More Trickle Down? Get Real Trump Supporters!

I guess the rising stock market under Obama was a failure now?

Of course not. But it was not the panacea you seem to think and Trump wants you to believe. Do you not see how it aids the investment class and Wall Street, but has little or no positive impact on Main Street and families whose wages do not allow for investing?

Calling for Health Savings Accounts as Trump did last night would put more economic stress on Middle Class workers and the working poor would end up in the ER.

I really wonder why such obvious outcomes are so difficult for the conservative set to comprehend.
There are a lot of middle class, Union members who have money invested in the stock market, do they count?
In fact, his "the stock market only benefits the rich' meme is a joke.

There are over 88 million working class people invested in the stock market through some form of retirement vehicle.
I don't agree with everything our heroic President Trump says, but I totally share his contempt for the squalid underclass rabble -- Blaks, Spans and similar dirty parasites. Hopefully this great nation will soon be cleansed of those vermin -- along with abnormal sex perverts, mooslums, America-hating scuzzies who don't pull their weight, and filthy God-haters. America for REAL Americans! All others GET OUT!!!
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)
I don't expect the GOP or DJT to use the lie about "trickle down" again like Reagan did. Most people are now smarter than that, and there is ample economic evidence that there was no trickle down -- the rich just got richer under Reagan (and GWB).

DJT did not mention individual income tax cuts in his speech. So most observers are not expecting Trump or Ryan to get to that right away. ACA is more important to them now that they again have the reigns of the Federal Government in their hands.

Of course the Republican Party knows that to use the term trickle down would cost them votes. But, the impact of the Plutocrats and yes Women and yes Men in his Administration and inner circle very strongly suggest trickle down is in the works.

Consider Trump's promise to budget one trillion dollars on infrastructure, money to include private sector funding. The private sector may well invest in such projects, for a cut. Be prepared to pay $20 tolls to cross a bridge, use a tunnel or pay per mile on an expressway.
He probably has the votes in the House to pass that shit, because the gopers aren't from urban areas, and while the effect of tax free bonds would be to increase the deficit, the gopers don't have to vote to increase spending.

And he only needs 50 in the senate for that.
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)
I don't expect the GOP or DJT to use the lie about "trickle down" again like Reagan did. Most people are now smarter than that, and there is ample economic evidence that there was no trickle down -- the rich just got richer under Reagan (and GWB).

DJT did not mention individual income tax cuts in his speech. So most observers are not expecting Trump or Ryan to get to that right away. ACA is more important to them now that they again have the reigns of the Federal Government in their hands.

Of course the Republican Party knows that to use the term trickle down would cost them votes. But, the impact of the Plutocrats and yes Women and yes Men in his Administration and inner circle very strongly suggest trickle down is in the works.

Consider Trump's promise to budget one trillion dollars on infrastructure, money to include private sector funding. The private sector may well invest in such projects, for a cut. Be prepared to pay $20 tolls to cross a bridge, use a tunnel or pay per mile on an expressway.
At least that 1 trillion dollars for shovel ready jobs, WILL actually end up with shovel ready jobs.

I guess the rising stock market under Obama was a failure now?

Of course not. But it was not the panacea you seem to think and Trump wants you to believe. Do you not see how it aids the investment class and Wall Street, but has little or no positive impact on Main Street and families whose wages do not allow for investing?

Calling for Health Savings Accounts as Trump did last night would put more economic stress on Middle Class workers and the working poor would end up in the ER.

I really wonder why such obvious outcomes are so difficult for the conservative set to comprehend.
There are a lot of middle class, Union members who have money invested in the stock market, do they count?
In fact, his "the stock market only benefits the rich' meme is a joke.

There are over 88 million working class people invested in the stock market through some form of retirement vehicle.
Workers own just enough of the equity market it make it impossible to allow banks to fail.

Who Owns the Stock Market? -- The Motley Fool
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)

I love this.... the first paragraph is basically an opening statement that he's going to make up whatever he wants Trump to have said, and attack it. "Listen carefully... really carefully to what he said, and what he didn't say..."

