More People from Fox News Admit there was no voter fraud !!!

Fuck off with your gaslight theatre BULLSHIT!!!!! :eusa_hand:
Everything I mentioned was broadcast LIVE as it happened!
Why are YOU so desperate to LIE aboot all that as a CANADIAN?????

I'm not lying and you're a complete fool for believing any of it. Not only have ALL of the court cases been dismissed, but the lawyers who filed them are being sanctioned and/or disbarred for filing these lies in the first place. Donald Trump will soon be indicted for election interference in Georgia.

Why would I lie about your election????? I have no reason at all to lie. The rest of the world has no reason to lie to you about Donald Trump, but right wing billionaire news networks have one HUGE reason to lie: Their owners want cheap labour and tax cuts. They WANT an authoritarian dictator in power.
I'm not lying and you're a complete fool for believing any of it. Not only have ALL of the court cases been dismissed, but the lawyers who filed them are being sanctioned and/or disbarred for filing these lies in the first place. Donald Trump will soon be indicted for election interference in Georgia.

Why would I lie about your election????? I have no reason at all to lie. The rest of the world has no reason to lie to you about Donald Trump, but right wing billionaire news networks have one HUGE reason to lie: Their owners want cheap labour and tax cuts. They WANT an authoritarian dictator in power.
So Democrats who have held the majority in the House and the Senate and the Presidency the majority of the last century is innocent? The Democrats did nothing?

The country did very well indeed under the Democrats' New Deal from the 1930's to 1980. With Europe in ruins after WWII, and with the only mass manufacturing in the world, the USA made billions helping the Europeans rebuild after WWII.

But once Europe and Japan rebuilt their manufacturing, with newer, more efficient equipment, and the Baby Boomers were all grown up and housed, the economy started to lag at the end of the 1970's. Reagan came in promising wealth and prosperity, cutting taxes, telling the American people that "deficits don't matter".

The mistake Democrats made was going along with and supporting this fiscal insanity for so long. That ended with Obama and Republicans lost their minds and have been descending into hate and violence ever since. Now they want to end democratic government completely to ensure white European culture (something that is a figment of their imaginations in the first place), prevails.
No amount of gaslighting from the demented avenger subverted demoralized zombies can erase what was done that night.
Lie to yourselves all you want, erect billboards that sooth your guilt riddled souls, but you can never change what happened.
May your fake pretend pride rot your souls forever.
It seems it is hard to admit being used by their Faux News owners and news casters because that means Trump, their demigod is nothing but a piece of shit traitorous like asshole, pushing lies to divide and conquer our democracy....and Democratic Republic.
It seems it is hard to admit being used by their Faux News owners and news casters because that means Trump, their demigod is nothing but a piece of shit traitorous like asshole, pushing lies to divide and conquer our democracy....and Democratic Republic.
They’ll never know anything about this story. Their media bubble won’t tell them anything about it.
Oh baby I can't wait for this trial!! The Big Lie is going down in flames, taking all Big Lie supporters down with it.

“Really crazy stuff. And damaging,” Fox Corp Chairman Rupert Murdoch said in an email on Nov. 19, days after the election, regarding claims Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani was making on Fox News.

“Sydney Powell is lying,” Tucker Carlson said in a text message to his producer. Meanwhile Laura Ingraham said in a message to Carlson: “Sidney is a complete nut. No one will work with her. Ditto with Rudy.”

“It’s unbelievably offensive to me. Our viewers are good people and they believe it,” Carlson responded, according to court papers. These messages came in the weeks following the election.

There you have it. Even the Fox news people, all of them, know that there was no election fraud. They admit there was no fraud... Dominion did nothing wrong at all and they are going to sue fake Fox news for $1+ Billion !!! Because the evidence clearly shows that Fox News people knew there was no fraud at all, yet the reported fabricated fake news of Dominion backed voter fraud that never happened.

You Go Dominion !!!!!
Expose fake Fox News

No one said FOX is immune from stupid, did they?
The Dominion lawsuit against Fox News has lain bare the network's duplicity in the Big Lie.

Rather than tell the truth about the 2020 election, they chose to push the Big Lie because they were scared they would lose their rube viewers to Newsmax. It's all coming out now in their private messages to each other.

