More proof that this is a complete hoax.

Met someone from another division; he and his wife had it back around St Patrick’s Day.
The virus was manmade and probably released in December. Whether it was here already or not is up for debate. Probably not COVID19 but corona, sure
Whatvare you laughing at L.K.Eder
There is much info about it being man made.
You are just a sheep, perhaps?
i am laughing at you, son. a conspiracy theorist calling others sheep, another great joke to laugh at. well done.
Whats a conspiracy?
And you are a sheep. If its not mainstream, you dont want to hear it. Despite scientists and govts saying it was manmade.
Hell, the lab itself released a report a few years ago talking about them manipulating corona viruses, son.
baaaah, baaaah. maaanmade maaanmade. some people are saying... lol.
You are a dumbass... Lol.
well, that is just your opinion, man.

meanwhile i am not the one bleating unproved gossip as fact onto the board.
it is a fact multiple scientists have said it has to be manmade. It is a fact govts hace said the same. It is a fact the lab in wuhan released a report a few years ago stating they were manipulating corona viruses.
Thats all fact. Nothing to dispute.
Again, you are a dumbass. And a sheep.
you said it was manmade. I laughed at you for sheepily rebleating what "some people are saying". this is not complicated.

i note that you have not repeated your initial idiocy and are in the process of dancing away from it. i call that progress.
Lol you believe what the government goons on tv tell you like a good north korean zombie
i am not the one relying on what some govts are saying. i do not even care which govts are allegedly saying it. lol.
Yes you are as governments are 100 percent in control of the information flow
"An estimated 4.1 percent of adult residents in Los Angeles County have the antibody to the coronavirus, which indicates that hundreds of thousands of them may have been infected, according to preliminary results from a new study.

The collaborative study from USC and the county's department of public health suggests "infections from the new coronavirus are far more widespread than previously thought." The study indicates that approximately 221,000 to 442,000 adults in the county have had the infection at some point in time. The results also suggest that the mortality rate is much lower.

That figure is 28 to 55 times bigger than the 7,994 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the county at the time of the study in early April, according to the study. As of Monday, there are 13,816 positive cases in the region."

Something short of 650 dead from the virus in LA County so far. Let's do some math...we'll go with the median of 350,000 infected.
That gives us ~.2% deaths?
What is the flu? .1%? .2%? normally?
Still gonna wear those masks shitheads?
This means that the disease is not even new, the CDC needs to be fully defunded
Crisis actors!!!!
View attachment 326760
Clearly Cuomo is fucking up big time
So which is it dumb fuck. Is the whole thing a hoax and if so how is cuomo fucking up. You are fucking hillarious. You know it used to be that people with your insanity were rare now you must be breeding or some thing.
Such vulgarity, are you always so happy?

Chomo says that ny stays closed until there are no more cases. I'll take that bet, how much you have to wager on the dumb guinney
Back to the orriginal questiion there half deck. Which is it? A hoax or is cuomo fucking up cant be both. As far as vulgarity, your existance is a constant one. You know they sell screw drivers these days maybe you should get one for that loose screw.
There is no pandemic because overall death rates are just not elevated.
Simple math really

Chomo has no clue as he wants to imprison his own mother at home for the rest of her life or until she kills herself

I had this disease kid so did my wife and son

So you are going with hoax. The cuomo shit is just that shit. I have known you hiow long now and already half of what you say is complete and total bull shit at least. In reality 100 percent is bull shit but who is counting no one pays attention a an idiot that is wrong 50 percent of the time any way. Nice talking to you, but I have better ways to spend my time.
When was the last time any Right Wing conspiracy artist offered any wisdom? Fact? Good advice? You people peddling politics over science, speculation over fact, lies over truth should be ashamed of yourselves. Go sell stupidity someplace else. We ain't buying it anymore.
You will not be buying anything soon if we don't go back to work soon. Somebody has got to work to pay your sorry butt sitting at home in your mommy's basement.

Whatcha gonna do when you run out of other people's money.
I'm in my sixties, idiot! Your values are skewed by ignorance. What is more valuable: lives or profits?
SO...........I'm about 55......worked my whole dang life.........YOU STAY PUT.......and I'll go back out............if the dang virus gets me then it's my time..........we are destroying this country........

