for life and there wont be any job openings for our youth.
Wetbacks have already stolen lawn mowing as a summer job for our children now you want to take away flipping burgers?
Sounds like a great way to fuck over the next generation...thanks a lot.

It seems most the jobs being created are of the flipping variety. The good jobs are going to China.
FYI - A living wage is one that allows a worker to be self-supporting without the need for assistance. And, it depends on where one lives.

Get a room mate like Americans have been doing for hundreds of years.
No one has the right to live by themselves because you say so.
I never ever said that. I've never said anything about one living alone. Obviously you have me confused with someone else.

Sure sounds like it....
"FYI - A living wage is one that allows a worker to be self-supporting without the need for assistance."

There is absolutely no reason for someone to be at min wage for more than 6 months unless they are a complete dolt.
Sorry, that's not reality in this jobs market. Under ideal circumstances, they probably wouldn't be at minimum wage very long. But, we live in different times, with a different economy and jobs market. ........... Regardless of what it sounds like, I have never ever said anything about a worker living alone.

How many times do I have to quote you?

"FYI - A living wage is one that allows a worker to be self-supporting without the need for assistance."

It's entirely possible to be self supporting on min wage.
I did it,as have millions of others.
And it gave me the incentive to better myself. Pay some schmuck 15 bucks an hour and the loser will flip burgers for life and there wont be any job openings for our youth.
Wetbacks have already stolen lawn mowing as a summer job for our children now you want to take away flipping burgers?
Sounds like a great way to fuck over the next generation...thanks a lot.
What was the minimum wage back then when you were "self-supporting" on a minimum wage job?
Get a room mate like Americans have been doing for hundreds of years.
No one has the right to live by themselves because you say so.
I never ever said that. I've never said anything about one living alone. Obviously you have me confused with someone else.

Sure sounds like it....
"FYI - A living wage is one that allows a worker to be self-supporting without the need for assistance."

There is absolutely no reason for someone to be at min wage for more than 6 months unless they are a complete dolt.
Sorry, that's not reality in this jobs market. Under ideal circumstances, they probably wouldn't be at minimum wage very long. But, we live in different times, with a different economy and jobs market. ........... Regardless of what it sounds like, I have never ever said anything about a worker living alone.

How many times do I have to quote you?

"FYI - A living wage is one that allows a worker to be self-supporting without the need for assistance."

It's entirely possible to be self supporting on min wage.
I did it,as have millions of others.
And it gave me the incentive to better myself. Pay some schmuck 15 bucks an hour and the loser will flip burgers for life and there wont be any job openings for our youth.
Wetbacks have already stolen lawn mowing as a summer job for our children now you want to take away flipping burgers?
Sounds like a great way to fuck over the next generation...thanks a lot.

It seems most the jobs being created are of the flipping variety. The good jobs are going to China.

The last time I checked there were over 6'000 homes just in my master planned community alone.
There are 93 master planned communities in the Houston area.

Not a single one of the people living in these master planned communities are on min wage.
Funny how that many people can manage to find jobs that afford them the ability to live in those communities.
Get a room mate like Americans have been doing for hundreds of years.
No one has the right to live by themselves because you say so.
I never ever said that. I've never said anything about one living alone. Obviously you have me confused with someone else.

Sure sounds like it....
"FYI - A living wage is one that allows a worker to be self-supporting without the need for assistance."

There is absolutely no reason for someone to be at min wage for more than 6 months unless they are a complete dolt.
Sorry, that's not reality in this jobs market. Under ideal circumstances, they probably wouldn't be at minimum wage very long. But, we live in different times, with a different economy and jobs market. ........... Regardless of what it sounds like, I have never ever said anything about a worker living alone.

How many times do I have to quote you?

"FYI - A living wage is one that allows a worker to be self-supporting without the need for assistance."

It's entirely possible to be self supporting on min wage.
I did it,as have millions of others.
And it gave me the incentive to better myself. Pay some schmuck 15 bucks an hour and the loser will flip burgers for life and there wont be any job openings for our youth.
Wetbacks have already stolen lawn mowing as a summer job for our children now you want to take away flipping burgers?
Sounds like a great way to fuck over the next generation...thanks a lot.
What was the minimum wage back then when you were "self-supporting" on a minimum wage job?

Around 3.50 back in 86.
If you care to dispute claims in the OP, some basis other than your emotions would be in order.
Are you calling Ritu Shah Burnham a liar?

Well the increase has hardly even taken effect. It will be years before it reaches $15. There is no way that a few cents increase to minimum wage workers is causing noticeable inflation. And a few cents increase shouldn't make it so a business goes under. They were in trouble already obviously. The claims of the article are obviously false.
Most small businesses are in trouble. Take mine, for instance. There are some weeks where I could carry my bank balance in nickels in one pocket. Other than my own labor, which is not paid, I have 120 hrs of paid labor/week. Increasing that cost 50% would break me.
I have to have bar staff and security and I can't raise prices the 20% or so I would have to, just to keep my head above water.
If you care to dispute claims in the OP, some basis other than your emotions would be in order.
Are you calling Ritu Shah Burnham a liar?

Well the increase has hardly even taken effect. It will be years before it reaches $15. There is no way that a few cents increase to minimum wage workers is causing noticeable inflation. And a few cents increase shouldn't make it so a business goes under. They were in trouble already obviously. The claims of the article are obviously false.
Most small businesses are in trouble. Take mine, for instance. There are some weeks where I could carry my bank balance in nickels in one pocket. Other than my own labor, which is not paid, I have 120 hrs of paid labor/week. Increasing that cost 50% would break me.
I have to have bar staff and security and I can't raise prices the 20% or so I would have to, just to keep my head above water.

You know liberals will say you dont deserve to be in business if you cant pay more money.
If you care to dispute claims in the OP, some basis other than your emotions would be in order.
Are you calling Ritu Shah Burnham a liar?

Well the increase has hardly even taken effect. It will be years before it reaches $15. There is no way that a few cents increase to minimum wage workers is causing noticeable inflation. And a few cents increase shouldn't make it so a business goes under. They were in trouble already obviously. The claims of the article are obviously false.
Most small businesses are in trouble. Take mine, for instance. There are some weeks where I could carry my bank balance in nickels in one pocket. Other than my own labor, which is not paid, I have 120 hrs of paid labor/week. Increasing that cost 50% would break me.
I have to have bar staff and security and I can't raise prices the 20% or so I would have to, just to keep my head above water.

Sales would increase if there was a min wage increase. The increase won't be 50%.

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