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More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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Bullshit. So Joe tell me, when have whites been given ANYTHING based solely on merit?
I'm sorry but we are not going to apologize for the station in life we started out in. I was born poor then middle class. My nephews were born rich. Sorry if that's not your story. It's possible in America. Lots of people don't like blacks in America. Lots of people didn't like my immigrant dad. And some white guys don't get the dream job because they gave it to some black woman because of Affirmative Action.

Herman Cain's kids were born rich. They vote Republican. Perhaps it's not about black and white. That's just some bullshit Republicans talk about to divide us. In reality, it's about being poor, middle class or rich. Fuck religion, gays, guns, racism. That's shit they bring up to divide us.

The more money you obtain, the more conservative you become. The richer you are, the more likely you are to vote Republicans.

90% of blacks vote Democrat because Democrats best represent the poor. I believe Democrats best represent the middle class too. So most blacks should vote Democrat.

It's why guys like Kanye or Charles Barkley vote Republican. They have enough money to see it their way.

People, in general, do what benefits them. If I don't feel hiring black people benefits me, why should I have to?
Not sure what a CHP officer is, but I remember DECADES ago - I bet it’s been 30 years, at least - when the police put out an announcement that the goal was that at least 50% of new hires would be black. Two obvious problems with that:

1) In a county where only about 15% of residents were black, saying at least half of all new hires will be black means that a black was given almost a 3:1 advantage over a similarly qualified white. Racist right there.

2) That phrase “at least 50%” could also mean 60%, 70%, or every single new hire except for one token white. It was racist then, and this type of this is continuing and is every bit as racist now.
California Highway Patrol
Dates weren't critical to my argument, but never mind. If the worst thing that happened to you was the Tulsa riots, they just aren't that bad.
In your opinion, they just aren't that bad presumably because
1. It didn't affect you personally or any of your loved ones or people
2. It only affected black people

When the Murrah building in Oklahoma City was bombed, was that also "just not that bad"? Why or why not?
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How about 9-11? Was that not so bad?

My goodness how can some of these guys be so obtuse?
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No it’s not. You called me evil, and you need to recognize how wrong that is and apologize.

And there’s no gaping hole in my story. You just refuse to accept that impoverished parents, raising their children in tenements, could see those kids graduate from college - starting from nothing and amidst horrific antisemitism - and havr successful lives. You think there’s a ”secret” somehow. That’s because you keep making excuses for blacks who don’t do the same things.

1) Have the right values, discipline, motivation, ability to make sacrifices, and work extremely hard.

2) Finish school.

3) Don’t have any children until you are married and can afford them.

That’s it. No secret. Poverty to middle class in 10 years, and onto affluence 10 years after that.
So your story has changed once again. Originally it was penniless to affluence in 10 years, now you've given your family twice the amount of time to achieve the goal, I guess once you realized the fault in the timeline.

Intentions matter when it comes to certain criminal offenses. It would appear that you like many other members of this message board subscribe to the false theory that being a racist is not a crime therefore you can say anything you want no matter whether it's accurate enough, whether it's defamatory or not and like many only double down on your beliefs should anyone dare to point out to you that you're mistaken.

You erroneously believe that my communications with you are an attempt to get you to believe as I do else you will be called a racist yet nothing could be further form the truth. The fact is, you are such an anomaly to what my experiences with Jewish have been that I kept thinking that you are just misinformed (no malice intended), have no real knowledge of American history and certainly little to no knowledge of African American history, etc. yet the more I talked to you, the more obvious it became that you consider yourself superior to black people, or at least poor black people. I haven't a clue if you consider yourself superior to poor white people but it wouldn't surprise me in the least to find that you look down on them as well, as if it's their own fault that they're poor.

Then I thought, maybe it's something else, like the way old money carries themselves and perceives the trashy nouveau riche. The thing that comes across more than anything else is 1) your disdain for those you consider beneath you and 2) your inability to analyze a situation without introducing your own biases into it.

So I told my brother about you and how you keep insisting that racism has nothing to do with why blacks have always had more than twice the number of people living in poverty that whites. He was pretty surprised when I told him you claim to be Jewish and his assessment was "she's just ignorant then". He's an investigator and he's pretty astute when it comes to pegging personalities and traits in people.