I think you said you were already on SS..........what the hell is the big deal................You don't have to GO OUT.

Gee, I retired at 57, and since then have traveled to Europe, S. America, Central America, Mexico, Canada and the Azores; along with 44 of the United States.
Who da fuck cares............go to China and visit Wuhan...............

It's time to open this country back up..........enough of your FEAR MONGERING.

Apparently you don't, but given your comments I have no doubt you are a trumpanzee, dumb, opinionated and a miserable curmudgeon.
Your retired as you already said..........go back and hide under your bed......

Pathetic rebuttal from a mind capable of little else. Why should smart people pay you any mind?

Legends in your own minds more likely.

All the yelling in New York..........the USS Mercy only took 179 patients total............that's it.

Yes the DNC packed city got hit.............because they live on top of each other............the rest of the country is not like New York........big cities.........they get hit harder.

Great time to live in FLY OVER STATES.
The virus was manmade and probably released in December. Whether it was here already or not is up for debate. Probably not COVID19 but corona, sure
Whatvare you laughing at L.K.Eder
There is much info about it being man made.
You are just a sheep, perhaps?
i am laughing at you, son. a conspiracy theorist calling others sheep, another great joke to laugh at. well done.
Whats a conspiracy?
And you are a sheep. If its not mainstream, you dont want to hear it. Despite scientists and govts saying it was manmade.
Hell, the lab itself released a report a few years ago talking about them manipulating corona viruses, son.
baaaah, baaaah. maaanmade maaanmade. some people are saying... lol.
You are a dumbass... Lol.
well, that is just your opinion, man.

meanwhile i am not the one bleating unproved gossip as fact onto the board.
it is a fact multiple scientists have said it has to be manmade. It is a fact govts hace said the same. It is a fact the lab in wuhan released a report a few years ago stating they were manipulating corona viruses.
Thats all fact. Nothing to dispute.
Again, you are a dumbass. And a sheep.
you said it was manmade. I laughed at you for sheepily rebleating what "some people are saying". this is not complicated.

i note that you have not repeated your initial idiocy and are in the process of dancing away from it. i call that progress.
Yeah. Repeating what the lab itself said.
Still sticking to my original post.
Maybe you dont understand English, Nazi boi
The virus was manmade and probably released in December. Whether it was here already or not is up for debate. Probably not COVID19 but corona, sure
Whatvare you laughing at L.K.Eder
There is much info about it being man made.
You are just a sheep, perhaps?
i am laughing at you, son. a conspiracy theorist calling others sheep, another great joke to laugh at. well done.
Whats a conspiracy?
And you are a sheep. If its not mainstream, you dont want to hear it. Despite scientists and govts saying it was manmade.
Hell, the lab itself released a report a few years ago talking about them manipulating corona viruses, son.
baaaah, baaaah. maaanmade maaanmade. some people are saying... lol.
You are a dumbass... Lol.
well, that is just your opinion, man.

meanwhile i am not the one bleating unproved gossip as fact onto the board.
it is a fact multiple scientists have said it has to be manmade. It is a fact govts hace said the same. It is a fact the lab in wuhan released a report a few years ago stating they were manipulating corona viruses.
Thats all fact. Nothing to dispute.
Again, you are a dumbass. And a sheep.
you said it was manmade. I laughed at you for sheepily rebleating what "some people are saying". this is not complicated.

i note that you have not repeated your initial idiocy and are in the process of dancing away from it. i call that progress.
Lol you believe what the government goons on tv tell you like a good north korean zombie
i am not the one relying on what some govts are saying. i do not even care which govts are allegedly saying it. lol.
Yes you are as governments are 100 percent in control of the information flow
a 100%, you say. how did you manage to be so enlightend, then? awesome.
The virus was manmade and probably released in December. Whether it was here already or not is up for debate. Probably not COVID19 but corona, sure
Whatvare you laughing at L.K.Eder
There is much info about it being man made.
You are just a sheep, perhaps?
i am laughing at you, son. a conspiracy theorist calling others sheep, another great joke to laugh at. well done.
Whats a conspiracy?
And you are a sheep. If its not mainstream, you dont want to hear it. Despite scientists and govts saying it was manmade.
Hell, the lab itself released a report a few years ago talking about them manipulating corona viruses, son.
baaaah, baaaah. maaanmade maaanmade. some people are saying... lol.
You are a dumbass... Lol.
well, that is just your opinion, man.

