More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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What do black people demand ?


No diversions into non-black issues. Not LGTB. Not minority. Not black and brown.

Black people have no friends. I can't stand the term "People Of Color"

We not only have to deal white supremacists . But Asians who are anti black. White Latinos who are anti black. Native American who are anti black.


Black progress is measured in dollars. If black people as a group got more dollars then we are moving in the right direction. No hand picked blk ppl like Oprah. Either we all coming up or we are all going down. The black economic structure needs to be controlled by black ppl. If we are not holders of capital. If we are not able to finance things at an unlimited global and universal level then the system is failing.

White supremacists may hate us because we are black but they are able to victimise us because we are poor and as long as we remain poor we remain easy victims.

The wealth of the USA and the western world was built on exploiting black labour and later systematic racism to trap black people into being a never ending labor, consumer and prison class of people. The Homestead Act gave whites free land which they passed down generationally all the while bombing any attempt at black economic empowerment (Black wall street and Tulsa)

After WW2 Japan was bombed. The USA rebuilt Japan to 20th century specifications and now uses it as one of their puppet states. Japan was given a Marshall plan with clear goals to rebuild it to become an industrial player. The same needs to be done for black business development because white and non black people control the economy of every single black neigbourhood in America.

But there is not single white neighbourhood in the world were black ppl control white ppl's economy.

Black economic empowerment is the foundation.


Black people are up against a system that permeates every factor, every facet of black ppl lives.

Look at how the Japanese were treated after they went to war with the USA. The country was flattened. Not to mention the nuclear fallout which lasted for yrs. But look at them now ? Everyone slobbers and drools over so called Japanese intelligence. They were helped and assisted.

Look at the Jews. They had the Nuremberg trials. They hunted down anyone who was a nazi. Even today if they find a 101 year old Nazi, they'll make him stand (actually most of em can't even stand) before a trial but look at the Jews today ? Jews are one of the most powerful racial groups on the planet.

They dismantled white supremacy in Germany in regards to the Jews. That needs to happen to black ppl today. White supremacy must recognised as the ultimate evil meaning that is and criminalised and outlawed. The same way they did in Nazi Germany

Questions ?

"Well erm. Denilson. They didn't totally eradicate racism in Germany"

Well give me what the Jews have and we'll make it work.


When other countries shoot their citizens. The USA is quick to call that a human rights violation but when white supremacist do the same to unarmed black ppl then that's proper police procedure and self defence.

The police are the enforcement arm of white supremacy and law enforcement has been infested by white supremacists and nothing been done to root them out.

That's why all the madness and rioting on the streets is happening.

There are white supremacist beat cops, sergeants, captains, police chiefs and prosecutors who are using sheriff departments as havens and nests were white supremacist can be hired to kill black ppl and the white supremacist district attorney will back them up on it.

White supremacists are terrorists and they should be punished.


Black kids are the targets of racist school teachers and administrators. Their chief form of abuse is to claim that the black child has a learning disability and the only way you can deal with them is to put the child on drugs or in special education. They also play on poverty of many black people by saying "We'll increase your county check, if you just give jamal this drug"

Knowing full well that drugs and special ed increases the black child chances of failing in school, becoming a drop out and ending up in prison.

In the USA they put prisons where the drop out rates are the highest. And now that you have prisons for profit. They need to make sure they have fresh stock.

This is all done so that white kids don't have to compete in the global market place with blacks.


Germany has done quite well since WW2 without having statutes of the Nazi's but in the USA white supremacists nazis are on the steps of the courthouses and town squares across the USA. A black person should not have to look at a statue of Robert E Lee or Stonewall Jackson when he enters a court house. because that's a sure sign that he'll get no justice in there.

Germany has train stations, jet airplanes and freeways. All inventions of the Nazis but Germany doesn't have public statues of Wernher von Braun. They kept the innovations then put those inventors in a Museum.


The reconstitution of the American economic order.

These entities (Companies) have to do 20% business with black businesses.

Companies in the USA receive public assistance in the form of tax breaks and EVEN tax credits as well free infrastructure upgrades to make it easier for them to do business. Whenever they build a Walmart or a Whole-foods or whatever, they redo the whole dam inter-section. For a Walmart they put up new traffic lights, new sewage lines, they use millions of blk tax money for white companies.

But they'll never do that for a black business. Because when black people show up it "O no !! Thats welfare ! We cant give you nothing" meanwhile they're given white businesses millions.

So corporations that want to do business in a city, part of their requirements to get their business licence is at least 20% of their contracts must goto black businesses that are either purely black sole proprietorships or are corporations that are 75% black owned as a condition.

