More proof Americans hate diversity

LBJ didn't participate in a war against the United States and he signed our second and third Emancipation Proclamations. Lincoln was a racist too but you tell us how we should be grateful to him. FDR didn't fight a war against the United States either.
"I'll have those ******* voting Democrat for a 100 years" LBJ
The sole goal of open borders is to collapse our system, and 0bama pushed that heavily.
Obama was called the deporter and chief, idiot. There are no open borders and your white descending from immigrants ass has nothing to say about the issue.

Obama was called the deporter and chief, idiot. There are no open borders and your white descending from immigrants ass has nothing to say about the issue.

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nobody buys your BS racial MadCow nicknames. We lived it. We see now…..wide open border, gates literally welded open. Prisoner dumps pouring across. Drugs, sex trafficking. Blacks should be very aware. Like out in CA they don’t mix well with Blacks. Lawdy Lawdy Whew!
Ending preferences for various demographic groups in school admissions can be accomplished easily. Prohibit any mention of race or ethnicity in the application process. Gender is necessary due to Title IX.

I don't believe any schools in the country improved in any measurable way as a result of school busing to achieve racial distribution. No, wait. Some basketball teams improved.
Another school puts an end to DEI. Maybe going back to the fifties is possible. And libs said it could never happen.

---Amid campus protests nationwide and a push to revise diversity policies at state public universities, the Board of Trustees for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill voted Monday to redirect the $2.3 million that funded diversity, equity and inclusion programs toward public safety measures.---

That's right dumb ass.

They are going to drag you back to the 1950's kicking and screaming.

That means, no more open borders, no more mutilating the genitals of children, inflation goes away so you can afford to live, and people stop dropping dead from fentanyl overdoses at a rate of 200 a day.

And guess what, we are all laughing at you and could really care less how you feel about it.

Ending preferences for various demographic groups in school admissions can be accomplished easily. Prohibit any mention of race or ethnicity in the application process. Gender is necessary due to Title IX.

I don't believe any schools in the country improved in any measurable way as a result of school busing to achieve racial distribution. No, wait. Some basketball teams improved.
White is a race and whites have always been given the preferences.
That's right dumb ass.

They are going to drag you back to the 1950's kicking and screaming.

That means, no more open borders, no more mutilating the genitals of children, inflation goes away so you can afford to live, and people stop dropping dead from fentanyl overdoses at a rate of 200 a day.

And guess what, we are all laughing at you and could really care less how you feel about it.

Oh so you want to go back to be cut up with switchblades and people dying of diseases we have cured now, women using hangers to perform abortions, and the border doesn't change because there are no open borders, prices will not go down because this is capitalism and the corporations aren't going to reduce prices, unless you're willing to work for 75 cents per hour, gasoline will not be 10 cents a gallon, and a bunch of dead white supremacists because nobody is going to take the racist shit that was done in the 1950's.
Another school puts an end to DEI. Maybe going back to the fifties is possible. And libs said it could never happen.

---Amid campus protests nationwide and a push to revise diversity policies at state public universities, the Board of Trustees for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill voted Monday to redirect the $2.3 million that funded diversity, equity and inclusion programs toward public safety measures.---

The Democrats were the party of anti-blacks in the 50's, not the republicans. As for DEI, the republican party has always been the party of the "pull yourself up by your own bootstraps" mentality, not handouts. This concept of lowering entrance scores and training to allow individuals otherwise who would not be as good as their counterparts is misguided and dangerous.
Your race is irrelevant. Your ability is all that matters. I don't want some mediocre airline pilot flying a plane I'm on, or mediocre surgeon working on me. I was glad to hear that the SAT scores are being reintroduced because some people let into colleges and universities weren't able to pass.
The Democrats were the party of anti-blacks in the 50's, not the republicans. As for DEI, the republican party has always been the party of the "pull yourself up by your own bootstraps" mentality, not handouts. This concept of lowering entrance scores and training to allow individuals otherwise who would not be as good as their counterparts is misguided and dangerous.
Your race is irrelevant. Your ability is all that matters. I don't want some mediocre airline pilot flying a plane I'm on, or mediocre surgeon working on me. I was glad to hear that the SAT scores are being reintroduced because some people let into colleges and universities weren't able to pass.
The Republicans and Democrats were anti black. Republicans have never been about pulling themselves up by their bootstraps because whites have never done that. Test scores or training didn't matter, all you had to do was be white. Ability has never had anything to do with it. White mediocre pilots have always flown planes and performed surgeries. But what has happened is that whites suddenly decided standards were important when other races were allowed to compete.

I have a friend whose father ran a bank. He began working at that bank in the 1930's. He didn't need a degree to work at the bank and inevitably became the president of the bank. At that time blacks weren't allowed to work in those banks. So what was his qualification? He was white and male.

SAT scores are still optional in colleges because those scores do not accurately measure intelligence or college success. And as you have seen, whites have been able to cheat and pay others to take those tests because their kids would not have scored high enough to enter. Then we have the legacy students of alumni who have been shown to score lower but got into college only because their parent/grandparents attended, which again gives whites more opportubity since blacks and other non whites were not able to attend the majority of universities in this country during the 50's.

It is time the white delusion ended. Stop lying to yourselves about how things have been done. Why is you white Repubicans can never think that perhaps a person is hired who is more qualified and that DEI allows an opportunity for a qualified person who would be passed over for a less qualified white because of race. Can you not see the racism in such a belief?
Half black.
With half a brain.
Colin Kaepernick is half black. You don't rush to say that about him. There are half whites on the FBI wanted posters. There are half white deadbeat fathers. You don't rush to say that about them. So Obama is black. You don't get to take credit just because he was president in order to keep believing in white supremacy. And he was the best president in modern times.
Another school puts an end to DEI. Maybe going back to the fifties is possible. And libs said it could never happen.

---Amid campus protests nationwide and a push to revise diversity policies at state public universities, the Board of Trustees for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill voted Monday to redirect the $2.3 million that funded diversity, equity and inclusion programs toward public safety measures.---

DEI, and Project 1619 are Cliffsnotes* condensed to;
"White people are scum and everything you don't like is their fault."
Doesn't take $2.3 million to spread that Pravda propaganda.

* CliffsNotes - Wikipedia

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