More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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More sobering nut sack kicks to the GW nutters.......and how many dozens have already been provided on this thread? Almost too many to count!!!

Nut sack kick of the day?

Well.......Germany has decided that economic growth has been screwed due to renewable energy ( theres that "costs" factor again s0ns :lol::lol:) and the political reality is......the citizens have "passed the pain threshold" and as the new transition government has stated, "A fundamental reform of the renewable energy law has been overdue for years." so.......

A halt in solar parks is forthcoming = fAiL!!!

And the major ball kick to the AGW nuts >>>
"The fact that Gabriel's Economy and Energy Ministry will now manage the transition also underscores the new government's focus on the country's industrial growth over environmental and climate change concerns"

Read more about the skeptics winning HERE >>>>

New 'super minister' to redefine Germany's energy transition : pv-magazine

From your link above.. I love the Twisted Sister act and language of this..

Meanwhile, in a statement last week by the German Solar Industry Association commenting on decreasing renewable energy incentives in Germany, managing director Carsten Körnig called on the new government to "ensure that investments in solar power plants become
profitable again

Read more: New 'super minister' to redefine Germany's energy transition : pv-magazine

ENSURE = guarantee.. Leftists dont take risks. Can't do the math on reward.. Pretty much NEED a guarantee...


Liberals act, conservatives cower, in the face of problems.

Already covered this for you.. Leftists only have to FEEL like they have acted.. Spend some cash. Say the right words. Praise themselves for acting. Doesnt have to be logical or reasoned actions --- Mostly expensive street theatre for the masses..

Fiscal conservatives can do the math, weigh the options and do cost/ benefit and DEMAND value for society... Takes longer, requires brains... Better results..

YOU are Exhibjt A PRIME for this argument. All feelings.. All talk.. Declaring things done when nothings been started.

BTW I'm a classic Liberal.. You are a leftist... Liberals place value in individual sovereignty and have a basic distrust of govt power .. Aleftist is all about acquiring and USING gkvt pkwer for their pet projects to destroy Liberty and Choice.
Keep coal, oil and natural gas in the ground.

Can we agree to do that? me a favor man......don't be talking about this shit at work, ok??!! Im serious. With all these mass shootings, people are looking closely to see who has their feet planted firmly on the floor these days. Keep these things to yourself outside this forum.

I wonder what his plan would be after "we" leave our natural resources in the ground. Never got an answer from his sidekick (PMZ) except gibberish.

Again who is "we" ? Is that just the US or = the "we" a global "we"
Most of the world`s oil & gas is outside US territory, so how would he propose to stop the other "we" countries where oil & gas EXPORT is the bigger part of their GDP?...and prevent others that want it, like China & Europe from getting it ?
It`s laughable, a fringe minority which keeps clinging to the few straws that in their strange minds have not yet been dis- proven or been trashed by events like these ridiculous model predictions figure the entire world should cater to them.
The only way that would happen is if the Marxist/Leninist instigators can manage to subvert all of humanity....most had already endured this kind of tyranny and others who have been attacked by it would resist it with the force of arms. As if South Korea would let North Korea dictate how to run their country...or as if the ex USSR satellite states would go back to what they fought so hard to get rid off !

I could go out tomorrow and get an '03 Cobra Terminator running near 600 rwhp for about 22K with 30,000 miles on it.

Just sayin'.......:up:
Yeah that`s true for where you are. Used Porsches or any other high performance European cars are a lot cheaper in Europe than in the US.
And the opposite is the case for American cars in Europe, not to mention how difficult it is to get parts for them.
Then our roads are a lot different as well, and it`s not just a question of horsepower but how the car handles.
I`ve seen quite a few Americans loosing their shirts or their car in bets who gets to the top of any of the many alpine passes in my old neighborhood.
But now I live over here and if I wanted the most out of my money for a high performance car I`ld opt the same way you did.
From your link above.. I love the Twisted Sister act and language of this..

ENSURE = guarantee.. Leftists dont take risks. Can't do the math on reward.. Pretty much NEED a guarantee...


Liberals act, conservatives cower, in the face of problems.

