More Trickle Down? Get Real Trump Supporters!

Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)

/---- Why did Libs praise Obozo for running the Dow up to 17,000 if only a few held stocks?

Because the stock market performance under Obama was a reflection of real economic growth. The current stock market performance is based on speculation - there has not been any real economic growth on par with the rise in the markets since Trump was elected. Only speculation.

That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard, even from a Communist.

The stock market is ALWAYS based on speculation. We invest in stocks because we are predicting they will gain in value. Or we sell short when we think they will decline. Either way, it is all speculation, sploogy.

So what your saying is that there is no connection between the real value of a company and the value of it's stock?

Why not just go back to selling meaningless paper like they were doing before FDR?

It's exactly because of people like you that we need the SEC and federal regulation to prevent the markets from turning into a total fraud.
Trump's speech last night was a total 'Candy Man' speech!

He promised and promised that everything would be great in everyway, but he's WAY short on realistic ideas.

Cut taxes for every one, but increase military spending by $54 billion and invest $1 trillion in infrastructure.

What is his plan? To balloon the federal deficit until the government defaults and the world economy collapses?

Oh, it's public-private partnership! They type that Reagan put the kabash on.

Public-private partnerships only work if the consumers pay the bill (like in the airline industry or utilities), other than that it sounds like selling government bonds - i.e. the government going into debt.

If he spends all of that, it will be 9 months of the Obama administration spending.

You're a hack, but you lack knowledge and understanding.
Obama's economic policies did precisely what they were intended to do. The erosion of the middle class under Obama was the greatest in American history. If looked at from the desired outcome, Obama was a complete success.

The economy was destroyed in 2007 under the Bush administration. The recovery under Obama may not have been as great as hoped for, but it was still a recovery. GWB left the economy in MUCH worse shape than he found it, while Obama left the economy in much better shape than he found it.
Here we go again, Wake up Tard, watch the video, see who really destroyed the economy, dumbass...

Liberals destroy and Conservatives have to clean up the mess. Leave a liberal in charge to clean up the mess, it only gets worse.

You mean like 2008 when that LIBERAL George Bush destroyed the economy and it took a good conservative named Obama to clean up the mess?
Bush is a RINO and Obama doesn't have a conservative bone in his body.

Too stupid to recognize sarcasm when you see it, huh?
The economy was destroyed in 2007 under the Bush administration. The recovery under Obama may not have been as great as hoped for, but it was still a recovery. GWB left the economy in MUCH worse shape than he found it, while Obama left the economy in much better shape than he found it.
Here we go again, Wake up Tard, watch the video, see who really destroyed the economy, dumbass...

Liberals destroy and Conservatives have to clean up the mess. Leave a liberal in charge to clean up the mess, it only gets worse.

You mean like 2008 when that LIBERAL George Bush destroyed the economy and it took a good conservative named Obama to clean up the mess?
Bush is a RINO and Obama doesn't have a conservative bone in his body.

Too stupid to recognize sarcasm when you see it, huh?
You had one of them right. Good sarcasm requires consistency.
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation?

What is trickle down?
Also known as tinkle down
I think trickle down is more a term about reducing tax rates, with the very top earners having their taxes cut in proportions to reductions for workers that have no relationship to the amount spent for food, shelter, clothing, transportation and education.

But Trump has flip flopped from being against it to being for it.
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Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)

All Trump/Congress need do is eliminate $100 billion in wasted duplicate government agencies.

It takes 10 different offices at the Department of Health and Human Services to run programs addressing AIDS in minority communities. Autism research is spread out over 11 different agencies. Eight agencies at the Defense Department are looking for prisoners of war and missing in action. And Schriever Air Force Base in Colorado has eight different satellite control centers to control 10 satellite programs.

The report, by the non-partisan Government Accountability Office, identifies 26 new areas where federal government programs are fragmented, duplicative, overlapping or just inefficient. Add that to the 162 areas identified in past reports, and Congress has a road map for saving tens of billions of dollars a year. Government often has 10 agencies doing one job

Let's assume you are correct, and duplication of services can be streamlined. How many government emplyoees will become unemployed? How many own homes, and will default on their mortgage? How many car loans will go unpaid, move tickets not sold, restaurants not frequented and ultimately fail, insurance not paid and health needs not treated timely, etc. etc. etc.

