More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege

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I believe "White Supremacy And White Privilege" is largely a manufactured issue.

Lenon Honor, Peace Respect.jpg

Hello, Toob. You are not alone.

In this broadcast Mr. Lenon Honor, an apparent caring, sensible, RESPONSIBLE American citizen Keeps it REAL, speaking about what he calls "The White Supremacy Promotion Hustle" ~Lenon Honor


'Thugs Must Become Public Enemy #1 In The Black Community' ~Phillip Scott Advise Show

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I gotta say this made me laugh

I'm like "God dam bro !!"


If Roots got him this outraged imagine if he came on here on USMB. He gonna make them all pay !!


I don't agree with what the guy did, but after having read the shit posted here by some of these racists...

Reading shit posted by racists.. Like Paul? Enjoying a kidnapping solely for the color of her skin?
You fake fuck. Racism means nothing to you. Only white skin does.

Yes, and is why I have IM2 on ignore, which I have no doubt is in this thread 100 times.
I never put Paul on ignore because at least he didn't create multiple threads a day at least like IM2.
Neither is in the least bit interested in talking the subject. Only to blast white people. No different than a white racist.
And while you excused white police murdering unarmed blacks, you expect us to get all up in arms about this. Fuck you.
You were taught about the "unarmed blacks" fallacy in more than one of my OPs. In case you conveniently "forgot" here's some of them again. Read and learn. >>

Philando Castile Protestors – They Don’t Get It (see OP and Posts # 62, 63, 69, 70)

Another QUIZ for Liberals (see Post # 40)

Another Fake News Media Cop Bash

Fire National Anthem Kneelers (Post # 3 and 265)

White Supremacy Is A Hoax. It's A Lie. It's Not A Big Problem (see Post # 248)
I gotta say this made me laugh

I'm like "God dam bro !!"


If Roots got him this outraged imagine if he came on here on USMB. He gonna make them all pay !!


I don't agree with what the guy did, but after having read the shit posted here by some of these racists...

Reading shit posted by racists.. Like Paul? Enjoying a kidnapping solely for the color of her skin?
You fake fuck. Racism means nothing to you. Only white skin does.

Paul is no racist. Paul is what white racism created. Now learn how to read boy, because my first sentence tells you how I feel. And you don't give a damn about racism. You ignore any racism by whites and try calling those of us pointing it out racists. And while you excused white police murdering unarmed blacks, you expect us to get all up in arms about this. Fuck you.
Prove it, fuck boy
I believe "White Supremacy And White Privilege" is largely a manufactured issue.
Hello, Toob. You are not alone. Peace.

FWIW, Avery, as an observer of human nature, I kind of see it this way.

Screen Shot 2020-02-19 at 2.02.46 PM.png

Things were still pretty bad and these issues quite real back at the turn of the 20th century. But come the advent of particularly WWII and Blacks participation in the war, things opened up and started to change for the better. But when I was a kid during the civil rights issues of the 60s, while there was a lot of advancement in some areas, there was also a lot of discontent. I believe the 60s really started major change.

Since then, it has been an exponential curve and today, the issues that some anguish over simply really do not exist anymore as they once did! I wish folks gave half as much attention to the plight of the Native American Indian. Today, skin color is hardly if any barrier at all in 99% of the cases. There may still be some prejudices, but they are disappearing under the weight of law and increased social intolerance and awareness. If anything, the continued haranguing of the race baiters and victim-organizers simply slow and hurts progress rather than help it.

Most people honestly don't care what color you are anymore, they are much more interested in your talent, your integrity, and what you can do for them and yourself.
If anything, the continued haranguing of the race baiters and victim-organizers simply slow and hurts progress rather than help it.

Yup, as long as many of these apparent emotionally troubled haters are rewarded with $cash$ from clicks, I do not foresee them going away anytime soon.

come the advent of particularly WWII and Blacks participation in the war, things opened up and started to change for the better. But when I was a kid during the civil rights issues of the 60s, while there was a lot of advancement in some areas, there was also a lot of discontent. I believe the 60s really started major change.

