More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Hey Billy....JC.....I think the k00ks fall all over themselves to knock this thread to the bottom of the page here. How typical of progressive men with the passive-aggresive girly shit. Never competed at anything in their lives.....:gay::gay:
yo, another stellar driving day here in chitown. global warming roulette on the roadways with ice and snow. it's been snowing since last evening, still snowing now.
yo, another stellar driving day here in chitown. global warming roulette on the roadways with ice and snow. it's been snowing since last evening, still snowing now.

A couple of us were discussing the current atmospheric flows and correlating them to ice build up during the last glacial phase.. This seems to be a pattern that is consistent with past glacial phases and massive ice build up. And it only happens during cooling phases in history.

Just things that make you go... Hmmmmmmm....

OMG.....Billy.....that's hysterical. The climate obsessed actually think people see that photo and are moved to open their wallets to do something about runaway warming!:alcoholic::deal::fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:
That picture was just across the border of Michigan. and its a partial year of snow fall in our current weather pattern... And you wonder how that region was under a mile of ice? Not me.. I know how fast it can occur.
yo, another stellar driving day here in chitown. global warming roulette on the roadways with ice and snow. it's been snowing since last evening, still snowing now.

A couple of us were discussing the current atmospheric flows and correlating them to ice build up during the last glacial phase.. This seems to be a pattern that is consistent with past glacial phases and massive ice build up. And it only happens during cooling phases in history.

Just things that make you go... Hmmmmmmm....

To what do you refer by the phrase "atmospheric flows"?

OMG.....Billy.....that's hysterical. The climate obsessed actually think people see that photo and are moved to open their wallets to do something about runaway warming!:alcoholic::deal::fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:
skooks, the wife just told me the forecast for next Thursday is -19 temp, not wind chill. And the Arctic is losing ice. go fking figure.
People don't understand how paradoxical presentation works.. The warm air being pulled from mid latitudes is warming the arctic due to the flow pattern. The blocking high is caused by the huge temperature difference between altitude and ground level. At 40,000 feet its -105 deg C. at the surface it is about -10 deg C. This locks the high in place and the lows circle it pulling up heat. This is why the arctic is warming and the mid latitudes are cooling massively.


IF you look at the ice deposit locations from the last glacial cycle the areas that were under miles of ice are the same ones being pounded today. The cooling has begun...

OMG.....Billy.....that's hysterical. The climate obsessed actually think people see that photo and are moved to open their wallets to do something about runaway warming!:alcoholic::deal::fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:
yo Skooks, when does the Northern hemisphere become part of the Globe? Just saying, ain't no warming going on here. -2 this morning.

JC....take a gander at the polar vortex heading youd way next week! We're gonna need alot more than nut sack warmers. Gonna be needing to hook our balls up to a car battery tender. Wind chills by you gonna reach 30 below. Awesome stuff.....

We wont be hearing much from the climate goofballs next week!

OMG.....Billy.....that's hysterical. The climate obsessed actually think people see that photo and are moved to open their wallets to do something about runaway warming!:alcoholic::deal::fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed:
yo Skooks, when does the Northern hemisphere become part of the Globe? Just saying, ain't no warming going on here. -2 this morning.

JC....take a gander at the polar vortex heading youd way next week! We're gonna need alot more than nut sack warmers. Gonna be needing to hook our balls up to a car battery tender. Wind chills by you gonna reach 30 below. Awesome stuff.....

We wont be hearing much from the climate goofballs next week!
The great lakes will be at or near 100% ice lock by the end of next week.. Be safe out there..At those temps exposed skin will freeze in seconds...


the low is massive and its damn cold...
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