More people at National Mall for women's march than inauguration

Because it is important. He is a populist president with a protectionist pledge and a promise to return the power back to the people. What's not to like?

The only thing Donald Trump has ever cared about is Donald Trump. Period. You're about to find that out.
Even if that's true, how are Hillary or Obama any better? In his farewell address Obama used the word "I" 47 times. Trump used it 2 times in his inaugural address. That demonstrates just how self centered Obama is.
You are comparing inaugurations speeches to farewell speeches. Obama only used the word "I" 3 times in both his 2009 and 2013 inauguration speeches. These included "I thank President Bush", "I stand before you...." in his opening, etc.
Obama is well known to refer to himself constantly in his speeches. He's the ultimate narcissist.
Womens March Is The Biggest Protest In US History As An Estimated 2.9 Million March
Women's March Is The Biggest Protest In US History As An Estimated 2.9 Million March

Women’s March Is The Biggest Protest In US History As An Estimated 2.9 Million March

By Jason Easley on Sat, Jan 21st, 2017 at 6:28 pm

Millions of Americans have taken to the streets from New York to Los Angeles and everywhere in between as the Women's Marches on Washington is estimated to be the biggest one-day protest in US history.
Women’s March Is The Biggest Protest In US History As An Estimated 2.9 Million March

Millions of Americans have taken to the streets from New York to Los Angeles and everywhere in between as the Women’s Marches on Washington is estimated to be the biggest one-day protest in US history.

UConn professor Jeremy Pressman is keeping a running total of crowd estimates across the United States in a Google document.

An estimated 60,000 people marched in Atlanta. 250,000 are marching in Chicago. There are estimates of 250,000 people in Boston, and 200,000 more in Denver. In New York, the estimate ranges from 200,000-500,000. City officials estimate that 500,000 people participated in the main march in Washington, DC. In Los Angeles, the estimate is anywhere from 200,000-750,000.

There were also protests of 60,000 in Oakland, CA, 50,000 in Philadelphia, 100,000 in Madison, WI, 20,000 in Pittsburgh, 20,000 in Nashville, TN, and 60,000 in St. Paul, MN.

In the history of the United States, there has never been a one-day protest that was this large.

1982’s anti-nuclear march in New York City drew an estimated crowd of 1 million. The 1963 Civil Rights March on Washington drew 250,000. 1969 anti-Vietnam war march in Washington was attended by an estimated 500,000-600,000. 1995’s Million Man March was attended by 400,000-1.1 million. In 1993, the LGBT March for equal rights had a crowd of 800,00-1 million.

There has never been anything in US history like the Women’s March. It is nationwide, and proof that the American people are not going accept the agenda of the Trump administration without a serious fight.
And yet nobody with a life cares...

2.9 million is all you retards could up with out of even all the tens of millions who voted for Hillary.

We will make it 29 million when you fuck with our safetynet, science or education you asshole. Well, be carrying guns.
"Your safety net, science and education?" Who pays for it, asshole?
I believe the Democrats have twenty-five Senate seats up in 2018. If they keep up this childish nonsense, I'll predict they will lose at least eighteen.

They have 23. Just looked at the stats. Three of each will be in play. All the others hold substantial win margins last time out...

Plus two independents who caucus with the Democrats.

Sanders got 73 percent of the vote last time. He won't lose.
sanders is a hypocrite who should retire....

Yep, no comparison!


A combination of photos taken at the National Mall shows the crowds attending the inauguration ceremonies to swear in President Donald Trump at 12:01pm (L) on Jan. 20, 2017, and President Barack Obama (R) on Jan. 20, 2009, in Washington.

It Sure Looks Like More People Showed Up For The Women's March Than For Trump's Inauguration

Comrade will loose sleep over this tonight, let's hope.

Yep, no comparison!


A combination of photos taken at the National Mall shows the crowds attending the inauguration ceremonies to swear in President Donald Trump at 12:01pm (L) on Jan. 20, 2017, and President Barack Obama (R) on Jan. 20, 2009, in Washington.

It Sure Looks Like More People Showed Up For The Women's March Than For Trump's Inauguration

Comrade will loose sleep over this tonight, let's hope.

I'm sure he'll lose sleep over it. He already sent out his rabid little pit bull, Sean Spicer, a short time ago to defend Adolf Trump's massive ego over crowd size. I really wonder about his penis size...
Yep, no comparison!


A combination of photos taken at the National Mall shows the crowds attending the inauguration ceremonies to swear in President Donald Trump at 12:01pm (L) on Jan. 20, 2017, and President Barack Obama (R) on Jan. 20, 2009, in Washington.
Especially when you notice that there is a white building in the back running horizontal with two more buildings perpendicular to it in the trump photo on the left that were not there in the Obama photo and are replaced with people for Obama!
Because it is important. He is a populist president with a protectionist pledge and a promise to return the power back to the people. What's not to like?