A person who engages in intentional behavior knowing that their behavior can put others at risk is not a good person. A person who has been shown how and why their behavior puts others at risk yet still continues to pursue that course of action can be called reckless, selfish, inconsiderate, etc. When a person engages in this behavior to the detriment of a certain vulnerable minority population, after they have been advised about the risks they're creating for that population, then yeah, I consider that behavior to be evil and the person engaging in it as evil.

Ignorance can be excused because we are all ignorant of certain things. I also understand wanting to remain ignorant because as they say ignorance is bliss and it's obvious that you're not interested in learning anything especially since you complain when you feel too much attention is being paid to black people, or the lives that black people lives, or apparently too many black people portrayed in advertisements.

If I didn't know any better I'd say you were more upset at being called evil than when it was pointed out to you that the things you were posting make you appear to be a racist. And just to be clear racism IS evil as are the people who practice it.
That's a lie Joe. How do you know that person was promoted because of AA? It is against the law for an employer to give out that kind of information. So you guys must have assumed that. Whites have gotten AA since the country started. Yet you live in s delusion whereby everything whites get has been earned on merit.

So if the person who promoted that individual told you they did so because of AA, you should have filed a lawsuit.
How do you know white women are the biggest benefactors of. ?
And there’s no gaping hole in my story. You just refuse to accept that impoverished parents, raising their children in tenements, could see those kids graduate from college - starting from nothing and amidst horrific antisemitism - and havr successful lives. You think there’s a ”secret” somehow. That’s because you keep making excuses for blacks who don’t do the same things.
But according to you, it wasn't your parents who were impoverished, it was your grandparents. And one of the major holes is how two penniless individuals with only a grade school education rose up from that to affluence in 10 years.

They couldn't have done that without help from someone.
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Not really. Asians are comparable to non-Hispanic whites.

View attachment 648745

Yeah, would this be the same place you learned that Police evolved from anti-slave patrols and some of the other nonsense you repeat here...

My ancestors hardly had a great time of it, either... what's your point? My mother's side was poor Missouri dirt farmers who didn't have two nickels to rub together, and my father's side were German immigrants who came at a time when Germans weren't terribly popular.

Yes, it's absolutely horrible to be seen as studious and smart! Gasp. How awful.

See chart above. Asian poverty is on par with white poverty....
Joe you are wrong. O.K.? Recognize that. Because the term Asian covers a lot of people and your opinion is based on a few high earners while there are groups of Asians with 30 plus percent poverty. White racists have created a false narrative about Asians that ASIANS are saying is wrong. So just stop thinking that because your white --- says something that its the utmost authoritative opinion or fact on the subject.
How do you know white women are the biggest benefactors of. ?
Originally, because the department of labor tracked the statics. Now there are several entities that track these metrics and the data also comes from lawsuits and the evidence presented in them.
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I've very familiar with this case, not just the news reports about it, I've read the documents filed and he's misrepresenting what the case was about. It was not about filling racial quotas, and per usual, they sealed information that could have helped the plaintiff's case.
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Yeah, would this be the same place you learned that Police evolved from anti-slave patrols and some of the other nonsense you repeat here...
I am not the one who originally said that. People such as James Comey and Bill Bratton have made such statements and I do think they know this history of law enforcement better than you.

The comment you ran your mouth about was made by an Asian.

Student Narratives​

I just learned recently that a white man created the term “model minority” to describe Japanese Americans as a way of pitting them against Black Americans. Japanese Americans were terrified that they would be put in concentration camps again and thus went through life as quietly as they could. My ancestors had to go through hell and then pretend it didn’t happen. Now Asian Americans have to deal with this term unfairly and act a certain way (studious, quiet, smart, nerdy) or else they’re looked down upon. This term and its history must be publicized so that people can be educated that its purpose is to divide POC and pit us against each other when we should be banding together and uniting to fight our oppression.

