More Proof the skeptics are WINNING!!

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It is fascinating....the level of disconnect with the climate obsessed. They talk about the "consensus" science. They talk about the magic of wind and solar power. Youd think there is a tsunami sized march to a truly green planet, but nothing could be further from the truth. They perpetuate a if it is inevitable that the world will embrace their fantasies at some point in time. It simply not happening and isn't going to be happening in the foreseeable future ( at least 3 decades ).

In 2013.....the science isn't mattering.

On another board a dude was posting 97% of all scientist believe that humans are the worst contributor to global warming. What he failed to mention were that the 97% scientists were climate scientists! Funny, not even they all agree. Ain't that a slap?

Then i presented him the links to all the skeptics and the dude was quiet.

Try me.

It has never been a secret all the various surveys and polls on AGW were aimed at climate scientists or scientists in general. And 97% agreement among any group of people on any topic is a very high level of unanimity.

Show me the links to all your skeptics. I quite guarantee you I will not go quiet.
Conservatives are the most experienced tribe at losing. It's going on a decade now since they got anything right. But they're tenacious. If they ever combined that with the ability to learn, they might get somewhere.
Once upon a time a reformed smoker was the one thing with which one prayed didn't get in the elevator. Now the loony-left global warming thumpers have taken their place. Sad, because they should be taking the stairs 'cause elevators require power and power pollutes.

Yeah well, Germans like to get going a bit quicker and prefer to smoke tobacco instead of rubber

[ame=""]Porsche Launch Control - YouTube[/ame]

And that`s how a Cobra stacks up against Porsche...

Sorry I can`t help it. I just had to rub it in
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Once upon a time a reformed smoker was the one thing with which one prayed didn't get in the elevator. Now the loony-left global warming thumpers have taken their place. Sad, because they should be taking the stairs 'cause elevators require power and power pollutes.

Here's the difference.

Conservatives think about energy today.

Liberals for ever.
Once upon a time a reformed smoker was the one thing with which one prayed didn't get in the elevator. Now the loony-left global warming thumpers have taken their place. Sad, because they should be taking the stairs 'cause elevators require power and power pollutes.

Here's the difference.

Conservatives think about energy today.

Liberals for ever.

Well......we're all real proud of ya s0n!!:coffee:
Once upon a time a reformed smoker was the one thing with which one prayed didn't get in the elevator. Now the loony-left global warming thumpers have taken their place. Sad, because they should be taking the stairs 'cause elevators require power and power pollutes.

Here's the difference.

Conservatives think about energy today.

Liberals for ever.

Well......we're all real proud of ya s0n!!:coffee:

Once upon a time a reformed smoker was the one thing with which one prayed didn't get in the elevator. Now the loony-left global warming thumpers have taken their place. Sad, because they should be taking the stairs 'cause elevators require power and power pollutes.

Here's the difference.

Conservatives think about energy today.

Liberals for ever.

Well......we're all real proud of ya s0n!!:coffee:

So you're going to pump, mine and draw all the oil, natural gas and coal out of the ground. Do you have any idea how much that will charge our atmosphere?

Here is what Tom Hanks had to say about his German Autobahn experience:

[ame=""]Getting passed at 260 km/h [160mph] on the Autobahn - YouTube[/ame]

But nobody was really "eeeowed" in that video.

This guy got "eeowed" by a Porsche RUF:

[ame=""]RUF R Turbo overtaking at 330 km/h - YouTube[/ame]
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Enough of that...this was in our local news today:
Woman recounts harrowing attack by Churchill polar bear - Manitoba - CBC News
Erin Greene survived a polar bear attack in Churchill, Man., last month, but the Montreal resident is now facing a hefty bill for being airlifted to Winnipeg for surgery.


One of my friends happened to look back and she saw a bear was running towards us," said the 30-year-old. "She said, 'Guys watch out, there's a bear,' and then we literally had seconds from when we saw the bear and when the bear was on my head."
Her friends ran and managed to get away, but the bear grabbed Greene, who wrapped her arms around her head to try to protect herself.
Happens every year!
A bunch of asshole activists come to Manitoba to film our "starving" polar bears.
This batch was as the usual & typical bunch of city know-it-all city slickers from Montreal, that "knew" everything about polar bears from the internet.
The attack took place between two homes and Greene was saved by a man who lived in one of them.

He rushed out after hearing her screams, and told her later the bear had lifted her right off the ground and was swinging her around in his jaws.
The man grabbed a shovel and whacked the bear in the head, causing it to drop Greene and giving her a chance to get away.
The bear then turned on the 69-year-old man.

Other people, who had been awakened by Greene's screams, came out to see the bear on top of the man. Some fired guns to try to scare the bear off, but the hulking animal wouldn't budge.
Another man then charged the bear with his vehicle, causing the animal to run.
The man suffered multiple lacerations.
"Greene", (...the name, how ironic) felt compelled to come all the way from Montreal PQ to Manitoba to "save" our polar bears....and almost wound up as a pile of bear turds had the locals not heard her screams.
Too bad, that none of them did get converted into bear shit! We do compost and recycle our waste here. But now they can keep on blogging and recycle their AGW crap.
They are already bitching that our health care system did not cover the cost to airlift that dumb bitch to Winnipeg, because Canada went conservative.
But on the other hand these assholes do leave a lot of cash when they come here every year in the fall.