Since then, it has been an exponential curve and today, the issues that some anguish over simply really do not exist anymore as they once did! I wish folks gave half as much attention to the plight of the Native American Indian. Today, skin color is hardly if any barrier at all in 99% of the cases. There may still be some prejudices, but they are disappearing under the weight of law and increased social intolerance and awareness. If anything, the continued haranguing of the race baiters and victim-organizers simply slow and hurts progress rather than help it.

Most people honestly don't care what color you are anymore, they are much more interested in your talent, your integrity, and what you can do for them and yourself.
TOTALLY FALSE! Skin color remains a massive barrier for white people in job hiring ,promotions, college admissions, college financial aid, business loans, et al things due to the persistence of Affirmative Action still legal in 42 states, and only partially illegal in the other 8. In the 60s, this change began FOR THE WORSE, not better, for millions of white people. No better now than it was then. None of this is "disappearing". Zero improvement.

This is the largest racial discrimination, in America, against, by far, the largest number of people (whites).
Honestly it is pretty pathetic. I would guess Paul battles his own issues, and has the racist crutch to rely on to excuse bad behavior and choices that got him at wherever he is in his life.
Thus the main culprit of the victim mentality. You have no motivation to improve yourself when you are told repeatedly you are not to blame for your predicament, and you should not have to work hard to achieve, but get breaks and special treatment.
I have great respect for inner city black folks who busted their asses and worked hard and got themselves out and broke the multi-generational dependency mentality and joined the rest of society.
I have no respect for anyone who sits on their ass and looks to blame someone else constantly for their own short comings.
I gotta say this made me laugh

I'm like "God dam bro !!"


If Roots got him this outraged imagine if he came on here on USMB. He gonna make them all pay !!


Would be hysterical if it was comedy or satire... Not so funny when the indictments and handcuffs come out..
I thought deleting about 18 posts last night about the "state of protectionist's mind" and sending alert messages for EVERY post I removed would get the message thru.. That little personal confrontation ENDED last night... Those that DID NOT get the message are no longer in this thread...

Simple rules... EVERY post has to contain TOPICAL content related to the OP or the general direction of the topical conversation.. It's clearly spelled out in the Posting Guidelines.. Any post which is 100% PERSONAL or off topic is not legal.. We're a discussion board upstairs at USMB... If you want to personally flame and rumble, use the one-way kiddy slide to go downstairs to the Rubber Room, Flame Zone or Badlands...

We created those spaces to HAVE discussions about each other's issues.. Use them.

Hi Flacc,

I see another race/racism thread is going about as good as usual! I've largely given up on participating in them. The OP is: More Tales Of White Supremacy And White Privilege. Well, here is my discussion of the topic:

I believe "White Supremacy And White Privilege" is largely a manufactured issue. Maybe there was a time when it wasn't. Why? Because such things are endemic to whatever was the controlling, dominant body of society that created the country in the first place. So are these still serious issues today? I don't think so, not after a century of efforts to take them away. Anyone in this country is pretty much free to escape the boundaries they think largely inhibit their minds if the desire is really there.

Cops singling out Blacks? This has been DISPROVEN. The data actually shows the opposite that Blacks are 5X less likely to get into a tiff with police FOR THE NUMBER OF INCIDENTS THEY HAVE. Most police have to be pressed much harder to get tough with Blacks simply because they so much want to avoid all the bad press and flack that goes with confronting any black at a crime scene!

So why do these threads fail and why do I largely avoid them?