And if white people can't find black contractor ? Then they're going to have to implement the CHINA LAW.

When the white supremacist came into China they thought that they could run the same game they do on blacks and other non whites but China said "Wait a minute. Hold your brakes white man. You're not gonna come over here and take it over. You're going to have to enter into contracts with Chinese automotive companies and that's mandatory and you'll share it 50-50 with our own home grown Chinese companies. Your not gonna come here and rape the economy and leave us with nothing "

So if a white contractor can find a black contractor. He's gonna be told

"Say hello to your new 50-50 black partner Mr white man. Every morning. You're gonna go all over the books with him, all over the plans, all over the numbers, all over the blueprints, all over the procedure"

And at the end everybody is gonna know how set up this freeway, this building when it is done.

And if he doesn't like it he's told. "OK. Mr White Supremacist contractor. Would you like 50% of the contract ? Or 0% of the contract ?"

He'll start acting right.

If this happened you would see economic earthquakes in 12 months.

Contacts that go 100% to white businesses needs to be stopped.

When it comes to building the schools, the parks, who get's the contract ? Not black people and if there no black vendors then programs need to be set up to make sure there are in the future otherwise you don't get the contract (The China Law)

Black people built the USA but if black kids are growing up seeing white people building this, building that and they see no one in their family building that's gonna condition the brain into thinking "That's what white people do, that's not for us"

New York that's a city with 20% blk population but all you see is whites doing the side walk work and street work and they keep that for themselves.


When small business have stable contracts with larger companies this enables the smaller business to make long term plans. They can get access to lines of credit.

Bill Gates wasn't some business marvel.

He took the idea for windows from Xerox and another guy who did the coding and took to IBM.

He was able to get a contact from IBM for Windows. He didn't get a job with IBM but he went on to be bigger than IBM. Thats how white wealth is built. Elon Musk is the definition of white privilege he cashed out on paypal so now all he has to do is say "Hey, I got an idea" and rich ppl all over the world show up simply to sponsor his idea. It doesn't matter how crazy his idea is people would pump him so much money that it almost eliminates failure

Imagine solid black business had that kinda access to wealth ? There'd be an economic revolution in years.


That is the descendants of American slaves. The goal of white supremacist is make black ppl think we are permanent labor class. A never ending consumer class and when you've out lived your usefulness we can use you as live stock for the prisoners.
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The opressed by democrats for 2 centuries thread


aint jemima.jpeg


Apparently she was an amazing chef

Send all your donations to the dnc ...i mean black lives act blue .....brought to you by burnt out looted Starbucks.....

From blm
We practice empathy. We engage comrades with the intent to learn about and connect with their contexts.

Jamiel Shaw Sr.



Jun 16

When my Son was Murdered I reached out to every so called Black leader in L.A. to get help with the Murder of my son. Every one of them was in the bed with the illegal aliens. BLM and Black Politicians in L.A. only support Black people who were Murdered by the Police, Period

Jamiel "Jas" Andre Shaw, II (December 22, 1990[2] – March 2, 2008) was a junior at Los Angeles High School. He played football, basketball, baseball, the piano, and ran track. On the morning of his murder, he had participated in a weekend football training program, that prepares top high school football players for college football and for a possible career in the National Football League. Shaw was also being prospected by several colleges, including Rutgers University and Stanford University.[citation needed] Shaw's mother Anita was serving her second tour in Iraq at the time of his death.
A white man RESISTS arrest, TAKES cops baton, BEATS both cops with the baton, RUNS, and STEALS the police car. Cops didn’t use MACE, a TASER, or a GUN.

Yet, cops MURDERED #RayshardBrooks and wypipo out here talking about “he shouldn’t have resited or ran.”

If Jerry was black. A blaze of gun fire would have ended it all... in seconds

I’ll go toe to toe with anyone with videos and stories of wypipo resisting arrest and not dying And of unarmed black people being murdered by police.

When’s the last time you saw a white man choked to death on video by police? I’ll wait.

When black people dare shoot cops (Not kill) we get a 100 years in shawshank
The opressed by democrats for 2 centuries thread


View attachment 352247

View attachment 352248

Apparently she was an amazing chef

Send all your donations to the dnc ...i mean black lives act blue .....brought to you by burnt out looted Starbucks.....

From blm
We practice empathy. We engage comrades with the intent to learn about and connect with their contexts.

Jamiel Shaw Sr.