meanwhile i am not the one bleating unproved gossip as fact onto the board.
it is a fact multiple scientists have said it has to be manmade. It is a fact govts hace said the same. It is a fact the lab in wuhan released a report a few years ago stating they were manipulating corona viruses.
Thats all fact. Nothing to dispute.
Again, you are a dumbass. And a sheep.
you said it was manmade. I laughed at you for sheepily rebleating what "some people are saying". this is not complicated.

i note that you have not repeated your initial idiocy and are in the process of dancing away from it. i call that progress.
Lol you believe what the government goons on tv tell you like a good north korean zombie
i am not the one relying on what some govts are saying. i do not even care which govts are allegedly saying it. lol.
And scientists. And the lab itself.
Buts its a conspiracy :lol:
I personally know nurses working in NYC hospitals and no reports of death.

Why can't you look this up yourself?

And spoil anecdotal testimony? WTF!
Yeah, because a reporter being called on the phone by some informer isn't anecdotal!

Life being stranger than fiction, reporters actually do attempt to check facts, Brietbart notwithstanding, and they frequently offer anecdotes in the guise of, 'according to' or 'she said'. Anecdotes relay a narrative, not a fact, though they may well be true.
I know a few reporters and they check facts by calling their boss who drives the agenda; and that goes for both sides of the aisle.
"An estimated 4.1 percent of adult residents in Los Angeles County have the antibody to the coronavirus, which indicates that hundreds of thousands of them may have been infected, according to preliminary results from a new study.

The collaborative study from USC and the county's department of public health suggests "infections from the new coronavirus are far more widespread than previously thought." The study indicates that approximately 221,000 to 442,000 adults in the county have had the infection at some point in time. The results also suggest that the mortality rate is much lower.

That figure is 28 to 55 times bigger than the 7,994 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the county at the time of the study in early April, according to the study. As of Monday, there are 13,816 positive cases in the region."

Something short of 650 dead from the virus in LA County so far. Let's do some math...we'll go with the median of 350,000 infected.
That gives us ~.2% deaths?
What is the flu? .1%? .2%? normally?
Still gonna wear those masks shitheads?
This means that the disease is not even new, the CDC needs to be fully defunded
Crisis actors!!!!
View attachment 326760
Clearly Cuomo is fucking up big time
So which is it dumb fuck. Is the whole thing a hoax and if so how is cuomo fucking up. You are fucking hillarious. You know it used to be that people with your insanity were rare now you must be breeding or some thing.
Such vulgarity, are you always so happy?

Chomo says that ny stays closed until there are no more cases. I'll take that bet, how much you have to wager on the dumb guinney
Back to the orriginal questiion there half deck. Which is it? A hoax or is cuomo fucking up cant be both. As far as vulgarity, your existance is a constant one. You know they sell screw drivers these days maybe you should get one for that loose screw.
There is no pandemic because overall death rates are just not elevated.
Simple math really

Chomo has no clue as he wants to imprison his own mother at home for the rest of her life or until she kills herself

I had this disease kid so did my wife and son

So you are going with hoax. The cuomo shit is just that shit. I have known you hiow long now and already half of what you say is complete and total bull shit at least. In reality 100 percent is bull shit but who is counting no one pays attention a an idiot that is wrong 50 percent of the time any way. Nice talking to you, but I have better ways to spend my time.
Well it's not a full hoax because my entire family had this disease and we all recovered without medical help. The pandemic is no less real than the flu was in 2018 when 80000 americans died and you and homo did not care
The virus was manmade and probably released in December. Whether it was here already or not is up for debate. Probably not COVID19 but corona, sure
Whatvare you laughing at L.K.Eder
There is much info about it being man made.
You are just a sheep, perhaps?
i am laughing at you, son. a conspiracy theorist calling others sheep, another great joke to laugh at. well done.
Whats a conspiracy?
And you are a sheep. If its not mainstream, you dont want to hear it. Despite scientists and govts saying it was manmade.
Hell, the lab itself released a report a few years ago talking about them manipulating corona viruses, son.
baaaah, baaaah. maaanmade maaanmade. some people are saying... lol.
You are a dumbass... Lol.
well, that is just your opinion, man.

