More People from Fox News Admit there was no voter fraud !!!

BasicHumanUnit may speak in liberal platitudes, but your own comments, like those of Hossfly and Crusader Frank and Westwall … are cynical b.s.

Seems you all got to the spot where two roads diverged, lost your minds & sense of integrity, and rushed forward like headless horsemen … taking the low road of lies, insults & demagogery.

It is unforgivable to make excuses for Trump’s “Big Lie” at this late date. It also discredits any valid criticisms you make against modern “liberalism.”
Boy. You are just a blowhole.
BasicHumanUnit may speak in liberal platitudes, but your own comments, like those of Hossfly and Crusader Frank and Westwall … are cynical b.s.

Seems you all got to the spot where two roads diverged, lost your minds & sense of integrity, and rushed forward like headless horsemen … taking the low road of lies and demagogery.

It is unforgivable to make excuses for Trump’s “Big Lie” at this late date. It also discredits any valid criticisms you make against modern “liberalism.”

Cheating was obvious to all and was televised. As for modern 'liberalism', you are talking about modern socialism which needs to be snuffed out.
The people you support have 0 moral fiber. Why would you expect anyone else to have it? it clearly means nothing to you morons.
Did you bother to read the emails? These people were texting each other that they recognized Sydney Powell, Rudy Giuliani et al were lying, and they even told their bosses, but at the same time they were more worried about losing viewership and stock value.
It's "too"
It's "their"

Now, what were you saying about stupidity?
I said you are TOO stupid to see the irony in your post and that has not changed.
I, along with the real Americans, watched the reporters at the voting sites and never imagined the Democrat workers could get away with the shit they were doing. It's all on tape and the crooked courts won't even look at it. About time for torches, pitchforks and hang ropes. Starting with the commie courts.
No you did NOT.
Show us the tape of cheating.
It's a challenge you can't possible win.
You support Felons.
The people you support has 0 moral fiber.
You openly support FELONS.
That would be Convicted Felons.
Is there any other type?

Gawd you're Stupid. A Moron.

Where is Your Moral Fiber........I know, it's with the Felons. The Convicted Felons. LOOLLOLL
Boy. You are just a blowhole.
Another Trump “Big Lie” cultist? Is your head really so far up your own blowhole that you cannot acknowledge the Truth of what even all those Fox anchors privately admit? Or is it that you just don’t care that Trump was telling a “Big Lie” to try to remain in power despite losing the 2020 election?
We saw on OANN and Newsmax so many things that proved to be cheating that the 2020 election was anything but honest. That's the reason that DirecTV got rid of them. Why the courts deny all the evidence is treason and the judges should be de-nutted.

What you saw were videos with a voiceover telling you that these election workers were cheating. Except they were not cheating. The narrator was lying to you. The courts did look at that video and then the Secretary of State came in and told him what was really happening that this was standard procedure is on shift change overs. One group of workers goes home and another one comes in.

Everything that you were told that was going on in those videos was a lie.
Another Trump “Big Lie” cultist? Is your head really so far up your own blowhole that you cannot acknowledge the Truth of what even all those Fox anchors privately admit? Or is it that you just don’t care that Trump was telling a “Big Lie” to try to remain in power despite losing the 2020 election?
Just wait for him to jump on that there were no "evidentiary hearings"

While ignoring that there was no evidence requiring a hearing.
Another Trump “Big Lie” cultist? Is your head really so far up your own blowhole that you cannot acknowledge the Truth of what even all those Fox anchors privately admit? Or is it that you just don’t care that Trump was telling a “Big Lie” to try to remain in power despite losing the 2020 election?
Anyone who does not believe the election was stolen are tremendously stupid or dishonest. Take your pick.
Anyone who does not believe the election was stolen are tremendously stupid or dishonest. Take your pick.
Your problem is that the election being stolen has been rejected by court after court, all the up to the US supreme court.