Jun 16

When my Son was Murdered I reached out to every so called Black leader in L.A. to get help with the Murder of my son. Every one of them was in the bed with the illegal aliens. BLM and Black Politicians in L.A. only support Black people who were Murdered by the Police, Period

Jamiel "Jas" Andre Shaw, II (December 22, 1990[2] – March 2, 2008) was a junior at Los Angeles High School. He played football, basketball, baseball, the piano, and ran track. On the morning of his murder, he had participated in a weekend football training program, that prepares top high school football players for college football and for a possible career in the National Football League. Shaw was also being prospected by several colleges, including Rutgers University and Stanford University.[citation needed] Shaw's mother Anita was serving her second tour in Iraq at the time of his death.
Oppressed by whites for 400 years. Doesn't matter about the party affiliation..
Oppressed by whites for 400 years. Doesn't matter about the party affiliation..
That 400 years could not include the past 55 years of Affirmative Action discrimination, with whites oppressed by blacks, and white liberal idiots. You don't get to be beneficiary of racial discrimination, and call yourself "oppressed".
What do black people demand ?


No diversions into non-black issues. Not LGTB. Not minority. Not black and brown.

Black people have no friends. I can't stand the term "People Of Color"

We not only have to deal white supremacists . But Asians who are anti black. White Latinos who are anti black. Native American who are anti black.


Black progress is measured in dollars. If black people as a group got more dollars then we are moving in the right direction. No hand picked blk ppl like Oprah. Either we all coming up or we are all going down. The black economic structure needs to be controlled by black ppl. If we are not holders of capital. If we are not able to finance things at an unlimited global and universal level then the system is failing.

White supremacists may hate us because we are black but they are able to victimise us because we are poor and as long as we remain poor we remain easy victims.

The wealth of the USA and the western world was built on exploiting black labour and later systematic racism to trap black people into being a never ending labor, consumer and prison class of people. The Homestead Act gave whites free land which they passed down generationally all the while bombing any attempt at black economic empowerment (Black wall street and Tulsa)

After WW2 Japan was bombed. The USA rebuilt Japan to 20th century specifications and now uses it as one of their puppet states. Japan was given a Marshall plan with clear goals to rebuild it to become an industrial player. The same needs to be done for black business development because white and non black people control the economy of every single black neigbourhood in America.

But there is not single white neighbourhood in the world were black ppl control white ppl's economy.

Black economic empowerment is the foundation.


Black people are up against a system that permeates every factor, every facet of black ppl lives.

Look at how the Japanese were treated after they went to war with the USA. The country was flattened. Not to mention the nuclear fallout which lasted for yrs. But look at them now ? Everyone slobbers and drools over so called Japanese intelligence. They were helped and assisted.

Look at the Jews. They had the Nuremberg trials. They hunted down anyone who was a nazi. Even today if they find a 101 year old Nazi, they'll make him stand (actually most of em can't even stand) before a trial but look at the Jews today ? Jews are one of the most powerful racial groups on the planet.

They dismantled white supremacy in Germany in regards to the Jews. That needs to happen to black ppl today. White supremacy must recognised as the ultimate evil meaning that is and criminalised and outlawed. The same way they did in Nazi Germany

Questions ?

"Well erm. Denilson. They didn't totally eradicate racism in Germany"

Well give me what the Jews have and we'll make it work.


When other countries shoot their citizens. The USA is quick to call that a human rights violation but when white supremacist do the same to unarmed black ppl then that's proper police procedure and self defence.

The police are the enforcement arm of white supremacy and law enforcement has been infested by white supremacists and nothing been done to root them out.

That's why all the madness and rioting on the streets is happening.

There are white supremacist beat cops, sergeants, captains, police chiefs and prosecutors who are using sheriff departments as havens and nests were white supremacist can be hired to kill black ppl and the white supremacist district attorney will back them up on it.

White supremacists are terrorists and they should be punished.


Black kids are the targets of racist school teachers and administrators. Their chief form of abuse is to claim that the black child has a learning disability and the only way you can deal with them is to put the child on drugs or in special education. They also play on poverty of many black people by saying "We'll increase your county check, if you just give jamal this drug"

Knowing full well that drugs and special ed increases the black child chances of failing in school, becoming a drop out and ending up in prison.

In the USA they put prisons where the drop out rates are the highest. And now that you have prisons for profit. They need to make sure they have fresh stock.

This is all done so that white kids don't have to compete in the global market place with blacks.


Germany has done quite well since WW2 without having statutes of the Nazi's but in the USA white supremacists nazis are on the steps of the courthouses and town squares across the USA. A black person should not have to look at a statue of Robert E Lee or Stonewall Jackson when he enters a court house. because that's a sure sign that he'll get no justice in there.

Germany has train stations, jet airplanes and freeways. All inventions of the Nazis but Germany doesn't have public statues of Wernher von Braun. They kept the innovations then put those inventors in a Museum.