meanwhile i am not the one bleating unproved gossip as fact onto the board.
it is a fact multiple scientists have said it has to be manmade. It is a fact govts hace said the same. It is a fact the lab in wuhan released a report a few years ago stating they were manipulating corona viruses.
Thats all fact. Nothing to dispute.
Again, you are a dumbass. And a sheep.
you said it was manmade. I laughed at you for sheepily rebleating what "some people are saying". this is not complicated.

i note that you have not repeated your initial idiocy and are in the process of dancing away from it. i call that progress.
Yeah. Repeating what the lab itself said.
Still sticking to my original post.
Maybe you dont understand English, Nazi boi
nazi boi? are you triggered?

the wuhan lab said that the virus is manmade? lol. which governments and scientist say that it is manmade? lol.

dig deeper.
The virus was manmade and probably released in December. Whether it was here already or not is up for debate. Probably not COVID19 but corona, sure
Whatvare you laughing at L.K.Eder
There is much info about it being man made.
You are just a sheep, perhaps?
i am laughing at you, son. a conspiracy theorist calling others sheep, another great joke to laugh at. well done.
Whats a conspiracy?
And you are a sheep. If its not mainstream, you dont want to hear it. Despite scientists and govts saying it was manmade.
Hell, the lab itself released a report a few years ago talking about them manipulating corona viruses, son.
baaaah, baaaah. maaanmade maaanmade. some people are saying... lol.
You are a dumbass... Lol.
well, that is just your opinion, man.

meanwhile i am not the one bleating unproved gossip as fact onto the board.
it is a fact multiple scientists have said it has to be manmade. It is a fact govts hace said the same. It is a fact the lab in wuhan released a report a few years ago stating they were manipulating corona viruses.
Thats all fact. Nothing to dispute.
Again, you are a dumbass. And a sheep.
you said it was manmade. I laughed at you for sheepily rebleating what "some people are saying". this is not complicated.

i note that you have not repeated your initial idiocy and are in the process of dancing away from it. i call that progress.
Yeah. Repeating what the lab itself said.
Still sticking to my original post.
Maybe you dont understand English, Nazi boi
nazi boi? are you triggered?

the wuhan lab said that the virus is manmade? lol. which governments and scientist say that it is manmade? lol.

dig deeper.
they said they were manipulating corona viruses. And it just happened to start in wuhan? But someone ate a bat? Lol
Enjoy your conspiracy, Nazi boi.
The virus was manmade and probably released in December. Whether it was here already or not is up for debate. Probably not COVID19 but corona, sure
Whatvare you laughing at L.K.Eder
There is much info about it being man made.
You are just a sheep, perhaps?
i am laughing at you, son. a conspiracy theorist calling others sheep, another great joke to laugh at. well done.
Whats a conspiracy?
And you are a sheep. If its not mainstream, you dont want to hear it. Despite scientists and govts saying it was manmade.
Hell, the lab itself released a report a few years ago talking about them manipulating corona viruses, son.
baaaah, baaaah. maaanmade maaanmade. some people are saying... lol.
You are a dumbass... Lol.
well, that is just your opinion, man.

meanwhile i am not the one bleating unproved gossip as fact onto the board.
it is a fact multiple scientists have said it has to be manmade. It is a fact govts hace said the same. It is a fact the lab in wuhan released a report a few years ago stating they were manipulating corona viruses.
Thats all fact. Nothing to dispute.
Again, you are a dumbass. And a sheep.
you said it was manmade. I laughed at you for sheepily rebleating what "some people are saying". this is not complicated.

