More Trickle Down? Get Real Trump Supporters!

Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)

We tried your way for the past 8 years. Middle Class take home pay went down and healthcare costs increased. What's your plan?

Health care costs increased? Say it isn't so! I am sure that has never happened before!
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)
I put my savings, all $1,000 of it, into US steel. Build that Damn wall.
For some reason, everytime I hear the words, "trickle down economics", I envision a dog and a fireplug.
You would. Give me your cash is more to your liking. Most Dems would agree.

Well, I confess that most of my life I was a republican, and profited handsomely in the stock market from their largess, but, I am well aware of the fact the Trump is not a republican. He is a populous demogod. Consequently, I have sold everything, and am patiently waiting for the rest of the world to realize that the emperor has no clothes. Being pragmatic, when that happens, I pounce!
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)

Reich wingers will look at the market, and the left does too, and when it goes up they say WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT--it's because of the President. But we all know that the market looks ahead 6 to 9 months. After 6 months if they're not seeing the earnings that they anticipaated, all of a sudden price to earnings ratio is more important than what the President has said or done, and it comes crashing back down again, often times lower than what it started at.

If the FEDS raise interest rates, it's going to come down, if the Federal Reserve chairman sneezes it will come down. World events will also dramatically affect the stock market.

But what I found astounding is we have a 20 trillion dollar deficit, and Trump talked about adding 10% to military spending, paying for a 23 billion dollar useless wall. I didn't hear anything about what we do with the ever increasing deficit, not a single word about that.

So to you Reich wingers how do you CUT taxes, increase spending and come out with deficit reduction? Anyone?

Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)

We tried your way for the past 8 years. Middle Class take home pay went down and healthcare costs increased. What's your plan?

Health care costs increased? Say it isn't so! I am sure that has never happened before!

Who said they were going to go down $2,500 per family as per the plan?
How poor is the person who signs your ur paycheck? Or do I?

I retired at 57; at the time I retired I was paying into the retirement association $1,700.00 per month. The money I receive now is money which accrued by the association's investments and the contributions of those currently employed (as my contributions were used for those who retired before me).
The union Ponzi Scheme , got to love it.

I am retired and with my contributions to my 401 and investments I receive over $200,000 a year plus, work part time renovating depressed properties and not worrying if I get Social Security or not. I don't have to worry if the Ponzi Scheme runs out of money but I am vigilant on keeping up with the market, and make my choices, for myself, not have some schlub deciding for me.
If your 401K consists of stocks, you're engaging in a Ponzi Scheme too. Current employees are working to provide value and growth with the money you put into their system.

Very different.

First in a ponzi scheme, you have a guaranteed return regardless of anything.

For example, Social Security there is a guaranteed rate of return.

In an investment, there is no guaranteed rate of return ever. The rate of return depends on the success of the investment. If I buy stock in Apple, and Apple computer fails, I get zero.

Second, in a ponzi scheme, there usually isn't an actual investment at all. The money brought into today, is paid out to former investors. It is never used to buy... an investment.

In traditional investment, it involves putting money into something that produces income. For example, using the money to buy a truck, which can be used to haul lawn equipment to make money doing landscaping.

This is basically what a 401K does. The company sells stock, which is used by the company to produce income.

That's the difference. A ponzi scheme does not invest the money to create growth. A 401K does. A ponzi scheme simply moves money around. A 401K invests money to create income.

In a ponzi scheme, you own nothing. In a 401K you own whatever the investment is that you are investing into. I own stock in companies like Ford, Walmart, Apple, and so on.