The reconstitution of the American economic order.

These entities (Companies) have to do 20% business with black businesses.

Companies in the USA receive public assistance in the form of tax breaks and EVEN tax credits as well free infrastructure upgrades to make it easier for them to do business. Whenever they build a Walmart or a Whole-foods or whatever, they redo the whole dam inter-section. For a Walmart they put up new traffic lights, new sewage lines, they use millions of blk tax money for white companies.

But they'll never do that for a black business. Because when black people show up it "O no !! Thats welfare ! We cant give you nothing" meanwhile they're given white businesses millions.

So corporations that want to do business in a city, part of their requirements to get their business licence is at least 20% of their contracts must goto black businesses that are either purely black sole proprietorships or are corporations that are 75% black owned as a condition.

And if white people can't find black contractor ? Then they're going to have to implement the CHINA LAW.

When the white supremacist came into China they thought that they could run the same game they do on blacks and other non whites but China said "Wait a minute. Hold your brakes white man. You're not gonna come over here and take it over. You're going to have to enter into contracts with Chinese automotive companies and that's mandatory and you'll share it 50-50 with our own home grown Chinese companies. Your not gonna come here and rape the economy and leave us with nothing "

So if a white contractor can find a black contractor. He's gonna be told

"Say hello to your new 50-50 black partner Mr white man. Every morning. You're gonna go all over the books with him, all over the plans, all over the numbers, all over the blueprints, all over the procedure"

And at the end everybody is gonna know how set up this freeway, this building when it is done.

And if he doesn't like it he's told. "OK. Mr White Supremacist contractor. Would you like 50% of the contract ? Or 0% of the contract ?"

He'll start acting right.

If this happened you would see economic earthquakes in 12 months.

Contacts that go 100% to white businesses needs to be stopped.

When it comes to building the schools, the parks, who get's the contract ? Not black people and if there no black vendors then programs need to be set up to make sure there are in the future otherwise you don't get the contract (The China Law)

Black people built the USA but if black kids are growing up seeing white people building this, building that and they see no one in their family building that's gonna condition the brain into thinking "That's what white people do, that's not for us"

New York that's a city with 20% blk population but all you see is whites doing the side walk work and street work and they keep that for themselves.


When small business have stable contracts with larger companies this enables the smaller business to make long term plans. They can get access to lines of credit.

Bill Gates wasn't some business marvel.

He took the idea for windows from Xerox and another guy who did the coding and took to IBM.

He was able to get a contact from IBM for Windows. He didn't get a job with IBM but he went on to be bigger than IBM. Thats how white wealth is built. Elon Musk is the definition of white privilege he cashed out on paypal so now all he has to do is say "Hey, I got an idea" and rich ppl all over the world show up simply to sponsor his idea. It doesn't matter how crazy his idea is people would pump him so much money that it almost eliminates failure

Imagine solid black business had that kinda access to wealth ? There'd be an economic revolution in years.


That is the descendants of American slaves. The goal of white supremacist is make black ppl think we are permanent labor class. A never ending consumer class and when you've out lived your usefulness we can use you as live stock for the prisoners.

So, I'm not going to waste my time with that.

You won't get it. In fact, nothing of what you listed will you ever get. Nothing.

They'll pretend to give it to you, but you won't. Not going to happen.

So what are you going to do about it? Nothing?
A white man RESISTS arrest, TAKES cops baton, BEATS both cops with the baton, RUNS, and STEALS the police car. Cops didn’t use MACE, a TASER, or a GUN.

Yet, cops MURDERED #RayshardBrooks and wypipo out here talking about “he shouldn’t have resited or ran.”

If Jerry was black. A blaze of gun fire would have ended it all... in seconds

I’ll go toe to toe with anyone with videos and stories of wypipo resisting arrest and not dying And of unarmed black people being murdered by police.

When’s the last time you saw a white man choked to death on video by police? I’ll wait.

When black people dare shoot cops (Not kill) we get a 100 years in shawshank

Except for the fact, that he got away. It happened so quick, they didn't have time.

But I've watched videos of white people killed by police. Many of them.

White boy got shot by police. But according to you, white people are not killed by police.

So... once again you are full of crap.
NYPD drive round Harlem so people can't sleep

I'm still looking for all these good cops ?

Meanwhile the police crying in Georgia after they put charges on the cops that killed Rayshard Brooks

What are you crying about bruh ? Crying because you can't kill blk ppl with impunity ? Murder without reprimand ? Hem you up, destroy your life ? With the aide of the prosecutor ? U crying because you can't choke out blk people ?

