More People from Fox News Admit there was no voter fraud !!!

Or maybe just abandon this arrogant, ignorant Trumpism and try intellect, reason and civility over anger, conspiracy and paranoia.

Can you do that?
Many times, I have typed that Trump championed the United States as a free and sovereign nation. Which the propaganda shills turned into some vicious nationalism rhetoric. We lived a good life with that and were the envy of the world even with some flaws. The last string to gold broken from the post WW 2 agreement from Bretton Woods in 1971 accelerated our downfall as the extreme feminism, affirmative action, diversity and quotas went full steam ahead from the Great Society and other legislation touting immigration in the mid 1960's. The transformation occurred then in a huge way. Unfortunately, it was not tempered with common sense. Taxes have skyrocketed. We survive off of foreign near slave workers and not a word from Progs about their rights. If we made all the stuff here the prices would be higher of course and the government would be smaller, and the United States would be a leaner meaner powerful nation.
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Rich robber barons know there was massive voter fraud. That's why they're trying so hard to prove that fraud didn't happen. They don't like Trump's plan to give a share of their dirty money to the American worker.
"These aren’t the droids you are looking for "
*waves hand*

Why are you so desperate to believe people who are lying to you? Behind your back they laugh at you and call you stupid, and still you believe them?

Fool you once, shame on them, but you WANT to be lied to. You refuse to accept reality or facts.
Why are you so desperate to believe people who are lying to you? Behind your back they laugh at you and call you stupid, and still you believe them?

Fool you once, shame on them, but you WANT to be lied to. You refuse to accept reality or facts.
Fuck off with your gaslight theatre BULLSHIT!!!!! :eusa_hand:
Everything I mentioned was broadcast LIVE as it happened!
Why are YOU so desperate to LIE aboot all that as a CANADIAN?????
Oh, how many 3? LYING election RIGGING Dems can pound sand you cheating rat bastards.
Trump lost the election and there was no fraud, man up and deal with it... Which you can't do because you are a weakling and a little child.

Nobody in the entire workld has yet to present credible evidence of fraud at all in anyway and substantial amounts of republicans have all admitted Trump lost the election and there was no fraud.. Only MAGA trash are too weak and pathetic to admit no fraud...

You represent the weak of America
Why are you so desperate to believe people who are lying to you? Behind your back they laugh at you and call you stupid, and still you believe them?

Fool you once, shame on them, but you WANT to be lied to. You refuse to accept reality or facts.

These people need to be lied to. Reality is too harsh for them to accept so they stay in a bubble of fake news so they never have to live in the real world.

The modern republican is a total joke and disgrace.
Cheating was obvious to all and was televised. As for modern 'liberalism', you are talking about modern socialism which needs to be snuffed out.
yet every judge in America said no cheating and no fraud...
And all audits and court cases failed miserably..
So where is the fraud, where is the evidence of fraud??

You have nothing but tears you little bitch. You are a weakling and represent the weak of America.
Oh baby I can't wait for this trial!! The Big Lie is going down in flames, taking all Big Lie supporters down with it.

“Really crazy stuff. And damaging,” Fox Corp Chairman Rupert Murdoch said in an email on Nov. 19, days after the election, regarding claims Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani was making on Fox News.

“Sydney Powell is lying,” Tucker Carlson said in a text message to his producer. Meanwhile Laura Ingraham said in a message to Carlson: “Sidney is a complete nut. No one will work with her. Ditto with Rudy.”

“It’s unbelievably offensive to me. Our viewers are good people and they believe it,” Carlson responded, according to court papers. These messages came in the weeks following the election.

There you have it. Even the Fox news people, all of them, know that there was no election fraud. They admit there was no fraud... Dominion did nothing wrong at all and they are going to sue fake Fox news for $1+ Billion !!! Because the evidence clearly shows that Fox News people knew there was no fraud at all, yet the reported fabricated fake news of Dominion backed voter fraud that never happened.

You Go Dominion !!!!!
Expose fake Fox News


No voter fraud?


100% You ain't black votes
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You made up the last paragraph.
I wrote it.....but it's the truth.
Fox has been calling races for Democrats before 10% of the vote is in....but waited for 2 weeks to call the House for the GOP, even though CNN and MSNBC had already called it. Fox simply stopped their coverage.
Actually, you are right about that. It's the tip of the iceberg in terms of the lies right wing media foments.
You're so sure your cheating worked so well you need a fucking BILLBOARD to convince yourself.
You're so sure your cheating worked so well you need a fucking BILLBOARD to convince yourself.
you somehow think there was cheating despite having no credible evidence of cheating at all. Worse still your side lost all court cases and audits, and every single judge in America has said there is no credible evidence of fraud at all and Trump just made it up.

