More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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Running out of oil will shut down oil exploration. Growing demand will get us there pretty soon. Low supply with high demand will have people scrambling for the quickest exit to fuel and waste free energy.

One of these decades you'll lose your oil check and have to work for a living.

We have proven reserves of 10 generations of oil. That's PROVEN. Do you honestly think that man won't figure out something better in 200 years? Are you truly that anti- technology and anti-science?

West bro......these mental cases don't give a rats ass about the environment. "Climate change" is their vehicle for massive wealth distribution and total destruction of the capitalistic model. Its always been what this shit is all about. It doesn't matter that they want to use 17th century energy in 2013. Its the established narrative and they will stick to it to the death. There is too much at stake. Offuckingcourse technological innovation will someday have people laughing their balls off at the likes of the dickhead climate frauds on here!!

Every American with half a brain needs to take a gander into this site >>>>>

The Green Agenda

Had there been no Marx, Engels, Stalin & Mao etc then today there would be no "Green" political movement who`s prime target is to attack the lifeblood (oil) of the free enterprise western high-tech NATO countries.

At no time did the instigators behind the "iron curtain" give a rats ass about the environment. That became abundantly clear after the collapse of the Soviet block & their satellite states.
But they had a huge propaganda and agitation budget + apparatus to surreptitiously finance left-wing radicals in western Europe, especially in West Germany. We found that out after the border collapsed and the BGS raided their huge Stasi and KGB archives.
During this cold war period radical student movements served as useful idiots not just to oppose oil and nuclear but the entire West German industrial infra structure...and was even augmented with assassinations.
The only thing that changed since then is that today`s "greens" limit their assassinations to character assassination and appoint themselves as protectors of the environment....which of course necessitates the same political system they tried to force down people`s throats all along.
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The question is why shouldn't we invest in all sources of energy? Like nuclear, wind and solar that seems to be attacked by one side or the other.

It`s the "we" which is the operative in this question.
Who is "we" ???
"We" are free to invest in everything that is not illegal. That`s why we`ve got stock & commodity + futures markets where "we" invest.
In addition to that "we" have various financial institutions who assist with investment capital if some of the "we" , which includes you want to invest in whatever you think is worthwhile.
The problem with people like you is, that when the time comes to put your money where your mouth is you expect everybody else to take your advice how they should invest their money.
If you think your advice is so hot then go ahead and try raise the capital for your own wind or solar farm.
Go public and sell shares. Energy is in high demand and "we" buy it all the time.
So what is your problem? ....other than the "we" and who should foot the bills for your brilliant idea ?
If you want a political system that has the authority to confiscate our assets to invest it in something "we" don`t want to do on our own and in free will, then don`t beat around the bush and say so...and if you can`t get enough "we" to go along with your pipe dreams, then you should move to Cuba or North Korea. There are still a few countries where everything is "we" and nothing is your`s.

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The question is why shouldn't we invest in all sources of energy? Like nuclear, wind and solar that seems to be attacked by one side or the other.

Oil has nothing to do with those 3 things. 5th time you done this.

Look at the pollution of china and India to see why oil and coal aren't good.

At least stop opposing regulations.
The question is why shouldn't we invest in all sources of energy? Like nuclear, wind and solar that seems to be attacked by one side or the other.

Or natural gas, coal and oil from OCS and ANWR.

If Obama is so bad for natural gas, oil and most fossil fuels. Why exactly are we number one within them????

We're investing big time in them. Thank god for the regulations keeping us from looking like China. This I assume you don't like.:doubt:

I am not fully against them as long as we have regulations preventing a china.
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The question is why shouldn't we invest in all sources of energy? Like nuclear, wind and solar that seems to be attacked by one side or the other.

Or natural gas, coal and oil from OCS and ANWR.

If Obama is so bad for natural gas, oil and most fossil fuels. Why exactly are we number one within them????

We're investing big time in them. Thank god for the regulations keeping us from looking like China. This I assume you don't like.:doubt:

I am not fully against them as long as we have regulations preventing a china.

What I find amusing is we all agree that pollution is bad and needs to be controlled. Why then do none of the carbon control schemes actually have pollution control written into them? My guess is that way the big companies can continue to pollute freely and the small fry pay for it as usual.