Once again. What the fk u crying 4 ?

How the fk did they let a drunk man (Rayshard Brooks), slip out of their hand, grab the taser from them. That's the past that kill me.

"O but...but Paul Essien....but...ya know, he had all that super human negro savage gorilla strength"

Fk outta here. I could find two 15 year old boys that could have held down Rayshard Brooks.
NYPD drive round Harlem so people can't sleep

I'm still looking for all these good cops ?

Meanwhile the police crying in Georgia after they put charges on the cops that killed Rayshard Brooks
What are you crying about bruh ? Crying because you can't kill blk ppl with impunity ? Murder without reprimand ? Hem you up, destroy your life ? With the aide of the prosecutor ? U crying because you can't choke out blk people ?

Once again. What the fk u crying 4 ?

How the fk did they let a drunk man (Rayshard Brooks), slip out of their hand, grab the taser from them. That's the past that kill me.

"O but...but Paul Essien....but...ya know, he had all that super human negro savage gorilla strength"

Fk outta here. I could find two 15 year old boys that could have held down Rayshard Brooks.

He didn’t deserve to die but why not obey the cops in the first place? Always too many excuses.
NYPD drive round Harlem so people can't sleep

I'm still looking for all these good cops ?

Meanwhile the police crying in Georgia after they put charges on the cops that killed Rayshard Brooks
What are you crying about bruh ? Crying because you can't kill blk ppl with impunity ? Murder without reprimand ? Hem you up, destroy your life ? With the aide of the prosecutor ? U crying because you can't choke out blk people ?

Once again. What the fk u crying 4 ?

How the fk did they let a drunk man (Rayshard Brooks), slip out of their hand, grab the taser from them. That's the past that kill me.

"O but...but Paul Essien....but...ya know, he had all that super human negro savage gorilla strength"

Fk outta here. I could find two 15 year old boys that could have held down Rayshard Brooks.

Positive Police Stories That Will Change Your Mind About Law Enforcement
By Ashley Brooks on 05/11/2015
Positive Police Stories

You’ve always been drawn to careers that let you give back to your community and serve others—but your current job doesn’t fit the bill. You want to spend your working years in a career that makes a difference and allows you enough flexibility to spend time with your family.
You thought a career in law enforcement would be perfect, but the recent run of bad news for police officers has you reconsidering. Despite some recent negative media coverage, police officers go above and beyond the call of duty on a daily basis. They devote their lives to the communities they serve.
Don’t let yourself be swayed by negative media stories.
The positive police stories below will give you an idea of the small things you could do each day to help others through a career in law enforcement.
Small acts of kindness that make a big difference
“Police officer” is the answer many young kids give when asked what they want to be when they grow up. Police are real-life superheroes in the eyes of many, thanks to officers like these who go above and beyond their call of duty.
1. “When No One Showed Up to Autistic Boy’s Birthday Party, Strangers Saved the Day
The police in Osceola County, Florida, saved the day for 6-year-old Glenn Buratti when no one came to his birthday party. The sheriff’s office learned of the situation via Facebook, and they made sure Glenn’s birthday was a celebration he’d never forget.
2. “Police Officers Take Daughter of Fallen Cop to Father-Daughter Dance
Police officers have opportunities to turn bad situations into good during their off-duty time, too. A group of officers from two departments in Arizona proved that when they escorted the daughter of a fallen officer to her school’s father-daughter dance. These officers transformed tragic circumstances into an opportunity to show a young girl that she’s surrounded by support, even in life’s toughest moments.
3. “Officers Act of Kindness Helps Shoplifter Out of Difficult Situation
London, Ken., officer Justin Roby took action when he learned that a would-be shoplifter was a single father who had fallen on hard times and was stealing formula for his 6-month-old baby. Instead of issuing a citation, Roby purchased the baby formula himself and gifted it to the man.
4. “Cop Carries Women with MS Down Stairs
Wayne County, Mich., sheriff’s deputy Mark Bennetts swept a Detroit woman off her feet as she stood contemplating her options to get down a long flight of stairs. The woman, who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2000, asked for Bennetts’ help descending the staircase so he picked her up and delivered her into a waiting car.
5. “Police Officer’s Last Act of Kindness Minutes before Death
San Diego, Calif., police officer Jeremy Henwood bought lunch for a boy he didn’t know, just minutes before the officer was killed in an unprovoked shooting rampage six blocks from the McDonald’s restaurant.
6. “Texas Officer Gives Homeless Man Helping Hand
Odessa, Texas, police officer Jeremy Walsh gave a homeless man a pair of boots and a bottle of water after noticing the soles of the man’s shoes were worn completely through. Walsh said he sees the man frequently during his patrols and thought he could use the boots more than himself.
7. “Photo of Toronto Cop Mark Borsboom Tying Senior’s Shoes is Touching
Toronto, Canada, police officer Mark Borsboom helped a sick, elderly man by tying his shoes for him. The photo went viral after being posted on a private citizen’s Twitter and Instagram pages.
8. “California Police Officer Michael Kohr Replaces Little Girl’s Stolen Bike
Oxnard, Calif., police officer Michael Kohr replaced a little girl’s stolen bike after her mother filed a tear-filled police report. Kohr surprised the family with the bike and even stuck around to help teach her how to ride it.
Positive Police Stories That Will Change Your Mind About Law Enforcement
By Ashley Brooks on 05/11/2015
Positive Police Stories

