More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Observing the last of the deniers in their natural habitat is like going to the zoo or a museum.

When was the last time you checked the news?
Not only did some of the major countries that signed the original Kyoto Accord drop out over the last 5 years, the rest of what`s left does not even show up any more at the IPCC conventions...or just send a low level bureaucrat.
Meanwhile Russia,Sweden, Iceland, Canada and some other nations which aren`t even part of the arctic rim are building huge fleets of icebreakers and supply ships.
What do you figure these "last of the deniers" are up to in the arctic?
I`m pretty sure all that fuzz and these billion$ are not to install solar panels and windmills up there.

(CNN) -- Commercial development of the Arctic's natural resources has so far been near to impossible, but transportation throughout the inhospitable region may soon be revolutionized.
U.S.-based airship company Aeros and Icelandic airline Icelandair Cargo, say they have signed an agreement with hopes of establishing a partnership to develop new air freight service across the Arctic region.
Together they are hoping to deliver standard cargo containers via Iceland to regions with little infrastructure, such as Siberia, Alaska, Greenland and northern Canada.
Do you live in a communication blind spot or does your occult leader determine what you need to know ?
Here is a hint:
Check the cage in that zoo you are talking about.
Go to a corner, if your side of the angle is 90 deg then you are on the inside, not the outside

Polar man......remember when you were a kid and had these wild dreams about makey-uppey places? The fucking k00ks never got past that. They really think that the drip, drip drip of this amateurish bomb throwing is going to bring about some kind of a massive collective movement by the people to just start forking over money for this green fantasyland.

Problem is......only the internet OCD's on this stuff care. Nobody out there is giving a shit after 2 decades of bomb throwing, and in fact, the caring about this shit is falling like a stone in water for the past 5 years or so.

But here is the bottom line........Crap and Tax is as dead as a doornail in the United States and there is zero evidence of it pulling a zombie stunt anytime soon. And since state governor redistricting ( something the k00ks have no clue about ) after the 2010 election all but ensures GOP dominance until 2020, no climate legislation is happening.

Which means we get to do a lot of this >>>>

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Observing the last of the deniers in their natural habitat is like going to the zoo or a museum.

When was the last time you checked the news?
Not only did some of the major countries that signed the original Kyoto Accord drop out over the last 5 years, the rest of what`s left does not even show up any more at the IPCC conventions...or just send a low level bureaucrat.
Meanwhile Russia,Sweden, Iceland, Canada and some other nations which aren`t even part of the arctic rim are building huge fleets of icebreakers and supply ships.
What do you figure these "last of the deniers" are up to in the arctic?
I`m pretty sure all that fuzz and these billion$ are not to install solar panels and windmills up there.

(CNN) -- Commercial development of the Arctic's natural resources has so far been near to impossible, but transportation throughout the inhospitable region may soon be revolutionized.
U.S.-based airship company Aeros and Icelandic airline Icelandair Cargo, say they have signed an agreement with hopes of establishing a partnership to develop new air freight service across the Arctic region.
Together they are hoping to deliver standard cargo containers via Iceland to regions with little infrastructure, such as Siberia, Alaska, Greenland and northern Canada.
Do you live in a communication blind spot or does your occult leader determine what you need to know ?
Here is a hint:
Check the cage in that zoo you are talking about.
Go to a corner, if your side of the angle is 90 deg then you are on the inside, not the outside

Polar man......remember when you were a kid and had these wild dreams about makey-uppey places? The fucking k00ks never got past that. They really think that the drip, drip drip of this amateurish bomb throwing is going to bring about some kind of a massive collective movement by the people to just start forking over money for this green fantasyland.

Problem is......only the internet OCD's on this stuff care. Nobody out there is giving a shit after 2 decades of bomb throwing, and in fact, the caring about this shit is falling like a stone in water for the past 5 years or so.

But here is the bottom line........Crap and Tax is as dead as a doornail in the United States and there is zero evidence of it pulling a zombie stunt anytime soon. And since state governor redistricting ( something the k00ks have no clue about ) after the 2010 election all but ensures GOP dominance until 2020, no climate legislation is happening.