Very very different.
There will always be people who want to maximize their profits and take unreasonable risks in doing so. Then when it all comes crashing down, they declare bankruptcy and the the problem becomes someone else's. SS funds are invested in very secure vehicles and while the return isn't as large or even guaranteed to keep up with changing demographics, it offers a stable form of base retirement for all US citizens.
Social Security was developed because liberals didn't think they would live past 60. So FDR decided to help them out by having a FORCED benefit created where most people who did save for their retirements would then have to pay for the retirements of the liberals who ended up living well past 60. I have seen the liberals do this all the time, like use up all their leave because they thought they would die at work, and not use it, then end up sick while working and have to borrow leave from someone else. Makes me sick, and tired of having to support shit heads who don't bother to take care of themselves. Yes people need to be held responsible for their actions, and with the next 8 years maybe the US will get back to that thinking....
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)

We tried your way for the past 8 years. Middle Class take home pay went down and healthcare costs increased. What's your plan?
Who said they were going to go down $2,500 per family as per the plan?
Health care costs increased? Say it isn't so! I am sure that has never happened before!

Who said they were going to go down $2,500 per family as per the plan?
Typical liberal thinking for sure.... When your head is surrounded by shit, hard to see what is going on around you...

Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)
Funny when the DOW was jumping under the Obama administration you wackadoodles were touting it as one of his accomplishments, it wasn't the rise was due to the Fed buying corporate bonds and manipulating the market. Sounds like the makings of a bubble to me. Of course the stock market can be optimistic about the President. kind of like they are now.

Why are you people bitching about the plan to invest in the infrastructure now? You were cheering when Obama made it a unrealised priority, remember those nonexistent shovel ready jobs ? By the way putting more people to work paying taxes means more revenue for the beast.
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)
Funny when the DOW was jumping under the Obama administration you wackadoodles were touting it as one of his accomplishments, it wasn't the rise was due to the Fed buying corporate bonds and manipulating the market. Sounds like the makings of a bubble to me. Of course the stock market can be optimistic about the President. kind of like they are now.

Why are you people bitching about the plan to invest in the infrastructure now? You were cheering when Obama made it a unrealised priority, remember those nonexistent shovel ready jobs ? By the way putting more people to work paying taxes means more revenue for the beast.

LOL, no one is "bitching about the plan to invest in the infrastructure now", we do not believe the plan (i.e. the budget) can pass as imagined by Trump.

Investing in the infrastructure as outlined in his speech, is one thing, cutting other domestic spending and adding to an already huge military budget is insane. It is not fiscally conservative, which will upset the TP/Freedom Caucus, and not fiscally responsible, which will upset those of us who believe fiscally responsible plans can repair and or replace whats needed and create jobs.

Raising the money by selling bonds increases the debt and enriches the investment class. That's what Plutocrats do, they rob from the many, and pay the few.
I retired at 57; at the time I retired I was paying into the retirement association $1,700.00 per month. The money I receive now is money which accrued by the association's investments and the contributions of those currently employed (as my contributions were used for those who retired before me).
The union Ponzi Scheme , got to love it.

I am retired and with my contributions to my 401 and investments I receive over $200,000 a year plus, work part time renovating depressed properties and not worrying if I get Social Security or not. I don't have to worry if the Ponzi Scheme runs out of money but I am vigilant on keeping up with the market, and make my choices, for myself, not have some schlub deciding for me.
If your 401K consists of stocks, you're engaging in a Ponzi Scheme too. Current employees are working to provide value and growth with the money you put into their system.

Very different.

First in a ponzi scheme, you have a guaranteed return regardless of anything.

For example, Social Security there is a guaranteed rate of return.

In an investment, there is no guaranteed rate of return ever. The rate of return depends on the success of the investment. If I buy stock in Apple, and Apple computer fails, I get zero.

Second, in a ponzi scheme, there usually isn't an actual investment at all. The money brought into today, is paid out to former investors. It is never used to buy... an investment.

In traditional investment, it involves putting money into something that produces income. For example, using the money to buy a truck, which can be used to haul lawn equipment to make money doing landscaping.

This is basically what a 401K does. The company sells stock, which is used by the company to produce income.

That's the difference. A ponzi scheme does not invest the money to create growth. A 401K does. A ponzi scheme simply moves money around. A 401K invests money to create income.

In a ponzi scheme, you own nothing. In a 401K you own whatever the investment is that you are investing into. I own stock in companies like Ford, Walmart, Apple, and so on.