The only thing Donald Trump has ever cared about is Donald Trump. Period. You're about to find that out.
Even if that's true, how are Hillary or Obama any better? In his farewell address Obama used the word "I" 47 times. Trump used it 2 times in his inaugural address. That demonstrates just how self centered Obama is.
You are comparing inaugurations speeches to farewell speeches. Obama only used the word "I" 3 times in both his 2009 and 2013 inauguration speeches. These included "I thank President Bush", "I stand before you...." in his opening, etc.
Obama is well known to refer to himself constantly in his speeches. He's the ultimate narcissist.
You made a claim that was misleading and dishonest and got caught doing it. You tried to compare Obama's farewell address to Trump's inauguration speech and specifically point out the number of time each one used the word "I". Now you are backpedaling and making an excuse for your failed attempt of misleading. But, no one pays much attention to your "facts" anyhow. You have a well-defined reputation for a pattern of bullshitting.

Yep, no comparison!


A combination of photos taken at the National Mall shows the crowds attending the inauguration ceremonies to swear in President Donald Trump at 12:01pm (L) on Jan. 20, 2017, and President Barack Obama (R) on Jan. 20, 2009, in Washington.

It Sure Looks Like More People Showed Up For The Women's March Than For Trump's Inauguration

Comrade will loose sleep over this tonight, let's hope.

I'm sure he'll lose sleep over it. He already sent out his rabid little pit bull, Sean Spicer, a short time ago to defend Adolf Trump's massive ego over crowd size. I really wonder about his penis size...
why would a guy wonder about that?.....
Because it is important. He is a populist president with a protectionist pledge and a promise to return the power back to the people. What's not to like?

The only thing Donald Trump has ever cared about is Donald Trump. Period. You're about to find that out.
Even if that's true, how are Hillary or Obama any better? In his farewell address Obama used the word "I" 47 times. Trump used it 2 times in his inaugural address. That demonstrates just how self centered Obama is.
You are comparing inaugurations speeches to farewell speeches. Obama only used the word "I" 3 times in both his 2009 and 2013 inauguration speeches. These included "I thank President Bush", "I stand before you...." in his opening, etc.
Obama is well known to refer to himself constantly in his speeches. He's the ultimate narcissist.
You made a claim that was misleading and dishonest and got caught doing it. You tried to compare Obama's farewell address to Trump's inauguration speech and specifically point out the number of time each one used the word "I". Now you are backpedaling and making an excuse for your failed attempt of misleading. But, no one pays much attention to your "facts" anyhow. You have a well-defined reputation for a pattern of bullshitting.
Hardly, asshole. It's purely your theory that there is a difference. Obama has used "I' over 100 times in a number of speeches. He's always talking about himself, how great he is and how he saved the world. You snowflakes are so gullible that you suck this shit up.

Yep, no comparison!


A combination of photos taken at the National Mall shows the crowds attending the inauguration ceremonies to swear in President Donald Trump at 12:01pm (L) on Jan. 20, 2017, and President Barack Obama (R) on Jan. 20, 2009, in Washington.

It Sure Looks Like More People Showed Up For The Women's March Than For Trump's Inauguration

Comrade will loose sleep over this tonight, let's hope.

I'm sure he'll lose sleep over it. He already sent out his rabid little pit bull, Sean Spicer, a short time ago to defend Adolf Trump's massive ego over crowd size. I really wonder about his penis size...
why would a guy wonder about that?.....

Because Adolf Trump keeps defending his penis size...
and if this guy turns out to be a decent president who was mostly all bluster and talk.....will we see you here admitting that Doc?...

Absolutely. I have already said on a couple of occasions on here that he deserves at least six months to see how he goes. That's six months longer than the neocon loons gave Obama.

Than again, us normal people are agreeable.

I will say this though - even if he does put up some good policies and legislation, that doesn't make him a good person. He is a still a despicable human being. I always thought Bubba was a great president. Terrible person though. Unfortunately Trump isn't even in the ball park compared to Bubba when it comes to intelligence.
Yeah, that must be why Trump is a billionaire and Bubba was flat broke (according to Hillary) when he left the Whitehouse.
Wasn't the premise of this thread that the feminazi's had a bigger crowd than Trump did? That was proven wrong in about 30 seconds.. Now the snowflakes want to make it a comparison to Obama's (which was on a holiday and where the left bused in over 250,000) on a non holiday while most of Trumps supporters were working...

The Nielsen ratings for TV and radio shows it was the most watched and listened too event, even surpassing Obama's emasculation..

One deception after another from these lying bastards.. The straw men are on fire...
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Any word yet on the tangible results of this March yet?

Silly little LibTards...

He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named is wiping his arse with newspaper photos of that March...
And after the protest marches, and all the shouting and gnashing of teeth are over, Trump will still be president.
well, if we stand together by the millions and our ready to fight for freedom against these fascist...Well, it won't be easy for them to take us down!!!! We need to be ready to go to war if need be.

Fuck the fascist!!!

You're talking about the protesters, right?
"....all the way back to the National Monument" is 500,000 people. The Mall holds 1 million people if it is full all the way to the Lincoln Memorial and inside the trees.

Trump is such a fucking idiot
62 million voted for him, isn't that greater than 1 million?
OMG!!!! Sean Spicer is actually holding a press conference to talk about the media coverage of the crowd size of the inauguration as reported by the price?

Now he is leaving without answering any questions.

holy fucking shit.

So scumbag Donald Trump hands his thin skin down to his Press Secretary.

That was fucking scary. Straight up Gobbles shit. Wow...expect it to only get worse.

Are we imitating turkey or are you just screwed up on your history?

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