Tucker Carlson called Trump a "demonic force".


But who is the real demon when they knowingly help Trump push the Big Lie to the rubes?

Tucker Carlson also wrote, "Sidney Powell is lying."

Rupert Murdoch wrote that TrumpCo's lies were "really crazy stuff".

Sean Hannity said Rudy Giuliani is "acting like a crazy person", and Laura Ingraham responded he is "Such an idiot."

“Not a single Fox witness testified that they believe any of the allegations about Dominion are true,” Dominion argued in the filing. “Indeed, Fox witness after Fox witness declined to assert the allegations’ truth or actually stated they do not believe them, and Fox witnesses repeatedly testified that they have not seen credible evidence to support them.”

Fox’s news staff was just as loud in raising internal concerns as the star pundits and executives, the filings show. In one message, Fox correspondent Lucas Tomlinson wrote to news anchor Bret Baier referring to “dangerously insane” election claims. Baier, in turn, wrote that “there is NO evidence of fraud” and told Bill Sammon, then the network’s Washington bureau chief, that their team must “prevent this stuff,” meaning the spread of misinformation.

Now pay close attention to this next part, rubes, and observe how they agonized about telling you the TRUTH:

While much of the correspondence aired by Dominion shows Fox officials agonizing over false information on its airwaves, some of the behind-the-scenes torment was about a story the network got right — an election-night projection that Joe Biden would win the hotly contested state of Arizona.

Fox’s decision-desk analysts were days ahead of other news outlets in making the controversial call, which infuriated Trump and his supporters — including many Fox viewers.

“Do the executives understand how much credibility and trust we’ve lost with our audience?” Carlson wrote in a text message to his producer. “We’re playing with fire, for real.”

When a media outlet chooses to push a lie, they have crossed over from being a media outlet into a full-on propaganda outlet. They have chosen to push Fake News.

When they told you the TRUTH, they knew they would upset you! You have become so accustomed to being gaslighted that you literally cannot handle the truth. You cannot handle reality.

Fox News president Jay Wallace acknowledged in a text message to Scott that it was “a bit troubling” to see Newsmax pick up Fox viewers — an ultimately short-lived gain — adding that the rival network offered “an alternate universe” but that “it can’t be ignored.”

So I ask for the eleventy-hundreth time, why, oh why, do you fools keeping lining back up to be lied to over and over and over and over?


We will all now observe the rubes doing back flips in order to continue to hold onto their delusions about the 2020 election. Delusions deliberately planted in their heads by their propagandists whose fealty to profits and to Trump override their loyalty to the TRUTH and to the country.
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It seems it is hard to admit being used by their Faux News owners and news casters because that means Trump, their demigod is nothing but a piece of shit traitorous like asshole, pushing lies to divide and conquer our democracy....and Democratic Republic.
I'll say a prayer for you.
Given the fact democrats and the media have been so corrupt and cover up their own crimes and lies on so many major issues since Obama finally submitted his fake birth certificate --------- I do not doubt for one second they pulled off a stolen election in a number of swing states , even if Mark Zuckerberg's Dominion voting machines had nothing to do with it. --------------------------- ps-- good thing you have the extremely corrupt DOJ FBI CIA MSM et al. to cover for you guys.
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Given the fact democrats and the media have been so corrupt and lying and cover up their own crimes and lies on so many major issues since Obama finally submitted his fake birth certificate --------- I do not doubt for one second they pulled of a stolen election in a number of swing states , even if Mark Zuckerberg's Dominion voting machines had nothing to do with it. --------------------------- ps-- good thing you have the extremely corrupt DOJ FBI CIA MSM et al. to cover for you guys.
And out first deluded, gaslighted back flipper puts in his two cents.
Given the fact democrats and the media have been so corrupt and lying and cover up their own crimes and lies on so many major issues since Obama finally submitted his fake birth certificate --------- I do not doubt for one second they pulled of a stolen election in a number of swing states , even if Mark Zuckerberg's Dominion voting machines had nothing to do with it. --------------------------- ps-- good thing you have the extremely corrupt DOJ FBI CIA MSM et al. to cover for you guys.
Excuse making? Why yes.

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