Which means we get to do a lot of this >>>>

You are like the guy on the street preaching the end of the world. Nobody cares because everybody is too busy preparing for tomorrow to worry about it not coming.

You have no influence in science, business, technology, finance, law, nothing that affects us preparing for tomorrow. Why? Because you didn't prepare for today.

Stand on your corner soapbox and preach nothing to nobody that has any influence on what will be done.

It really doesn't matter.
When was the last time you checked the news?
Not only did some of the major countries that signed the original Kyoto Accord drop out over the last 5 years, the rest of what`s left does not even show up any more at the IPCC conventions...or just send a low level bureaucrat.
Meanwhile Russia,Sweden, Iceland, Canada and some other nations which aren`t even part of the arctic rim are building huge fleets of icebreakers and supply ships.
What do you figure these "last of the deniers" are up to in the arctic?
I`m pretty sure all that fuzz and these billion$ are not to install solar panels and windmills up there.

Do you live in a communication blind spot or does your occult leader determine what you need to know ?
Here is a hint:
Check the cage in that zoo you are talking about.
Go to a corner, if your side of the angle is 90 deg then you are on the inside, not the outside

Polar man......remember when you were a kid and had these wild dreams about makey-uppey places? The fucking k00ks never got past that. They really think that the drip, drip drip of this amateurish bomb throwing is going to bring about some kind of a massive collective movement by the people to just start forking over money for this green fantasyland.

Problem is......only the internet OCD's on this stuff care. Nobody out there is giving a shit after 2 decades of bomb throwing, and in fact, the caring about this shit is falling like a stone in water for the past 5 years or so.

But here is the bottom line........Crap and Tax is as dead as a doornail in the United States and there is zero evidence of it pulling a zombie stunt anytime soon. And since state governor redistricting ( something the k00ks have no clue about ) after the 2010 election all but ensures GOP dominance until 2020, no climate legislation is happening.

Which means we get to do a lot of this >>>>

You are like the guy on the street preaching the end of the world. Nobody cares because everybody is too busy preparing for tomorrow to worry about it not coming.

You have no influence in science, business, technology, finance, law, nothing that affects us preparing for tomorrow. Why? Because you didn't prepare for today.

Stand on your corner soapbox and preach nothing to nobody that has any influence on what will be done.

It really doesn't matter.

indeed I have zero influence. Im just in here to remind people of the score. That's it.:lol:

People with real responsibilities in life......a family.......a mortgage.......a job with high responsibility........they are just trying to get through tomorrow s0n!! Nobody gives a rats ass about this shit. We get like 4 or 5 of the same nutty people who come into this forum over the past 5 years who are all angst about fucking global warming. Nobody cares.

Im waiting close now to 2,000 posts on this thread for one k00k to show me a link that displays the "consensus" is having ANY effect on public policy.

Its not.

No links

The skeptics are winning........big!!!:fu:

Correlation does not imply causation.

However, well established eighth grade physics requires AGW as a response to increasing atmospheric GHG concentrations.

Wow, we've been saying that for decades and it's you clowns who've been ignoring that.

What a farce you are...:lol::lol::lol:
When was the last time you checked the news?
Not only did some of the major countries that signed the original Kyoto Accord drop out over the last 5 years, the rest of what`s left does not even show up any more at the IPCC conventions...or just send a low level bureaucrat.
Meanwhile Russia,Sweden, Iceland, Canada and some other nations which aren`t even part of the arctic rim are building huge fleets of icebreakers and supply ships.
What do you figure these "last of the deniers" are up to in the arctic?
I`m pretty sure all that fuzz and these billion$ are not to install solar panels and windmills up there.

Do you live in a communication blind spot or does your occult leader determine what you need to know ?
Here is a hint:
Check the cage in that zoo you are talking about.
Go to a corner, if your side of the angle is 90 deg then you are on the inside, not the outside

Polar man......remember when you were a kid and had these wild dreams about makey-uppey places? The fucking k00ks never got past that. They really think that the drip, drip drip of this amateurish bomb throwing is going to bring about some kind of a massive collective movement by the people to just start forking over money for this green fantasyland.

