More proof Americans hate diversity

Colin Kaepernick is half black. You don't rush to say that about him. There are half whites on the FBI wanted posters. There are half white deadbeat fathers. You don't rush to say that about them. So Obama is black. You don't get to take credit just because he was president in order to keep believing in white supremacy. And he was the best president in modern times.
Because Colin K. was not mentioned or the topic.
Point being it isn't just Black or White in the real world. Only in your delusional world is race that important or exclusive.

My two sons are quarter black (Nigerian per, their mother was half black. And we have other races and ethnics from around the globe in my present family tree.

Your family tree is like a telephone pole.

Obama was the second worse POTUS in modern times. But has some claim to being the best Manchurian Candidate = Communist POTUS to date. His puppet Biden is the WORSE POTUS, ever.
Because Colin K. was not mentioned or the topic.
Point being it isn't just Black or White in the real world. Only in your delusional world is race that important or exclusive.

My two sons are quarter black (Nigerian per, their mother was half black. And we have other races and ethnics from around the globe in my present family tree.

Your family tree is like a telephone pole.

Obama was the second worse POTUS in modern times. But has some claim to being the best Manchurian Candidate = Communist POTUS to date. His puppet Biden is the WORSE POTUS, ever.
My world is the real world. I did not make race the issue. Those like you did. And you're lying to yourself because you can ignore race because you don'thave to deal directly with white racism. Apparently race doesn't affect you enough to say anything to the whites here posting about race. It damn sure has you blind to the white racism that tells you to look at a thread saying More Proof America Hates Diversirty then tell me how it's me who lives in a delusion of race. Go f yourself..

Obama was the best President in modern times. You can't name one better. He took us out of a near depression and created a growing economy the next president gave himself credit for.
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Because Colin K. was not mentioned or the topic.
Point being it isn't just Black or White in the real world. Only in your delusional world is race that important or exclusive.

My two sons are quarter black (Nigerian per, their mother was half black. And we have other races and ethnics from around the globe in my present family tree.

Your family tree is like a telephone pole.

Obama was the second worse POTUS in modern times. But has some claim to being the best Manchurian Candidate = Communist POTUS to date. His puppet Biden is the WORSE POTUS, ever.
The race card, don't lose $anity without it!
Another school puts an end to DEI. Maybe going back to the fifties is possible. And libs said it could never happen.

---Amid campus protests nationwide and a push to revise diversity policies at state public universities, the Board of Trustees for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill voted Monday to redirect the $2.3 million that funded diversity, equity and inclusion programs toward public safety measures.---

This was really a move it or lose it ploy to try to keep the state legislature from taking the money away. Public Safety is just a good place to put the money to appease the legislature, especially in light of the shooting on campus last year
Bet you don't have an issue with LBJ's name on things and he was racist as shit.

lol he made sure black professors at Texas black colleges got paid and made sure black youth got jobs under FDR's work relief programs. and did this in the 1930's, when it did him no good politically. You don't know shit about LBJ, or Sam Rayburn, Wright Patman, Maury Maverick, or any other of the Texas Congress and Senate reps. Quit reading idiot crap posted on websites that target dumbasses. Even George Wallace did more for black people than any Yankee liberal ever did for Blacks in his state.
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Here in my city in the 1970s, some well-meaning Caucasian people demanded busing, and busing they got.

When busing turned their children's high school into a "jungle" (Senator Biden's description of integrated schools), those well-meaning parents immediately withdrew their children and started private schools for them.

In 2024, those private schools are thriving.
Colin Kaepernick is half black. You don't rush to say that about him. There are half whites on the FBI wanted posters. There are half white deadbeat fathers. You don't rush to say that about them. So Obama is black. You don't get to take credit just because he was president in order to keep believing in white supremacy. And he was the best president in modern times.
0bama was a disastrous president, not because he was black, but because he was a Marxist who did his best to destroy America from within. I would obviously be very happy for a black conservative to be president, because those blacks are able to think for themselves, unlike the plantation blacks who parrot words of their white leftwing slave masters and do so to their own detriment.
Half black.
With half a brain.
As a society I dislike too much diversity and forced diversity.

A society that looks similar, speaks the same language, has similar beliefs, all have the same pride in their country, have a similar religion type, have the same customs, same understanding of written and unwritten rules, and so on in general is a more unified society. No matter where you go in that country there is a basic understanding of one another. It makes people more relaxed, more comfortable and so on.

America's problem is we have dozens and dozens and dozens of groups and sub groups of foreigners in our country and none of them want to conform to America, they all want America to conform to them.

And America keeps forcing diversity which all that really means is "this person can't get this based off their own intelligence, merit, ambition, experience or anything so we're going to force people to give it to them for nothing. Meanwhile all the people who could attain it themselves have no chance".

Diversity in America as an abstract is a fine idea. But in practice, especially by force? It's the demise of American society
Another school puts an end to DEI. Maybe going back to the fifties is possible. And libs said it could never happen.

---Amid campus protests nationwide and a push to revise diversity policies at state public universities, the Board of Trustees for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill voted Monday to redirect the $2.3 million that funded diversity, equity and inclusion programs toward public safety measures.---

Not agreeing with spending on DEI means America hates Diversity? Spend money on raising technical and analytical skills of K-12 and true DEI will be realized.
Another school puts an end to DEI. Maybe going back to the fifties is possible. And libs said it could never happen.

---Amid campus protests nationwide and a push to revise diversity policies at state public universities, the Board of Trustees for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill voted Monday to redirect the $2.3 million that funded diversity, equity and inclusion programs toward public safety measures.---

Diversity is the desired goal as long as it doesn't include anyone on the right.
They don't hate diversity. They hate fake forced diversity. Most people have a low tolerance for hypocrisy when exposed to it.
No one who complains about it ever puts that qualifier, to a man, and/or woman, they always say "we don't like/want diversity."

As the late great Maya Angelou said, "when someone shows you who they are believe them."

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