More Pot Talk

Typical talking points rehashed all over the interwebz by potheads.

It turns the average person into a zombie.

Lol, alright.

Not sure if you're aware, but folks who smoke regularly (especially) build up a tolerance to the drug and when they smoke it it will usually just make them feel "relaxed". Just as coherent and functional as before, just a bit more relaxed.

When you're talking "zombie" you're referring to the kid who takes his first double bong hit at a college party, or the guy who eats 4 brownies; I agree, it can turn you into a zombie if you do too much of it and don't have a tolerance.

This is exactly the same as someone without a tolerance consuming 3 glasses of whiskey; he she will turn into a mumbling idiot.

I do not want people I work or interact with stoned.

Surprise! I don't either. I also don't want to work with drunk people. Recreational drugs are for... recreational purposes. Pay more attention to the key words.

Glad you who knows so much about pot (sarcasm) can speak on behalf of the entire community.

People have a drink to enjoy it. I drink one or two at the most and I do not get drunk.

Correct, there are definitely no alcoholics out there.

Peddle your liberal garbage somewhere else.

I've always consider "freedom to choose" a small gov't concept.


I smoked it for years, idiot.
Typical talking points rehashed all over the interwebz by potheads.

It turns the average person into a zombie.

Lol, alright.

Not sure if you're aware, but folks who smoke regularly (especially) build up a tolerance to the drug; when they smoke it they will generally become more relaxed. Still as coherent and functional as before, just relaxed. Similar to a beer after work.


Spoken like a true druggie. You think you are coherent and functional. Like a drunk who just thinks booze improves his come on with women. Or, a heroin addict who imagines that no one notices her going on the nod. It's part of the dependency, part of the control drugs take on the brain. You will always think that you are relaxed, coherent and functional. No one else will. You will always be outsmarted, outfoxed, out worked, out thought, and out done by a non user.
Yea, well, not sure I take Katz too serious on this particular subject due to the fact that she says some pretty wild things (no offense Katz).

its hard to relate to things you have never done......with her and Rabbi its what they were told or read.....

Well, I have enjoyed pot at concerts and like it for that, only. So I know about pot. I just believe that it is so available without repercussions, already, that it should stay that way. One less mind altering drug is better than one more. I do not smoke it and enjoy being around co-workers who aren't high. Their personality changes when they are and they make more mistakes. They can't remember how to correct them...:lol:

I am of the opinion that most of the male posters at USMB partake of the weed on a regular basis. I don't hold that opinion for most of the women. For purposes of this thread, regular would be defined as several times a week.

they should not be getting high at work....or driving.....if those people get caught they have to face the consequences....
Spoken like a true druggie. You think you are coherent and functional. Like a drunk who just thinks booze improves his come on with women. Or, a heroin addict who imagines that no one notices her going on the nod. It's part of the dependency, part of the control drugs take on the brain. You will always think that you are relaxed, coherent and functional. No one else will.

Katz, again, it's possible to smoke in moderation just as it's possible to drink in moderation. Do you understand this concept? It's very simple.

A hit from a joint when you get home from work or on the weekend is not going to significantly impair you from being able to function properly just as if you were to drink a beer or two.

You will always be outsmarted, outfoxed, out worked, out thought, and out done by a non user.

Simply not true.

Well, I have enjoyed pot at concerts and like it for that, only. So I know about pot. I just believe that it is so available without repercussions, already, that it should stay that way. One less mind altering drug is better than one more. I do not smoke it and enjoy being around co-workers who aren't high. Their personality changes when they are and they make more mistakes. They can't remember how to correct them...:lol:

I am of the opinion that most of the male posters at USMB partake of the weed on a regular basis. I don't hold that opinion for most of the women. For purposes of this thread, regular would be defined as several times a week.

Hi Aqua - I have a few questions about your statement here. You mention "it's so available without repercussions already". So if that's the case, what's going to change if we make it legal?

The drug's practically legal already in many areas of our country (in Chicago it's even been decriminalized), so why not just make that tiny leap to legalization and (1) cripple the cartels, (2) save police officers time and resources, (3) add hundreds of millions of tax revenue, (4) and hundreds of thousands of jobs to the US economy (because those jobs are currently residing in Mexico).

Pot's not going away anytime soon (we have no choice over that). However we do have a choice over whether or not we benefit from those four points above. I choose benefit over not benefit.

Get my point?


Typical talking points rehashed all over the interwebz by potheads.

It turns the average person into a zombie. I do not want people I work or interact with stoned. You don't smoke it just to enjoy it. You smoke it to get STONED. People have a drink to enjoy it. I drink one or two at the most and I do not get drunk.