Simply solutions are the grist of demagogues and fool the fools. Others see the consequences of such plans, and the (maybe) unintended ones can be ascertained by critical thinking. Try it sometime.

OMG, you want to keep government bloated to provide good paying jobs? That money comes from the private sector.

Have I mentioned how stupid your are lately? Government is a not for profit organization, the government employee takes the money from taxes paid, by them and others, and spends it to buy homes, cars, grocery products, and in restaurants, at movie theaters, dry cleaners, etc.; and pays local, state and federal taxes.

Government employees on the local, state and federal level provide the people who run to a crisis, as people like you runaway; their tools (vehicles and equipment) for saving lives are maintained by civil servants, also bought by taxes and fees paid; government employees strive to protect the public from fraud and unhealthy practices by food and drug purveyors, contractors who who cut corners and create dangerous situations - all of these and more protect all of us from the greed that the market cannot, will not or is too slow to mitigate.
Trump vowed to cut government waste and eliminate “non-essential federal workers,” does that mean Kellyanne Conway will would soon be out of a job?
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation?

What is trickle down?
Also known as tinkle down
I think trickle down is more a term to reducing tax rates with the very top earners having their taxes in proportions to reductions for workers that have no relationship to the amount spent for food, shelter, clothing, transportation and education.

But Trump has flip flopped from being against it to being for it.

There is no doubt, given his words and deeds since he took the oath of office, that Trump is a Plutocrat and has filled the swamp with others like him (billionaires) and cronies.

Q. The best and the brightest
A. Not even close.
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)

All Trump/Congress need do is eliminate $100 billion in wasted duplicate government agencies.

It takes 10 different offices at the Department of Health and Human Services to run programs addressing AIDS in minority communities. Autism research is spread out over 11 different agencies. Eight agencies at the Defense Department are looking for prisoners of war and missing in action. And Schriever Air Force Base in Colorado has eight different satellite control centers to control 10 satellite programs.

The report, by the non-partisan Government Accountability Office, identifies 26 new areas where federal government programs are fragmented, duplicative, overlapping or just inefficient. Add that to the 162 areas identified in past reports, and Congress has a road map for saving tens of billions of dollars a year. Government often has 10 agencies doing one job

Let's assume you are correct, and duplication of services can be streamlined. How many government emplyoees will become unemployed? How many own homes, and will default on their mortgage? How many car loans will go unpaid, move tickets not sold, restaurants not frequented and ultimately fail, insurance not paid and health needs not treated timely, etc. etc. etc.

Simply solutions are the grist of demagogues and fool the fools. Others see the consequences of such plans, and the (maybe) unintended ones can be ascertained by critical thinking. Try it sometime.

OMG, you want to keep government bloated to provide good paying jobs? That money comes from the private sector.

Have I mentioned how stupid your are lately? Government is a not for profit organization, the government employee takes the money from taxes paid, by them and others, and spends it to buy homes, cars, grocery products, and in restaurants, at movie theaters, dry cleaners, etc.; and pays local, state and federal taxes.

Government employees on the local, state and federal level provide the people who run to a crisis, as people like you runaway; their tools (vehicles and equipment) for saving lives are maintained by civil servants, also bought by taxes and fees paid; government employees strive to protect the public from fraud and unhealthy practices by food and drug purveyors, contractors who who cut corners and create dangerous situations - all of these and more protect all of us from the greed that the market cannot, will not or is too slow to mitigate.
Weasel's entire schtitk is a lie, and this just an example. Trump doesn't plan reduce the gummit. He simply wants to push money to defense and ICE ... for gmmit workers.
Now technically, this was not a ‘State of the Union", because I think in this timeline, the Confederacy won.
Trump's speech last night was a total 'Candy Man' speech!

He promised and promised that everything would be great in everyway, but he's WAY short on realistic ideas.

Cut taxes for every one, but increase military spending by $54 billion and invest $1 trillion in infrastructure.

What is his plan? To balloon the federal deficit until the government defaults and the world economy collapses?

Oh, it's public-private partnership! They type that Reagan put the kabash on.

Public-private partnerships only work if the consumers pay the bill (like in the airline industry or utilities), other than that it sounds like selling government bonds - i.e. the government going into debt.