You ever notice how its the big investment firms pushing this horseshit. You know the companies that went bust and we had to bail out? Then they raised everyone's fees while giving themselves nice fat bonus's for failure? Oh yes, they also don't produce a damned thing.

You ever notice that Matt?
The question is why shouldn't we invest in all sources of energy? Like nuclear, wind and solar that seems to be attacked by one side or the other.

Or natural gas, coal and oil from OCS and ANWR.

If Obama is so bad for natural gas, oil and most fossil fuels. Why exactly are we number one within them????

We're investing big time in them. Thank god for the regulations keeping us from looking like China. This I assume you don't like.:doubt:

I am not fully against them as long as we have regulations preventing a china.

If Obama is so bad for natural gas, oil and most fossil fuels. Why exactly are we number one within them????

What has he done to expand these? Be specific.
Do you want more CO2 free nuclear? What has Obama (or Reid) has done to expand nuclear?

Thank god for the regulations keeping us from looking like China.

It's true, we've had regs about pollution for decades.
Even before Obama lived with his Uncle.

This I assume you don't like.

Why would you assume that?
We have proven reserves of 10 generations of oil. That's PROVEN. Do you honestly think that man won't figure out something better in 200 years? Are you truly that anti- technology and anti-science?

West bro......these mental cases don't give a rats ass about the environment. "Climate change" is their vehicle for massive wealth distribution and total destruction of the capitalistic model. Its always been what this shit is all about. It doesn't matter that they want to use 17th century energy in 2013. Its the established narrative and they will stick to it to the death. There is too much at stake. Offuckingcourse technological innovation will someday have people laughing their balls off at the likes of the dickhead climate frauds on here!!

Every American with half a brain needs to take a gander into this site >>>>>

The Green Agenda

Had there been no Marx, Engels, Stalin & Mao etc then today there would be no "Green" political movement who`s prime target is to attack the lifeblood (oil) of the free enterprise western high-tech NATO countries.

At no time did the instigators behind the "iron curtain" give a rats ass about the environment. That became abundantly clear after the collapse of the Soviet block & their satellite states.
But they had a huge propaganda and agitation budget + apparatus to surreptitiously finance left-wing radicals in western Europe, especially in West Germany. We found that out after the border collapsed and the BGS raided their huge Stasi and KGB archives.
During this cold war period radical student movements served as useful idiots not just to oppose oil and nuclear but the entire West German industrial infra structure...and was even augmented with assassinations.
The only thing that changed since then is that today`s "greens" limit their assassinations to character assassination and appoint themselves as protectors of the environment....which of course necessitates the same political system they tried to force down people`s throats all along.

Is this the kind of crap that you fall for every day?
Observing the last of the deniers in their natural habitat is like going to the zoo or a museum.
Observing the last of the deniers in their natural habitat is like going to the zoo or a museum.

When was the last time you checked the news?
Not only did some of the major countries that signed the original Kyoto Accord drop out over the last 5 years, the rest of what`s left does not even show up any more at the IPCC conventions...or just send a low level bureaucrat.
Meanwhile Russia,Sweden, Iceland, Canada and some other nations which aren`t even part of the arctic rim are building huge fleets of icebreakers and supply ships.
What do you figure these "last of the deniers" are up to in the arctic?
I`m pretty sure all that fuzz and these billion$ are not to install solar panels and windmills up there.

(CNN) -- Commercial development of the Arctic's natural resources has so far been near to impossible, but transportation throughout the inhospitable region may soon be revolutionized.
U.S.-based airship company Aeros and Icelandic airline Icelandair Cargo, say they have signed an agreement with hopes of establishing a partnership to develop new air freight service across the Arctic region.
Together they are hoping to deliver standard cargo containers via Iceland to regions with little infrastructure, such as Siberia, Alaska, Greenland and northern Canada.
Do you live in a communication blind spot or does your occult leader determine what you need to know ?
Here is a hint:
Check the cage in that zoo you are talking about.
Go to a corner, if your side of the angle is 90 deg then you are on the inside, not the outside
The Kyoto Treaty has almost nothing to do with what goes on inside a country. It's an international agreement on who pays for the past and current cost of AGW, those who caused the bulk of it, us, or the future of it, China and India. Because there are many countries that have actions to take, like limiting deforestation, that have no money.

To say it's a statement about the required progress towards permanent rather than temporary energy solutions is just not true.
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