More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Just for fun I looked up the 6pm MST (0100Z) temps in the arctic...



Most of the Arctic is well below -30 Deg F and the white regions are below -45 Deg F.

It appears that almost all of the cross warming is now gone and the lows are beginning to reattain dominance of the flows.. The Midwest is going to be damn cold for a week or two...
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So, the absolutely frigid air at the top of the world is responsible for a large portion of the planet's heat being lost to space? How does that work exactly?

And why were we supposed to be so amazed that the fooking North Pole might be cold as all get out on the 26th of fooking January?
So, the absolutely frigid air at the top of the world is responsible for a large portion of the planet's heat being lost to space? How does that work exactly?

And why were we supposed to be so amazed that the fooking North Pole might be cold as all get out on the 26th of fooking January?
Got to explain convection to a moron.

Heat is pulled to the pole by the cross pull. The high pressures force the heat high into the atmosphere where it is released as LWIR.. As the air cools rapidly and falls to earth this creates a high intensity low pressure system.. Lather, rinse, repeat....

You really are ignorant of how the earth cools...
Hey looks like Wednesday out by you gonna suck the big one. Not sure if I read right but might be minus 30....that's just st00pid. Hope you have a battery tender my friend but just be glad you're not driving a Tesla!!!
Gosh, I wonder if that might have anything to do with the advances in the science of medicine (like antibiotics and vaccines) and the invention of air conditioning and central heating? Maybe improvements in building material and design could have helped. Advance warning systems for hurricanes and tornadoes have saved a few lives.. Ya think?
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Gosh, I wonder if that might have anything to do with the advances in the science of medicine (like antibiotics and vaccines) and the invention of air conditioning and central heating? Maybe improvements in building material and design could have helped. Advance warning systems for hurricanes and tornadoes have saved a few lives.. Ya think?
Crick ADMITS evil oil has made advances and adaptations HE WANTS TO TAKE BACK... Priceless.. So Your OK will killing millions for your agenda?.
Where the fuck did I say anything like that? Is this how you react when one of your worthless arguments gets shot down? Considering how often they get shot down, you need to find a better way to react. That way isn't healthy.
In exchange for the $100 trillion it will take to deal with the effects of global warming
4 inches yesterday, below zero, supposed monster storm tonight, below zero. WTF, global warmer? Crack your nutsacks
six to seven inches on the driveway today, at least the temps went up. Stopped snowing for the moment. Expected -15 F temps Wednesday on the back side of this storm. global warming.
Wind chills will be extreme because it is blowing 20-30 knots today and tomorrow. The actual air temp lows are in the negative teens.
six to seven inches on the driveway today, at least the temps went up. Stopped snowing for the moment. Expected -15 F temps Wednesday on the back side of this storm. global warming.
That will probably be your daytime high... I am actually surprised its that high..
got close to 32 this morning. at least clearing the snow wasn't cold. Funny thing happened Saturday, the wife and I headed out for Bowling Saturday night, and the air pressure in all of my tires dropped almost eight PSI. Got a low pressure warning for each tire. First time ever. The ally is almost 20 miles from the house. I was a bit concerned. Luckily the pressure stabilized at 27 PSI and I was able to fill them on Sunday. some of the things that happen in cold weather. Tire pressure changes.
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