Problem is......only the internet OCD's on this stuff care. Nobody out there is giving a shit after 2 decades of bomb throwing, and in fact, the caring about this shit is falling like a stone in water for the past 5 years or so.

But here is the bottom line........Crap and Tax is as dead as a doornail in the United States and there is zero evidence of it pulling a zombie stunt anytime soon. And since state governor redistricting ( something the k00ks have no clue about ) after the 2010 election all but ensures GOP dominance until 2020, no climate legislation is happening.

Which means we get to do a lot of this >>>>

You are like the guy on the street preaching the end of the world. Nobody cares because everybody is too busy preparing for tomorrow to worry about it not coming.

You have no influence in science, business, technology, finance, law, nothing that affects us preparing for tomorrow. Why? Because you didn't prepare for today.

Stand on your corner soapbox and preach nothing to nobody that has any influence on what will be done.

It really doesn't matter.

Ummmm, the last time I checked, it was you idiots saying the end of the world is nigh. We NEVER have..........
Observing the last of the deniers in their natural habitat is like going to the zoo or a museum.

When was the last time you checked the news?
Not only did some of the major countries that signed the original Kyoto Accord drop out over the last 5 years, the rest of what`s left does not even show up any more at the IPCC conventions...or just send a low level bureaucrat.
Meanwhile Russia,Sweden, Iceland, Canada and some other nations which aren`t even part of the arctic rim are building huge fleets of icebreakers and supply ships.
What do you figure these "last of the deniers" are up to in the arctic?
I`m pretty sure all that fuzz and these billion$ are not to install solar panels and windmills up there.

(CNN) -- Commercial development of the Arctic's natural resources has so far been near to impossible, but transportation throughout the inhospitable region may soon be revolutionized.
U.S.-based airship company Aeros and Icelandic airline Icelandair Cargo, say they have signed an agreement with hopes of establishing a partnership to develop new air freight service across the Arctic region.
Together they are hoping to deliver standard cargo containers via Iceland to regions with little infrastructure, such as Siberia, Alaska, Greenland and northern Canada.
Do you live in a communication blind spot or does your occult leader determine what you need to know ?
Here is a hint:
Check the cage in that zoo you are talking about.
Go to a corner, if your side of the angle is 90 deg then you are on the inside, not the outside

Polar man......remember when you were a kid and had these wild dreams about makey-uppey places? The fucking k00ks never got past that. They really think that the drip, drip drip of this amateurish bomb throwing is going to bring about some kind of a massive collective movement by the people to just start forking over money for this green fantasyland.

Problem is......only the internet OCD's on this stuff care. Nobody out there is giving a shit after 2 decades of bomb throwing, and in fact, the caring about this shit is falling like a stone in water for the past 5 years or so.

But here is the bottom line........Crap and Tax is as dead as a doornail in the United States and there is zero evidence of it pulling a zombie stunt anytime soon. And since state governor redistricting ( something the k00ks have no clue about ) after the 2010 election all but ensures GOP dominance until 2020, no climate legislation is happening.

Which means we get to do a lot of this >>>>

I got 32 international online news services bookmarked and noticed that with the exception of a few far left European online-papers none offer an "Environment" tab to click on any more on their home page.
Except for the BBC, they still got one labelled Sci/Environment and out of ~ 2 dozen articles only 1 or 2, buried there are related to "climate change".
The rest of the most widely read international press dropped that subject altogether and only delves into it when it comes up in some insignificant local election campaign....where it`s obligatory to say all the nice things you promise to know, all the usual sacred cows and the gay stuff.
Once elected nobody gives a shit about it any more and life goes on as usual.
The largest project ever taken on by humans, the conversion of our whole energy supply system, is news no more. People expect it to get done, and it is. It's the purview of experts, not the man on the street. He only cares about the price of gasoline. And when he can stop pouring all of his money down that rathole.
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