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight

I made $19K last year. I have thousands of dollars in stock. I'm the investment class. Want to know who else is the investment class? Pensions, Unions, 401Ks, IRAs.

Blacks participating more in stock investing, study shows

Hate those investment class black people!

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Everything you have right now, is due to trickle down. Every job. Every product. Everything you have, is due to trickle down.

If not for trickle down, you wouldn't have a job. If not for trickle down, you wouldn't have food to eat. If not for trickle down, you wouldn't have a computer to us, or internet to use, or even this forum to complain about trickle down on.

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Health care costs are rising faster now, than they were before Obama Care, and the cost to consumers has drastically increased. Companies are not cutting pay, to cover the cost of health care.

At my company, they started offering $1/hour less for Temps to come full time. Meaning that as a temp, with zero health care benefits, they were paid more. When they are hired on, they are offered less money, than they earned as a Temp. That has never happened before since I started working in High School. People always got a pay raise when being hired on. Not a pay cut.

My last job interview before this job, they said the company offered zero health care at all. That's never happened before either. I never applied for a job anywhere, that offered no health care.

My renter who lives here, he works in InfoTech. He had job placement through a temp agency. When they offered him a full time position, they told him he'd make $15,000 less a year to be hired on full time with benefits, or they would pay him the same amount no benefits. He got the money instead.

This is happening throughout the economy. Obamacare is a disaster. It helps a few, and screws over the rest of society.
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)
I guess you weren't too worried about DEBT when Obama increased it by 10 trillion dollars?
I guess you don't have any money in the stock market so that is why you are bitching how you aren't benefitting from it?
The unaffordablecare act that was created by the fucking liberals, they knew it was going to fail, yet all you morons( I apologize to morons as you are much smarter than a liberal) are bitching now that the Republicans are trying to fix it, well, I say, Republicans let it fail, and it will fail badly(liberalism always fails) and march Nancy Loser Pelosi out with all those Democrats who proudly FORCED that bullshit on US, and let the people do what they feel is right to the traitors of the country.

Ah yes, there are plenty of stupid people in the US, around 47%(that Romney identified) and they will continue to vote for the same people who make them suffer. And they deserve to suffer, because elections have consequences, and Obama fucked you all for 8 years. That is how stupid you libs are....

View attachment 114817

Your healthcare plan arose from the Heritage Foundation hon, sorry.
Obummercare arose from the Liberals who were in office in 2009. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Barrack Hussein Obama, with Jonathan Gruber the Architect who said about the liberal voter.

Nope, Heritage Foundation, as a response to Hilary's attempt to muck about with healthcare. Then Romney rolled it out in MA successfully. Then the half black guy said hey, let's go with the "conservative" plan. Then it was a horrible idea all of a sudden. America is a very strange and unhealthy society; we don't like objective reality too much.

NO you don't seem to understand that the USA is diverse.
YOU think people in MA are like people in Mississippi? That's why they call them the "50 laboratories" and so far the diverse nature of the variety of states and
people that make up the states make a "one size fits all" approach so stupid.
Case in point... ACA covers birth control even if you are a man. Consequently birth control supplies covered by ACA are costs that are uselessly built into ACA!
And this is just ONE simple example.
Furthermore THERE NEVER were 46 million uninsured Americans!

Obama admits that of that 46 million 10 million were NOT CITIZENS!
Falsehood 1)
"It's an overcount because it counts noncitizens. Take out the 9.7 million noncitizens and the actual number is closer to 36 million.
So Obama is sloppy by saying it is for "Americans" but not accounting for the noncitizens, which leaves him off by about 22 percent.
Number of those without health insurance about 46 million
Falsehood 2)
14 million Americans were Eligible for MEDICAID BEFORE ACA!
Obama failed to get 14 million people eligible for Medicaid enrolled. That's all that is needed. .
There was NO NEED for Obamacare to cover these 14 million as all they needed to do is REGISTER!!!
Those 14 million should have been told they were eligible under EXISTING LAWS and there was NO NEED for ACA!
So NOW under Obamacare's 20 million... 6.1 million from people that were eligible BEFORE Obamacare!
Falsehood 3)
18 million under 34 don't NEED insurance. Can afford employers' plans as they make over $50k.