Already covered this for you.. Leftists only have to FEEL like they have acted.. Spend some cash. Say the right words. Praise themselves for acting. Doesnt have to be logical or reasoned actions --- Mostly expensive street theatre for the masses..

Fiscal conservatives can do the math, weigh the options and do cost/ benefit and DEMAND value for society... Takes longer, requires brains... Better results..

YOU are Exhibjt A PRIME for this argument. All feelings.. All talk.. Declaring things done when nothings been started.

BTW I'm a classic Liberal.. You are a leftist... Liberals place value in individual sovereignty and have a basic distrust of govt power .. Aleftist is all about acquiring and USING gkvt pkwer for their pet projects to destroy Liberty and Choice.

It's nice how conservatives now that they are exposed become liberals.

I'm a centrist. Always have been. I was, and still am, a Republican centrist. When the Party was dragged to the extreme right I stayed where I was. To you, that's leftist. The center is way left of you.

And as an extreme conservative you deny science and avoid action on what must be done.

Cower in the face of problems.

Afraid that any action will create problems. Avoid the truth that inaction will create monumental problems.
Liberals act, conservatives cower, in the face of problems.

Already covered this for you.. Leftists only have to FEEL like they have acted.. Spend some cash. Say the right words. Praise themselves for acting. Doesnt have to be logical or reasoned actions --- Mostly expensive street theatre for the masses..

Fiscal conservatives can do the math, weigh the options and do cost/ benefit and DEMAND value for society... Takes longer, requires brains... Better results..

YOU are Exhibjt A PRIME for this argument. All feelings.. All talk.. Declaring things done when nothings been started.

BTW I'm a classic Liberal.. You are a leftist... Liberals place value in individual sovereignty and have a basic distrust of govt power .. Aleftist is all about acquiring and USING gkvt pkwer for their pet projects to destroy Liberty and Choice.

Californian utilities hit out against battery stored solar power: pv-magazine

It's nice how conservatives now that they are exposed become liberals.

I'm a centrist. Always have been. I was, and still am, a Republican centrist. When the Party was dragged to the extreme right I stayed where I was. To you, that's leftist. The center is way left of you.

And as an extreme conservative you deny science and avoid action on what must be done.

Cower in the face of problems.

Afraid that any action will create problems. Avoid the truth that inaction will create monumental problems.


Who cares s0n......we're winning!!!:2up:

And imagine if we listened to the silly whims of the progressives every time they shouted about how we must do everything about a potential problem........or more to the point, a perceived problem!!!

Here is a great analogy about how bass ackwards far left thinking is.........

So here on Long Island, we have some of the busiest highways in the nation leading east out of NYC. There are about 5 major thoroughfares to take people east......and over the years, as the population has moved out of the city and increasingly eastward, the county and state have had to adapt and widen the highways/freeways further and further east each time. Now, we have 3 lanes that go about 2/3's of the way to the end of the Island. ( roughly 50 of the 75 miles ). Why only 2/3rds? Because after about 50 miles, the population dwindles........and in 2013, there is not an economic need for building it now. Perhaps by 2025........but not now.

Meatheads like Abe and PMZ, seeing the future traffic chaos would say, "Hey assholes.......better build it now. Inaction will lead to problems!!!"

But in the real world, the huge majority of the people would say, "Fuck you asshole.......costs too much and I don't want my taxes raised to build a third lane that wont be used!!!"

Because that's the way the world works......assholes!!!

But not to the k00k progressives where costs don't matter!!!!

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Conservatives are not the brightest bulbs in the drawer so are limited to imagining only one solution. The same solution for every problem

Do nothing. If that doesn't work than it means that we're not doing enough nothing so sometimes it's necessary to prevent others from doing something so they add to doing nothing, whining. In extreme cases even whining and doing nothing are insufficient for stopping progress so they throw in blaming.

That's the whole arsenal.

It doesn't work on any problem at all, so it's all that they need.
Conservatives are not the brightest bulbs in the drawer so are limited to imagining only one solution. The same solution for every problem

Do nothing. If that doesn't work than it means that we're not doing enough nothing so sometimes it's necessary to prevent others from doing something so they add to doing nothing, whining. In extreme cases even whining and doing nothing are insufficient for stopping progress so they throw in blaming.