Peddle your liberal garbage somewhere else.

give me a break.....It turns the average person into a zombie...typical talking point by the anti pot people.......and guys who get off of work dont drink some Beer to get a buzz?.....people who go into bars dont drink to loosen up?....yea right, you have me convinced..........
Spoken like a true druggie. You think you are coherent and functional. Like a drunk who just thinks booze improves his come on with women. Or, a heroin addict who imagines that no one notices her going on the nod. It's part of the dependency, part of the control drugs take on the brain. You will always think that you are relaxed, coherent and functional. No one else will.

Katz, again, it's possible to smoke in moderation just as it's possible to drink in moderation. Do you understand this concept? It's very simple.

A hit from a joint when you get home from work or on the weekend is not going to significantly impair you from being able to function properly just as if you were to drink a beer or two.

You will always be outsmarted, outfoxed, out worked, out thought, and out done by a non user.

Simply not true.


You will always think so too.
I smoked it for years, idiot.

Well you should look into picking it up again because you've seem to have grown quite hostile since (thanks for the insult, Smilebong). Might help you relax a bit, as well as be a tad more respectful towards your fellow human beings.


When you used to smoke were you unable to control yourself? I realize that some people need to smoke so much that they can't move off the couch. They're akin to your alcoholic who can't stop after just two. Perhaps your personal experiences led you to believe this is the only way to partake in the drug?

I assure you, folks with a high tolerance will be able to function just fine after a hit.

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Has decriminalization of pot in Chicago lowered the crime rate?

Pot heads have their thinking affected by pot use. They operate on the "I'm OK, You're OK" philosophy. They think that THEY are not criminals, except for the pot use thing. Their health has not been affected, or at least not yet. Therefore all pot smokers are just like they are!

In order to do this, they have to rationalize, the crane operator high on pot and killed six people, it wasn't because he was high, it was some other reason. The woman who was too high to take the baby off the roof of her car before she drove off, it wasn't pot, it was some other reason. My step granddaughter to this very day does not connect her being high on pot with her daughter getting hit by a car. It was some other reason. It had nothing to do with her forgetting that she had a three year old with her.

All substance abusers feel the same way. To the alcoholic, he was never arrested because he was too drunk to drive. It was a cop exceeding his authority. That's why pot users who want pot to be legalized should never be taken seriously.

talking to you Katz about Pot is like talking to Dean about Republicans.....pre-conceived notions are hard to break......
Spoken like a true druggie. You think you are coherent and functional. Like a drunk who just thinks booze improves his come on with women. Or, a heroin addict who imagines that no one notices her going on the nod. It's part of the dependency, part of the control drugs take on the brain. You will always think that you are relaxed, coherent and functional. No one else will.

Katz, again, it's possible to smoke in moderation just as it's possible to drink in moderation. Do you understand this concept? It's very simple.

A hit from a joint when you get home from work or on the weekend is not going to significantly impair you from being able to function properly just as if you were to drink a beer or two.

You will always be outsmarted, outfoxed, out worked, out thought, and out done by a non user.

Simply not true.


You will always think so too.

Katz, I have nothing to prove to you. I've come across enough highly successful and intelligent 20 and 30 somethings who smoke regularly to form my own opinion on the matter.

Heck, I used to caddy years back at a nice club and found that a great deal of successful company owners, Presidents, and directors also would use the drug. Maybe not before giving a speech in front of the board - obviously - but when they're relaxing.. why not?

Your statement doesn't hold true to my experience..

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Has decriminalization of pot in Chicago lowered the crime rate?

Pot heads have their thinking affected by pot use. They operate on the "I'm OK, You're OK" philosophy. They think that THEY are not criminals, except for the pot use thing. Their health has not been affected, or at least not yet. Therefore all pot smokers are just like they are!

In order to do this, they have to rationalize, the crane operator high on pot and killed six people, it wasn't because he was high, it was some other reason. The woman who was too high to take the baby off the roof of her car before she drove off, it wasn't pot, it was some other reason. My step granddaughter to this very day does not connect her being high on pot with her daughter getting hit by a car. It was some other reason. It had nothing to do with her forgetting that she had a three year old with her.

All substance abusers feel the same way. To the alcoholic, he was never arrested because he was too drunk to drive. It was a cop exceeding his authority. That's why pot users who want pot to be legalized should never be taken seriously.

talking to you Katz about Pot is like talking to Dean about Republicans.....pre-conceived notions are hard to break......

My pre-conceived notion was the pot was relatively harmless. That was changed through experience.
Let's dispense with the Straw Man argument about Conservatives being "hostile" towards Marijuana legalization. Although I do not pigeon hole my thoughts into labeled categories, I am concerned about "legalization" from the standpoint of its effect on children. Unlike alcohol and most other intoxicants, marijuana is most commonly ingested by smoking. As a result, children who are in close proximity to it (same room or car) also ingest this drug. Just because it is legal to smoke tobacco around children is no justification for adding to the list of harmful substances to which they are exposed. After all, if tobacco were invented today, it would be banned as a known carcinogen.