You got played, badly
You're so sure your cheating worked so well you need a fucking BILLBOARD to convince yourself.
Fox News hosts, Rupert Murdoch were skeptical of Trump election fraud claims

  • Dominion Voting Systems’ $1.6 billion lawsuit against Fox and its TV networks is heating up.
  • Dominion unveiled messages and testimony from Fox News anchors expressing disbelief in Donald Trump and his lawyers’ claims of a rigged election in 2020.
  • “Sydney Powell is lying,” Tucker Carlson said in a text message to his producer. Rupert Murdoch called Rudy Giuliani’s claims “crazy stuff.”
  • Fox News continued to deny the claims that it knowingly made false comments.
Fox News hosts, Rupert Murdoch were skeptical of Trump election fraud claims

This can't be news to anyone who has been paying attention. As I've said for some time now, the biz model at Faux has always been to say anything to get the audience to watch. That is, "anything" within the context of right wing disinformation. Faux either originates right wing lies or reinforces them. Which, it goes without saying, explains a lot about the posts of the board's conservatives.
Many of us turned off Fox after that shithead Wallace tried everything he could to fuck Trump in the 2020 Presidential debate. More of us turned off Fox on election night when the assholes at Fox seem to side with the Democrat filth in stealing the election.

I haven't watched Fox in over two years and I don't give shit what they say.
Fox News hosts, Rupert Murdoch were skeptical of Trump election fraud claims

  • Dominion Voting Systems’ $1.6 billion lawsuit against Fox and its TV networks is heating up.
  • Dominion unveiled messages and testimony from Fox News anchors expressing disbelief in Donald Trump and his lawyers’ claims of a rigged election in 2020.
  • “Sydney Powell is lying,” Tucker Carlson said in a text message to his producer. Rupert Murdoch called Rudy Giuliani’s claims “crazy stuff.”
  • Fox News continued to deny the claims that it knowingly made false comments.
Fox News hosts, Rupert Murdoch were skeptical of Trump election fraud claims

This can't be news to anyone who has been paying attention. As I've said for some time now, the biz model at Faux has always been to say anything to get the audience to watch. That is, "anything" within the context of right wing disinformation. Faux either originates right wing lies or reinforces them. Which, it goes without saying, explains a lot about the posts of the board's conservatives.
Fuck you AND Fox snooze! :fu:
you somehow think there was cheating despite having no credible evidence of cheating at all. Worse still your side lost all court cases and audits, and every single judge in America has said there is no credible evidence of fraud at all and Trump just made it up.

You got played, badly
The swing state subverted synchronized vote tabulation shut down HAPPENED you lying piece of SHIT!!!!!
Many times, I have typed that Trump championed the United States as a free and sovereign nation. Which the propaganda shills turned into some vicious nationalism rhetoric. We lived a good life with that and were the envy of the world even with some flaws. The last string to gold broken from the post WW 2 agreement from Bretton Woods in 1971 accelerated our downfall as the extreme feminism, affirmative action, diversity and quotas went full steam ahead from the Great Society and other legislation touting immigration in the mid 1960's. The transformation occurred then in a huge way. Unfortunately, it was not tempered with common sense. Taxes have skyrocketed. We survive off of foreign near slave workers and not a word from Progs about their rights. If we made all the stuff here the prices would be higher of course and the government would be smaller, and the United States would be a leaner meaner powerful nation.

You were NOT the envy of anyone with Trump in power. Progessives were NOT the ones who destroyed the nation. That was Republicans with their capitalism on steroids, giving all of the wealth of the nation to the oligarchs. Why do you think that white people from Europe have no interest in emigrating to the USA?

Republican tax and labour policies impoverished the working poor and destroyed the middle class. You've gone from the being the most successful nation in the world, to losing your middle class, your manufacturing base. Your life expectancy is declining, which is the biggest indicator that the nation, as a whole, is not healthy or thriving. And now Republicans are trying to pin the blame on Democrats for these policies. "Globalism" is the ROOT of Republican economic policy. W was giving tax breaks to corporations who off-shored manufacturing and jobs.

Tax have NOT skyrocketed. You're paying the lowest tax rates in the first world, and you're spending like drunken sailors on your military and foreign wars. Everything the Republican Party has been saying since Reagan was in office, has been lies and bullshit.

Amazon product ASIN 0525658459
it was FAKE NEWS created to deceive you....
if it had an ounce of truth to it, they would have tangible evidence to prove such, and bring the case to court.
they have none and have not done, either.
ask yourself why?
They don't ask themselves anything. They don't challenge anything they're told in their world.

We even have proof now that Tucker and the rest of the Fox clan have been lying to them this whole time, and they don't care.
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You were NOT the envy of anyone with Trump in power. Progessives were NOT the ones who destroyed the nation. That was Republicans with their capitalism on steroids, giving all of the wealth of the nation to the oligarchs. Why do you think that white people from Europe have no interest in emigrating to the USA?

Republican tax and labour policies impoverished the working poor and destroyed the middle class. You've gone from the being the most successful nation in the world, to losing your middle class, your manufacturing base. Your life expectancy is declining, which is the biggest indicator that the nation, as a whole, is not healthy or thriving. And now Republicans are trying to pin the blame on Democrats for these policies. "Globalism" is the ROOT of Republican economic policy. W was giving tax breaks to corporations who off-shored manufacturing and jobs.

Tax have NOT skyrocketed. You're paying the lowest tax rates in the first world, and you're spending like drunken sailors on your military and foreign wars. Everything the Republican Party has been saying since Reagan was in office, has been lies and bullshit.

Amazon product ASIN 0525658459
So Democrats who have held the majority in the House and the Senate and the Presidency the majority of the last century is innocent? The Democrats did nothing?

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