That's the whole arsenal.

It doesn't work on any problem at all, so it's all that they need.

The conservative solution will never be spending more for less reliable energy.
Conservatives are not the brightest bulbs in the drawer so are limited to imagining only one solution. The same solution for every problem

Do nothing. If that doesn't work than it means that we're not doing enough nothing so sometimes it's necessary to prevent others from doing something so they add to doing nothing, whining. In extreme cases even whining and doing nothing are insufficient for stopping progress so they throw in blaming.

That's the whole arsenal.

It doesn't work on any problem at all, so it's all that they need.

The conservative solution will never be spending more for less reliable energy.

There is no conservative solution.
A lot of conservatives love the freedom that solar brings ;) Nothing is more conservative then going off the grid or feeding into it.

I read a paper the other day that was an elaborate study of life cycle costs for various generating technologies. It concluded that solar was the most expensive, which piqued my curiosity so I looked more closely into it. The study's major mistake was to highly penalize solar for availability. Why? As long as there are other fuel using waste producing assets that can be idled when solar is available, every kilowatt can be productively used.
Conservatives are not the brightest bulbs in the drawer so are limited to imagining only one solution. The same solution for every problem

Do nothing. If that doesn't work than it means that we're not doing enough nothing so sometimes it's necessary to prevent others from doing something so they add to doing nothing, whining. In extreme cases even whining and doing nothing are insufficient for stopping progress so they throw in blaming.

That's the whole arsenal.

It doesn't work on any problem at all, so it's all that they need.

The conservative solution will never be spending more for less reliable energy.

There is no conservative solution.

Indeed.....its called "life".

Only conservatives KNOW that there are some problems that there is no solution for. You make a choice on the best possible tradeoff. Its called not being a mental case.

Far left guys see lots of problems that there needs to be solutions for. But they don't factor in the "costs" which are academic for the far left guy. That's why they make up a fringe part of the population ( statistical fact but the way :up: ). Far, far more people consider themselves conservative.

Indeed.....if we left the far left guys to make all the decisions, we'd be attacking all of societies "problems" alright......and we'd all be eating soup and bread at every meal and living in huts on communes. THAT is the best and most fair society to the far left fucking nutty-asses.

Thank God for the rest of us they are politically irrelevant.......which I have proven in 4 score ways on this thread in terms of energy production!!!!

A lot of conservatives love the freedom that solar brings ;) Nothing is more conservative then going off the grid or feeding into it.

I read a paper the other day that was an elaborate study of life cycle costs for various generating technologies. It concluded that solar was the most expensive, which piqued my curiosity so I looked more closely into it. The study's major mistake was to highly penalize solar for availability. Why? As long as there are other fuel using waste producing assets that can be idled when solar is available, every kilowatt can be productively used.

Holy fuck........these people think their opinions on paper's are going to effect public policy.

Fascinating stuff in the face of the realities ( ie: see most recent post I made on last page about Germany marginalizing solar due to its fubar-ing German economic growth. The people have had it. Only the k00ks couldn't see it coming. Only the k00ks think the people will be OK with paying sIcK taxes based upon a guess )

People venturing into this forum need to recognize that the hard core AGW people will NEVER recognize that their efforts will end up being about as fruitful as fighting a 9 alarm fire with a residential lawn hose.:D:D:D......well......unless we go to a classless society with ALL the people paying 75% in taxes!!!
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A lot of conservatives love the freedom that solar brings ;) Nothing is more conservative then going off the grid or feeding into it.

I read a paper the other day that was an elaborate study of life cycle costs for various generating technologies. It concluded that solar was the most expensive, which piqued my curiosity so I looked more closely into it. The study's major mistake was to highly penalize solar for availability. Why? As long as there are other fuel using waste producing assets that can be idled when solar is available, every kilowatt can be productively used.

Holy fuck........these people think their opinions on paper's are going to effect public policy.