i note that you have not repeated your initial idiocy and are in the process of dancing away from it. i call that progress.
Yeah. Repeating what the lab itself said.
Still sticking to my original post.
Maybe you dont understand English, Nazi boi
nazi boi? are you triggered?

the wuhan lab said that the virus is manmade? lol. which governments and scientist say that it is manmade? lol.

dig deeper.
they said they were manipulating corona viruses. And it just happened to start in wuhan? But someone ate a bat? Lol
Enjoy your conspiracy, Nazi boi.
so they did not state that it is manmade.

you did state it.

that is why you are a moron.
The virus was manmade and probably released in December. Whether it was here already or not is up for debate. Probably not COVID19 but corona, sure
Whatvare you laughing at L.K.Eder
There is much info about it being man made.
You are just a sheep, perhaps?
i am laughing at you, son. a conspiracy theorist calling others sheep, another great joke to laugh at. well done.
Whats a conspiracy?
And you are a sheep. If its not mainstream, you dont want to hear it. Despite scientists and govts saying it was manmade.
Hell, the lab itself released a report a few years ago talking about them manipulating corona viruses, son.
baaaah, baaaah. maaanmade maaanmade. some people are saying... lol.
You are a dumbass... Lol.
well, that is just your opinion, man.

meanwhile i am not the one bleating unproved gossip as fact onto the board.
it is a fact multiple scientists have said it has to be manmade. It is a fact govts hace said the same. It is a fact the lab in wuhan released a report a few years ago stating they were manipulating corona viruses.
Thats all fact. Nothing to dispute.
Again, you are a dumbass. And a sheep.
you said it was manmade. I laughed at you for sheepily rebleating what "some people are saying". this is not complicated.

i note that you have not repeated your initial idiocy and are in the process of dancing away from it. i call that progress.
Yeah. Repeating what the lab itself said.
Still sticking to my original post.
Maybe you dont understand English, Nazi boi
nazi boi? are you triggered?

the wuhan lab said that the virus is manmade? lol. which governments and scientist say that it is manmade? lol.

dig deeper.
they said they were manipulating corona viruses. And it just happened to start in wuhan? But someone ate a bat? Lol
Enjoy your conspiracy, Nazi boi.
so they did not state that it is manmade.

you did state it.

that is why you are a moron.
Does your old lady have to walk you around with a leash?
Holy shit lol
View attachment 326768

If it's such a novel virus why name it Covid-19?

They say the 19 stands for the year it was discovered...... Yet we don't call the Swine Flu H1N1-9.



Because it's not technically called Covid19. It's technical name is SARS COV 2.

QUOTE="joaquinmiller, post: 24514453, member: 45560"]
I personally know nurses working in NYC hospitals and no reports of death.

Why can't you look this up yourself?

And spoil anecdotal testimony? WTF!
Yeah, because a reporter being called on the phone by some informer isn't anecdotal!

Life being stranger than fiction, reporters actually do attempt to check facts, Brietbart notwithstanding, and they frequently offer anecdotes in the guise of, 'according to' or 'she said'. Anecdotes relay a narrative, not a fact.
Brietbart is a GW loving, neo-Con piece of shit.
You believe every report you get that "some unidentified person" working in an institution called "an honest and responsible person" to report to a Click Hungry media outlet that something happened that makes Trump evil.
That's called an anecdote, you moron.

That's called your stupid fucking opinion, dummy.
It's called a factual sequence of that you ignore because you hate Trump.
Take a piece of paper and draw a flow chart from every article you read and describe every box, including who said what to whom.
If that doesn't tell you what is fact and what is hate, that's your problem, not my problem.

You do it. It's your claim, and it has nothing to do with me, other than I think Trump is unfit for the office he holds. I don't hate him, although I certainly don't respect or admire him.

I do get tired of people trying to assign negative motivations to me and others. I didn't think you were lying when you said you didn't know any nurses who had died. I just thought that personal tidbit wasn't particularly relevant to the big picture. I do now think you're an irritating little dick.
My impression of you comes in only one form...
What you post.
I am irritating to people who don't me pointing out their inability to communicate facts withing context.
That's why you consider me an irritating little dick.

