More Trickle Down? Get Real Trump Supporters!

I guess the rising stock market under Obama was a failure now?

Of course not. But it was not the panacea you seem to think and Trump wants you to believe. Do you not see how it aids the investment class and Wall Street, but has little or no positive impact on Main Street and families whose wages do not allow for investing?

Calling for Health Savings Accounts as Trump did last night would put more economic stress on Middle Class workers and the working poor would end up in the ER.

I really wonder why such obvious outcomes are so difficult for the conservative set to comprehend.

There are a lot of middle class, Union members who have money invested in the stock market, do they count?

And in their pensions, and in their managers 401k's. Everyone has a slice of the investment class, even if its included in a financial vehicle like a mutual fund.

One more half-truth ^^^ with a bit of irony tossed in; pension funds did great, so did 401k's but there is no guarantee we are not experiencing a bubble, is there?

The irony is the claim that Union Members have income which allows them to invest in financial instruments, when it is the goal of Corporate America and the Republican Party to create Right to Work laws and make every state and open shop is in operation now, to repeal the PPACA and make health care savings accounts for workers who can't afford to save for their retirement.

Get real, this is voodoo economics on steroids. If all of what Trump said comes to fruition, our debt will grow and the spread of wealth inequality will increase.

What is the "half truth"? My 401k is invested in stocks and bonds, something we call investments, to the tune of $280k. Not bad for someone only in their early 40's.

Even if they don't have the funds to invest personally, their pension and 401k does. Unlike social security, pensions and 401k's don't have the magic general fund to make up any losses.

The rest of your spiel is just class warfare bullshit, and not worth my time.
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)

So you support giving people the ability to OWN their Social Security account and invest it in US Equities?
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)

All Trump/Congress need do is eliminate $100 billion in wasted duplicate government agencies.

It takes 10 different offices at the Department of Health and Human Services to run programs addressing AIDS in minority communities. Autism research is spread out over 11 different agencies. Eight agencies at the Defense Department are looking for prisoners of war and missing in action. And Schriever Air Force Base in Colorado has eight different satellite control centers to control 10 satellite programs.

The report, by the non-partisan Government Accountability Office, identifies 26 new areas where federal government programs are fragmented, duplicative, overlapping or just inefficient. Add that to the 162 areas identified in past reports, and Congress has a road map for saving tens of billions of dollars a year. Government often has 10 agencies doing one job
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)

All Trump/Congress need do is eliminate $100 billion in wasted duplicate government agencies.

It takes 10 different offices at the Department of Health and Human Services to run programs addressing AIDS in minority communities. Autism research is spread out over 11 different agencies. Eight agencies at the Defense Department are looking for prisoners of war and missing in action. And Schriever Air Force Base in Colorado has eight different satellite control centers to control 10 satellite programs.

The report, by the non-partisan Government Accountability Office, identifies 26 new areas where federal government programs are fragmented, duplicative, overlapping or just inefficient. Add that to the 162 areas identified in past reports, and Congress has a road map for saving tens of billions of dollars a year. Government often has 10 agencies doing one job

Let's assume you are correct, and duplication of services can be streamlined. How many government emplyoees will become unemployed? How many own homes, and will default on their mortgage? How many car loans will go unpaid, move tickets not sold, restaurants not frequented and ultimately fail, insurance not paid and health needs not treated timely, etc. etc. etc.

Simply solutions are the grist of demagogues and fool the fools. Others see the consequences of such plans, and the (maybe) unintended ones can be ascertained by critical thinking. Try it sometime.
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation?

What is trickle down?

Trickle down is the rich pissing on the poor.
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)

All Trump/Congress need do is eliminate $100 billion in wasted duplicate government agencies.

It takes 10 different offices at the Department of Health and Human Services to run programs addressing AIDS in minority communities. Autism research is spread out over 11 different agencies. Eight agencies at the Defense Department are looking for prisoners of war and missing in action. And Schriever Air Force Base in Colorado has eight different satellite control centers to control 10 satellite programs.

The report, by the non-partisan Government Accountability Office, identifies 26 new areas where federal government programs are fragmented, duplicative, overlapping or just inefficient. Add that to the 162 areas identified in past reports, and Congress has a road map for saving tens of billions of dollars a year. Government often has 10 agencies doing one job

Let's assume you are correct, and duplication of services can be streamlined. How many government emplyoees will become unemployed? How many own homes, and will default on their mortgage? How many car loans will go unpaid, move tickets not sold, restaurants not frequented and ultimately fail, insurance not paid and health needs not treated timely, etc. etc. etc.

