More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Global Energy Balances … Except When It Doesn’t

Got to love it.... Willis does it again... Eviscerates the climate modeling community with basic modeling theroy's. Shows failures...

I don't want to be a nitpicker, but this appears to be an actual misapprehension on your part as you've made it numerous times now. There is no word "theroy" in the English language. You appear to intend "theory".

Let's practice that: T - H - E - O - R - Y
Global Energy Balances … Except When It Doesn’t

Got to love it.... Willis does it again... Eviscerates the climate modeling community with basic modeling theroy's. Shows failures...

I don't want to be a nitpicker, but this appears to be an actual misapprehension on your part as you've made it numerous times now. There is no word "theroy" in the English language. You appear to intend "theory".

Let's practice that: T - H - E - O - R - Y
When you have no intelligent response to the facts.... Deflect to grammar and spelling...

Thanks for telling us you have lost the debate...
Global Energy Balances … Except When It Doesn’t

Got to love it.... Willis does it again... Eviscerates the climate modeling community with basic modeling theroy's. Shows failures...

I don't want to be a nitpicker, but this appears to be an actual misapprehension on your part as you've made it numerous times now. There is no word "theroy" in the English language. You appear to intend "theory".

Let's practice that: T - H - E - O - R - Y
Hahaha. Lets practice basic grammar. "you appear to intend theory". If a German kid would say that in a grade 6 English exam he would have failed it...and you grew up using English. How TF did you even graduate?
The little mexican girl in Congress says we have 12 years left on this planet

12 years...... Can't stop time

The little mexican girl in Congress says we have 12 years left on this planet

12 years...... Can't stop time

There was this idiot named Al Gore who did the same thing about 25 years ago... His prediction came and went... Were still here and he is still an idiot.. This idiot is no different... Young and just as stupid..
Someone else noted this earlier today. When you've got no science to quote (as you haven't) you can always attack politicians. Ms Ocasio-Cortez said "...young people fear the Earth will end in 12 years". It was obvious hyperbole. But it gave you an in so you can wail about this instead of humiliating yourself trying to sell some absolute bullshit as actual science.
Global Energy Balances … Except When It Doesn’t

Got to love it.... Willis does it again... Eviscerates the climate modeling community with basic modeling theroy's. Shows failures...

I don't want to be a nitpicker, but this appears to be an actual misapprehension on your part as you've made it numerous times now. There is no word "theroy" in the English language. You appear to intend "theory".

Let's practice that: T - H - E - O - R - Y
When you have no intelligent response to the facts.... Deflect to grammar and spelling...

Thanks for telling us you have lost the debate...

When you have no intelligent response to the facts...

Still looking for your "magnetic photons" facts?
I don't want to be a nitpicker, but this appears to be an actual misapprehension on your part as you've made it numerous times now. There is no word "theroy" in the English language. You appear to intend "theory".

Hahaha. Lets practice basic grammar. "you appear to intend theory". If a German kid would say that in a grade 6 English exam he would have failed it...and you grew up using English. How TF did you even graduate?

With very good grades. You? Why don't you explain exactly what obvious error you believe I have made? Why don't you run it through a few grammar checkers and show us what you get.

ps: I wouldn't bother with bullshit like this if it wasn't such an incredibly worthless thread.
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Green Electricity Grid Collapses During Aussie Heatwave

Stupid is as stupid does.... Epic FAILURE on something that never would have occurred with real reliable energy... And the law suits for negligent homicide against the political idiots has now begun.. This is an easily planed for event and people are dying due to criminal negligence.

Lol.....renewable energy is ghey. At least we know people in this country know it!!
—12 this morning in my city around Chitown

The young Vijay jay can come camp out and show us real people that it’s fake. Naw it’s warmer
Guess what? When I went looking for discussions re the causes of the power shortages in Australia in the face of this heatwave, I found the following. I found NO ONE suggesting that the shortfall was due to alternative technology energy supplies.

Reserve generation levels were particularly thin in New South Wales early Thursday, after the sudden failure of a unit at AGL Energy's aging Liddell coal plant, the Australian Financial Review reported this week.

Even though air conditioning use has soared in the face of record temperatures, which topped 115º F this week in Adelaide, the only blackouts so far this Australian summer have been down to prosaic causes such as cable failures.

Meanwhile, a major blackout threat that has emerged in Adelaide is fruit bats crashing into power lines (bats have also been dropping from the trees due to this week's heat, but that doesn't seem to be affecting the electric grid). Overall, said Victoria-based energy consultant Jill Cainey: “The Australian energy system is coping with all this heat, but perhaps creaking a bit at the seams.”

* Aging coal-fired plants struggle in extreme heat

MELBOURNE, Jan 25 (Reuters) - Blistering heat triggered power outages on Australia's strained grid on Friday as demand for air-conditioning soared and coal-fired generators struggled to meet the surge in consumption.

AGL Energy's Loy Yang power plant and EnergyAustralia's Yallourn, both in Victoria, were among those with units down

Victoria Energy Minister Lily D'Ambrosio said it was clear Australia's summers were getting longer, hotter and more extreme because of climate change. "We can see that the problem we've got now is that we've got a 20th century system for a 21st century climate," she told reporters at a televised briefing.

In South Australia, where power capacity has been beefed up with diesel generators and gas-fired plants over the past two years following a state-wide blackout, 30,000 homes lost power on Thursday after transformers on local power lines overheated and switched off.
—12 this morning in my city around Chitown

The young Vijay jay can come camp out and show us real people that it’s fake. Naw it’s warmer
Tell Skooks to warm up his nut-sack warmers.. He's going to need them for the next 2-3 weeks. Looking for massive low temp records in the Midwest. Air temp inside the low is -105 deg C at 10,000 feet (-157 deg F).. Ground temps are expected to be very low as this pushes across the Midwest.. -30 Deg C to -55 Deg C (-22 Deg F to -67 Deg F) are possible at ground level.. Were going to be breaking records since the beginning of record keeping. Areas in Canada have reported -65 deg F as of last night.. Shattering cold temp records!
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This quote from Billy Bob's post #6236 indicates it is -105C at 10,000 ft in the central high pressure over the North Pole. Yet now he is telling us it is this temperature in the mid-latitude lows. I am wondering what is driving the enormous energy transfer he claims is taking place if both ends are at the same temperature.
This quote from Billy Bob's post #6236 indicates it is -105C at 10,000 ft in the central high pressure over the North Pole. Yet now he is telling us it is this temperature in the mid-latitude lows. I am wondering what is driving the enormous energy transfer he claims is taking place if both ends are at the same temperature.
Incapable of reading? Obviously... I even highlighted the low I was talking about.

Even NOAA has gotten the memo...


Crick shows us once again he is an idiot and a dupe...

I even brought out the crayons for you Crick and you failed to understand it HERE...


You don't understand a damn thing about our atmosphere or how it works but you somehow are the authority on it.. You and that idiot Cosio-Cortez... both about as useful as shit in a toilet..
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The blocking high is caused by the huge temperature difference between altitude and ground level. At 40,000 feet its -105 deg C. at the surface it is about -10 deg C. This locks the high in place and the lows circle it pulling up heat.
Post #6236
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The blocking high is caused by the huge temperature difference between altitude and ground level. At 40,000 feet its -105 deg C. at the surface it is about -10 deg C. This locks the high in place and the lows circle it pulling up heat.
Post #6236

Poor Crick... You do realize that I have talked about both the HIGH PRESSURE and the LOW PRESSURE vortacies and you cant tell them apart.... Now that is comical...
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