You’ve always been drawn to careers that let you give back to your community and serve others—but your current job doesn’t fit the bill. You want to spend your working years in a career that makes a difference and allows you enough flexibility to spend time with your family.
You thought a career in law enforcement would be perfect, but the recent run of bad news for police officers has you reconsidering. Despite some recent negative media coverage, police officers go above and beyond the call of duty on a daily basis. They devote their lives to the communities they serve.
Don’t let yourself be swayed by negative media stories.
The positive police stories below will give you an idea of the small things you could do each day to help others through a career in law enforcement.
Small acts of kindness that make a big difference
“Police officer” is the answer many young kids give when asked what they want to be when they grow up. Police are real-life superheroes in the eyes of many, thanks to officers like these who go above and beyond their call of duty.
1. “When No One Showed Up to Autistic Boy’s Birthday Party, Strangers Saved the Day
The police in Osceola County, Florida, saved the day for 6-year-old Glenn Buratti when no one came to his birthday party. The sheriff’s office learned of the situation via Facebook, and they made sure Glenn’s birthday was a celebration he’d never forget.
2. “Police Officers Take Daughter of Fallen Cop to Father-Daughter Dance
Police officers have opportunities to turn bad situations into good during their off-duty time, too. A group of officers from two departments in Arizona proved that when they escorted the daughter of a fallen officer to her school’s father-daughter dance. These officers transformed tragic circumstances into an opportunity to show a young girl that she’s surrounded by support, even in life’s toughest moments.
3. “Officers Act of Kindness Helps Shoplifter Out of Difficult Situation
London, Ken., officer Justin Roby took action when he learned that a would-be shoplifter was a single father who had fallen on hard times and was stealing formula for his 6-month-old baby. Instead of issuing a citation, Roby purchased the baby formula himself and gifted it to the man.
4. “Cop Carries Women with MS Down Stairs
Wayne County, Mich., sheriff’s deputy Mark Bennetts swept a Detroit woman off her feet as she stood contemplating her options to get down a long flight of stairs. The woman, who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2000, asked for Bennetts’ help descending the staircase so he picked her up and delivered her into a waiting car.
5. “Police Officer’s Last Act of Kindness Minutes before Death
San Diego, Calif., police officer Jeremy Henwood bought lunch for a boy he didn’t know, just minutes before the officer was killed in an unprovoked shooting rampage six blocks from the McDonald’s restaurant.
6. “Texas Officer Gives Homeless Man Helping Hand
Odessa, Texas, police officer Jeremy Walsh gave a homeless man a pair of boots and a bottle of water after noticing the soles of the man’s shoes were worn completely through. Walsh said he sees the man frequently during his patrols and thought he could use the boots more than himself.
7. “Photo of Toronto Cop Mark Borsboom Tying Senior’s Shoes is Touching
Toronto, Canada, police officer Mark Borsboom helped a sick, elderly man by tying his shoes for him. The photo went viral after being posted on a private citizen’s Twitter and Instagram pages.
8. “California Police Officer Michael Kohr Replaces Little Girl’s Stolen Bike
Oxnard, Calif., police officer Michael Kohr replaced a little girl’s stolen bike after her mother filed a tear-filled police report. Kohr surprised the family with the bike and even stuck around to help teach her how to ride it.
1) What has any of those stories go to do with punishing white supremacists in law enforcement who kill blk ppl ?

Do you think the protests in America the past few weeks has been about the police not replacing bicyles ? Not showing up to austic boys birthday ? not taken kids to dance ?

If that's what you think then you really are lost. Most were white too. But even if they were all black. Just bcoz someone does good does mean they're good.

Evil people can do good. I'm sure Adolf Hitler done some good in his life.