Even the people on fox news who were telling you the election was stolen, were telling (via email) each other they knew they were just feeding fake news to the sheep watching them.
Anyone who does not believe the election was stolen are tremendously stupid or dishonest. Take your pick.
Anyone who still does not know that Trump was trying to steal the election is tremendously stupid or dishonest. Even Fox anchors like Tucker Carlson could see this much. Tucker is not stupid and gullible like you. Just tremendously dishonest.
Anyone who still does not know that Trump was trying to steal the election is tremendously stupid or dishonest. Even Fox anchors like Tucker Carlson could see this much. Tucker is not stupid and gullible like you. Just tremendously dishonest.
The irony is that after the election they were all jumping on the dominion lawsuit, saying that it would allow fox news to examine their dominion machines through discovery, and reveal they were rigged to change votes.

Instead discovery has revealed that fox news on air talent knew they were spewing B.S. but cared more about their viewership and stock prices than the truth.

The double irony is that fox spreading "fake news" brought in enough viewership and with it ad revenue, that fox made the $1.6 billion they're being sue for.
Anyone who still does not know that Trump was trying to steal the election is tremendously stupid or dishonest. Even Fox anchors like Tucker Carlson could see this much. Tucker is not stupid and gullible like you. Just tremendously dishonest.
Trump was trying to get the election investigated. That is why those people were there on J6.
Trump was trying to get the election investigated. That is why those people were there on J6.
Trump already had the FBI, the US Attorneys, the DOJ and even the Attorney General investigating election fraud. And they couldn't find more than a few isolated cases. And nothing serious enough to change the results, or challenge the election over.
Trump was trying to get the election investigated. That is why those people were there on J6.
There were certainly moronic suckers who invaded Congress on Jan. 6th thinking they were somehow just “fighting for freedom.”

They are now paying the price for believing their lame duck President’s cynical lies. You probably more resemble the millions who just loved Trump, went to his rallies, voted for him, but broke no laws.

Still, you do still seem to be a “Big Lie” true believer …
Maybe now you are having some doubts?

I suggest you write a letter to Tucker Carlson and ask him what he really believes!

Trump already had the FBI, the US Attorneys, the DOJ and even the Attorney General investigating election fraud. And they couldn't find more than a few isolated cases. And nothing serious enough to change the results, or challenge the election over.
That is a lie. There is documented proof Barr shutting down investigations. And the FBI never did one fucking thing Trump wanted. Get real, jerk off.
There were certainly moronic suckers who invaded Congress on Jan. 6th thinking they were somehow just “fighting for freedom.”

They are now paying the price for believing their lame duck President’s cynical lies. You probably more resemble the millions who just loved Trump, went to his rallies, voted for him, but broke no laws.

Still, you do still seem to be a “Big Lie” true believer …
Maybe now you are having some doubts?

I suggest you write a letter to Tucker Carlson and ask him what he believes!
So it is settled, you are an idiot. I think you are dishonest too. Let's say traitor also.
Oh baby I can't wait for this trial!! The Big Lie is going down in flames, taking all Big Lie supporters down with it.

“Really crazy stuff. And damaging,” Fox Corp Chairman Rupert Murdoch said in an email on Nov. 19, days after the election, regarding claims Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani was making on Fox News.

“Sydney Powell is lying,” Tucker Carlson said in a text message to his producer. Meanwhile Laura Ingraham said in a message to Carlson: “Sidney is a complete nut. No one will work with her. Ditto with Rudy.”

“It’s unbelievably offensive to me. Our viewers are good people and they believe it,” Carlson responded, according to court papers. These messages came in the weeks following the election.

There you have it. Even the Fox news people, all of them, know that there was no election fraud. They admit there was no fraud... Dominion did nothing wrong at all and they are going to sue fake Fox news for $1+ Billion !!! Because the evidence clearly shows that Fox News people knew there was no fraud at all, yet the reported fabricated fake news of Dominion backed voter fraud that never happened.

You Go Dominion !!!!!
Expose fake Fox News

Fox " news " is a bad joke. Their defense in the Dominion Voting Machine lawsuit was that they are NOT a news corporation, but an entertainment network so they don't have to tell the truth. Their " news " isn't reliable in any way, shape or form.

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