Very very different.
There will always be people who want to maximize their profits and take unreasonable risks in doing so. Then when it all comes crashing down, they declare bankruptcy and the the problem becomes someone else's. SS funds are invested in very secure vehicles and while the return isn't as large or even guaranteed to keep up with changing demographics, it offers a stable form of base retirement for all US citizens.
Social Security was developed because liberals didn't think they would live past 60. So FDR decided to help them out by having a FORCED benefit created where most people who did save for their retirements would then have to pay for the retirements of the liberals who ended up living well past 60. I have seen the liberals do this all the time, like use up all their leave because they thought they would die at work, and not use it, then end up sick while working and have to borrow leave from someone else. Makes me sick, and tired of having to support shit heads who don't bother to take care of themselves. Yes people need to be held responsible for their actions, and with the next 8 years maybe the US will get back to that thinking....
Dream on. Trump by example, is about as irresponsible as anyone I've ever seen.
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)
Funny when the DOW was jumping under the Obama administration you wackadoodles were touting it as one of his accomplishments, it wasn't the rise was due to the Fed buying corporate bonds and manipulating the market. Sounds like the makings of a bubble to me. Of course the stock market can be optimistic about the President. kind of like they are now.

Why are you people bitching about the plan to invest in the infrastructure now? You were cheering when Obama made it a unrealised priority, remember those nonexistent shovel ready jobs ? By the way putting more people to work paying taxes means more revenue for the beast.

LOL, no one is "bitching about the plan to invest in the infrastructure now", we do not believe the plan (i.e. the budget) can pass as imagined by Trump.

Investing in the infrastructure as outlined in his speech, is one thing, cutting other domestic spending and adding to an already huge military budget is insane. It is not fiscally conservative, which will upset the TP/Freedom Caucus, and not fiscally responsible, which will upset those of us who believe fiscally responsible plans can repair and or replace whats needed and create jobs.

Raising the money by selling bonds increases the debt and enriches the investment class. That's what Plutocrats do, they rob from the many, and pay the few.
I know for a fact that there are many agencies that are so full of PORK, that if you cut it by 1/2 you would save 1.5 Trillion a year. Don't need 3 secretaries of the Secretary. You don't need 10 janitors to clean one gubbermant bathroom. This was Obama's employment increase, while decreasing those who are in the private sector. How else do you "splain"(Inner city talk) going from 9 Trillion Dollars of unpatriotic debt to 19 Trillion dollars of unpatriotic debt under Obama?

Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)

We tried your way for the past 8 years. Middle Class take home pay went down and healthcare costs increased. What's your plan?

Health care costs increased? Say it isn't so! I am sure that has never happened before!

Who said they were going to go down $2,500 per family as per the plan?

Certainly not me. I am not naive enough to believe that, no matter who said it..
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)

Reich wingers will look at the market, and the left does too, and when it goes up they say WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT--it's because of the President. But we all know that the market looks ahead 6 to 9 months. After 6 months if they're not seeing the earnings that they anticipaated, all of a sudden price to earnings ratio is more important than what the President has said or done, and it comes crashing back down again, often times lower than what it started at.

If the FEDS raise interest rates, it's going to come down, if the Federal Reserve chairman sneezes it will come down. World events will also dramatically affect the stock market.

But what I found astounding is we have a 20 trillion dollar deficit, and Trump talked about adding 10% to military spending, paying for a 23 billion dollar useless wall. I didn't hear anything about what we do with the ever increasing deficit, not a single word about that.

So to you Reich wingers how do you CUT taxes, increase spending and come out with deficit reduction? Anyone?


First, there are many times in the past, where interest rates went up, it the stock market didn't fall. Or any of the other nonsense you listed.

Reading your post, you'd think the market was falling continually for ages. Yet my stocks have gone up, as well as my value (which isn't the same. I get paid dividends even if stock values fall).

That said, I don't have a problem increasing military spending, provided they are cutting other spending. I don't have a problem with building a wall, provided they plan to reduce spending elsewhere.

Remember, unlike Medicare, Obamacare, Social Security, and other economy damaging social programs, defense of the country, and controlling illegal activity... is actually a duty of the Federal Government.

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