Other than needing to deal with the DWI issue, I would not be opposed to smoking bars where marijuana could be legally consumed by adults.

Medical Marijuana Edibles: More Than Just Your Big Brother's Pot Brownie - Los Angeles - Restaurants and Dining - Squid Ink

They sell cookies, brownies, shakes etc... at the dispensaries. It does not have to be smoked.

Those who choose to smoke can be regulated just like cigarette smokers.
The problem isn't really pot, or alcohol, although there are a lot less alcoholics than potheads, even with pot being illegal. The problem is really the number of people who must get high. Schools where there are a significant number of pot users are dysfunctional, they have high failure rates, high drop out rates. A business that has enough people who use pot simply doesn't stay in business very long. They don't have a viable workforce. It's not even the fact of legalization or non legalization, its the number of dysfunctional people.

more bullshit Katz?.....approx. half the US population admits to drinking on a regular basis.....while there approx. 15 Million who smoke Pot regularly....
Has decriminalization of pot in Chicago lowered the crime rate?

Pot heads have their thinking affected by pot use. They operate on the "I'm OK, You're OK" philosophy. They think that THEY are not criminals, except for the pot use thing. Their health has not been affected, or at least not yet. Therefore all pot smokers are just like they are!

In order to do this, they have to rationalize, the crane operator high on pot and killed six people, it wasn't because he was high, it was some other reason. The woman who was too high to take the baby off the roof of her car before she drove off, it wasn't pot, it was some other reason. My step granddaughter to this very day does not connect her being high on pot with her daughter getting hit by a car. It was some other reason. It had nothing to do with her forgetting that she had a three year old with her.

All substance abusers feel the same way. To the alcoholic, he was never arrested because he was too drunk to drive. It was a cop exceeding his authority. That's why pot users who want pot to be legalized should never be taken seriously.

talking to you Katz about Pot is like talking to Dean about Republicans.....pre-conceived notions are hard to break......

My pre-conceived notion was the pot was relatively harmless. That was changed through experience.

Fair enough, but don't ruin it for the rest of us who have chosen to use the drug responsibly.

I guess pot-heads live in a dream world. Try making moonshine or try selling cigarettes you purchased cheap in another state. What do you think BATF stands for? No politician and nobody in their right mind would consider legalizing the growing, manufacture and sale of marijuana.
talking to you Katz about Pot is like talking to Dean about Republicans.....pre-conceived notions are hard to break......

My pre-conceived notion was the pot was relatively harmless. That was changed through experience.

Fair enough, but don't ruin it for the rest of us who have chosen to use the drug responsibly.


A pothead judging what responsible drug use is. Oh brutha. It's like an alcoholic judging that he can drive responsibly at a 2.0 BA.
Yea, well, not sure I take Katz too serious on this particular subject due to the fact that she says some pretty wild things (no offense Katz).

its hard to relate to things you have never done......with her and Rabbi its what they were told or read.....

Well, I have enjoyed pot at concerts and like it for that, only. So I know about pot. I just believe that it is so available without repercussions, already, that it should stay that way. One less mind altering drug is better than one more. I do not smoke it and enjoy being around co-workers who aren't high. Their personality changes when they are and they make more mistakes. They can't remember how to correct them...:lol:

I am of the opinion that most of the male posters at USMB partake of the weed on a regular basis. I don't hold that opinion for most of the women. For purposes of this thread, regular would be defined as several times a week.

i no longer smoke pot. not for the last 35 years or so anyway. i'd legalize it. if nothing else, decriminalize it. let use follow the same laws as alcohol.
My pre-conceived notion was the pot was relatively harmless. That was changed through experience.

Fair enough, but don't ruin it for the rest of us who have chosen to use the drug responsibly.


A pothead judging what responsible drug use is. Oh brutha. It's like an alcoholic judging that he can drive responsibly at a 2.0 BA.

Ah, so I'm a pothead now? Is every person who drinks a beer an alcoholic?

Why the double-standards?

I guess pot-heads live in a dream world. Try making moonshine or try selling cigarettes you purchased cheap in another state. What do you think BATF stands for? No politician and nobody in their right mind would consider legalizing the growing, manufacture and sale of marijuana.

Dream world?

I'm just trying to prevent us from wasting hundreds of millions of dollars policing a drug that is all natural, you can't overdose on, and is often given to cancer patients by medical doctors.

I'd like to exchange the street thugs selling marijuana to 13-year-olds on the corner with a regulated store that ID's everyone who tries to purchase.

Ever wonder why it's much easier for a kid to get a hold of a joint vs a beer?

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