The model minority myth invalidated my feelings of otherness. In high school I did the stereotypical “Asian” things I thought I was supposed to do–play violin in orchestra, take as many AP classes as possible even at the expense of my mental health, and replace friends with columns of A’s on my report card. I thought my deteriorating mental health and overall feelings of unhappiness were normal and even expected, because as an Asian American person I wasn’t entitled to have problems. Up until now I couldn’t even consider myself a person of color because my heritage seemed so marginalized that I should just be grateful for my “privilege” and gaslight my own experiences with racism. The model minority myth taught me how to code switch from elementary school onward–act white enough that I wouldn’t make my white classmates uncomfortable, and tokenize my Asian-ness when it was deemed socially acceptable. I learned self-hatred through the model minority myth. I couldn’t understand why all my effort to be the perfect student in school ultimately couldn’t stop my neighbor from calling my parents “Chinese virus” at the first opportunity for socially acceptable racism. Since coming to USC I’ve been able to begin embracing my culture through support from APASS and other empowered Asian American students, but I wish I had been able to recognize earlier that my self-hatred didn’t stem directly from myself, but rather the white supremacist society that taught me that my “privilege” could and should simultaneously oppress me as well.

Joe you really need to shut up and listen.

My ancestors hardly had a great time of it, either... what's your point? My mother's side was poor Missouri dirt farmers who didn't have two nickels to rub together, and my father's side were German immigrants who came at a time when Germans weren't terribly popular.

Yes, it's absolutely horrible to be seen as studious and smart! Gasp. How awful.

And your ancestors were white and were allowed things blacks could not have. There is no
equivalence no matter how badly you try making one. Germans practiced racism against blacks. The Nazi war prisoners got more respect than blacks did in America.

"Because most whites have not been trained to think with complexity about racism, and because it benefits white dominance not to do so, we have a very limited understanding of it. We are the least likely to see, comprehend, or be invested in validating people of color’s assertions of racism and being honest about their consequences. At the same time, because of white social, economic, and political power within a white dominant culture, whites are the group in the position to legitimize people of color’s assertions of racism. Being in this position engenders a form of racial arrogance, and in this racial arrogance, whites have little compunction about debating the knowledge of people who have thought deeply about race through research, study, peer-reviewed scholarship, deep and on-going critical self-reflection, interracial relationships, and lived experience. This expertise is often trivialized and countered with simplistic platitudes, such as “people just need to see each other as individuals” or “see each other as humans” or “take personal responsibility.”

White lack of racial humility often leads to declarations of disagreement when in fact the problem is that we do not understand. Whites generally feel free to dismiss informed perspectives rather than have the humility to acknowledge that they are unfamiliar, reflect on them further, seek more information, or sustain a dialogue."
Dr. Robin DiAngelo
Originally, because the department of labor tracked the statics. Now there are several entities that track these metrics and the data also comes from lawsuits and the evidence presented in them.
How do you track statistics? Do they ask employers why they hire women? More women in the workforce is in no way AA
How do you track statistics? Do they ask employers why they hire women? More women in the workforce is in no way AA
First you ask a question about how they obtain the statistics and then you erroneously claim without providing a scintilla of evidence (cause there is none) that "more women in the workforce is in no way AA".

Let me know if this clears things up for you.

Ban affirmative action. Support equality based on merit.
Yeah, you pulled one segment out of the entire page and ignored all of the rest. The Department of Labor is also where I obtained the text of the affirmative action EO I quoted, it's the same government agency:
Executive Order 11246, As Amended | U.S. Department of Labor

So where does it give preference to "unqualified blacks" over "qualified" whites? Depending upon your interpretation of the law, the whole point of the program is to increase the pool of qualified candidates that employers can select from and making sure that they include minorities as well as others. Do you have the same hostilities towards veterans and persons with disabilities? They cover the whole spectrum of races.

And when the government gives you money (contracts) then they get to specify the way you conduct the business you do for them including insisting that you comply with any and all applicable anti-discrimination laws, which you should be doing anyway. If you want to insist upon your right to be a raging racist then fine you can work for someone else.

And I'm sure you know this but just in case you or anyone else didn't, white women have benefited from affirmative action more than any other demographic according to the U.S. Department of Labor (same agency once again)
  • The study found that compliance reviews initiated against an establishment in the 1970s significantly increased the share of women and African Americans it employed as managers, not only in the 1970s but also through the 1980s and 1990s. A first compliance review in the 1970s increased the odds of white women in management by an estimated 34 percent, of African American women by 18 percent, and of African American men by 28 percent.
  • Compliance reviews initiated in the 1970s led to significantly greater increases in female and African American employment shares than did reviews conducted in the 1980s.
  • Larger numbers of lawsuits significantly increased employment shares for women and African Americans.
First you ask a question about how they obtain the statistics and then you erroneously claim without providing a scintilla of evidence (cause there is none) that "more women in the workforce is in no way AA".