I guess the rest of that group of asshole eco-tourist/activists that hi-tailed it won`t come back here any time soon either.
Anyone else wanna see Al Gore`s "starving polar bears" and volunteer as food that isn`t fast enough?
The polar bears are not the ones who are endangered, it`s the idiots that keep saying that.
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Do you deny Arctic ice extents have been seen to be shrinking ever since we've been able to measure them? Do you deny that the Arctic ice mass numbers are well within shooting distance of a summer zero?

I'm sure a significant number of polar bears will be able to adapt to living on the Canadian, Greenland and Russian coast during the summer. And, when Greenland has flowed intot the North Atlantic and the West Antarctic ice sheet has crumbled and floated away, I'm sure everyone below twenty feet elevation will be able to move to the Rockies and the Appalachians. At least to those areas not currently occupied.

Yeah well, Germans like to get going a bit quicker and prefer to smoke tobacco instead of rubber

[ame=]2014 Porsche 991 911 Turbo S Launch Control Test Review - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Porsche Launch Control - YouTube[/ame]

And that`s how a Cobra stacks up against Porsche...

[ame=]2 Porsche Carrera GT!! vs Mustang Cobra on Autobahn - YouTube[/ame]

Sorry I can`t help it. I just had to rub it in

Cool vids Polar, but thats a '99 Cobra......N/A 4.6. Full bolts-on's will only be running about maybe 310 to the wheels......but all forged internals ( unlike my car)

The '03 and '04 Cobra Terminators are a different story entirely.......supercharged 4.6! Most of the guys I hang with do mega-boost upgrades.....jettison the stock blower and go way bigger. Smaller pullies. Full bolt-on's.......tuned, of course.......most run anywhere from 500-800 rwhp and will easily hang with any least up to about 140 or so. From a roll, many of these Cobra's will walk most any Porsche 40-140. ( although the last vid is race Porsche's ). The Porsche sporting AWD is ungodly fast from a dig......but here is a vid of one of my pals going mid-10's in an only moderately boosted Terminator >>

[ame=]ScrmnSnk 10.xx?????? - YouTube[/ame]

maybe 480 or so to the wheels. We have a guy AJ who runs twin turbo's......8.73 in a Terminator nicknamed, "The Pumpkin".. Any Porsche on earth would only be seeing tail lights.

The Porsche's in that vid are probably about 200K or so.......I could go out tomorrow and get an '03 Cobra Terminator running near 600 rwhp for about 22K with 30,000 miles on it.

Just sayin'.......:up:
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Keep coal, oil and natural gas in the ground.

Can we agree to do that? me a favor man......don't be talking about this shit at work, ok??!! Im serious. With all these mass shootings, people are looking closely to see who has their feet planted firmly on the floor these days. Keep these things to yourself outside this forum.
Keep coal, oil and natural gas in the ground.

Can we agree to do that? me a favor man......don't be talking about this shit at work, ok??!! Im serious. With all these mass shootings, people are looking closely to see who has their feet planted firmly on the floor these days. Keep these things to yourself outside this forum.

Interesting argument for denialism. Join us or we'll shoot you.
More sobering nut sack kicks to the GW nutters.......and how many dozens have already been provided on this thread? Almost too many to count!!!

Nut sack kick of the day?

Well.......Germany has decided that economic growth has been screwed due to renewable energy ( theres that "costs" factor again s0ns :lol::lol:) and the political reality is......the citizens have "passed the pain threshold" and as the new transition government has stated, "A fundamental reform of the renewable energy law has been overdue for years." so.......

A halt in solar parks is forthcoming = fAiL!!!

And the major ball kick to the AGW nuts >>>

"The fact that Gabriel's Economy and Energy Ministry will now manage the transition also underscores the new government's focus on the country's industrial growth over environmental and climate change concerns"

Read more about the skeptics winning HERE >>>>

New 'super minister' to redefine Germany's energy transition : pv-magazine

From your link above.. I love the Twisted Sister act and language of this..

Meanwhile, in a statement last week by the German Solar Industry Association commenting on decreasing renewable energy incentives in Germany, managing director Carsten Körnig called on the new government to "ensure that investments in solar power plants become profitable again."

Read more: New 'super minister' to redefine Germany's energy transition : pv-magazine

ENSURE = guarantee.. Leftists dont take risks. Can't do the math on reward.. Pretty much NEED a guarantee...

More sobering nut sack kicks to the GW nutters.......and how many dozens have already been provided on this thread? Almost too many to count!!!

Nut sack kick of the day?

Well.......Germany has decided that economic growth has been screwed due to renewable energy ( theres that "costs" factor again s0ns :lol::lol:) and the political reality is......the citizens have "passed the pain threshold" and as the new transition government has stated, "A fundamental reform of the renewable energy law has been overdue for years." so.......

A halt in solar parks is forthcoming = fAiL!!!

And the major ball kick to the AGW nuts >>>

"The fact that Gabriel's Economy and Energy Ministry will now manage the transition also underscores the new government's focus on the country's industrial growth over environmental and climate change concerns"

Read more about the skeptics winning HERE >>>>

New 'super minister' to redefine Germany's energy transition : pv-magazine

From your link above.. I love the Twisted Sister act and language of this..

Meanwhile, in a statement last week by the German Solar Industry Association commenting on decreasing renewable energy incentives in Germany, managing director Carsten Körnig called on the new government to "ensure that investments in solar power plants become profitable again."

Read more: New 'super minister' to redefine Germany's energy transition : pv-magazine

ENSURE = guarantee.. Leftists dont take risks. Can't do the math on reward.. Pretty much NEED a guarantee...


Liberals act, conservatives cower, in the face of problems.
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