I'm sure he lent people money and other good deeds but that doesn't mean he was good.
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Positive Police Stories That Will Change Your Mind About Law Enforcement
By Ashley Brooks on 05/11/2015
Positive Police Stories

You’ve always been drawn to careers that let you give back to your community and serve others—but your current job doesn’t fit the bill. You want to spend your working years in a career that makes a difference and allows you enough flexibility to spend time with your family.
You thought a career in law enforcement would be perfect, but the recent run of bad news for police officers has you reconsidering. Despite some recent negative media coverage, police officers go above and beyond the call of duty on a daily basis. They devote their lives to the communities they serve.
Don’t let yourself be swayed by negative media stories.
The positive police stories below will give you an idea of the small things you could do each day to help others through a career in law enforcement.
Small acts of kindness that make a big difference
“Police officer” is the answer many young kids give when asked what they want to be when they grow up. Police are real-life superheroes in the eyes of many, thanks to officers like these who go above and beyond their call of duty.
1. “When No One Showed Up to Autistic Boy’s Birthday Party, Strangers Saved the Day
The police in Osceola County, Florida, saved the day for 6-year-old Glenn Buratti when no one came to his birthday party. The sheriff’s office learned of the situation via Facebook, and they made sure Glenn’s birthday was a celebration he’d never forget.
2. “Police Officers Take Daughter of Fallen Cop to Father-Daughter Dance
Police officers have opportunities to turn bad situations into good during their off-duty time, too. A group of officers from two departments in Arizona proved that when they escorted the daughter of a fallen officer to her school’s father-daughter dance. These officers transformed tragic circumstances into an opportunity to show a young girl that she’s surrounded by support, even in life’s toughest moments.
3. “Officers Act of Kindness Helps Shoplifter Out of Difficult Situation
London, Ken., officer Justin Roby took action when he learned that a would-be shoplifter was a single father who had fallen on hard times and was stealing formula for his 6-month-old baby. Instead of issuing a citation, Roby purchased the baby formula himself and gifted it to the man.
4. “Cop Carries Women with MS Down Stairs
Wayne County, Mich., sheriff’s deputy Mark Bennetts swept a Detroit woman off her feet as she stood contemplating her options to get down a long flight of stairs. The woman, who was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2000, asked for Bennetts’ help descending the staircase so he picked her up and delivered her into a waiting car.
5. “Police Officer’s Last Act of Kindness Minutes before Death
San Diego, Calif., police officer Jeremy Henwood bought lunch for a boy he didn’t know, just minutes before the officer was killed in an unprovoked shooting rampage six blocks from the McDonald’s restaurant.
6. “Texas Officer Gives Homeless Man Helping Hand
Odessa, Texas, police officer Jeremy Walsh gave a homeless man a pair of boots and a bottle of water after noticing the soles of the man’s shoes were worn completely through. Walsh said he sees the man frequently during his patrols and thought he could use the boots more than himself.
7. “Photo of Toronto Cop Mark Borsboom Tying Senior’s Shoes is Touching
Toronto, Canada, police officer Mark Borsboom helped a sick, elderly man by tying his shoes for him. The photo went viral after being posted on a private citizen’s Twitter and Instagram pages.
8. “California Police Officer Michael Kohr Replaces Little Girl’s Stolen Bike
Oxnard, Calif., police officer Michael Kohr replaced a little girl’s stolen bike after her mother filed a tear-filled police report. Kohr surprised the family with the bike and even stuck around to help teach her how to ride it.
1) What has any of those stories go to do with punishing white supremacists in law enforcement who kill blk ppl ?

Do you think the protests in America the past few weeks has been about the police not replacing bicyles ? Not showing up to austic boys birthday ? not taken kids to dance ?

If that's what you think then you really are lost. Most were white too. But even if they were all black. Just bcoz someone does good does mean they're good.

Evil people can do good. I'm sure Adolf Hitler done some good in his life.

I'm sure he lent people money and other good deeds but that doesn't mean he was good.
Once again, you are shown proof of what you ask for and once again you make excuses. So, you are saying all cops are bad? All white cops? I think any cop who unjustly kills anyone deserves to be punished. You think only white cops who kill blacks deserve to be punished.
Once again, you are shown proof of what you ask for and once again you make excuses.

I have never asked for proof of the police replacing bikes or tying people shoelaces. If anything you have lower opinion of the police than I do. Because you want to give them credit for doing stuff they're supposed to do.

I want to law enforcement cops to punish white supremacist in law enforcement who kill unarmed black people and that to be done on consistent basis.

Most people in your list that the police helped were white.

So yeah, for most whites, police are the helpful folks who get your cat out of the tree, or take you around in their patrol car for fun.