Fascinating stuff in the face of the realities ( ie: see most recent post I made on last page about Germany marginalizing solar due to its fubar-ing German economic growth. The people have had it. Only the k00ks couldn't see it coming. Only the k00ks think the people will be OK with paying sIcK taxes based upon a guess )

People venturing into this forum need to recognize that the hard core AGW people will NEVER recognize that their efforts will end up being about as fruitful as fighting a 9 alarm fire with a residential lawn hose.:D:D:D......well......unless we go to a classless society with ALL the people paying 75% in taxes!!!

Of course, if you are right, civilization is doomed to end as it started, in the caves.
Conservatives are not the brightest bulbs in the drawer so are limited to imagining only one solution. The same solution for every problem

Do nothing. If that doesn't work than it means that we're not doing enough nothing so sometimes it's necessary to prevent others from doing something so they add to doing nothing, whining. In extreme cases even whining and doing nothing are insufficient for stopping progress so they throw in blaming.

That's the whole arsenal.

It doesn't work on any problem at all, so it's all that they need.

The conservative solution will never be spending more for less reliable energy.

There is no conservative solution.

And the liberal solution is to ruin the economy, by spending more money for less energy.
A lot of conservatives love the freedom that solar brings ;) Nothing is more conservative then going off the grid or feeding into it.

I read a paper the other day that was an elaborate study of life cycle costs for various generating technologies. It concluded that solar was the most expensive, which piqued my curiosity so I looked more closely into it. The study's major mistake was to highly penalize solar for availability. Why? As long as there are other fuel using waste producing assets that can be idled when solar is available, every kilowatt can be productively used.

The study's major mistake was to highly penalize solar for availability. Why? As long as there are other fuel using waste producing assets that can be idled when solar is available, every kilowatt can be productively used.

You want to build an expensive fossil fuel plant and run it only part of the time, and you don't think that solar should be penalized for the inefficient use of the fossil fuel plant?

You're yet another example of a liberal who failed economics.
A lot of conservatives love the freedom that solar brings ;) Nothing is more conservative then going off the grid or feeding into it.

I read a paper the other day that was an elaborate study of life cycle costs for various generating technologies. It concluded that solar was the most expensive, which piqued my curiosity so I looked more closely into it. The study's major mistake was to highly penalize solar for availability. Why? As long as there are other fuel using waste producing assets that can be idled when solar is available, every kilowatt can be productively used.

The study's major mistake was to highly penalize solar for availability. Why? As long as there are other fuel using waste producing assets that can be idled when solar is available, every kilowatt can be productively used.

You want to build an expensive fossil fuel plant and run it only part of the time, and you don't think that solar should be penalized for the inefficient use of the fossil fuel plant?

You're yet another example of a liberal who failed economics.

We already have all of the fossil fuel pants we'll ever need.

You're yet another example of a conservative who failed common sense.
I read a paper the other day that was an elaborate study of life cycle costs for various generating technologies. It concluded that solar was the most expensive, which piqued my curiosity so I looked more closely into it. The study's major mistake was to highly penalize solar for availability. Why? As long as there are other fuel using waste producing assets that can be idled when solar is available, every kilowatt can be productively used.

The study's major mistake was to highly penalize solar for availability. Why? As long as there are other fuel using waste producing assets that can be idled when solar is available, every kilowatt can be productively used.

You want to build an expensive fossil fuel plant and run it only part of the time, and you don't think that solar should be penalized for the inefficient use of the fossil fuel plant?

You're yet another example of a liberal who failed economics.

We already have all of the fossil fuel pants we'll ever need.

You're yet another example of a conservative who failed common sense.

And yet, more fossil fuel plants are built all the time.

You realize that when you build a plant, and only run it 50% of the time, there is a cost involved, right?
The study's major mistake was to highly penalize solar for availability. Why? As long as there are other fuel using waste producing assets that can be idled when solar is available, every kilowatt can be productively used.

You want to build an expensive fossil fuel plant and run it only part of the time, and you don't think that solar should be penalized for the inefficient use of the fossil fuel plant?

You're yet another example of a liberal who failed economics.

We already have all of the fossil fuel pants we'll ever need.

You're yet another example of a conservative who failed common sense.

And yet, more fossil fuel plants are built all the time.

You realize that when you build a plant, and only run it 50% of the time, there is a cost involved, right?

No, he doesn't understand that. He's a lib who believes cost is no object.
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