If he spends all of that, it will be 9 months of the Obama administration spending.

You're a hack, but you lack knowledge and understanding.

Except for 2008 the federal budget went down for every year of Obama administration.
Trump's speech last night was a total 'Candy Man' speech!

He promised and promised that everything would be great in everyway, but he's WAY short on realistic ideas.

Cut taxes for every one, but increase military spending by $54 billion and invest $1 trillion in infrastructure.

What is his plan? To balloon the federal deficit until the government defaults and the world economy collapses?

Oh, it's public-private partnership! They type that Reagan put the kabash on.

Public-private partnerships only work if the consumers pay the bill (like in the airline industry or utilities), other than that it sounds like selling government bonds - i.e. the government going into debt.
Notice how I pointed out it was Democrats that obstructed the stopping of the reckless backing on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and he as typical of a liberal, ignores the fact and changes the subject again? Seems that Obama increased the deficit by 10 trillion dollars, cut military increased welfare payments and was trying to collapse the world economy so the New World Order could proceed. I bet this will be ignored now, and he will move on to the next talking points...
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation?

What is trickle down?
Also known as tinkle down
I think trickle down is more a term to reducing tax rates with the very top earners having their taxes in proportions to reductions for workers that have no relationship to the amount spent for food, shelter, clothing, transportation and education.

But Trump has flip flopped from being against it to being for it.

There is no doubt, given his words and deeds since he took the oath of office, that Trump is a Plutocrat and has filled the swamp with others like him (billionaires) and cronies.

Q. The best and the brightest
A. Not even close.
Indeed. " The Best and the brightest? "
Rick Perry, Ben Carson, Betsy Devos , Scott Pruitt?
He picked people he knew would be willing participants in dismantling the agency they lead.

Don't forget Obama's head of the energy dept was a nuclear physicist whereas Rick Perry got his degree in Animal Husbantry.
True dat.

A clusterfuck like we've never seen before.
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)

All Trump/Congress need do is eliminate $100 billion in wasted duplicate government agencies.

It takes 10 different offices at the Department of Health and Human Services to run programs addressing AIDS in minority communities. Autism research is spread out over 11 different agencies. Eight agencies at the Defense Department are looking for prisoners of war and missing in action. And Schriever Air Force Base in Colorado has eight different satellite control centers to control 10 satellite programs.

The report, by the non-partisan Government Accountability Office, identifies 26 new areas where federal government programs are fragmented, duplicative, overlapping or just inefficient. Add that to the 162 areas identified in past reports, and Congress has a road map for saving tens of billions of dollars a year. Government often has 10 agencies doing one job

Let's assume you are correct, and duplication of services can be streamlined. How many government emplyoees will become unemployed? How many own homes, and will default on their mortgage? How many car loans will go unpaid, move tickets not sold, restaurants not frequented and ultimately fail, insurance not paid and health needs not treated timely, etc. etc. etc.

Simply solutions are the grist of demagogues and fool the fools. Others see the consequences of such plans, and the (maybe) unintended ones can be ascertained by critical thinking. Try it sometime.

OMG, you want to keep government bloated to provide good paying jobs? That money comes from the private sector.

Have I mentioned how stupid your are lately? Government is a not for profit organization, the government employee takes the money from taxes paid, by them and others, and spends it to buy homes, cars, grocery products, and in restaurants, at movie theaters, dry cleaners, etc.; and pays local, state and federal taxes.

Government employees on the local, state and federal level provide the people who run to a crisis, as people like you runaway; their tools (vehicles and equipment) for saving lives are maintained by civil servants, also bought by taxes and fees paid; government employees strive to protect the public from fraud and unhealthy practices by food and drug purveyors, contractors who who cut corners and create dangerous situations - all of these and more protect all of us from the greed that the market cannot, will not or is too slow to mitigate.
Fed government is one thing. Huge, over-reaching, unaccountable, and bankrupt. State and local governments are quite another - and needed. If for no other reason than to reign in the thieving Fed.
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)
Obama's trillion dollar giveaway to his buddies didn't do shit for the economy. Let's compare Reagan and Obama economic growth numbers.
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)
I don't expect the GOP or DJT to use the lie about "trickle down" again like Reagan did. Most people are now smarter than that, and there is ample economic evidence that there was no trickle down -- the rich just got richer under Reagan (and GWB).