Let me know if this clears things up for you.

Ban affirmative action. Support equality based on merit.
There is no evidence of white women being hired because if AA. What you are saying is that white women aren’t hired for their skills,which is ridiculous.
Wells Fargo does all sorts of unethical shit. They were the company that opened dozens of fake accounts to boost their numbers.

But, um, yeah, this isn't unusual, either. Usually, when a company posts a job, they often have an internal candidate in mind, but they are required to advertise it to comply with EEO laws.

Uh, yeah... the banking industry has a lot of ethical problems. Remember 2008. I won't ever forget it.
But not everything is a White Supremecist conspiracy.

You see, here's kind of the problem. A company should be able to run their company the way they see fit. If they want to promote the boss' idiot nephew, that might be ethically wrong, but it's their choice to make. The idea of the government coming in and TELLING a company who they have to hire, even if they don't think that person is a good fit, does kind of rub people the wrong way. It's not like the government is going to come in and compensate them for hiring a knob.

Let's take this away from Race for a moment. The ADA was passed to encourage employers to hire more people with disabilities, but it ended up having the opposite effect, because any disabled employee you hire is pretty much a walking lawsuit. And usually the best place to cut that off is at the interview stage. AA kind of has the same effect, that employers will meet the bare minimum and go no further.
Most companies are like wellls fargo
Molly, you were told and shown proof that white women have benefitted the most from affirmative action a long time ago. Now it's just way past time whites such as yourself and a whole bunch of others here understood that whites are not superior, that whites did not build this country by themselves, that whites have indeed been given massive amounts of government help and that affirmative action was not made to give blacks extra help. You and others in your demographic are where you are from the same affirmative action that you howl about. You guys seem perfectly fine with pointing fingers at blacks then running your white mouths based on fact less race baited garbage fed you by the disinformation you read, but when the truth hits about you guys, everybody has to be politically correct because white feelings are going to get hurt and they will threaten everybody about how they will turn racist if we don't stop.

As if whites making such comments ever stopped being racists in the first place..
You are quoting a liberal rag.

What you are omitting is that Harvard intentionally developed a “personality” test as part of their admissions process in which they could score the Asians low on. Designing a subjective test specifically with the specific goal of eliminating or reducing those who belong to a certain race is, well….RACIST.

The Asians are going to win against Harvard. You’ll see. The favoritism towards blacks is off the charts, in violation of the equal protection clause, and needs to be stopped.

ROFLMAO! "Quoting a liberal rag"?
You are really "out there".

I simply "QUOTED"
what is in the lawsuit itself, and I fully understand what Harvard did by implementing the "personality test", so there is no need to explain it.

Perhaps YOU should take the time to actually read the lawsuit itself.

In YOUR gleeful pursuit of creating the narrative that "favoritism" at Harvard towards Black applicants is the primary reason for the lawsuit, YOU predictably, and not surprisingly sidestepped the fact that the lawsuit clearly states that the "likeability/personality" test favors White applicants over Asian applicants, which makes it abundantly clear that Asians are being discriminated against in favor of ALL other races at Harvard, not just Blacks, as you obviously believe.

It includes WHITE applicants as well as Black and Hispanic applicants.

As far as Asians "winning" their lawsuit, what makes you think that I don't support the fact that they should?

SMDH. Expressing common sense to a preschooler is far easier than attempting any form of reasoning with the likes of you.
ROFLMAO! "Quoting a liberal rag"?
Now you are really reaching.

I simply "QUOTED"
what is in the lawsuit itself, and I fully understand what Harvard did by implementing the "personality test", so there is no need to explain it.

In YOUR gleeful pursuit of creating the narrative that "favoritism" at Harvard towards Black applicants is the primary reason for the lawsuit, YOU predictably, and not surprisingly sidestepped the fact that the lawsuit clearly states that the "likeability" test favors White applicants over Asian applicants, which makes it abundantly clear that Asians are being discriminated against in favor of ALL other races at Harvard, not just Blacks.

It includes WHITE applicants as well as Black and Hispanic applicants.

As far as Asians "winning" their lawsuit, what makes you think that I don't support the fact that they should?

When we look at that Harvard lawsuit, the Asians should lose. This suit however is not about Asians, It's about Edward Blum, a racist trying to end affirmative Action.
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