I'm pleased that I show others with an IQ above 0 how you are persuaded by nonsense.

You think you've done that? Really? Well, no praise like self-praise, I suppose.
Ask yourself why you are spending time posting ad hominems and not analyzing the article.

If you want to look back at who called who a moron first, help yourself. It may increase your self-awareness. Also, ascribing my motivations to hatred is a personal attack. If you want to swap insults, I can do that.
Perhaps I called you a moron because you're constantly following your emotions and never following facts.
That's a attribute of a moron.
There is room for you to improve; you must be willing to leave the state of you being a moron behind.

And no, you can't swap insults with me because emotional people have a limited range of wit.
All I have to do to insult you is point out how you would fail the reading comprehension section of the SAT.

Perhaps you called me a moron because you're a moron. And perhaps you forgot you started the insults because you're a moron with a poor memory, or a moron lacking awareness. Perhaps you accuse me of 'hating' due to limited imagination or intelligence.

Reading comprehension? Yeah, go with that.
I should have started you with the process of analyzing an article...
The source and what that source is reporting.
The destination and gains from the source.
Is the source and responsibilities clearly communicated.
Why the recipient of the information is interested,
What purpose does the story accomplish, emotional, information, remedial.
Are any of the parties adept at the subject being discussed.

You asked for a link. It was provided to you, and then ignored because you personally know nurses in NYC. Evidence isn't accepted.
Sure tard.
Why have 100's of healthy nurses died while helping the ill.
This doesn't happen with the flu.
Fuck off, defending trump is getting old.
I've heard medical experts say this isn't a "flu," it's a viral pneumonia.
Which causes few or no symptoms fgor the vast majority who have contracted it.

Amazon does thank you all for your compliance, though. They are making such bank because you doctrinaire leftists have all joined them in destroying the little guy.
I want that anti body test............To find out what that Flu was back in January.........they guy that gave it to us.........asshole came to work with it............went to the doctor and it was called FLU A AND B.

I'd like to know if that was BS and it was this stuff.
EVERYBODY was sick in Dec and Jan...I was sick, and I haven't been sick in years.


I got a flu shot for the first time in a decade this year, and wouldn't you know it, but 4 weeks later I came down with the strangest symptoms. I had a fever and a dry cough with absolutely no nasal congestion or sneezing.
Sweden is relying on theoretical herd immunity to combat a virus for which there is, as yet, no proof of immunity. That's reckless.

Yes, herd immunity may be likely, but it is just that.
Theoretical herd immunity? How do you think we have dealt with respiratory viruses for millennia? Do you think we shut the world down? Just for a second try to act like this is not the only respiratory virus to have ever existed. Just do you think we dealt with those in the past?
I swear to God the world has gone straight retarded.

Herd immunity definitely exists for most diseases, but I was correct in saying there is, as yet, no proof of immunity for this novel coronavirus. No one has ruled out mutations that may re-infect a person, either, as happens with seasonal flu's.

Jesus, people catch a cold year-after-year and you think herd immunity is guaranteed?
As of yet? There is nothing statistically abnormal about this virus. This is not a severe virus. The Indians are finding that up to 80% of their population is asymptomatic.
The longer we continue to lock down the world the longer this will take. Further...and I'm repeating myself the more locked down we remain the lower our immunity as a world population will be.
WE are destroying world economy for literally fuck all.

Not severe? When was the last time 45,000 Americans died in 30 days from a virus (despite social distancing measures)?

Herd immunity to respiratory viruses is not guaranteed, no matter how much you wish it. It is likely.
I personally know nurses working in NYC hospitals and no reports of death.

Why can't you look this up yourself?

And spoil anecdotal testimony? WTF!
Yeah, because a reporter being called on the phone by some informer isn't anecdotal!

Life being stranger than fiction, reporters actually do attempt to check facts, Brietbart notwithstanding, and they frequently offer anecdotes in the guise of, 'according to' or 'she said'. Anecdotes relay a narrative, not a fact, though they may well be true.
I know a few reporters and they check facts by calling their boss who drives the agenda; and that goes for both sides of the aisle.


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