Simply solutions are the grist of demagogues and fool the fools. Others see the consequences of such plans, and the (maybe) unintended ones can be ascertained by critical thinking. Try it sometime.
Seems that when Obama FORCED the most in poverty ever, you didn't seem to care much about that. Why shouldn't government employees face the same fate as those in the private sector?
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)
I guess you weren't too worried about DEBT when Obama increased it by 10 trillion dollars?
I guess you don't have any money in the stock market so that is why you are bitching how you aren't benefitting from it?
The unaffordablecare act that was created by the fucking liberals, they knew it was going to fail, yet all you morons( I apologize to morons as you are much smarter than a liberal) are bitching now that the Republicans are trying to fix it, well, I say, Republicans let it fail, and it will fail badly(liberalism always fails) and march Nancy Loser Pelosi out with all those Democrats who proudly FORCED that bullshit on US, and let the people do what they feel is right to the traitors of the country.

Ah yes, there are plenty of stupid people in the US, around 47%(that Romney identified) and they will continue to vote for the same people who make them suffer. And they deserve to suffer, because elections have consequences, and Obama fucked you all for 8 years. That is how stupid you libs are....

View attachment 114817

Your healthcare plan arose from the Heritage Foundation hon, sorry.
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation?

What is trickle down?

Trickle down is the rich pissing on the poor.
Correction.... Trickle down is the LIBERAL RICH pissing on the poor. Why else is Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Al Jazeera Gore, Bill Clinton and his wife, uber rich while those who voted stupidly for them, are dirt poor? Liberals are the stupidest people in the Universe.
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)

All Trump/Congress need do is eliminate $100 billion in wasted duplicate government agencies.

It takes 10 different offices at the Department of Health and Human Services to run programs addressing AIDS in minority communities. Autism research is spread out over 11 different agencies. Eight agencies at the Defense Department are looking for prisoners of war and missing in action. And Schriever Air Force Base in Colorado has eight different satellite control centers to control 10 satellite programs.

The report, by the non-partisan Government Accountability Office, identifies 26 new areas where federal government programs are fragmented, duplicative, overlapping or just inefficient. Add that to the 162 areas identified in past reports, and Congress has a road map for saving tens of billions of dollars a year. Government often has 10 agencies doing one job

Let's assume you are correct, and duplication of services can be streamlined. How many government emplyoees will become unemployed? How many own homes, and will default on their mortgage? How many car loans will go unpaid, move tickets not sold, restaurants not frequented and ultimately fail, insurance not paid and health needs not treated timely, etc. etc. etc.

Simply solutions are the grist of demagogues and fool the fools. Others see the consequences of such plans, and the (maybe) unintended ones can be ascertained by critical thinking. Try it sometime.
Seems that when Obama FORCED the most in poverty ever, you didn't seem to care much about that. Why shouldn't government employees face the same fate as those in the private sector?

This economic rerigging, societal wealth redistribution into corporate and Wall Street hands, and trajectory is a half cnetury on now. How ya like it so far?
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation?

What is trickle down?

Trickle down is the rich pissing on the poor.
Correction.... Trickle down is the LIBERAL RICH pissing on the poor. Why else is Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Al Jazeera Gore, Bill Clinton and his wife, uber rich while those who voted stupidly for them, are dirt poor? Liberals are the stupidest people in the Universe.

No, americans are, and you're providing an excellent example here.
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)
I guess you weren't too worried about DEBT when Obama increased it by 10 trillion dollars?
I guess you don't have any money in the stock market so that is why you are bitching how you aren't benefitting from it?
The unaffordablecare act that was created by the fucking liberals, they knew it was going to fail, yet all you morons( I apologize to morons as you are much smarter than a liberal) are bitching now that the Republicans are trying to fix it, well, I say, Republicans let it fail, and it will fail badly(liberalism always fails) and march Nancy Loser Pelosi out with all those Democrats who proudly FORCED that bullshit on US, and let the people do what they feel is right to the traitors of the country.

Ah yes, there are plenty of stupid people in the US, around 47%(that Romney identified) and they will continue to vote for the same people who make them suffer. And they deserve to suffer, because elections have consequences, and Obama fucked you all for 8 years. That is how stupid you libs are....

View attachment 114817

Your healthcare plan arose from the Heritage Foundation hon, sorry.
Obummercare arose from the Liberals who were in office in 2009. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Barrack Hussein Obama, with Jonathan Gruber the Architect who said about the liberal voter.

Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)

All Trump/Congress need do is eliminate $100 billion in wasted duplicate government agencies.

It takes 10 different offices at the Department of Health and Human Services to run programs addressing AIDS in minority communities. Autism research is spread out over 11 different agencies. Eight agencies at the Defense Department are looking for prisoners of war and missing in action. And Schriever Air Force Base in Colorado has eight different satellite control centers to control 10 satellite programs.

The report, by the non-partisan Government Accountability Office, identifies 26 new areas where federal government programs are fragmented, duplicative, overlapping or just inefficient. Add that to the 162 areas identified in past reports, and Congress has a road map for saving tens of billions of dollars a year. Government often has 10 agencies doing one job

Let's assume you are correct, and duplication of services can be streamlined. How many government emplyoees will become unemployed? How many own homes, and will default on their mortgage? How many car loans will go unpaid, move tickets not sold, restaurants not frequented and ultimately fail, insurance not paid and health needs not treated timely, etc. etc. etc.

Simply solutions are the grist of demagogues and fool the fools. Others see the consequences of such plans, and the (maybe) unintended ones can be ascertained by critical thinking. Try it sometime.
Seems that when Obama FORCED the most in poverty ever, you didn't seem to care much about that. Why shouldn't government employees face the same fate as those in the private sector?

This economic rerigging, societal wealth redistribution into corporate and Wall Street hands, and trajectory is a half cnetury on now. How ya like it so far?
I am an investor in the stock market , I am very satisfied, why aren't you happy that peoples wealth are going up along with more employment coming to the US? Are you a commie or something?
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)
I guess you weren't too worried about DEBT when Obama increased it by 10 trillion dollars?
I guess you don't have any money in the stock market so that is why you are bitching how you aren't benefitting from it?
The unaffordablecare act that was created by the fucking liberals, they knew it was going to fail, yet all you morons( I apologize to morons as you are much smarter than a liberal) are bitching now that the Republicans are trying to fix it, well, I say, Republicans let it fail, and it will fail badly(liberalism always fails) and march Nancy Loser Pelosi out with all those Democrats who proudly FORCED that bullshit on US, and let the people do what they feel is right to the traitors of the country.

Ah yes, there are plenty of stupid people in the US, around 47%(that Romney identified) and they will continue to vote for the same people who make them suffer. And they deserve to suffer, because elections have consequences, and Obama fucked you all for 8 years. That is how stupid you libs are....

View attachment 114817

Your healthcare plan arose from the Heritage Foundation hon, sorry.
Obummercare arose from the Liberals who were in office in 2009. Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Barrack Hussein Obama, with Jonathan Gruber the Architect who said about the liberal voter.

Nope, Heritage Foundation, as a response to Hilary's attempt to muck about with healthcare. Then Romney rolled it out in MA successfully. Then the half black guy said hey, let's go with the "conservative" plan. Then it was a horrible idea all of a sudden. America is a very strange and unhealthy society; we don't like objective reality too much.
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)

All Trump/Congress need do is eliminate $100 billion in wasted duplicate government agencies.

It takes 10 different offices at the Department of Health and Human Services to run programs addressing AIDS in minority communities. Autism research is spread out over 11 different agencies. Eight agencies at the Defense Department are looking for prisoners of war and missing in action. And Schriever Air Force Base in Colorado has eight different satellite control centers to control 10 satellite programs.

The report, by the non-partisan Government Accountability Office, identifies 26 new areas where federal government programs are fragmented, duplicative, overlapping or just inefficient. Add that to the 162 areas identified in past reports, and Congress has a road map for saving tens of billions of dollars a year. Government often has 10 agencies doing one job

Let's assume you are correct, and duplication of services can be streamlined. How many government emplyoees will become unemployed? How many own homes, and will default on their mortgage? How many car loans will go unpaid, move tickets not sold, restaurants not frequented and ultimately fail, insurance not paid and health needs not treated timely, etc. etc. etc.

Simply solutions are the grist of demagogues and fool the fools. Others see the consequences of such plans, and the (maybe) unintended ones can be ascertained by critical thinking. Try it sometime.
Seems that when Obama FORCED the most in poverty ever, you didn't seem to care much about that. Why shouldn't government employees face the same fate as those in the private sector?

This economic rerigging, societal wealth redistribution into corporate and Wall Street hands, and trajectory is a half cnetury on now. How ya like it so far?
I am an investor in the stock market , I am very satisfied, why aren't you happy that peoples wealth are going up along with more employment coming to the US? Are you a commie or something?