Falsehood 4)
Many veterans qualify for cost-free health care services based on a compensable service-connected condition or other qualifying factors. NOTE Total Unique Patients of VA: 5,830,130
Determine Cost of Care - Health Benefits

So all this wasted money! Wasted energy for how many truly uninsured? ZERO!
Trump vowed to cut government waste and eliminate “non-essential federal workers,” does that mean Kellyanne Conway will would soon be out of a job?
Actually here are some examples of "non-essential federal workers" that will be eliminated!

It takes 10 different offices at the Department of Health and Human Services to run programs addressing AIDS in minority communities. Autism research is spread out over 11 different agencies. Eight agencies at the Defense Department are looking for prisoners of war and missing in action. And Schriever Air Force Base in Colorado has eight different satellite control centers to control 10 satellite programs.

The report, by the non-partisan Government Accountability Office, identifies 26 new areas where federal government programs are fragmented, duplicative, overlapping or just inefficient. Add that to the 162 areas identified in past reports, and Congress has a road map for saving tens of billions of dollars a year. Government often has 10 agencies doing one job
There is zero to ever trickle down. But poor southern folk will forsake themselves.
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation?

What is trickle down?
Also known as tinkle down

Also known as Trump's turn on.
Trump wants 54 billion for military, am for any amounts spent on our vets, or support of people on active duty. we spend 598 billion dollars now, the next biggest spender is China, at around 146 billion. and where is the 54 billion dollars coming from? Trump said from EPA & FOREIGN aid budget. if we take all the EPA money ( close it down) that's only 8 billion. some one needs to check the math.

It will be borrowed and balloon the deficit.
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)
Versus your liberal trickle up poverty.......
Every (rare) time the DOW spiked during the Hussein administration the libs were dancing in the streets. Barry's economic plan consisted of trickle down economics that didn't trickle anywhere except in the pockets of radical left wing corporations like Solynndra. Now that we have a republican administration the freaking left wing hypocrites hate Wall Street again. Hillary did pretty well making more money with 15 minute mystery speeches to Wall Street bankers than middle class workers make in several years. Left wing hypocrite politicians invest in the stock market and tell their Black constituents that they are too dumb to obtain something as basic as a photo I.D. and continue to be angry victims who vote for democrats.
Last edited:
America is a full blown plutocracy and incredibly corrupt. Facts hurt don't they.
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)

We tried your way for the past 8 years. Middle Class take home pay went down and healthcare costs increased. What's your plan?
I don't agree with everything our heroic President Trump says, but I totally share his contempt for the squalid underclass rabble -- Blaks, Spans and similar dirty parasites. Hopefully this great nation will soon be cleansed of those vermin -- along with abnormal sex perverts, mooslums, America-hating scuzzies who don't pull their weight, and filthy God-haters. America for REAL Americans! All others GET OUT!!!

God created all of mankind, even disgusting people like this ^^^ guy. I understand why the USMB allows for free speech and expression, and I support it.

But isn't there a line crossed here? Even the First Amendment has limitations.
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)

We tried your way for the past 8 years. Middle Class take home pay went down and healthcare costs increased. What's your plan?

Who is the "We"? The only effort I observed during the Obama Administration was the R's effort to return the party to the White House and in that way have a conservative Supreme Court, one Corporation Friendly and anti-democratic (NOTE the lower case "d"; not the Democratic Party, per se).
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)

Did you just accuse Trump of "lying" about the ACA? That entire piece of legislation was based on lies by you progressives, Wry and now Donald Trump is left with the unenviable task of trying to fix something that was designed by it's architects to fail!

Once again "trickle down" economics doesn't exist! It's a derogatory term coined by those of you on the left who don't have a clue about economics or business. Profit trickles UP...not down! It always always will! Workers get paid first...owners get paid last. If you don't believe me...ask anyone who owns a business!
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)
Versus your liberal trickle up poverty.......

Idiot-gram ^^^

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