So you're little list ? I already knew. That's why there is no such as "White Lives Matter" because the police already know that white lives matter. So do teachers, doctors, lawyers etc.

So, you are saying all cops are bad? All white cops?

I'm saying that white supremacist have infiltrated law enforcement

I think any cop who unjustly kills anyone deserves to be punished.

And what race in America get's to decide what is and is not an unjust killing ?

You think only white cops who kill blacks deserve to be punished.

Stop making straw man arguments
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Once again, you are shown proof of what you ask for and once again you make excuses.

I have never asked for proof of the police replacing bikes or tying people shoelaces. If anything you have lower opinion of the police than I do. Because you want to give them credit for doing stuff they're supposed to do.

I want to law enforcement cops to punish white supremacist in law enforcement who kill unarmed black people and that to be done on consistent basis.

Most people in your list that the police helped were white.

So yeah, for most whites, police are the helpful folks who get your cat out of the tree, or take you around in their patrol car for fun.

So you're little list ? I already knew. That's why there is no such as "White Lives Matter" because the police already know that white lives matter. So do teachers, doctors, lawyers etc.

So, you are saying all cops are bad? All white cops?

I'm saying that white supremacist have infiltrated law enforcement

I think any cop who unjustly kills anyone deserves to be punished.

And what race in the America get's to decide what is and is not an unjust killing ?

You think only white cops who kill blacks deserve to be punished.

Stop making straw man arguments
You can't answer the last thing honestly. You asked if there were any good cops. I showed there are. You choose to make assumptions about them not being good cops even though they do good deeds. You don't address all cops, just bad white ones. That itself is racist thinking. Bullshit on deciding what is unjust killing. You will argue no matter what is said.
This speaks for itself. White supremacist female at Trump rally talks about cancelling.of the Aunt Jemima pancake mix

But the fact is

A white man RESISTS arrest, TAKES cops baton, BEATS both cops with the baton, RUNS, and STEALS the police car. Cops didn’t use MACE, a TASER, or a GUN.

Yet, cops MURDERED #RayshardBrooks and wypipo out here talking about “he shouldn’t have resited or ran.”

If Jerry was black. A blaze of gun fire would have ended it all... in seconds

I’ll go toe to toe with anyone with videos and stories of wypipo resisting arrest and not dying And of unarmed black people being murdered by police.

When’s the last time you saw a white man choked to death on video by police? I’ll wait.

When black people dare shoot cops (Not kill) we get a 100 years in shawshank

Except for the fact, that he got away. It happened so quick, they didn't have time.

But I've watched videos of white people killed by police. Many of them.

White boy got shot by police. But according to you, white people are not killed by police.

So... once again you are full of crap.

Where was the outrage and rioting? This proves this shit doesn’t just happen to black people.

'You're gonna kill me!': Dallas police body cam footage reveals the final minutes of Tony Timpa's life
In Milwaukee many underaged Black girls were reported missing.

The police refused to do anything about it.

The city of Milwaukee has a long history of allowing Black ppl to be victimized by sexual predators, going back to Jeffrey Dahmer

So the Black community in Milwaukee got together, found the girls and rescued them. They then burned down the house of the alleged pedophile who tried to traffic them.

I’m proud of the Black people of Milwaukee who had to do their own community policing to rescue Black children who were victims of of pedo rings.

I'd much rather blk ppl's tax dollars go to those Black people who helped find that girl than the racist Milwaukee Police Department.

In the video the black women said that the house they burnt down was the house where they traffic underage Black Youth. So if she know that. Why don't the police arrest the people who did it ?
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Vaccinations Trials For Covid begin S.Africa and Brazil

The world never gives a fuck about Africa, but all of a sudden Africa must not be left out of vaccine trials ?

But the Keyword is TRIALS because that really means "lets see what happens." In some parts of Africa, some people don't have WATER, but out of nowhere, they gotta be at the top of the vaccine trial list?

And South Africa and Brazil ? S.Africa is like what Mecca is to Muslims. It's the last place that had open, by law, white supremacy and Brazil has the highest population of black people outside of Africa and they're gonna go to the favelas were black brazilians live, not the rich areas where white Brazillians live.

The white supremacist think they're slick by trying to legitmize it by saying "The vaccines trials was from Oxford uni" like that's supposed to impress people. Fk out my face.

Should be more like this


When you look at COVID maps Africa have the least report of cases yet it's the main target for trial vaccination ?


The white supremacists are openly targeting black people for poisoning, sterlization and death..

A disease that started in China, infected Europeans in droves, but Africa is the testing ground for this vaccine? Yeah right. Next stop? Detroit.

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