How long till the next big bust hon? You'll see.
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)

All Trump/Congress need do is eliminate $100 billion in wasted duplicate government agencies.

It takes 10 different offices at the Department of Health and Human Services to run programs addressing AIDS in minority communities. Autism research is spread out over 11 different agencies. Eight agencies at the Defense Department are looking for prisoners of war and missing in action. And Schriever Air Force Base in Colorado has eight different satellite control centers to control 10 satellite programs.

The report, by the non-partisan Government Accountability Office, identifies 26 new areas where federal government programs are fragmented, duplicative, overlapping or just inefficient. Add that to the 162 areas identified in past reports, and Congress has a road map for saving tens of billions of dollars a year. Government often has 10 agencies doing one job

Let's assume you are correct, and duplication of services can be streamlined. How many government emplyoees will become unemployed? How many own homes, and will default on their mortgage? How many car loans will go unpaid, move tickets not sold, restaurants not frequented and ultimately fail, insurance not paid and health needs not treated timely, etc. etc. etc.

Simply solutions are the grist of demagogues and fool the fools. Others see the consequences of such plans, and the (maybe) unintended ones can be ascertained by critical thinking. Try it sometime.
OMG, you want to keep government bloated to provide good paying jobs? That money comes from the private sector.
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)
First off dumbass, Trickle Down Economics is a Liberal Term for Cronie Capitalism that Obama was using make the RICH much RICHER and the most in poverty ever.

Now what you really need to know is "Supply Side Economics" , where if you see a need, you fill that need. The more people want an item the cheaper it gets.. What!!! How does this happen....

When an item is created, if someone wants it, they are willing to pay a certain amount for it. If not, then the price of that item will go down. If more people want it the price will go up.
If there isn't enough of the item to go around, then other companies see their opportunity to make a like item and then sell it for less than the original, and then those people who were waiting will come in and buy up those other items. The more the want the more the need to make more. Soon there are plenty of companies to make the competition and prices will go down or the quality goes up. Your side doesn't understand this principle because they don't teach you this in school anymore. You could buy a TV from a US made company a long time ago, and pay 1000's of dollars for it, today with many TV companies competing for you money, you can get a TV for $100.

Supply Side Economics..........Cuba...........Cronie Capitalism/Communism.......Cuba..
View attachment 114814

What you just described is the law of supply and demand, not supply side economics.

Supply side economics is the belief that capital investment creates production and jobs, this in turn 'trickles down' money to the workers who use it to purchase the goods and services produced which generates business profits and more capital investment.

In short it's the belief that production creates demand.

Republicans have promoted the idea that tax cuts for the wealthy cause the wealthy to invest which stimulate the supply side cycle.

Unfortunately economics does not work that way. Supply side and trickle down have been total failures.

The reason is that when the wealthy have more money, they tend to invest it in highly secure, low risk, low growth investments - they do not need tremendous profits on their investments because they have such large amounts of money invested that a small percent return on investment is adequate - they prefer low risk.

However, when wealth is more evenly distributed and the wealthy have less money to invest, they are forced to invest in higher risk, higher growth and potentially higher profitable investments. They HAVE to take risk.

The key is that high risk investments tend to be high growth which creates new industries and lots of jobs. Low risk investments tend to be in low growth - OLD - industries and do not tend to create jobs.
Open your ears and listen very carefully, not to my words but words uttered by President Trump, and the words not said.

The Dow rose to over 21,000 today, and who did that benefit? Only those who have parked their savings into equities; the result of his words increased the wealth of the investment class overnight, but not those who have been left behind and watched the greatest inequity since the Gilded Age of wealth grow.

Will Trickle Down improve your economic situation? Will it open up new and well paid jobs for the working poor, the middle class and those now in college or recent grads with massive debt?

Will the repeal of the PPACA (notice Trump called it "Obamacare" (for obvious political purpose) and not called it the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and in the process lied about the rise in cost when what came before rose annually too, and left too many behind.

Let's see if The Congress, so concerned with the massive debt, will pass a budget with the "largest military increase in history" cut taxes to business and spent one TRILLION Dollars on our nation's failing infrastructure.

IMO putting a Trillion Dollars into rebuilding, renewing and repairing our nation's infrastructure make sense, but not when taxes are cut and an increase in the military spending also cuts domestic spending (consider what domestic spending will be cut when a trillion is put into fixing our infrastructure? Whose taxes will be cut, what fees will be increased and added, and whose money will be used for all of this?)

/---- Why did Libs praise Obozo for running the Dow up to 17,000 if only a few held stocks?

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