  1. There is an entire industry of malcontents race baiting society with stories, which are then picked up by other malcontents and race baiters and used here as the seed for these threads. There is a dearth of writers writing stories as seed which are not afro-centric (read: pro-white). That would be wholly non-PC and scorned in today's society.
  2. The usual suspects here then use these stories under the preamble that there is no debating the topic, they are right, you are wrong, and end of story. They are just here to educate you (read: shove their views down your throat and you sit and take it). They literally say that. You cannot possibly have a valid view unless you are them and agree with them. So what is the point?
  3. Efforts to reason and see these issues fairly from both sides are ALWAYS rebuffed by the OP. There is no room for debate. Only blame.
  4. Out of frustration, things get out of hand and end up heavily moderated.
  5. From what I've seen, efforts to take these discussions downstairs fail because the people at the heart of them refuse to even appear there to really, openly, fairly discuss things there either.
End result: two sides yelling, no one listening. Until both sides are willing to admit culpability and take responsibility and are willing to really talk and meet in the middle on these topics, I see these threads as a total fail, largely futile, mostly spleen-letting, and so limit my participation as well as keeping the main perps on permanent Ignore.

That is MY FB. Hope things change.

Wrong on all counts. Both sides are not responsible for creating the atmosphere in this country and it's time whites took a lead in end8ing the problem they created.

I agree.

I have studied, through biology and anthropology, scientifically, in-group and out-group relationships.
Evolution of in-group favoritism
Evolution of in-group favoritism

Toward a Social Psychology of
Race and Race Relations for the
Twenty-First Century

But, the folks talking about "white supremacy" don't want real social science and real facts, what they want is "blame whitey" so I can have power and money.

Folks don't like the facts though. They ignore them, b/c whining and complaining and hating is easier.

The United States of America, is THE MOST ADVANCED nation on the planet, and has the best inter-group relational dynamics of any nation that has ever existed.

However, with this being said, there will always be folks that will ever refuse to believe that powerful people will always pit groups against each other for political gain, and use divide and rule as a means to keep all powerless people quarreling among themselves.

So, the perfect reparations program, would be, any who do not like the nation, who feel it is not a good nation, can apply to have a DNA test taken, at their own expense, and if their results prove that they have over 75% non-European decent DNA, the government will pay for immigration processing to the nation of their choice, a one way airline ticket to the destination of their choice, and a one time 20K severance relocation startup fund, along with revocation of citizenship.
You need to do a personal experiment with the po po, and publish your findings [emoji110].

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I gotta say this made me laugh

I'm like "God dam bro !!"


If Roots got him this outraged imagine if he came on here on USMB. He gonna make them all pay !!


I don't agree with what the guy did, but after having read the shit posted here by some of these racists...

not every white man is born in privilege just like not every black man is born in poor circumstances
White privilege has nothing to do with money.
I bet those poor white Appalachians and other whites in poverty wish they knew what white privilege was. You're a propaganda parrot for socialist jackals.
I gotta say this made me laugh

I'm like "God dam bro !!"


If Roots got him this outraged imagine if he came on here on USMB. He gonna make them all pay !!


I don't agree with what the guy did, but after having read the shit posted here by some of these racists...


yeah we all figure his punishment should be being force fed kfc IM2....


I agree. I have studied, through biology and anthropology, scientifically, in-group and out-group relationships.
Evolution of in-group favoritism.

Yep, well, I tried to keep it out of the abstract for wider readability, but yes, now that you've gone there and spelled it out, what the race-haters and baiters rail about, is really nothing more than the normal organization of natural biological construct. Put simply, things are the way they have been not because "White Man Bad," but because that is how biology works at all levels of the biomass, from the bacteria to us.

Things happen, society changes and evolves, but it takes time and must occur naturally of its own design and pace, you cannot FORCE it through politics or federal law. The point I've tried to make before but always fails on deaf ears is that had this been another country, say, founded by Ugandans or Kenyans, THE VERY EXACT SAME THINGS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED for the same reasons in the same way, because that is what is NATURAL.

In short: before you yell at and blame White people today for things they never did that happened long before they were born, realize that had your ancestors been in change, they would have made just as bad and similar mistakes.

We like to think of ourselves as sophisticated, but less than 140 years ago, we were still living in log cabins drawing well water with horses for transportation on dirt streets heating and cooking with wood or coal with gas and fuel lamps and no electricity as our only means of lighting our homes at night.

I think we're doing pretty good considering. It's far from a perfect world but the best way to solve that is for each person to seek their own self-actualization with positive contributions because in the end, each of us really only controls 1/7,000,000,000th of the planet.
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