DJT did not mention individual income tax cuts in his speech. So most observers are not expecting Trump or Ryan to get to that right away. ACA is more important to them now that they again have the reigns of the Federal Government in their hands.
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)

/---- Why did Libs praise Obozo for running the Dow up to 17,000 if only a few held stocks?

Because the stock market performance under Obama was a reflection of real economic growth. The current stock market performance is based on speculation - there has not been any real economic growth on par with the rise in the markets since Trump was elected. Only speculation.

That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard, even from a Communist.

The stock market is ALWAYS based on speculation. We invest in stocks because we are predicting they will gain in value. Or we sell short when we think they will decline. Either way, it is all speculation, sploogy.

So what your saying is that there is no connection between the real value of a company and the value of it's stock?

Why not just go back to selling meaningless paper like they were doing before FDR?

It's exactly because of people like you that we need the SEC and federal regulation to prevent the markets from turning into a total fraud.
Do you know that there was a SEC and Federal regulations that was supposed to prevent the markets from turning, but those damn democrats kept changing the rules and always end up screwing over the US.

25 People to Blame for the Financial Crisis - TIME
President Clinton's tenure was characterized by economic prosperity and financial deregulation, which in many ways set the stage for the excesses of recent years. Among his biggest strokes of free-wheeling capitalism was the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, which repealed the Glass-Steagall Act, a cornerstone of Depression-era regulation. He also signed the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which exempted credit-default swaps from regulation. In 1995 Clinton loosened housing rules by rewriting the Community Reinvestment Act, which put added pressure on banks to lend in low-income neighborhoods.
Go on, lets blame someone else for what your FUCKING party did to the US, because that is always what Sociopaths always do.

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#2) Sociopaths are more spontaneous and intense than other people. They tend to do bizarre, sometimes erratic things that most regular people wouldn't do. They are unbound by normal social contracts. Their behavior often seems irrational or extremely risky.
#3) Sociopaths are incapable of feeling shame, guilt or remorse. Their brains simply lack the circuitry to process such emotions. This allows them to betray people, threaten people or harm people without giving it a second thought. They pursue any action that serves their own self interest even if it seriously harms others.
#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.
#9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)
I don't expect the GOP or DJT to use the lie about "trickle down" again like Reagan did. Most people are now smarter than that, and there is ample economic evidence that there was no trickle down -- the rich just got richer under Reagan (and GWB).

DJT did not mention individual income tax cuts in his speech. So most observers are not expecting Trump or Ryan to get to that right away. ACA is more important to them now that they again have the reigns of the Federal Government in their hands.
Trump and Ryan have replacements lined up and waiting. LOL
So what your saying is that there is no connection between the real value of a company and the value of it's stock?

If that were what I was saying, I would have said that.

I will say there is no direct connection. In theory, a wise investor examines the prospectus and has a grasp of the financials of a company prior to investing.

But then there is Amazon, a company that lost money for nearly a decade, yet investors still flocked to it. Those investors made a fortune. It was all based on speculation, on the gamble that Amazon would eventually catch on, which it did.

Why not just go back to selling meaningless paper like they were doing before FDR?

Okay, I'm sure there is something rattling around in the ignorant void between you ears. What precisely do you think Roosevelt did

It's exactly because of people like you that we need the SEC and federal regulation to prevent the markets from turning into a total fraud.

A total fraud like Solyndra and Solar City?
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)
I don't expect the GOP or DJT to use the lie about "trickle down" again like Reagan did. Most people are now smarter than that, and there is ample economic evidence that there was no trickle down -- the rich just got richer under Reagan (and GWB).

DJT did not mention individual income tax cuts in his speech. So most observers are not expecting Trump or Ryan to get to that right away. ACA is more important to them now that they again have the reigns of the Federal Government in their hands.

Of course the Republican Party knows that to use the term trickle down would cost them votes. But, the impact of the Plutocrats and yes Women and yes Men in his Administration and inner circle very strongly suggest trickle down is in the works.

Consider Trump's promise to budget one trillion dollars on infrastructure, money to include private sector funding. The private sector may well invest in such projects, for a cut. Be prepared to pay $20 tolls to cross a bridge, use a tunnel or pay per mile on an expressway.

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